Mass *has* gravity



Mass in QWC is any accumulation of energy quanta that displays containment within the space occupied by the accumulation.

As mentioned earlier, containment in QWC is the characteristic of mass that delays the expansion of spherical energy waves. Containment is the cause of mass and gravity.

So the question might come up as to what could cause a delay in the expansion of spherical energy waves? Actually it is the delay of a portion of the wave as it gets caught up in the formation of subsequent high density spots as it passes out of or through mass. A wave generated by one quantum action within mass will be subjected to being involved in the formation of other high density spots by being involved in wave intersections where the overlap forms additional quantum action.

So then the question might come up as to how a portion of a spherical quantum wave could get involved or caught up in subsequent quantum action? That is best explained by taking a closer look at the structure of a spherical quantum wave.

We have discussed the formation of a high density spot as the intersection of quantum waves and that the spot forms where the waves overlap. A high density spot is therefore always surrounded by a zone of low energy density relative to the high energy density of the spot that forms.

This low energy zone pulls the surrounding background fluctuations into it thus sending a low energy density spherical wave across the background as the high density spot forms. Energy fluctuations try to fill low energy zones by providing energy to equalize their energy with the zone energy.

The spot then bursts into a high energy wave that follows the low energy wave across the background.

If there is no containment of the high energy push of the wave, the net energy of the leading low energy pull of the wave and the following high energy push of the wave is zero and the only effect as the combined wave crosses the background is a slight jostling of the background fluctuations.

However, this slight jostling is often enough to position intersections that are ready to form high density spots into the low energy zone. Often the following high energy spherical quantum wave from the spot that caused the low energy zone will then participate in the completing of those repositioned overlaps and thus provide a portion of its energy to the new spot.

If part of the push is delayed when it encounters a forming high density spot because some of its push energy is involved in the overlap of waves that make up the forming spot, then a portion of the original push is delayed until the forming spot bursts.

That is containment. It is the portion of the push of the spherical quantum waves that are captured and thus delayed relative to the pull portion of the waves while the waves are passing through the mass.

The delay causes a change in the net energy of the wave structure. The leading pull wave is out front of the newly forming intersections and escapes intact, while the following push wave is caught up in the subsequent high density spot formation and is thus participating in the perpetuation of the mass for an instant, hence the delay.

In order for mass to exist it must display containment.

The energy equivalent of mass is the number of quanta within the mass, i.e. the count of the quantum actions that are maintained within the mass by containment. The density of the mass is the quantum count divided by the space occupied by the mass.

Aside: It appears that no one with any investment in today’s science will respond to this thread. It is clean, it is alien to today’s science, and if true it would change science dramatically and who wants that? Or am I wrong?

Should I bother with the next post on the cause of gravity? You know I will.


Earlier I defined Gravity in QWC as the characteristic of mass to move through the background in the path of lowest energy density.

In the previous post I have defined mass in more detail and have defined containment in relationship to mass and in relationship to the structure of the quantum wave. Mass displays containment, and the structure of the quantum wave is altered by containment.

The net negative energy of the quantum wave structure emerging from mass causes gravity.

Without containment the net energy of the quantum wave structure is zero. This equality is based on the QWC premise that no energy is created or lost in quantum action. The force generated by quantum action as a quantum wave is supplied by the waves that intersect to produce the quantum wave.

The structure of the wave produced by quantum action is:

The wave has a leading trough of low energy density expanding spherically from the location of the formation of the high density spot. This low energy density wave front occurs when the high density spot forms in the overlapping intersections of other waves. It is the low energy density zone surrounding the high density spot. The low energy zone jostles the energy density fluctuations surrounding the zone and repositions them toward the forming high density spot. The repositioning of the fluctuations is the natural reaction of energy density to equalize its density with its surroundings. Equalization results in some filling of the expanding zone by the surrounding background fluctuations. This action is called the “pull” of the quantum wave trough.

The wave trough has a following crest of high energy density expanding spherically from the burst of the high density spot. The high energy crest of the wave occurs when high density spot bursts and the crest formed by the burst follows the trough. This action is called the “push” of the quantum wave crest.

Thus the structure of the quantum wave is a spherical low energy density pull trough followed by a spherical high energy density push crest. The wave has zero net energy made up of $$ –e$$ in the trough and $$+e$$ in the crest.

Containment of a portion of the $$+e$$ of the crest occurs within mass. Containment changes the net energy of the wave by delaying a portion of the $$+e$$, making the net energy of the wave a negative energy value.

Mass has positive energy. Gravity is the negative energy of the quantum wave that emanates from mass as a result of containment.
So the simple formula for the gravity of mass in energy quanta is $$g_m=q*((-e)+(+e*(1-c)))$$ where g is gravity, $$g_m$$ is the gravity of mass m, q is the number of quanta in the mass, -e is the negative energy of the pull portion of the quantum wave structure (the trough), +e is the positive energy of the push portion of the quantum wave structure (the crest), and c is the containment ratio in percent.
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So the simple formula for the gravity of mass in energy quanta is $$g_m=q*((-e)+(+e*(1-c)))$$ where g is gravity, $$g_m$$ is the gravity of mass m, q is the number of quanta in the mass, -e is the negative energy of the pull portion of the quantum wave structure (the trough), +e is the positive energy of the push portion of the quantum wave structure (the crest), and c is the containment ratio in percent.
Having a formula for the energy value of mass and gravity and a description of how mass forms and causes gravity reveals the basis of force in QWC.

My scenario describes energy in a new way. Since in QWC the only thing that exists is energy, it is hard to define energy other than to describe the whole of QWC itself.

In the next post or several posts I will offer some definitions that close in on what energy is in QWC and set the stage for going from the way energy causes mass and gravity, to the way it causes the greater universe to consist of finite energy arenas that function just like the individual energy quantum and quantum action function at the fundamental level.

Definitions are mandatory in conveying QWC because it is different in many respects from the theories that are commonly accepted today. For example I defined the quantum and quantum action in detail earlier in this thread because I wanted to use those words in QWC and differentiate there usage from other usages in science. The same words have different usages in classical and current scientific jargon and now new meanings in QWC.

Please don't get confused by thinking of the quantum as defined in QWC as the same quantum used to describe energy packets that make up electromagnetic radiation. Don't confuse the quantum action of QWC with the "action quantum" related to steps of incremental energy of photons.

Read the thread and understand the meaning of quantum and quantum action as used in QWC and you will have an insight into the fundamental force described in QWC.
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If everything is but energy, then maybe you can define some kind of gravitational decoherence into mass, where the mass is seen to be reversable:

$$Mg \Delta \lambda / \lambda^{2}=1$$

I've used a similar idea that there is a decoherence in energy that results in matter. The only other type of decoherence i know of is quantum decoherence, where the superpositioned state of matter is effected by its surroundings.

It seems like there is some kind of similar mechanism for energy. Their very environments, coupled with their characteristics, such as (wavelength/energy/spin ect), decoheres the kinetic energy into a rest mass. So the total energy of a system can be given as:

$$\gamma mc^{2}=mc^{2}+K$$

and the wavelength may very well play the part:

$$\Delta f \lambda = t^{2}S_{f} - t^{1}S_{0}$$

Perhaps Einstein was right in considering that the inertia of a system depended on the energy content?

Of course, when you say, ''Since in QWC the only thing that exists is energy,'' i have to agree. Even Einstein explained that there really wasn't anything such as matter really, but rather forms of energy, given naturally as $$E=Mc^{2}$$.
If everything is but energy, then maybe you can define some kind of gravitational decoherence into mass, where the mass is seen to be reversable:

$$Mg \Delta \lambda / \lambda^{2}=1$$

I've used a similar idea that there is a decoherence in energy that results in matter. The only other type of decoherence i know of is quantum decoherence, where the superpositioned state of matter is effected by its surroundings.

It seems like there is some kind of similar mechanism for energy. Their very environments, coupled with their characteristics, such as (wavelength/energy/spin ect), decoheres the kinetic energy into a rest mass. So the total energy of a system can be given as:

$$\gamma mc^{2}=mc^{2}+K$$

and the wavelength may very well play the part:

$$\Delta f \lambda = t^{2}S_{f} - t^{1}S_{0}$$
I can speak as the authority on QWC. Mass is entirely reversible. If you followed how mass forms in QWC you see that to maintain itself there must be continual quantum action. Quantum action within mass repeatedly produces spherical quantum waves that have a particular wave structure, i.e. a leading trough of low energy density followed by a crest of high energy density.

Within mass, that quantum wave is decoupled and part of the crest of high energy density is caught up in subsequent quantum action while the low energy trough passes out of mass in tact. The result is the the waves emanating from mass have a net negative energy because a portion of the positive energy of the crest is delayed by subsequent quantum action.

Mass depends on this repetitive quantum action to maintain itself. Since the emanating wave contains both negative and positive energy, though in different proportions, if the positive energy that is emanated is not replaced, the mass will dissolve by the process of emanation.

But mass is not only emanating energy, it is absorbing energy from quantum waves that arrive to it from other mass. The mass has a certain containment ratio and replenishes its positive energy up to that ratio as needed and emanates what it doesn't need to remain coherent.

That is why gravity is cumulative in series instead of blocking out other gravitational sources in line behind it.

The containment ratio of mass determines the relative gravitational effect that it has on other mass.

Did you read and follow my description of containment? It is a key to the formation of mass and gravity.
Perhaps Einstein was right in considering that the inertia of a system depended on the energy content?
Inertia is thing for sure when it comes to mass that exists, but to form mass you need the energy density to provide an environment where repeated quantum action occurs so that mass "can find itself" and stand out from the energy background, at least that is how it works in QWC.

And when I say mass requires a certain energy density I am referring to the scenario I described in my recent posts. In QWC energy and mass have always existed and are subject to forces brought out by various energy density environments. Mass finds itself due to the natural gravitational effect of quantum action. When quantum action is occurring at the level that accommodates matter formation then mass gathers itself from the background and maintains itself by quantum action.

Of course, when you say, ''Since in QWC the only thing that exists is energy,'' i have to agree. Even Einstein explained that there really wasn't anything such as matter really, but rather forms of energy, given naturally as $$E=Mc^{2}$$.
QWC is a new way of thinking about the universe. Space has always existed and is filled will energy density fluctuations that are perpetuated by quantum action. There has always been the same average energy density across the universe but the mass within it is subject to various ranges of energy density and acts differently in different energy density environments. Mass will act differently in low energy equalized space of the greater universe vs. the higher energy density of expanding arenas like our own, and vs. the core of big crunches that are predicted by QWC.
In fact, you can say that an initial change in energy, gives rise to a mass that will increase by $$W/c^{2}$$,

$$\Delta E^{1} = W/c^{2}$$

So that any invariant mass is found after the change. But, when it can be measured, the system will be found to have a mass, and an energy... but it may just be another type of energy, which countless experiments have shown.

Naturally, we can talk about when a system has zero kinetic energy, when $$\gamma > 1$$,

$$K= \int_{\gamma < 1)dW= m^{0}c^{2} \int_{\gamma =1}dy = 1/2m^{0}c^{2}$$

and the net force capable for all this can be given as:


So you see, the operations behind a single equation, there can be many considerations. To calculate the amplitude of such an event can be given as:

$$P \epsilon = \int \epsilon | \psi (x)|dx$$

Which can be seen from the amplitude of energy that decoheres into matter itself. Therego, the probability of finding such an event can be given as:

$$P^{12}= \int t^{1}(S_{0})t^{2}(S_{f})=|(\Delta S_{0})t> |(\Delta S*)t*>$$
In fact, you can say that an initial change in energy, gives rise to a mass that will increase by $$W/c^{2}$$,

$$\Delta E^{1} = W/c^{2}$$

So that any invariant mass is found after the change. But, when it can be measured, the system will be found to have a mass, and an energy... but it may just be another type of energy, which countless experiments have shown.

Naturally, we can talk about when a system has zero kinetic energy, when $$\gamma > 1$$,

$$K= \int_{\gamma < 1)dW= m^{0}c^{2} \int_{\gamma =1}dy = 1/2m^{0}c^{2}$$

and the net force capable for all this can be given as:


So you see, the operations behind a single equation, there can be many considerations. To calculate the amplitude of such an event can be given as:

$$P \epsilon = \int \epsilon | \psi (x)|dx$$

Which can be seen from the amplitude of energy that decoheres into matter itself. Therego, the probability of finding such an event can be given as:

$$P^{12}= \int t^{1}(S_{0})t^{2}(S_{f})=|(\Delta S_{0})t> |(\Delta S*)t*>$$
Considering that my slight familiarity with these equations might lead me to a misunderstanding of what you are telling me, please try to tell me if you are conveying ideas that build on what I have presented or are you conveying alternative ideas that already exist in science.

In QWC I am building everything from the bottom up. The bottom is energy that cannot be created or destroyed. Only energy that has always existed fits in that bottom up scenario.

The fact that matter exists adds a feature to the bottom up scenario, i.e. there is too much energy to allow equilibrium, otherwise matter would never from because equilibrium by definition means zero entropy, i.e. that there is no useful energy.

The existence of matter means to me that matter must have always existed because the average energy density of the universe must be above the equilibrium threshold.

We are in an expanding arena, i.e. our observable universe. If our arena is expanding and if energy and matter are not infinite, then infinite expansion and equilibrium would be the outcome. Since infinite expansion would have a past and that past would be smaller and smaller occupied space in a finite energy scenario, eventually you are forced to a beginning. In QWC there can be no beginning because energy cannot come from nothing.

Something caused the expansion of our arena and our arena in its expansion phase is just one of a potentially infinite number of arenas in the greater universe at any given time.

In QWC, the cause of the expansion was a big crunch. The big crunch created an energy density environment at its core that caused matter to cease to function and gravity to fail. The crunch was thus forced into expansion as the energy locked in its core overcame the diminishing gravity of the crunch.

Quantum actions and quantum waves are suppressed at the core of the crunch but once the grip of the crunch is broken, quantum action picks up again, matter forms, galaxies form and the momentum of expansion carries them out to the greater universe as the energy density environment of the arena equalizes with the low energy density of the greater universe.

Out there, the galaxies and remnants of a history of arenas can mix and merge under the force of gravity and without the expansion momentum from the burst of the big crunch which as already played out.

New crunches form and play out just like the old ones. That is QWC in a nutshell.
''Considering that my slight familiarity with these equations might lead me to a misunderstanding of what you are telling me, please try to tell me if you are conveying ideas that build on what I have presented or are you conveying alternative ideas that already exist in science.''


The fourth equation is not mine. It's the normal amplitude found for ay equational mass or energy.

The rest are mine, after close consideration of your presumptions.
Thank you. I will try to understand the equations with your help of course :).

Take one, state it in Latex, and then describe it in terms that you know I already use in my presumptions if that is possible.

To help put where I am in perspective, so far I have not built up very far in terms of matter as we know it. My emphasis has been at a level below what science calls the fundamental particles. In QWC, those fundamental particles are built up in quantum increments and employ quantum action and quantum waves which cause mass and gravity at that fundamental force level.

In QWC the particles of the standard model are fine. They are stable or naturally recurring unstable particles that join to achieve a certain stability or instability in and/or depending on different ranges of energy density.

The organization of quantum action into stable particles at our existing level of energy density in an expanding arena gives us the particles of nature around us. The maintenance of the particle is enabled and the structure of the particle incorporates an organization of quantum action and energy density that endures in the current circumstances.

Circumstances are always changing as expansion plays out, gravity takes hold, and high energy situations develop, each changing the nature of the matter that exists.

No matter can function at the core of a big crunch. Matter forms from energy in an expansionary environment that starts out at above the matter functioning range and allows abundant matter formation below that range.

I mention all this to help guide you in where you start in describing the equations that might apply to where I am in QWC.

You'll have to walk me through each step from where I am to where the equations takes us if you are interested. Everything must fit in its place in the bottom up process to advance the QWC scenario.
Are you asking about equation 2)?

If you are, it's not presented right, and i may need to ask someone, who is more familiar with latex. Either way, can you visiualize what is being said?
If it's equation 1), then this specific equation is a revolution of rest mass itself. The idea, is that any initial change in any energy fluctuation, is in fact resolved as a situation in matter, therego, if you have been following the ''are photons matter thread,'' then you will realize that a change in the initial photon state gives rise to a final state that is but matter itself.
Hello Reiku,

I don't understand any of your mathematics at all I'm afraid. Could you explain what each term means?
$$\Delta E^{1} = W/c^{2}$$
What is $$W$$ and where is this formula derived from - you've lost me!

Naturally, we can talk about when a system has zero kinetic energy, when $$\gamma > 1$$,

$$K= \int_{\gamma < 1}dW= m^{0}c^{2} \int_{\gamma =1}dy = 1/2m^{0}c^{2}$$
And what does this mean? What are the measures $$dW,\, dy$$? What is $$\gamma$$? What is $$K$$? Why are we integrating? Where has this formula come from? I'm confused!

and the net force capable for all this can be given as:

Again, net force of what? And what is $$t$$? Where does this come from?

To calculate the amplitude of such an event can be given as:

$$P \epsilon = \int \epsilon | \psi (x)|dx$$
What event? And what are $$P,\, \epsilon, \, \psi$$? Can you explain please - I don't follow.

Therego, the probability of finding such an event can be given as:

$$P^{12}= \int t^{1}(S_{0})t^{2}(S_{f})=|(\Delta S_{0})t> |(\Delta S*)t*>$$
Probability of what event? And what on earth are $$S_f$$ and $$S_0$$? What is the range of integration? And what are you integrating with respect to? And what does the notation on the right hand side mean? It just seems like you've written down gibberish!

Can you elaborate a bit for me? :)
''What is and where is this formula derived from - you've lost me!''

i'm sorry, i don't mean to be cheeky, but... being a math teacher, you should fly right through this? No?
In fact, you have more or less commented on every equation brought forth; is this a joke...

.. and don't worry, In the past i have often took the piss out of anger, but surely this is just ignorance, for a math teacher thenselves?
i'm sorry, i don't mean to be cheeky, but... being a math teacher, you should fly right through this? No?
Not cheeky at all - it aids my point. The fact I do a fair amount of maths and comment that your post doesn't make any sense, is probably a good indication that it doesn't make any sense!

Unless you could elaborate for me?
Are you asking about equation 2)?

If you are, it's not presented right, and i may need to ask someone, who is more familiar with latex. Either way, can you visiualize what is being said?
Start anywhere you like. I will be able to follow if you can answer my questions along the way.

If it's equation 1), then this specific equation is a revolution of rest mass itself. The idea, is that any initial change in any energy fluctuation, is in fact resolved as a situation in matter, therego, if you have been following the ''are photons matter thread,'' then you will realize that a change in the initial photon state gives rise to a final state that is but matter itself.
Describe a revolution. It is something revolving around something, or is it revolutionary in that it is new and bold?

I am not quite with you on the concept of "initial change" in an energy fluctuation. Energy density fluctuates in QWC but it is constantly fluctuating and so there is no initial energy fluctuation.

I could ask other questions about that short paragraph but if it requires a reading of the "are photons matter thread", then I think it will be too advanced for where I am in QWC. Right now I have mass and gravity in groupings of dark matter that have no charge and no electromagnetic aspects yet.

They exist in a background of dark energy.

QWC thus far explains mass, gravity, expansion and accelerating expansion, dark matter, and on the macro end, big crunches and big bursts.

Actual matter as we know it will only link to QWC when the Grand Unification Theory emerges. Maybe it will emerge from the LHC or from some new evidence. But from the perspective of QWC that is not a problem because the stage in the process of arena formation where matter as we know it exists is a passing phase and will result in negation of all matter into energy in the core of some future big crunch along with similar remnants of other arenas.

QWC is designed to handle the description of the cause of mass, the cause of gravity, and the cause of dark matter. These are all pre-particle phases in the grand unification process.

I would love to show how the QWC quanta could fit into modern particle physics but right now it doesn't. Maybe as time goes on I will be able to equate it to the photon but right now all I can say is that the photon consists of energy in QWC quantum increments, but those are not the same increments that explain why a black body does not radiate equally at all frequencies as Max Planck discovered to kick off the period of classical physics.

The building of the fundamental particles with their individual characteristics is beyond the scope of QWC but that doesn't mean that there aren't some characteristics of quantum waves and quantum action that can develop in explanations of particle stability, spin, and charge. I was hoping the particle physicists would fill in the blanks and save me the trouble :eek:. (just kidding if you are the type to flame me for such an innocent jest)
Then your probability (a sense which you should know, being a fantabulous math teacher), is wrong. How would you feel that one of the equations where wiki-based? Would you then, in your insideous wiki-manner proclaim that the equation is wrong?

Whatever mate.