Mass *has* gravity

It occurred to me to put Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) to the test that is defined by the Task Force on Teacher Institutes of the National Center for Science Education (NCSE) located in Berkeley, California. This initiative was funded by a grant that Stan Weinberg, the Founding Father of NCSE, had received from the Carnegie and Lounsbury Foundation. I decided to see if QWC qualifies as Emerging Science (referred to as Protoscience) as opposed to False Science (referred to as Pseudoscience) when analyzed by the CONPTT approach.


False Science Defined: False science ("pseudoscience") may be defined as a non-science which is portrayed and advertised as a legitimate science by its followers and supporters. Good examples of a pseudoscience would include "astrology" (as presented by some of its supporters), and "creation science". (See Strahler, page 525).

Or is Quantum Wave Cosmology actually protoscience?


Emerging Science Defined: Emerging science (or "protoscience") may be defined as a "near science". A protoscience tends to conform to most of the CONPTT criteria but typically falls short in one or more of the criteria. A protoscience differs from a science in that consistent observations and predictions may be limited by knowledge and/or technology.

For example, let's look at parapsychology. This includes such phenomena as clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis. Scientists generally consider parapsychology a pseudoscience because its phenomena conflict with known physical laws. However, at least one member of the parapsychology family, mental telepathy (thought transmission directly from one brain to another), might be worthy of scientific consideration. Mental telepathy, then, could be considered as a "protoscience".

NOTE: See Arthur Strahler, Science and Earth History (1987), page 55 regarding mental telepathy as a protoscience; pages 46-47 for more information about extraterrestrial visitors; and pages 47-49 for more information about UFOs and UFOlogy.

Can we use the CONPTT approach to determine if QWC is Pseudoscience or Protoscience?


Concept: Following the discussion of "CONPTT", the student will be able to distinguish between scientific and non-scientific statements.

Introduction: To summarize our previous discussions and today's ideas, let's list some criteria that might help us recognize the difference between what is science and what is not science, criteria that will enable us to recognize a scientific statement and a non-scientific statement.

The following criteria were developed by science educators in Iowa and found acceptable by several Midwestern high school biology teachers. (edit note: that seems appropriated for SciForums with many students and without rigorously applied distinctions between forums and forum rules)


Six Criteria of Science: Consistent, Observable, Natural, Predictable, Testable, and Tentative. The sequence is not important, but the acronym "CONPTT" makes a good long term memory hook.

1. Consistency: The results of repeated observations and/or experiments concerning a naturally occurring event (phenomenon) are reasonably the same when performed and repeated by competent investigators. The event is also free from self-contradiction: it is consistent in its applications. The weight of the evidence is also compatible with well established observations and limits.

REALITY CHECK #1: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a scientific statement?

1. Green plants will grow towards a light source.
2. Walking under a ladder will cause bad luck.
Using the idea of "Consistency", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific one?
2. Observability: The event under study, or evidence of the occurrence of the event, can be observed and explained. The observations are limited to the basic human senses or to extensions of the senses by such things as electron microscopes, Geiger counters, etc. If the phenomenon cannot be reproduced through controlled conditions, natural evidence of the event's occurrence must be available for investigation.

REALITY CHECK #2: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a scientific statement?

1. Some plants eat meat.
2. Extraterrestrial beings have visited Earth.
Using the idea of "Observability", how can we assess which statement above is a scientific one?
3. Natural: A natural cause (mechanism) must be used to explain why or how the naturally occurring event happens. Scientists may not use supernatural explanations as to why or how naturally occurring events happen because reference to the supernatural is outside of the realm of science. Scientists cannot conduct controlled experiments in which they have designed the intervention of a supreme being into the test.

REALITY CHECK #3: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a scientific statement?

1. Green plants convert sunlight into energy.
2. With a rod, Moses parted the sea so his people could cross to the other side..
Using the idea of "Natural", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific one?
4. Predictability: The natural cause (mechanism) of the naturally occurring event can be used to make specific predictions. Each prediction can be tested to determine if the prediction is true or false.

REALITY CHECK #4: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a scientific statement?

1. Without sunlight (or comparable artificial light), green plants will die.
2. If you are a "Scorpio", your horoscope for today is "You'll be saying 'I feel rich !' Lunar position highlights back pay, refunds, correction of accounting error."
Using the idea of "Predictability", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific one?
5. Testability: The natural cause (mechanism) of the naturally occurring event must be testable through the processes of science, controlled experimentation being essential. Reference to supernatural events or causes are not relevant tests.

REALITY CHECK #5: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a scientific statement?

1. The Bermuda Triangle causes ships and planes to sink and disappear.
2. Life comes from life and cannot come from non-life.
Using the idea of "Testability", how can we determine which statement above is a scientific one?
6. Tentativeness: Scientific theories are subject to revision and correction, even to the point of the theory being proven wrong. Scientific theories have been modified and will continue to be modified to consistently explain observations of naturally occurring events.

REALITY CHECK #6: which of the following is a scientific statement, and which one is not a scientific statement?

1. The number of human chromosomes was once "known" to be 48, but is now considered to be 46.
2. Living things were once grouped into 2 major groups, then 3, then 4, and now 5, because the criteria used for classifying living things have changed.
3. We know that the world began about 6000 years ago, and nothing will change that.
4. At one time, it was thought the heart pumped blood out of a large container as an "open system", but now it is known that blood "circulates" in a closed system.
Using the idea of "Tentativeness", how can we assess which statement above is a scientific one?

To evaluate QWC and compare it to Emerging Science I followed the CONPTT approach.

First the C in CONPTT, Consistency: The results of repeated observations and/or experiments concerning a naturally occurring event (phenomenon) are reasonably the same when performed and repeated by competent investigators. The event is also free from self-contradiction: it is consistent in its applications. The weight of the evidence is also compatible with well established observations and limits.

QWC is based on a wide variety of observations that are consistently repeatable, naturally occurring and well documented. Expansion of our observable universe as observed repeatedly by observation of the separation of galaxies moving away form us in all directions. The equivalence of mass and energy, e = mc^2, which is observed and confirmed as to its consistency. The permanence of energy in that it cannot be created or destroyed which is a basic in our understanding of nature. Increasing entropy of useful energy in a closed system which is also a basic consistent aspect of nature; open systems can defeat entropy by renewing the supply of useful energy. The arena process that renews useful energy by converting mass and gravity back into useful energy is predicted to be ongoing in QWC because arenas, if they exist, would part of an open system.

The consistency test disqualifies observations that continually have differing or unpredictable results. Predicted mechanisms to explain observations and that are predicted to be consistent when tested are not disqualified. They can change the classification of the predicted mechanisms from science to protoscience until the predicted mechanisms can be tested and confirmed to be consistently repeatable. QWC is not classified as proved science but is not disqualified as protoscience even though it makes predictions of consistency that cannot be tested.

For example, QWC includes aspects that are predicted to be consistent but that are not observed and not directly testable based on existing technology. The existence of an energy background to the universe is one example. The existence of the force called quantum action cannot be proved yet because of our limited ability to observe the elemental particles of the Standard Particle Model closely enough to prove that they are composed of energy quanta as predicted by QWC. The existence of energy density fluctuations of the background energy caused by quantum action, and existence of the spherical quantum waves generated by quantum action cannot be observed. The existence of the Arena Landscape of the greater universe cannot be observed because according to QWC we are within a single expanding arena and our technology doesn’t allow observations beyond the most distant known galaxies. There is no direct evidence of the formation of big crunches from the galactic remnants of a history of arenas like ours that QWC predicts form in the greater universe as those remnants merge from various directions. There is no evidence that a big crunch is limited by “critical capacity” and bursts into an expanding arena of high energy density as a result. There is no evidence that quantum action can be locked in the core of a big crunch or that locked quantum action causes mass to stop functioning and stops gravity being emitted from that mass. There is no evidence that matter can form from high energy density as the density declines to the matter formation threshold. There is no evidence that matter that might form below that threshold could acquire the same characteristics as the particles in the Standard Particle Model. There is no evidence that galactic structure would form from such particles or that the galaxies would all be moving away from each other throughout the entire expanding arena.

All of these unobservable aspects of QWC are however consistent with existing observations in nature and consistent with each other. There are no two such aspects of QWC that are not dependent on each other or that are not compatible with each other. All of the aspects mentioned must be true and must work together in order for QWC to be the real cosmology so QWC passes the consistency test as consistently compatible predictions of natural mechanisms.

Next, the O in CONPTT, Observability: The event under study, or evidence of the occurrence of the event, can be observed and explained. The observations are limited to the basic human senses or to extensions of the senses by such things as electron microscopes, Geiger counters, etc. If the phenomenon cannot be reproduced through controlled conditions, natural evidence of the event's occurrence must be available for investigation.

All cosmologies include unobservable aspects if they attempt to fully describe the universe. Each of the aspects of QWC mentioned in the consistency section above that are unobservable fall in the category of phenomenon that cannot be reproduced through controlled experiments and therefore rely on natural evidence of the event’s occurrence.

The existence of an energy background to the universe is one example. We observe that gravity acts between mass and that there must be a medium across which the effect of gravity can be transmitted but we can’t observe the medium. The natural evidence of that medium is the nature of the relationship between mass and gravity which is continually observed in nature.

The existence of the force called quantum action cannot be proved yet because of our limited ability to observe the elemental particles of the Standard Particle Model closely enough to prove that they are composed of energy quanta as predicted by QWC. We observe that mass exists and has many observable properties like kinetic energy for example, but we cannot observe directly the force that causes mass to exist from the combination of elementary particles of which we observe mass to be composed. We know there is a way that nature makes mass exist and QWC predicts that it is quantum action.

The existence of energy density fluctuations of the background energy caused by quantum action, and existence of the spherical quantum waves generated by quantum action cannot be observed. These aspects of QWC are consistent with the way it predicts mass is formed. We cannot observe these waves or the trough/crest spherical wave structure predicted by QWC that would cause mass to exist but we observe mass and know there must be a cause.

The existence of the Arena Landscape of the greater universe cannot be observed because according to QWC we are within a single expanding arena and our technology doesn’t allow observation beyond the most distant known galaxies. There is no direct evidence of the formation of big crunches from the galactic remnants of a history of arenas like ours that QWC predicts form in the greater universe as those remnants merge from various directions. There is no evidence that a big crunch is limited by “critical capacity” and bursts into an expanding arena of high energy density as a result. However these aspects of QWC fall in the category of phenomenon that cannot be reproduced through controlled experiments and therefore rely on natural evidence of the events’ occurrence. The evidence of observed expansion rolls back to an event 13.7 billion years from which expansion emerged. QWC, as any cosmology must, addresses initial events and predicts solutions that would cause the natural observation. QWC predicts that energy cannot be created and therefore the energy in our expanding arena and the energy that initiated the expansion pre-existed. The prediction of the burst of a big crunch is based on this combination of natural observation and basic law of energy conservation. The means of the burst, called “critical capacity of a big crunch”, is consistent with the nature of mass and the energy density thresholds within which mass can function. Are there other possible explanations, yes, but in QWC the burst of a big crunch would be consistent with the observed expansion and the conservation of energy.

There is no evidence that quantum action can be locked in the core of a big crunch or that locked quantum action causes mass to stop functioning and stops gravity being emitted from that mass. Like the other aspects of QWC mentioned above, this aspect also falls in the category of phenomenon that cannot be reproduced through controlled experiments and therefore rely on natural evidence of the events’ occurrence. The implied big crunch and burst that QWC predicts account for the observed expansion must itself have a cause that is consistent with the other aspects of the cosmology. QWC predicts thresholds of energy density within which matter can form and function, and when the upper threshold of energy density is reached, mass ceases to function. The result is consistent with the observations that expansion exists and is consistent with the QWC aspects that explain the cause of that expansion.

There is no evidence that matter can form from high energy density as the density declines to the matter formation threshold. There is no evidence that matter that might form below that threshold could acquire the same characteristics as the particles in the Standard Particle Model. There is no evidence that galactic structure would form from such particles or that the galaxies would all be moving away from each other throughout the entire expanding arena. This group of aspects of QWC is quite similar to the process of nucleosynthesis that is predicted by Big Bang Theory. Nucleosynthesis is a phenomenon that cannot be reproduced through controlled experiments and but that relies on natural evidence of the events’ occurrence. Observations are being made that support nucleosynthesis and future data produces by the LHC will expand the data. Both BBT and QWC will be modified by LHC data as it unfolds.

For these reasons, QWC passes the observation test based on the allowed range of application of the concept of observation.

Next, the N in CONPTT, Natural: A natural cause (mechanism) must be used to explain why or how the naturally occurring event happens. Scientists may not use supernatural explanations as to why or how naturally occurring events happen because reference to the supernatural is outside of the realm of science. Scientists cannot conduct controlled experiments in which they have designed the intervention of a supreme being into the test.

QWC was developed as a cosmology because the standard cosmology did not address the cause of the observed expansion and implies that there was no space or time before the expansion began. QWC sees those conditions would require something from nothing, a violation of the conservation of energy, or the intervention of the supernatural. QWC predicts that the conservation of energy is a natural law that cannot be violated. The intervention of the supernatural is not consistent with science and would cause BBT to fail the “natural” N of the CONPTT definition of science.

QWC passes the Natural test.

Next, the P in CONPTT, Predictability: The natural cause (mechanism) of the naturally occurring event can be used to make specific predictions. Each prediction can be tested to determine if the prediction is true or false.

Predictability and testing are well established in the scientific method. As mentioned above, many predictions of QWC are not testable. However, each aspect of QWC does pass the Natural test within the acceptable meaning of “natural” in the CONPTT definition of science and so the natural causes and mechanisms included in QWC can be used to make specific predictions.

There are categories of science that don’t completely pass the CONPTT approach. There is Non-Science which covers religious beliefs, philosophy, personal opinions or attitudes, a sense of esthetics, or ethics, False Science described as Pseudoscience, and Emerging Science described as Pre-science.

QWC pass the predictability test which is intended to disqualify areas that do not now and will not normally be testable, not because of the limitations of technology, but because they are belief systems. Though QWC is not yet testable, its predictions do not fall into the category of belief systems. There is no reason to believe that future technological developments will not be able to detect quantum action, quantum waves, the energy background that transmits them, and the predicted thresholds of energy density which control them, i.e. the primary aspects of QWC that are not currently testable.

Next, the first T in CONPTT, Testability: The natural cause (mechanism) of the naturally occurring event must be testable through the processes of science, controlled experimentation being essential. Reference to supernatural events or causes are not relevant tests.

QWC does not pass the Testability test of the CONPTT approach. This does not mean that QWC does not qualify as science. The Testability test is defined to disqualify reference to supernatural events or causes, and other causes and mechanism for which there is no existing means of testing. The failure of QWC in this category demotes it into Pre-science because though not current technology can be used to test it, it is likely that future technology will be developed that can test it. If the LHC fails to confirm the Higgs mechanism, then the direction of science technology might be refocused on finding a unifying force, i.e. quantum action.

Next, the second T in CONPTT, Tentativeness: Scientific theories are subject to revision and correction, even to the point of the theory being proven wrong. Scientific theories have been modified and will continue to be modified to consistently explain observations of naturally occurring events.

Any aspect of QWC that is tested successfully must be considered tentative and there is no reason for them not to be tentative within this use of the word. Non-tentative results are described as irrefutable, for example, “We know that the universe began about 13.7 billion years ago, and nothing will change that.”

Based on the CONPTT approach, I find that QWC qualifies as Emerging Science, referred to as Protoscience as opposed to Non-Science which is referred to as Pseudoscience when analyzed by the CONPTT approach.
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As I develop QWC as protoscience, I want to refer to these posts in two other threads:
Perhaps more importantly, what circumstances could possibly influence so many people to shrug off conservation of momentum?

Newton's laws of motion account for how energy in moving mass is useful energy. Energy cannot be used without force and resistance, and that requires motion in the first place.

A universe that has always existed would have both energy and motion at all times.

In a universe that has always existed, there must exist a means to reverse entropy. If there was no means to reverse entropy, over infinite time past all useful energy would be used and complete entropy would have prevailed long ago.

But to use the requirement of reverse entropy as evidence for a beginning (something from nothing) is saying that there is no way that our universe can cause reverse entropy and so there must have been a beginning. That has no more validity than using the fact that reverse entropy is required to explain why entropy has not become complete in a universe that has always existed. The difference is in whether it is possible for reverse entropy to be a part of how the universe actually works.

But taken together, the perpetual existence of both energy and momentum as characteristics of a universe that has always existed, and that can defeat entropy. has the high ground. It doesn't require something from nothing; it only requires that the universe has a mechanism that can reverse entropy.

When I weigh the two, I can easily describe how entropy can be reversed but I can only invoke the supernatural to get something from nothing. I say that the cosmology that includes a mechanism for reversing entropy is more like science than it is like the supernatural.
“ Originally Posted by Captain Kremmen
If Time is a continuum, and therefore itself a dimension, then from a higher dimension all past and future can be seen.
If time is not a dimension itself, and time is only "now" in every dimension, then all dimensions only exist in that "now". That would make past and future mental constructs.

I suspect that that is the case. ”
Me too.

But time is interesting to think about isn't it? If time is not a dimension, a position that is hard to prove in the negative, then like you say all dimensions are in that same now.

All dimensions, if time is not one, are Euclidean space unless you are into String Theory or some hyper physics ideas. So let's say that we have three dimensions, all in the same "now" everywhere. But from our own reference frame, even though "now" is the same here and in a distant galaxy, the finite speed of light disconnects us from other locations in our frame of reference. "Now" is the same in both places, but there can be no instant communication due to the finite speed of light.

Also, a conflict with the "now" being the same everywhere occurs when we look at identical clocks in two reference frames. The effect of time dilation associated with acceleration and relative motion between frames of reference would give us some pause when considering a universal "now". However, clocks in the same frame of reference always stay synchronized.

Gravitational time dilation, the effect that causes clocks in a stronger gravitational field or potential to run slower, could also be viewed as a conflict to the concept of a universal "now". The thing to remember here is that the reference frame is different because gravity has acceleration potential, and that potential is different at the top of a mountain than it is at sea level.

So I think the concept of a universal now survives both types of time dilations if you compare the clocks from within the same frame of reference, as I understand it.
I should have said this in the last post:

Using the concept of a universal "now" takes time out of the equation. In the "now" everything is at rest relative to everything else for each and every "now". So Captain, if we consider the past and future as "mental constructs", you must consider any theory that includes time in its equations to be "mental constructs".

It would be taking the concept of a "universal now" too far if we were to say that just because there is really only one universal frame of reference at each "now", that different frames of reference cannot exist.

Our mind enables us to consider relative motion. That means that we can consider more than one now at the same time, i.e. now 1 and now 2 occurring sequentially, and the motion that takes place is thus brought into the equation.

Buy simply considering relative motion we automatically create separate frames of reference for every point that moves relative to every other point during that period between now 1 and now 2, right?
I think I have a handle on that.

What makes you think I don't?

And why do you say I am delving into string theory?

As suggested and to find out where Fred Allen Wolf was coming from, I read Parallel Universes. It is quite interesting if you want a good view of where the science of quantum mechanics was in the 1990's and how the uncertainty principle can be interpreted.

Wolf interprets it to imply that if we can't know both the location and momentum of a particle then it has a probability of being anywhere, even "other worlds". He goes on to infer that other worlds are parallel universes and hence the premise of his book.

Quantum Wave Cosmology recognizes other arenas within the greater infinite universe but not because of the uncertainty principle. Other arenas exist because they are finite entities within an infinite universe and each arena is playing out in a consistent and similar fashion.

Arenas form from the remnants of other arenas that have played out.

Gravity causes big crunches to form from the remnants of prior arenas. The big crunches burst into finite expanding "universes" like our arena as a result of the physics of quantum action and containment. Quantum action and containment taken to their max under the pressure at the core of the big crunch activates the physical effect called critical capacity which marks the point where mass ceases to exert gravity. It is then no longer mass; it is contained (potential) energy locked in the core of the big crunch.

Look; some of the things you're talking about have proper terminology and they're good ideas. Expressing it mathematically might help.

All this "other worlds" crap is fictional mathematical-physics gumbo.
Look; some of the things you're talking about have proper terminology and they're good ideas. Expressing it mathematically might help.

All this "other worlds" crap is fictional mathematical-physics gumbo.
As you said, you are a "stark kind of a guy".

Multiverses as Wolf talks about them is fictional mathematical-physics gumbo; I can agree.

But multiple arenas in QWC is protoscience because it has all of the requirements to be called protoscience and does not fail the tests that would make it non-science. It is consistent with observations, it doesn't invoke the supernatural, and like all protoscience it has ideas that meet the requirements but that cannot be tested with existing technology.

Maybe some of the ideas in QWC will become falsifiable and some may not, but protoscience allows for that.
Here is a post that I want to refer to as part of Quantum Wave Cosmology. It focuses on quantum action mechanics:
The cosmological consensus called the standard cosmology primarily consists of Big Bang Theory with Inflation (BBT). BBT includes General Relativity and the Cosmological Principle. In that context, space and time are coupled and existed immediately after the initial event from which expansion of the universe began. A period of exponential expansion occurred after which the matter and energy that we call our expanding observable universe followed a course of nucleosynthesis to form matter as we know it and from which galactic structure and larger scale structure took shape. As expansion proceeds, space is added to the universe and the galaxies for the most part separate from each other in the same way no matter which way you look and no matter where you are looking from within the universal co-moving coordinate system.

Much of the standard cosmology is theory and according to the scientific method, even the best established theories have a characteristic called tentativeness. That means that as science progresses, any pillar of cosmology can be torn down if new observations or evidence demands change.

In the OP the aether was mentioned. It was a theory that failed the test. But some say though that mass and the aether are connected in such a way the mass drags the aether and so the tests were unable to detect it.

It was mentioned that space is simply where things happen, or that it is energy, or that it is filled with energy, or that it is a vacuum, or it is filled with the vacuum energy density of the cosmological constant, or this or that. It was mention that we just don't know, and it was said that people should speak for themselves.

So I will.

Space is potentially infinite. Space has always existed and is filled with energy, there are no voids. The energy that fills space has energy density at all points in space. The energy density is constantly fluctuating at all points in space. Energy density fluctuations have always been going on in all space.

There has always been so much energy in space that matter is forced to take shape from the energy density fluctuations and so matter has always existed. Matter forms from energy in quantum increments.

The quantum increments are the result of quantum waves that converge and the convergences focus energy into high density spots. When a high density spot equals a quantum of energy it forms a new spherically expanding quantum wave in a process called quantum action. Quantum action is the force that takes place at the most infinitesimal level in the tiniest meaningful amount of space.

Multiple spherically expanding quantum waves continually overlap, forcing energy into convergences at their intersections as the overlaps occur, and new spherically expanding quantum waves are continually generated by that process. The energy density in the particular energy environment determines the frequency of quantum action.

The background energy and the continual quantum waves that traverse the energy background make up the aether. When the energy density in a given space is high enough, the occurrence of quantum action (frequency) and the formation of quantum waves from quantum action will cause matter to stand out from the background.

Mass contains energy in quantum increments and each of those increments is characterized by a rapid and continuous succession of quantum action within mass for each quantum of energy composing the mass. This continuous quantum action forms a continuous sequence of high density spots that gives mass its "mass", and each spot bursts into a quantum wave that converges with other waves in mass and forms new high density spots to maintain the mass. A portion of each wave passes out of the mass and causes gravity but that is another thread .

In this way, matter forms in space from the energy background and occupies space within the background.

Spherical expansion: Spherical expansion is characterized by co-moving spherical coordinates as the radius increases, just like the volume of the space occupied by a balloon expands when you blow it up.

Energy waves: When energy is in the process of expanding spherically, it is an energy wave. An energy wave is an expanding sphere of energy.

Consistent energy content: When an energy wave expands the energy is distributed consistently so that the energy density at each coordinate point in the sphere is the same, and as expansion progresses and energy density declines it declines equally at all points throughout the sphere; the energy density is said to remain equalized across the volume as it increases.

Equal energy content: A quantum of energy is defined as the smallest energy increment that can participate in the formation of matter. Each quantum wave contains a quantum of energy and all quantum waves therefore are of equal energy content.

Overlapping waves: Spherically expanding energy waves intersect and the intersection forms what are called 3-D lens shaped intersections. Geometrically, there are two spherical caps per intersection, and the number of surfaces of each 3-D lens equals the number of spheres intersecting to form the convergence.

Convergence: This is a 3-D space confined within spherical surfaces where the number of surfaces is equal to the number of spheres intersecting to form the 3-D space. The volume of the convergence space relative to the sum of the volumes of space of all of the intersecting spheres is diminished by each additional sphere that becomes involved by intersecting with the convergence space (complicated so don't worry about it). When a convergence contains a quantum of energy it bursts into expansion of its own forming a new spherically expanding quantum energy wave.

Quantum of energy: This is the tiniest amount of energy that is useful. It is the amount of energy involved in quantum action and that is contained in each quantum wave. It is the minimum amount of energy that can stand out from the background aether.

That is space and what is going on in it IMHO.
Here is another post I like from another thread that should be included as part of QWC. It discusses the "dense" state of energy and the premise that matter forms from energy that emerges from big crunches in the "dense" state:

“ Originally Posted by kaneda
Quantum Wave. I thought of matter being energy some years ago but matter is "stable" and on an atomic scale, in motion so that instead of a "solid particle", you'd have an average position where the particle seemed to be though it was in many very close to that places. It seemed unlikely so I put it on a back burner. ”

It is on the front burner for me. True, particles have a kind of stability and unpredictability that seems to defy their composition as energy.

Here is how I think the two view work together:

Matter exists because the particles are stable and important combinations of particles have electromagnetic characteristics which serve to keep them apart and cause them to work together instead of individually or instead of merging into single particles.

Particles are separate and stable in most ranges of energy density and can display their mass, gravity and charge.

Only under extreme compression does the energy density get too high, and when it gets too high particles can no longer function separately.

At that high energy density, particles not only cease to perform the mass and gravity function, but also they cease to move separately and the charge characteristics are lost because charge requires the particles to have different momentum relative to each other.

The result is that IMHO matter cannot function in the core of a big crunch.

The mass/gravity function and the electromagnetic components of photon energy emerges from the mass gravity function. IMHO here is how:

Mass that goes into a big crunch is converted to the "dense" state of energy, i.e. too dense to be considered mass because mass/gravity doesn't work in the dense state. Gravity fails and the big crunch subsequently fails, releasing energy in its dense state, compressed to the maximum energy density possible at the moment of release.

The onset of the dense state requires a particular extremely high energy density that can only be achieved when the equivalent of a whole arena of matter and energy enters the big crunch. This is a tiny amount of the total matter/energy of the greater universe, but it is equal to the total matter/energy of our observable expanding universe (an arena) all crunched up into the dense state of energy inside the big crunch.

Now here is the important premise in regard to how matter can be stable particles throughout a wide range of energy densities and yet fail as matter/energy crosses the threshold into the dense state. Matter always forms from energy that has been compressed into the dense state. Matter does not form from energy that has expanded to the equilibrium state of energy (de Sitter space if you think in those terms). Gravity does not allow matter to expand to equilibrium because the average energy density of the universe is too high to allow expansion to continue until the equilibrium state is achieved. The high average energy density of the greater universe assures the eventual merging and mingling of galactic remnants formed in separate arenas during expansion from the dense state. So dense state energy expands, matter forms and exists until it is captured in the core of a subsequent big crunch.

To the point, matter always forms during the declining energy density of the dense state. When matter forms, the energy density is so high still that the first matter to form is so close together that the gravity that begins when mass forms is strong enough to make adjacent initial energy quanta to have individual momentum relative to every adjacent quanta.

The quanta are not fixed particles but are convergences of high energy density spots within the expanding dense state energy. The spot is very temporary and very instantaneous but there is momentum created during the instant that the high density spot exists. The momentum causes the energy that occupied the temporary instantaneous high density spot to move toward its nearest adjacent neighboring quanta which is just as instantaneous and temporary.

The two patches of energy from the high density spots have themselves expanded and where they overlap a new high density spot forms in the space that was between them when they were individual high density spots.

The new spot has some energy from each of the former spots and the focus of the new high density spot is between the two former spots. This process is called quantum action.

Quantum action typifies the entire energy environment as the energy from the dense state emerges from the big crunch. Quanta clump together, form new quanta, and the individual quanta always stay in quantum increments but group into swirling masses of individual quanta that begin working together as a particle. Particles interact as a result of their own gravity and momentum and move in patterned ways relative to each other. Charge develops from the relative motion as energy differentials grow to physical limits determined by the amount of space available and the momentum and synchronization of the particles as they form. Formed particles lock in their own space and become stable.

Expansion is rapid at this time because of the huge simultaneous release of the potential energy forced into the dense state inside the big crunch. The clumping slows as particles lock in their own space but gravity still overcomes expansion and clumping of particles continues throughout the formation of stars and galaxies. Finally expansion over rules gravity and the galaxies all move away from each other as they move toward their future rendezvous in the greater universe.

I hope you can get a glimpse of how things would progress as matter forms from energy released in its dense state from a big crunch because I have already taken up too much space in your thread for one post.
Saxion, the most important key to Quantum Wave Cosmology is the first and second laws of thermodynamics and the concept of energy density thresholds.

Sorry about the specific focus of "thresholds" link but just remember, energy density has ranges within which matter can function, and beyond which matter cannot function. The universe is capable of producing energy environments that carry matter across that threshold. The matter is converted to energy in the "dense" state. One characteristic of energy in the dense state is that it is potential energy. If allowed to expand, matter forms from it but it is newly formed matter, not just the old matter with space returned to it. It takes a big crunch to create the energy in the dense state.

Matter has to establish it own space as it forms after the dense state threshold is reached, i.e. protons cannot be created directly from potential energy of the dense state simply by adding space (not like instant coffee just needs hot water :)).

Energy quanta need to establish enough space to cause quantum action, quantum action needs to establish mass and gravity, gravity needs to establish momentum between newly formed quanta, momentum between quanta needs to become well established into particle sized patches of energy density, i.e. proto particles, and proto particles need to become synchronized and limited in relative motions within limited space as expansion proceeds in order to from charged particles, charged particles are required for photon emissions which carry energy across space, heat requires electromagnetic or thermal radiation, etc.

You won't understand QWC if you don't use those keys. There is math but it is relatively simple math related to spheres, force, motion, acceleration, expansion, magnatism, electricity, energy density, etc. Math is not the big hurdle that it is in string theory for example. No added dimentions or coupled spacetime (3,1), no quantum foam, or folded space time manifolds :), just the easy classical physics math IHMO.
Burn this thread down!
Try reason. That is the best way to overcome those things that you "know" are just wrong. Hand waving and thread burning won't work. Start with something in the thread, show how is wrong or how it can't be right.

"When the sphere translates, so does the plane. Raising the sphere gives dilation. Spin the sphere like a top, and the plane rotates. Rotation about a horizontal axis corresponds to inversion. Even the most complicated Moebius transformations are revealed to be simple motions of the sphere. " D. Arnold and J. Rogness.

Do you like Escher? Watch this for a few minutes before you burn this thread :).

I kinda like this one.
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Burn Cheskichips the unbeliever.

No seriously please dont derail this thread , I enjoy Quantum Wave's theories on QWC.
Keep up the good work Quantum Wave.
Burn Cheskichips the unbeliever.

No seriously please don't derail this thread , I enjoy Quantum Wave's theories on QWC.
Keep up the good work Quantum Wave.
Why thank you Harro :eek:.

Cosmology says what the cosmologist thinks the universe is. A very elegant solution to the nature of the universe is conveyed to you in Quantum Wave Cosmology. The elegance lies in the proposed nature of the infinitesimal force of quantum action and the nearly unimaginable force displayed by the burst of a big crunch. The two events represent the tiniest and the largest meaningful events in the cosmos and together they represent the lower and higher levels of order that characterize the greater universe. These two events have striking similarities in spite of being at opposite ends of the size scale of meaningful events. This similarity allows us to combine what we understand about each end of the scale to help better understand what might be going on at the opposite end of the scale and in between. Quantum action at the infinitesimal level of order differs from the burst of a big crunch at the macro level in terms of the scale of the two events, but otherwise the similarities are notable.

Quantum Wave Cosmology speaks about my view of the history, the landscape, the mechanisms, the thresholds and limits of the greater universe.

The history of the universe is best characterized by saying that it has always existed, it has always been homogeneous and isotropic, and it is constantly changing and yet always looks essentially the same on a grand scale. It is filled with arenas like our expanding observable arena which are common but temporary energy density fluctuations that are always occurring naturally and similarly throughout endless space.

The landscape of our observable finite arena is currently one of expansion; it expands into the infinite greater universe as its high energy density equalizes with the lower average energy density of that greater universe. As it expands matter forms within it from energy in the “dense” state, i.e. a large but finite volume of high energy density released from the core of a big crunch. Mass, particles, stars and galaxies form during expansion and are released with momentum into the greater universe when equalization is complete. In my view the process of big crunch formation and the expansion of the energy released from them could span trillions of years from start to finish.

The landscape of the greater universe is filled with a potentially infinite number of arenas like our own in various stages of formation and expansion. The formation of arenas occurs when the galactic remnants of an endless history of arenas mix and merge. Gravity is the stronger force once expansion has played out, and the influence of gravity overcomes the momentum of the galactic remnants causing them to collapse and form big crunches. All big crunches reach a finite limit of energy density and burst into expansion, form galaxies, and eventually expand and play out as their energy density equalizes with that of the greater universe.

There are many mechanisms that are characteristic of each arena and various thresholds and energy density limits that orchestrate and control the homogeneity of the greater universe. The most pervasive mechanism is the aether, an energy background that fills all space and leaves no voids. This is the medium across which gravity and electromagnetic radiation are transmitted at the speed of light.

All points in the aether have energy density, and there is a maximum and minimum threshold of energy density that allow for a wide range in which matter can exist and function. There is an energy density threshold above which matter cannot function and that is at the core of a big crunch. Mass and gravity function simultaneously and when matter cannot function at the core of a big crunch, gravity ceases to function as well. The failure of gravity causes the failure of the containment of energy within the big crunch and a finite ball of the highest possible energy density is released by the burst of each big crunch into an expansion phase.

Energy quantization, quantum action, quantum waves, formation of mass in quantum increments, gravity waves emitted by mass, the formation of particles, the emergence of electrical charge among particles, the emission of electromagnetic radiation, the conservation of expansion momentum, the formation of stars and galaxies, the momentum of galaxies, and the equalization of energy density with the energy density of the greater universe are all characteristics of the expansion phase of an arena.

Out in the greater universe the mixing and merging of galactic remnants from a history of completed arenas is always occurring. The collapse of this mix of galactic remnants into big crunches, and the bursts of big crunches into expanding balls of high energy density rounds out the arena process.

In my opinion the aspects of Quantum Wave Cosmology are consistent with current observations and together all of the aspects of QWC go further to describe the universe in understandable language than the currently accepted standard cosmology. Big Bang theory doesn’t address the history, the cause of expansion, the cause of mass, the causes of gravity, or the landscape of the greater universe beyond our expanding observable arena.

That is why I bring you Quantum Wave Cosmology to describe the infinite spongy universe.
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Oblivion is avoided
QW said:
… A very elegant solution to the nature of the universe is conveyed to you in Quantum Wave Cosmology. The elegance lies in the proposed nature of the infinitesimal force of quantum action and the nearly unimaginable force displayed by the burst of a big crunch. The two events represent the tiniest and the largest meaningful events in the cosmos and together they represent the lower and higher levels of order that characterize the greater universe. These two events have striking similarities … [that] allow us to combine what we understand about each end of the scale to help better understand … the opposite end of the scale … . Quantum action at the infinitesimal level of order differs from the burst of a big crunch at the macro level in terms of the scale of the two events, but otherwise the similarities are notable.

I haven’t made my point have I?

Useful energy is useful because it is capable of exerting a force that causes something to happen that we often refer to as work.

If there is one fundamental force in the universe, all force that is exerted can be traced back to the fundamental force.


Quantum action is that force and it causes mass and concentrates energy density into mass

Quantum action within mass causes gravity to be emanated from mass as quantum waves

Gravity causes momentum and particles that form during expansion have initial separation momentum

Mass, gravity and momentum orchestrate particle formation and both motion of particles and relative momentum between particles works to cause electrical charges that help orchestrate the storage and transfer of energy

Electromagnetic radiation and absorption is a means of energy transfer between particles

Gravity, momentum and electromagnetic radiation contribute to the formation of stars

As stars group into galaxies, the momentum of the particles is conserved and the relative motion of galaxies reflects that separation momentum

All of the matter in the stars and galaxies is composed of energy quanta and quantum action is continually occurring within all mass

Whenever quantum action is occurring in mass, mass has and exerts gravity

Expansion momentum gets stronger than gravity as the distance between galaxies increases and the galaxies spread out into the greater universe

In Big Bang Theory this is called a Big Rip and marks the point of no return for the recapture of energy that has now been spent to form and move galaxies into this eternal expansion

In BBT complete entropy ensues and the result is called the Heat Death of the universe

In QWC that Big Rip is avoided because the arena that sends its galaxies into Big Rip oblivion is only one of a potentially infinite number of similar arenas

Oblivion is avoided:

In the greater universe the expanding energy density of arenas is equalized with the energy density of other completed arenas in an environment with winding and circling corridors of energy density continuity, i.e. the equalized background energy density of the greater universe

Galactic remnants, still full of quantum action and still emanating quantum waves of gravity, mix and mingle in those corridors to form swirling and mixing arenas

Gravity is back in charge of the relative motion of mass and the expansion momentum of galaxies is reduced while the gravitational attraction between them increases in their newly forming arenas

New big crunches form from the galactic remnants

The energy density in newly forming arenas begins to increase relative to the equalized energy density of the greater universe

As each big crunch develops its internal continuity a core of growing energy density forms

The energy density in this core rises exponentially as the big crunch grows

There is a threshold where the limit of energy density that can host matter is crossed and matter can no longer function

The force of quantum action requires a particular relationship between energy quanta and the aether (energy background of the universe)

When the energy density in the core of a big crunch crosses the threshold where matter cannot function that means that the required relationship between energy quanta and aether space has been crossed and there isn’t enough aether space within the mass to allow quantum action to take place

The energy that was working within mass is now compressed by the extreme gravitational force of the big crunch to the point that the energy is locked due to lack of sufficient space to properly function

Locked energy is energy that was negated from mass and converted to energy in the dense state

Energy in the dense state is potentially useful energy but it requires additional aether space to be useful again

The exponential growth of the volume of the locked core spells the defeat of the ability of the big crunch to maintain the gravitational compression of the core

The big crunch bursts and the locked core is bathed with aether space as it begins the arena expansion phase

Quantum action soon begins

Quantum action is the fundamental force and it causes mass and converts energy from the dense state into mass

As matter forms it is has gravity which is emitted from mass in the form of quantum waves that occur when quantum action is functioning

The process of arena mechanics described here is how the Big Rip is avoided and how Quantum Wave Cosmology can work perpetually

I see the greater universe and the formation and disbursal of big crunches to be notably similar to the overlapping of quantum waves which form high density spots as the waves converge

A high density spot at the quantum level would equate to the formation of a big crunch at the arena level

That is why I call QWC elegant.
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QWC Q and A request and wrap up of QWC 101

In QWC matter formed during the expansion of our arena and after the expansion began as opposed to existing from the very start.

There is a big difference between energy in the dense state of QWC vs. all matter within a zero volume infinitely dense point space of General Relativity. I know that some of you are thinking that GR does not say there was such a infinitely dense point space but you are not able to say what other options are available in the General Theory of Relativity because there are no options actually mentioned. We have to decide what GR implies about t=o since it starts at approximately t=10^-47 at which time the universe was measured in the Planck regime.

The Higgs boson and the Higgs field exist only at extremely high energy density. In BBT it emerges from the infinitely dense point space and exists momentarily during the very early expansion within the first second and then is gone. It leaves behind the constituents of all matter in the observable universe that emerge from the Higgs field. Matter as we know it with the fundamental particles of standard particle theory, with charged particles, with absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation, with various forces and force carriers followed in a process called Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. Once nucleosynthesis had progressed sufficiently, photons that existed from the hot high radiation at the beginning could be absorbed and re-emitted by electrons. This event in the BBT time-line marks the formation of the CMBR. This background radiation is a remnant of that thermalized black body energy environment that was the universe itself at the point in time when matter “lighted up”.

In QWC the energy in the dense state forced its way out of the core of a big crunch by reducing the matter and gravity to potential energy and by overcoming the force of gravity that enabled the crunch to form. Energy in the dense state expanded spherically into space that had always existed and that was filled with the low energy density characteristic of the greater universe. In other words, the big crunch was surrounded by the greater universe. The CMBR that we observe in all directions is the natural state of the surrounding energy density within which the big burst occurred and didn’t need to be generated solely from within the expanding dense state energy.

As the energy in the dense state expanded, sufficient space was encompassed from the surrounding greater universe to allow energy quanta to form from the dense state energy. QWC nucleosynthesis is a sequence of events that starts with energy too dense to allow matter or gravity to exist within it. As aether space is merged with the expanding energy, quantum action begins. Quantum action at that early stage creates a field of energy that contains energy quanta. This field is composed of aether space from outside the big crunch and dense energy that emerged from the big crunch and began to expand.

QWC has the high ground at this point because the big crunch and the emergent dense state energy had physical dimensions sufficient to account for the subsequent formation of all the matter known in our expanding universe, including dark matter. It doesn’t have to ignore the question of an initial state or the question of what caused the expansion or how matter could exist at all without space, and doesn’t need the complicated theory of nucleosynthesis that has to casually connect matter and energy as we see it now to both the Higgs field and the CMBR.

QWC 101 as presented describes an overview of the mechanics of the universe. Advanced QWC addresses the development of consciousness and the importance of the quantum realm to life and consciousness. I would like to have a few people interested in the QWC 101 mechanics of the physical universe before moving to advanced QWC.

Does anybody understand QWC vs. BBT and GR? Is anyone out there who can think in terms of QWC? Does anybody want to discuss it beyond the normal hand waving and conventional wisdom against it? Is anyone willing to acknowledge that it is protoscience? Does anyone have any questions about QWC as presented so far? This is protoscience not pseudoscience and you are allowed to discuss it without a tinfoil hat :).
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I had a chance in this thread to discuss the cause of mass and gravity with a second year Astrophysics major. This thread should include those posts because we got into more detail.
First you have to know what causes mass. Without speculating, no one has the answer.

Pause ... someone will challenge that statement ...?

OK, let's say mass is composed of energy in quantum increments. What is a quantum of energy? A quantum is the tiniest natural increment of energy that can have a meaningful impact, i.e. a quantum of energy is necessary to affect mass.

The mass of a particle is maintained by a force. That force corresponds with the quantum of energy. The force would be quantum action, i.e. the process of establishing the presence of a quantum of energy in mass. In order for mass to continue to exist, quantum action must be continuous within mass.

So your idea of gravity being a little part of mass is right on target.

Gravity is emitted by mass as a bi-product of quantum action that maintains mass. Quantum action in mass produces quantum waves that have a trough and a peak. The trough is negative energy and the peak is positive energy. As those waves pass through mass, some of the positive energy of the wave is used to maintain the mass, while all of the negative energy passes out of mass as gravity. The greater the mass of the object, the more of the positive energy is contained to maintain mass and the greater the differential between the emitted negative energy and the emitted positive energy of the quantum waves.

The differential between the trough energy and the peak energy emitted from mass changes as the mass increases. Therefore the greater the mass, the greater the differential between the emanated trough and the emanated peak of the quantum waves. The greater the differential, the greater the gravitation force emitted.
goose said:
Beautifully said... and with my idea, i just take it a step further than that. Basically im saying that the through energy takes away from the mass that is being maintained by the peak energy... This would still make the wave equal on both sides, (Peak and Through would still be the same size), its just that the through energy "absorbs", (absorbs is a horrible word here, but oh well), some of the mass making it impossible to find and/or measure with the instruments that we have today.
I have no clue what kind of instruments or experiments that could be done to attempt to prove or disprove my theory... besides, this is just for fun thinking

Thanks, at least i know im on the right track somewhere, even if everyhting else it wrong ... ”

Remember that we are speculating and that if you are a student you would be expected to know current theory. My views are not current theory . I am way ahead .

But if you are thinking about this you are ahead too.

How can the trough of a quantum wave cause gravity? The answer is in the mechanics of quantum action.

The premise is that quantum waves are pervasive in space, all space including space occupied by mass and space between mass. Quantum waves are spherically expanding energy waves. They emanate from a high density spot that forms at the convergence of intersecting quantum waves. The energy contained in the convergence increases as the intersection of quantum waves proceeds as they expand spherically.

As soon as there is a quantum of energy in the convergence we have a "high density spot" formed at that instant in the space where the convergence exists.

At that very instant, the energy density of the spot is much higher than the energy density surrounding the spot. This low energy density is the reason that the quantum wave emanated by quantum action is negative energy. Here is how. The wave begins with the rush of energy surrounding the spot. The energy surrounding the spot rushes into the low energy density surrounding the spot creating a pull of the surrounding universe toward the spot. This pull is the trough of the quantum wave generated by the formation of the high density spot within mass.

The high density spot cannot exist for more than that instant because the quantum waves that intersected (overlapped) to force the convergence continue to expand and the spot of high energy density disburses itself in the form of positive energy which forms the peak of the quantum wave.

Within mass there is continual quantum action and high density spots are forming and bursting at all times within mass. Though the trough of the waves passes out of mass as the entire universe shifts toward the high density spot, the push of the peak of the quantum wave doesn't immediately follow the pull trough. Only the uncontained portion of the peak of the wave follows the trough. As the peak passes through the mass some of its energy is contained in subsequent high density spots and is therefore delayed relative to the trough.

The net energy of a quantum wave emanating from mass is the trough energy minus the peak energy.

If there was no containment of the positive energy, the net energy of the wave would be zero since the trough and the peak both are associated with the same quantum of energy. But since some the peak of the wave is delayed, the net energy emanating from mass becomes negative. Remember that the negative trough pulls the entire universe toward the mass.

The percentage of the peak energy of the quantum wave that is contained is directly related to the gravitation force emanating from the mass. The higher the mass, the higher the containment and the greater the delay of the push portion of the wave. The higher the containment, the greater the net pull force of the wave emanation. The greater the net pull force, the greater gravitational impact of the shift of the universe toward the mass.
goose said:
So, your basically saying here that as the "bubbles" converge, or overlap, more and more, the energy increases right?
Is this spot where they overlap, and only where they overlap... or can the high-density spots appear somewhere else??
I have never thought of gravity like this, but this makes perfect sense... the greater the mass, the greater the high density spot, the greater the pull, the greater the gravity ... ”

I can see you are beginning to get it. Let me correct you a little on the above:
The “bubbles” are not called bubbles. They are spherically expanding quantum waves, quantum waves for short and each expanding quantum wave contains a quantum of energy. As they expand spherically they intersect and each intersection is an overlap of spherically expanding quantum waves. Each spherically expanding wave still contains the original quantum of energy as the intersection begins.

They are not bubbles because that implies that as the waves expand spherically, there is an empty interior surrounded by an expanding balloon like surface and that implies that the surface is where the energy is. This is not correct. They expand as moving coordinate systems and the energy density remains distributed equally through the expanding sphere as the radius increases. Therefore as the expansion progresses the energy density of the spherical wave declines, but it declines in an equalized fashion throughout the sphere and is still equal to a quantum of energy. Each point within the sphere always has the same energy density as every other point and the density changes at the same rate throughout the entire expanding sphere.

Now for a discussion of the overlap. Where the quantum waves intersect the overlapping space is the convergence space. Let’s think about what the energy density is in the overlap space and how much of a whole quantum of energy occupies that convergence space. The simplest convergence is two overlapping spheres though in nature each convergence space involves many overlapping spheres. In the simple example the overlap of two intersecting spheres forms a 3-D lens shape. Study these links for some the math of convergences and of Wolfram's intersecting spheres.
And this link for how I developed the math.

Do you see that the convergence will contain a percentage of each overlapping sphere and that the energy density in the convergence space will be twice the average energy density of the two contributing spheres? This might take some time; ask questions if you don’t see it.

When the energy content of the overlap equals a quantum of energy, then the convergence becomes a high density spot. As soon as the high density spot forms it begins its own expansion into the lower energy density space that previously was occupied by the intersecting quantum waves from which the convergence formed.

There is one high density spot for each quantum action going on within mass and each quantum action represents one quantum energy increment of that mass. In any respectable mass there will be billions of quanta. The quantum action and quantum waves continually reform new high density spots that burst into new quantum waves. The mass is maintained by the repetitive quantum action within it.
“ So if there was a way to stop the quantum action... then you would basically have mass that didnt have gravity, but there would also be nothing to hold that mass together right??
And the negative is why it pulls other mass objects together, instead of repelling it right?? ”

Yes, that is right and it shows that you are getting a grasp of how mass exists and causes gravity. You are one of a few in the world that has that same understanding of my speculations. I assure you that the knowledge that you will gain from this will stay with you for your entire life. Don’t let this knowledge make you boastful or arrogant because science will not catch up for a long time and you will not be able to do much to bring about the change so do it patiently.
“ so many questions i have, but it will help if i perefctly understand it so i can adjust my theory to fit everything ... or realise that my theory in no way could work what-so-ever, which is probably the case ”

You are learning Quantum Wave Cosmology. Mass has gravity from the instant that mass forms, even if that mass is just a few coordinted quanta. Before you get excited remember that particles with mass also have other characteristics, electrical charges, and electrical and magnetic fields among many other characteristics. Quantum Wave Cosmology is consistent with all of the fundamental particles of the Standard Particle Model but you are far from understanding the knowledge void between QWC and particle physics. Learn what you can about QWC and if you can improve on it just keep me in the loop .
A couple of more posts from Goose's thread:
Originally Posted by goose
One question here... Can the quantum waves start off with different energies??... that is to say, can one start off with twice as much quantum energy as another??, or are they all equally starting out the same? or does it depend on the mass?? (so far, my thought is that they are the same, but i want to make sure, and the reason more massive objects are in fact more massive is because there is alot of quantum waves) ”

Your question encompasses the essence of the quantum structure of mass and gravity. I’m not a philosopher but this paragraph will run the risk of being called philosophical. It is self evident that mass exists. If mass and energy are equivalent then nature has a way of accounting for the energy content within mass. And the conservation of energy requires accounting for that exact precise amount of energy with zero tolerance for error. Further, the gravitational force associated with a given object is always directly related to that mass, no margin for error, every object of equal mass will have the same gravitational effect. In QWC that natural accounting for energy in mass, gravity associated with mass, and the equivalence between the mass and energy is accomplished via the energy quantum. Philosophically there is comforting feeling in QWC that there are no fundamental particles, only energy and force. From the QWC perspective the fundamental particles of the standard particle model are predicted to be composed of energy and force and yet in particle physics various fundamental particles and various forces are observed and/or predicted to exist with no explanation of how there can be no internal structure to a fundamental particle, i.e. fundamental particles in particle physics are not composed of energy but there is a force carrier for each particle that manages how particles combine and manage to work within mass. Equivalence gets very complicated in particle physics compared to QWC.

So the simple answer is that a quantum is always the same amount of energy and that amount of energy is determined by nature. It follows that the force associated with that exact amount of energy will always be the same, i.e. the force of quantum action that works with mass and gravity always produces a quantum wave with precisely a quantum of energy in the wave it produces. A lesser amount of energy would not produce quantum action but would just form and fade within the energy background. Remember that in QWC all space contains energy in the form of energy density and the background is always being “jostled” by the quantum waves that traverse it. Once a quantum wave is produced, it expands spherically forever, and as it expands its energy density decreases as its volume increases. This means that the energy background consists of innumerable quantum wave intersections and if you think about it, any given volume of space will contain portions of many different quantum waves in various stages of expansion. This condition is referred to as space being composed of tiny energy density fluctuations.

When the energy density in a given space is high enough, as in and around mass, then the size of the fluctuations can contain a quantum of energy but no more. They can’t contain more than a quantum because nature has determined that once a quantum of energy exists in a given fluctuation, that fluctuation bursts into expansion of its own. That means that a high density spot has formed and the energy in the spot equals a quantum. If the energy density of the environment is not high enough to produce fluctuations that contain a quantum of energy then no high density spots will form and mass will not be able to maintain itself or its precise gravity.

From that statement it follows that the energy density of the background might always be the same across great expanses of space so that when matter moves from one location to another location, the background energy will be able to accommodate it with the proper energy density to allow the mass to be maintained. The topic of the energy density of the background in an expanding universe is very interesting but not exactly on topic.
“ Ok, like a solid shere, where the inside has the same density and the surface... and as it expands, it would have the same effect as going further away from the sun... if you start at point "A", and you go twice as far from the sun, point "B", you have to square the area in order to get the same amount of energy as from distance "A", right? maybe not exactly square, and this is area and i know were talking about volume... but same basic idea ”
Yes. Here is a good link. and

Originally Posted by goose
“Of course, the average of two spheres density is them added and devided by 2... and if you put them together in the same spot, you have to do the exact same thing to get the density inside the convergence space... i get that part ...

This parts a little confusing... are you saying that when the energy inside the convergence space equals a certain amount of energy, called the quantum of energy, then it will begin its own expansion? Like the quantum of energy is a set value?
And once it begins its own expansion, it acts just like any other normal quantum wave, just with a much higher density, right? ”

Yes, each spherical quantum wave starts out at the average energy density of the waves that produce it times the number of waves that produce it. The more waves involved in the convergence, the higher the energy density of the high density spot relative to the energy density surrounding the spot if you follow that logic. A high density spot always contains a quantum of energy and any convergence that does not have a full quantum has not yet formed a high density spot and will not produce a quantum wave until it does. Once the convergence has a quantum of energy the spot will "burst" into spherical expansion and the radius will increase at the speed of light.
Originally Posted by goose
“Of course, as i said earlier, im only a sophmore in college... i got a long way to go ... and i will keep you updated if i learn anything, or have my own thoughts, questions, or anything else to do with Quantum Wave Cosmology ”

And I will continue to answer your questions so if you have any about this post send them back.
Originally Posted by Saxion
Certain waves have differential energies. This is how waves operate, because if they all had the same energies, all the waves in the universe would merge to form only one element. We call these periods the phases of waves, and they converge together to form decoherent states. ”

It is appropriate that you point out particle theory and QWC is consistent. There are various energy levels in photons with electric and magnetic components, transverse waves. There is a wave structure to the fundamental particles of the standard particle model. There are waves where frequency determines their energy. They are like you describe. But they are not quantum waves in the context of the protoscience of Quantum Wave Cosmology that Goose and I have been talking.

Quantum waves responsible for mass and gravity are as I have described them, i.e. ideas about the cause of mass and gravity and the composition of all mass. In QWC, charged particles evolve out of proto-particles when they develop positive and negative charges. They are still mass composed of energy in quantum increments but they acquire stability, charge, spin, etc. in addition to the simple energy quanta that represent the presence of energy in mass and that emanate from mass as gravity waves in QWC.

For example, in QWC, photons carry energy in quantum increments based on the energy level of the electron that emits them. The photon itself has the electrical and magnetic components imparted to them from their charged source. But the source itself must be composed of energy in quantum increments regardless of the type of fundamental particles. The propulsion of the photon at the speed of light is due to quantum action associated with the particles that emit them but at the instant of emission the transverse properties are imparted to them which distinguishes them from gravity waves IMHO.
A fourteen year old, BetrayerOfHope, was wondering about "dark flows" and we exchanged a few posts here in "questions about dark flows".

That thread gave me a good opportunity to show the link in QWC to dark energy and dark matter, as well as give a short but broad QWC overview of particles and of the Arena process, the arena landscape of the greater universe, and GUT right there in the Cosmology forum where I think discussion of QWC belongs. After all, it is protoscience not pseudoscience.

If the mods will permit it, I would like to start a Quantum Wave Cosmology thread over there or have this one moved out of pseudoscience and into the Cosmology forum, preferably the latter.

If the mods will permit it, I would like to start a Quantum Wave Cosmology thread over there or have this one moved out of pseudoscience and into the Cosmology forum, preferably the latter.
Here is the latest post on the new thread. It marks the completion of QWC idea development for the time being, though that is not to say that there won't be additional activity should anyone show any interest.

The ideas of Quantum Wave Cosmology have been developed in a step by step fashion using the macro and micro limits of current technology as the departure points. That means that at the quantum level in the field of quantum mechanics, particle physicists have developed a standard particle model, and at the macro level there is the standard cosmology which is Big Bang Theory with inflation (BBT). Those are the departure points from which QWC picks up.

The standard particle model identifies particles and forces and quantum mechanics deals with the math that defines how the particles and forces are quantified and interact to form the universe as we see it. The standard cosmology starts at 10^-43 seconds and describes exponential inflation, nucleosynthesis, expansion and accelerating expansion along with the math to explain the nature of spacetime and the effect of gravity.

At neither end of the spectrum of scientific endeavor do we have completion. We don’t know what causes mass or gravity in the quantum world and we don’t know what caused inflation, expansion, or accelerating expansion or where matter and energy originated.

QWC takes little steps from the departure points to encompass ideas that make the most sense. It is a joint effort of all of those who view it and it is those who view it that shape it and help make sense out of it. They have been doing so in various forums for several years. This is not to say that anyone who has contributed to it buys into it. But many by commenting in passing have caused added steps that helped moved the project along. It has moved far enough for me to say that QWC encompasses ideas that satisfactorily complete the cosmology at both ends of the spectrum of scale and it does so within the definition of protoscience.

If we could observe a quantum of energy and the force of quantum action that takes place to cause mass and gravity it would not appear as it really is because of the uncertainty principle. We cannot observe the realty at that level without changing it. But QWC encompasses the idea that mass is composed of energy in quantum increments, there are quantum waves that emerge from high density spots that burst and their energy expands spherically as co-moving coordinate systems until the waves intersect, overlap, form new high density spots, and those spots burst to continue the quantum action perpetually. Mass and gravity are the products of energy quanta and quantum action that takes place within and surrounded by an energy background.

If we could observe the greater universe beyond the 13.7 billion years since our "big bang", QWC encompasses the idea that we would see a finite arena that is expanding into a greater universe. And if we could see infinitely out into the greater universe it would look the same as the quantum world, only on a higher level of order. Big crunches are the same as high density spots, Big Bangs are the same as the burst of high density spots, and inflation and expansion of arenas as co-moving coordinate systems are the same as the spherical expansion of the quantum energy waves that emerge from the bursts of a high density spots. Arenas intersect and overlap to form new big crunches which in turn burst to continue the arena process perpetually.

There are two levels of order that can only be distinguished from each other by the difference in the length of time it takes their respective actions to take place and the difference in scale between them. The thresholds and limits of energy density have their counterparts at each level of order and the energy to matter to energy process plays out through quantum action at the infinitesimal level and through the formation and burst of big crunches at the level of the greater universe. The process at each level serves to defeat entropy and enable a perpetual quantum world and a perpetual arena filled universe.

And this arrangement benefits life which is undaunted by it all. Life and consciousness is characteristic of the arena process that is enabled by the quantum nature of the universe. Because of the generative and evolvative nature of life, consciousness will always have a home within the arena process in Quantum Wave Cosmology.