Massive 8.8 Quake Hits Chile. End times?

Sure. But making the claim that no prophesy has ever come true is as ridiculous as saying they've all come true.

I'm kind of hedging. most prophecies are designed so that they can never be wrong. I put those as not true its not really a prophetic announcement when you do that
From California being due for another massive earthquake of epic proportions to the caldera in Yellowstone due to blow any year now. It's just timing. And our generation has the luck to be alive on this planet at the time when it feels like shifting things around. This has happened before, it's happening now, and it'll happen again. I hardly think it will be the end of life on this planet.
Are peoples lives really that meaningless that tragedies like this get turned into propoganda?
soo if u believe that.. wont open the last one cuz anyting with bible init goes out the window for me.. what about teh greatest prophet of all time? nostradomis.. or how about the myans? 2012? do you believe thoes sandy?

Nope. The world will not end in 2012. No one knows when it will except God and Jesus. Everyone else is just guessing.
We just had a 4.4 quake in IL that rattled our buildings. IL! Farmland, USA. Chile just had an 8.8
I still think there's some end times stuff here. Prophecy says disasters will be worse and more frequent. Yep...
A devastating 8.8 earthquake struck Chile this morning shattering buildings and bridges, killing at least 78 people and setting off a tsunami that threatened every nation around the Pacific Ocean--roughly a quarter of the globe.
It's the most powerful quake to hit the country in a half-century and plunged trucks into the fractured earth. Homes fell, bridges collapsed and buildings were engulfed in flames. Injured people lay in the streets or on stretchers.

The Bible prophecies an increase in quakes and disasters. Do you think this is another indication of the end times, or just a quake?

The Bible says that earthquakes in diverse places will signal the start of the end. And we have had a few bad ones over the last 10/15 years. Pakistan, China, Indonesia, Haiti and now Chile. Big earthquakes that have killed hundreds of thousands.

Matthew 24
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

Not sure we have experienced a rise in the number of pestilence cases recently but with the change in climate i would think there will be a few echo systems tipped out of balance soon that may lead to an explosion in the population of one form of life at the expense of others.

We keep watching.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Earth Quakes Per Year By Magnitude

Great 8 or higher 1 - 1
Major 7–7.9 - 172
Strong 6–6.9 - 1342
Moderate 5–5.9 - 1,3192
Light 4–4.9 c. - 13,000
Minor 3–3.9 c. - 130,000
Very minor 2–2.9 c. - 1,300,000

Now. So far in a year period, we aren't over are quota, even if we did, its not that big of a deal, these are not set in stone just averages over the last 100 years.

And i would like to hear some prohocies that have come true.
And i would like to hear some prophesies that have come true.

my favorite....... people mocking prophets
The Bible says that earthquakes in diverse places will signal the start of the end. And we have had a few bad ones over the last 10/15 years. Pakistan, China, Indonesia, Haiti and now Chile. Big earthquakes that have killed hundreds of thousands.

Matthew 24
7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.

Not sure we have experienced a rise in the number of pestilence cases recently but with the change in climate i would think there will be a few echo systems tipped out of balance soon that may lead to an explosion in the population of one form of life at the expense of others.

We keep watching.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

People use to think that all natural events were judgments by God. We know better now (most of us). Here, I've got a prophecy, the future will have hurricanes in it! Betting on natural disasters is lazy prophecy making, because it's vague and earthquakes happen all the time.
hundreds... ;)

If i predicted that next year there will be two massive earthquakes, three massive hurricanes, 1 major bombing, and a school shooting. And it all came true, would that make me a profit. Cuz just for the recored thats what "GOD" (lol) told me. So im a profit.
I already posted the links. There are hundreds.

how is it prophecy if it doesn't have a time line? going such and such will happen eventually isn't prophecy its a hedged bet that generally just about anything will happen over the course of human history.
Quakes or no quakes, its pretty obvious we're headed towards a brick wall at an exponentially increasing speed. I think that even those who can't see it, can feel it.