Mass *has* gravity

But i do know a lot.
This isn't what your posts suggests, certainly if "a lot" is to include high school calculus. Having just read through a few of your posts, it seems you put yourself in these kind of situations quite a lot.

I think you are dishonest.
He tends to floute about calling people liars, because the word sounds good. I just had to be on this site for two seconds, and he's already calling other people liars, namely BillyT.
You : You lie about your education, your knowledge, your abilities, your 'research' and you 'quote' famous people without justification. Lies about what other people have said.

Walter : Misrepresents himself and lies about having working knowledge of relativity.

Paul Dixon : Lies about being nominated for the Nobel Prize in physics. Certainly misrepresents himself.

Wanchung : Misrepresents himself, is actually doing biology.

Precursor : Lies about having read textbooks. Same goes for StevenA.

Mike : Lies about what other people have supposedly said.

Kaneda : Repeatedly lies about what I have or haven't said to him.

All of those have evidence to support them. So it's not paranoia, it's the fact that cranks lie about themselves and their work.
Why are you trying to lie to everyone? I said, my teacher informs
us of different area's of physics which involves particular math. It actually helps us understand how much in use a particular mass is.
I am not lying. You have said, in posts and PMs, the following :

You haven't done maths in a long while. You are 'rusty' at it
You, however, claim to have spent the last 3 years researching quantum field theory (yet QFT is highly mathematical).
You claim to be competant/educated in vector calculus, quantum mechanics, group theory, special relativity and general relativity. You have proven the opposite.
You claim you were 'accidentally' put in a class which would have to be about 8 years ahead of what your stated place in education actually is.
The topics you posted here are pre-university level material, yet the equations and concepts here you claim you've been taught is about the laws of black hole mechanics, a postgraduate topic at any university. Similarly, you claim to be doing 'curvature' but you cannot even write down the geodesic equation properly!
You claim to be looking into quantum mechanics and consciousness, yet you don't have a working understanding of quantum mechanics.
The equations you post and have PM'd me involve tensor calculus, which is beyond vector calculus, which is undergraduate material, which is beyond your current place in education.
You claim to be researching quantum field theory, but you don't know any. Researching quantum field theory is beyond undergraduate material too but all the sources of information you ever provide are pop science books.

Shall I continue?
Never have i said to you, that the work i was doing was more advanced than cambridge. This is a lie you have planted in your dense skull.
The link I just provided is stuff covered in the Cambridge 4th year. See Chapter 7.

Can you explain why you're being taught such material at a level of education below university?
I have to deal enough of his tiresome 'paranoia's.'
You post nonsense. I correct nonsense. You whine about it, something threaten to leave. You don't leave. Repeat indefinitely.
I consider this thread to have a topic and I have remained pretty true to that topic.

Can I ask everyone to take the off topic conversation elsewhere?

The concept of quantization can be applied to anything that takes on discrete numerical values in spite of the fact that they exist at a level of wave interaction that uses measures smaller than the Planck Constant.

Here in the Pseudoscience forum I have predicted that an energy background exists and serves as the source of spherical waves and wave actions that combine to form matter and cause gravity. I have predicted that background would be quantized. That means that the magnitude of wave interactions and measurement can take on only certain discrete numerical values, rather than any value, at least within a range. The range I am dealing with is smaller than the Planck constant used to describe the quantum world of Planck and particle physic.

In the pseudoscience of QWC all of the fundamental particles of the particle model are composed of quantum waves and quantum action that deal with quantization of the energy in the energy background. The quantum in QWC (Quantum Wave Cosmology described in my thread) is a different usage of the terms quantum and quanta than many are familiar with.

They are not electromagnetic, they have no charge, they are not photons, and they are not the discrete increments that Planck discovered to explain the observed characteristics of electromagnetic radiation. However they are predicted to be quantized, and referred to by the terms quantum and quanta just like any other quantized measure.

The waves and wave actions that I am dealing with are referred to as quantum waves and the action that produces them is referred to as quantum action.

What I am getting at is that mass is composed of energy, and that energy is in quantum increments. The measure of the energy in mass is the quantum in QWC. That makes it a unit of measure that is not used in mainstream physics but is used in pseudoscience. If there is a background and if matter really is made up of energy in quantum increments, this unit of measure will be necessary.

Equivalence is commonly accepted as in $$e=mc^2$$. Fundamental particles are thought to be the composition of matter in current quantum physics.

I'm just sayin' ... fundamental particles are composed of energy in quantum increments smaller than the Planck regime. This is pseudoscience until it is embraced by the mainstream. I predict it will occur, maybe when the LHC starts producing meaningful data.

The measures in QWC will include a unit of energy in place of the Joule and a unit of force in place of the Newton. The basic physics we learn in school will still work with these new units. Mass will be measured in something akin to the quantum I discuss. Weight will still be mass times acceleration. Kilograms and units of weight and mass will be remain but new units of measure will be added to the jargon.

I am making an attempt to define a couple of new units of measure so that QWC can be described mathematically. We don't know yet the range of these measures and most pseudoscience discussions include estimates to put the predicted scale into perspective. If that perspective is challenged there is no defense. An exchange of posts in my Pseudoscience QWC thread is an example of how pseudoscience practitioners are challenged as if even a figure offered for talking purposes was unacceptable.

I'm thinking of changing the name I gave to the unit of energy. Qwac is funny and draws attention, but in practice I am thinking Qwe and Qwf. Qwe is a unit of energy equal to the energy of a QWC quantum, and Qwf is a unit of force. The length of time for a quantum action would require a measure as well, which might be called ... Sqwat, ... no just kidding :), I'll come up with something.

So mass is composed of quanta, and the force of a quantum is a Qwf, and the energy of mass is measured in Qwe. Nothing confusing about that ... . So far I haven't got Sqwat :D.
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Qwes and Qwfs:

I think I will change the name of the energy unit that I have been describing as “quantum” and “quanta” in QWC. Maybe “qwantum and qwanta” will bring attention to this use of quantization.

The Qwe is a unit of energy. It is stated in a format similar to Joules except the kilogram is replaced with the qwantum. Qwe equals one qwantum of mass per meter squared per second squared.

The Qwf is a unit of force. It is stated in a format similar to a Newton which is the force need to move one kilogram one meter per second squared, except the kilogram is replaced with the qwantum. One Qwf is the force required to move one qwantum (Qwe) one meter per second squared.

The Qwe is also called a Qwf-metre like the Joule is called Newton-metre.

I am working on a unit of time that will apply uniquely to the qwe and qwf. When I figure out some of the implications of such a unit it may be used in place of the second as a fractional second or in place of Planck time.

Similarly I am working on a unit of distance that better applies to the qwantum and qwanta. When I get that done it may be used in place of the meter in defining the qwe and qwf and in place of Planck length for QWC math.

Then since those measures will have no real values from observations or evidence, I will assign temporary values based on the perspective that QWC Pseudoscience took when defining them. Such values will be for talking purposes and to put the predicted measures into perspective with the mainstream measures.
Oh, I can't do it. Qwanta and qwantum just don't work. To cutesie for a cosmology that I believe is reasonable and responsible. I'm sticking with quantum and quanta. Any confusion with electromagnitism and photon energies isn't a problem to anyone who has learned QWC.
How do you know if you have learned QWC?

It doesn't mean you believe it, but to know what it predicts you should know that QWC is just energy. This list is an explanation of Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC) in a series of sentences that all begin with the word “energy”. There is a great deal more detail to QWC but this list doesn’t dwell on the minute detail but presents an overview of the QWC scenario. QWC is pseudoscience and though it claims to make a series of reasonable and responsible predictions, they are speculation and there is no new or specific evidence to make this cosmology specifically more likely than any other cosmology. But it is my cosmology and I share it. I hope you like it enough to discuss it.

QWC is energy:

Energy is the only commodity in the universe

Energy that exists has always existed

Energy at any point in space has energy density

Energy is infinitely fine, i.e. there is no space that does not contain energy

Energy density determines thresholds that control matter

Energy equilibrium is the lowest energy density threshold and no matter exists at equilibrium or below

Energy equilibrium is fully equalized energy density with no fluctuations

Energy density fluctuates when the energy density is above the equilibrium threshold

Energy density fluctuations become more frequent and intense as the energy density increases

Energy density above equilibrium and below the quantum threshold is referred to as the energy background of the universe

Energy density above the quantum threshold but below the matter formation threshold forms energy quanta and quantum action but no matter

Energy density fluctuations become quantized when the density is above the quantum threshold

Energy quanta cause quantum action that initiates quantum waves

Energy quanta and quantum action involves overlapping of expanding spherical waves that intersect and when the overlap equals a quantum of energy from the contributing waves a quantum action takes place and a new quantum wave is generated

Energy quanta standout from the energy background

Energy in quantum waves expands spherically across the energy background and perpetuates energy density fluctuations in the background

Energy density above the matter formation threshold causes matter to form in quantum increments

Energy has a universal average energy density threshold and matter maintains a constant relationship to the energy at that threshold so that matter and energy are constantly in balance across the greater universe

Energy quanta form mass by grouping together and perpetuating internal quantum action and quantum waves

Energy in the form of quantum waves has an expanding spherical wave structure consisting of a leading trough of low energy density followed by a trailing crest of high energy density

Energy in the form of quantum waves inside mass provides energy for internal quantum action which delays a portion of the high energy crest of the internal quantum waves.

Energy that is delayed by quantum action is referred to as containment of the positive energy of the quantum wave

Energy in the negative leading trough of the quantum wave is not delayed by quantum action but simply jostles surrounding energy density fluctuations and stimulates quantum action as the high energy crest passes

Energy containment results in a net negative energy emanating from mass that causes gravity

Energy in the form of the net negative quantum wave emanations of gravity obeys the inverse square rule

Energy density occupying an arena of space that is at the average energy density of the greater universe can host matter in a non-expansionary environment

Energy density occupying an arena of space that is above the average energy density of the greater universe will experience expansion until the energy density equalizes with the energy density of the greater universe

Energy in the form of matter in the non-expansionary environment of the greater universe will be controlled by gravity and will mix and merge into arenas with a common center of gravity

Energy in the form of matter in an arena with a common center of gravity will collapse toward that center of gravity over time

Energy in the form of matter in a collapsing arena will accumulate around the center of gravity as a big crunch forms

Energy in the form of matter in a big crunch will experience increasing energy density due to compression caused by the gravity of the big crunch

Energy in the form of matter and chaotic electromagnetic radiation are compressed at the core of a big crunch as the energy density approaches the last threshold called critical capacity

Energy in the form of matter ceases to function at the critical capacity threshold

Energy density at critical capacity at the core of a big crunch negates matter by locking quantum action

Energy in the form of quantum waves cannot be produced when quantum action is halted

Energy collapses to the maximum possible energy density in the negated core of a big crunch when quantum action is halted

Energy stops emanating from mass at the critical capacity threshold when matter ceases to function, halting the net negative quantum waves that cause gravity and thus halting gravity at the core of the big crunch

Energy locked in the core of a big crunch is called potential expansion energy

Energy contained in a big crunch that has reached critical capacity is equivalent to the total energy content of our currently expanding arena which we call the known universe

Energy contained in a big crunch in its final stages represents the maximum overlapping of energy density fluctuations that occur at quantum wave intersections and when the potential expansion energy exceeds the final gravitational containment of the big crunch a big burst occurs

Energy density surrounding a big crunch as the final gravitational energy is spent is at the universal average energy density of the greater universe and the energy density of the crunch is at the maximum possible energy density

Energy density in the form of potential expansion energy is released when the big burst occurs

Energy density equalization immediately begins as the maximum energy density released by the big burst and the much lower average universal energy density surrounding the burst begin to equalize

Energy overlapping from the burst with the surrounding energy density of the greater universe puts the arena into the expansion mode

Energy density equalizes and decreases to below the critical capacity threshold but must equalize and decrease further to reach the upper matter formation threshold before matter formation begins in the expanding arena

Energy density in the expanding arena begins to form quanta and quantum action begins below that threshold

Energy density at the upper end of the matter formation range produces quantum action in abundance and matter forms abundantly

Energy in the form of matter that forms abundantly at this high energy density has initial momentum imparted to it from the expansion of the energy density in the arena within which the matter forms

Energy that takes the form of mass in this expanding environment is made up of energy quanta and quantum action takes place within the mass

Energy within mass that produces quantum action also causes gravity and so gravity is functioning as soon as mass forms

Energy in the form on net negative quantum wave emanations from mass causes local grouping of mass within the expanding arena

Energy in the form of mass that groups within the expanding arena forms stars because the gravitation force allows star structure while gravity locally exceeds expansion momentum

Energy in the form of mass that forms stars will then form galaxies during this still early phase of expansion while gravity still exceeds expansion momentum

Energy in the form of galaxies will obey the inverse square rule of gravity and the gravitational attraction between galaxies will finally fail to overcome the expansion momentum and thus the galaxies will all be moving away from each other

Energy in the form of expansion momentum of the galaxies will continue to exceed the gravitational attraction between galaxies and the rate of separation between galaxies will accelerate

Energy denisty in the arena of galaxies that are separating at an accelerating rate will eventually become equalized with the average energy density of the greater universe

Energy density occupying an arena of space that is at the average energy density of the greater universe can host matter in a non-expansionary environment

Energy in the form of galaxies that have been disbursed by an expanding arena that has played out and has become equalized with the greater universe will encounter the galactic remnants of a long history of similar arenas that have also played out through formation, crunch/bursts, expansion, galaxy formation and disbursal into the non-expanding energy density environment of the greater universe

Energy in the form of matter in the non-expansionary environment of the greater universe will be controlled by gravity and will mix and merge into arenas with a common center of gravity

Energy in the form of matter in an arena with a common center of gravity will collapse toward that center of gravity over time

Energy in the form of matter in a collapsing arena will accumulate around the center of gravity as a big crunch forms

Energy in QWC is potentially infinite and matter is potentially infinite and there are a potentially infinite number of arenas playing out across the potentially infinite greater universe at any given time

Energy in QWC in the form of the energy-to matter-to energy process that is controlled by energy density thresholds plus the limit of energy density called critical capacity prevents the entire greater universe from collapsing into one ultimate and final big crunch

Energy equilibrium which would produce complete entropy is thus defeated by QWC.
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This post introduced a list of sentences all starting with the word “energy” which taken together give an overview of Quantum Wave Cosmology (QWC).

This post is the first in a group of post intended to expand upon the individual “energy” statements from that referenced post. There is still more detail to QWC but these expanded explanations lead deeper into the supporting rationale.

Disclaimer: QWC is pseudoscience and though it claims to make a series of reasonable and responsible predictions, they are speculation and there is no new or specific evidence to make this cosmology more likely than any other cosmology. QWC describes the cause of mass and gravity, dark energy, dark matter, the cause of the big bang, the cause of expansion and accelerating expansion, and defeats entropy by avoiding the fate or fates predicted by BBT. Like BBT, QWC is modified as new facts and evidence come to light, but QWC is also updated as a result of input from members of the community. I hope you like it enough to discuss it.

“Energy” statements from the referenced post are in bold.

QWC is energy:

Energy is the only commodity in the universe

If that is the case then the working definition of energy in QWC is this entire list.

Energy that exists has always existed

In QWC there was no beginning and time is infinite backward, but movement in time can only be forward. Time in QWC is a continuum. Any measure of actual time flow is a measure of time past because in order to be measured in some defined increment, there must be a start point and an end point for the measurement and both points must be passed by the forward movement of the actual time continuum in order to complete the measurement.

Energy at any point in space has energy density

This says that QWC is compatible with an energy continuum but to be more precise, QWC only requires that energy forms a continuous background for the transmission of quantum waves. If the true mature of the background allows empty space but still allows transmission of waves via free and continuous movement of some sort of discrete energy packets in response to the kind of quantum waves predicted by QWC, then QWC still works the same.

Energy is infinitely fine, i.e. there is no space that does not contain energy

Actually this is a position of convenience meaning that in QWC it is convenient to refer to energy as a continuum. That does not mean that QWC doesn’t work just the same if there is an energy increment at the infinitesimal level. Actually, if energy is all there is, and there is a small discrete quantum nature at that infinitesimal level then that would eliminate the “turtles all the way down” scenario this is possible if energy density is a continuum. Eliminating “turtles” would be less interesting but more marketable :). Also, QWC often refers to energy sub-quanta. If energy itself is quantized at the smallest level then those lowest order quanta would be the sub-quanta that compose the energy that stands out from the background as quantum increments in QWC. Mass would still be quantized and would then be said to consist of energy in discrete groupings of quanta, each grouping representing a quantum increment necessary to become a constituent of matter. Reality consisting of both an energy continuum and a time continuum adds a degree of mystery to QWC that leaves open many possibilities for idle speculation, but QWC doesn’t condone speculation that isn’t reasonable and responsible.

Energy density determines thresholds that control matter

Thresholds are an interesting element of QWC. A theoretical threshold that QWC avoids is the Equilibrium Threshold otherwise known as entropy where there are no density fluctuations.

A step up in energy density brings us to the quantum threshold where energy quanta first stand out from the background but are not frequent enough to maintain the quantum action necessary for mass to produce gravity.

The next energy density level is the theoretical lower matter formation threshold. I say theoretical because matter actually forms as energy density is decreasing from higher energy density thresholds but this lower level is useful in understanding QWC as long as the reader realizes that the sequence of events calls for abundant matter formation in expanding arenas and not in contracting arenas. Energy density declines in expanding arenas and increases in contracting arenas, but in QWC, by the time arena contraction begins, large scale structure of mass already exists in the form of galaxies.

Above the lower matter formation threshold comes the critical capacity threshold which marks the point where matter ceases to function and gravity is halted because quantum action begins to get “locked” and matter is negated at that threshold. This is actually the cause of the “big bang”, aka the big burst in QWC.

The next threshold is actually the big burst itself that marks the final capitulation of the big crunch and releases the locked quantum action that has potential expansion energy. That release is the cause of arena expansion.

The next threshold is the first of the decreasing energy density thresholds called the upper matter formation threshold. Matter forms abundantly below this threshold from the tightly packed quanta. It is at this point that matter gets initial momentum transferred to it from the expansion of the energy in the arena. All matter is moving away from all other matter as it forms in this stage, but the matter is so closely packed that the gravity exerted by mass is able to overcome the expansion momentum. The ability to overcome expansion momentum continues until galactic structure takes place because momentum is conserved.

Once the inverse square rules has caused the force of gravity between galaxies to diminish to the point that expansion momentum of the galaxies exceeds their gravitational attraction, the next decreasing energy density threshold begins. It is called the accelerating expansion threshold that marks the point where galactic momentum outstrips gravity between galaxies. This threshold marks the point that galaxies are on a path to become remnants of their arena and the arena is destined to play out.

As the energy density declines further, the last of the decreasing energy density thresholds occurs. It is called the equalization threshold (not to be confused with the equilibrium threshold). The arena has completely merged with the average energy density of the greater universe. At the equalization threshold, the QWC energy-to matter-to energy process has played out and the arena contents have been disbursed to become a part of the non-expansionary, gravity controlled greater universe where new arenas are born.

Energy equilibrium is the lowest energy density threshold and no matter would exists at equilibrium or below

This threshold is purely theoretical in QWC. It never occurs because it represents complete entropy. QWC defeats entropy because matter in QWC is potentially infinite and critical capacity of a big crunch makes arenas finite in content. In QWC there are a potentially infinite number of active arenas in the greater universe at any given time.

Energy equilibrium is fully equalized energy density with no fluctuations

The equilibrium threshold represents entropy at its best; no useful energy exits. Not only would there be no useful energy, but there would be no energy density fluctuations. QWC however is a cosmology that predicts that complete entropy will never occur because the average energy density of the greater universe is above the density that could ever reach equilibrium. This is because there is an infinite amount of energy and the average energy density is far above the equilibrium threshold. Therefore regardless of how the energy density is distributed, equilibrium cannot occur. In addition, in conjunction with QWC’s threshold of critical capacity, the “other” entropy that would occur if a final ultimate big crunch were possible is defeated. In QWC it is not possible for a final collapse of matter because when a big crunch reaches critical capacity it bursts into an expanding arena.
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Is energy the fundamental commodity in the universe?

There is much said and observed to support the equivalence of energy and matter. There isn’t any evidence that they are not equivalent that I can find Googling.

This e-book on Physical Geography includes the simple definition of energy and includes a suggestion by Einstein that it should be possible to transform energy to matter:

“Energy is defined simply by scientists as the capacity for doing work. Matter is the material (atoms and molecules) that constructs things on the Earth and in the Universe. Albert Einstein suggested early in this century that energy and matter are related to each other at the atomic level. Einstein theorized that it should be possible to convert matter into energy. From Einstein's theories, scientists were able to harness the energy of matter beginning in the 1940s through nuclear fission. The most spectacular example of this process is a nuclear explosion from an atomic bomb. A more peaceful example of our use of this fact of nature is the production of electricity from controlled fission reactions in nuclear reactors. Einstein also suggested that it should be possible to transform energy into matter.”

My question simply follows Einstein’s suggestion, if matter can be transformed to energy and if energy can be transformed to matter, wouldn’t it be true that matter is a form of energy and energy is the fundamental commodity in the universe? Does anyone disagree and why?
You : You lie about your education, your knowledge, your abilities, your 'research' and you 'quote' famous people without justification. Lies about what other people have said.

Walter : Misrepresents himself and lies about having working knowledge of relativity.

Paul Dixon : Lies about being nominated for the Nobel Prize in physics. Certainly misrepresents himself.

Wanchung : Misrepresents himself, is actually doing biology.

Precursor : Lies about having read textbooks. Same goes for StevenA.

Mike : Lies about what other people have supposedly said.

Kaneda : Repeatedly lies about what I have or haven't said to him.

Of course, all the rest of the world is wrong and AlphaNumeric is right. He has even convinced himself he is doing something original, which is as likely as a creationist getting the Noble prize. Poor, poor AN. :bawl:
Of course, all the rest of the world is wrong and AlphaNumeric is right. He has even convinced himself he is doing something original, which is as likely as a creationist getting the Noble prize. Poor, poor AN. :bawl:
Perhaps you missed this post, at least I hope that is the case.

Please take your off topic conversation elsewhere.

My question simply follows Einstein’s suggestion, if matter can be transformed to energy and if energy can be transformed to matter, wouldn’t it be true that matter is a form of energy and energy is the fundamental commodity in the universe? Does anyone disagree and why?
I posted a similar question in the P&M forum and BenTheMan pointed me to a similar thread. It turns out that 1) the phrase "fundamental" isn't well understood outside of the normal usage in particle physics where there are a variety of fundamental particles, and 2) "energy" being "fundamental" is a concept that is also outside of standard usage of the term energy and is thus confusing when used by non-professionals in any non-standard context.

I call it a "jargon" problem and the "jargon disadvantage" afflicts both the professional and non-professional alike. So on this thread, the best definition of "energy" in QWC is in this post.
I want to talk about the QWC idea of an origin of cosmic rays and gamma ray bursts.

First some perspective; take a sheet of paper and put a dot in the center, like a period.

Then think of that dot as our known universe as it is today, expanding somewhere in the greater universe.

Consider the rest of the paper to be a large swath of the greater universe. Scatter a few more dots around randomly toward the edges of the swath representing other arenas similar to our own that are expanding or contracting out there as predicted in QWC cosmology.

Then in the space around and between the dots draw a bunch of tiny little curlicues and swirls which represent the mixing and merging of galactic remnants from played out arenas that have not yet become part of new arenas.

In QWC these mixing and merging galaxies are characterized by occasional collisions between stars or stars and galactic black holes as the remnant galaxies rendevous and mingle out there in the greater universe.

Gamma bursts and cosmic rays emitted by these collisions would penetrate the expanding arenas like ours from all directions.
I post this question from time to time, “Do advocates of the standard model that implies ‘something from nothing’ ever address that implication? Can they explain how our expanding universe did not come from nothing, or even how it did come from nothing in their BBT cosmology?”

The resident SciForum mathematicians and physicists who advocate BBT and who refer to alternative cosmologies with scorn, are mute on that question. No one has ever given me an answer other than, “we don’t know”.

Cosmic Wave Cosmology has an arena landscape in a potentially infinite greater universe. It is characterized by energy that cannot be created or destroyed, and where matter is composed of energy in quantum increments. Finite arenas form from the galactic remnants of arenas that have played out, sending their galactic structures out to mix with the galactic remnants of other arenas that have also played out. The reverse entropy that perpetuates the energy to matter to energy process takes place in these arenas, as big crunches form out in the greater universe and then burst into new expanding arenas where new galaxies are re-formed from the energy released by each big crunch.
This post includes ideas posted elsewhere but with a few changes should really be part of this thread too, IMHO.

Many insist that BBT is a good model after the first picoseconds. But what would have had to "be" to cause the BB. When you think about it, almost any precondition would lead to an entirely different model to explain the universe.

There would have to be a cause of expansion. BBT doesn't address anything until after the BB so it ignores any possible cause.

Once we find ourselves in an expanding observable universe BB implies that it had a beginning from nothing and many of us don't buy that?

Let's say there was a cause and that cause was the burst of a big crunch. That means that there is a history before the BB. Given a big crunch that bursts, we automatically know something about that history that is not factored into BBT.

What we would then know is that expansion has not been going on in all places throughout all of the history of the universe and that at least in the vicinity of our own big crunch, there was space and time where something physically existed and it was not expanding.

A big crunch would have formed by the reverse of expansion, i.e. the collapse of matter and energy into the crunch.

So a simple "guess" (no evidence) about a precondition (a big crunch) raises the question about the extent of the universe and the ratio of matter to energy. Wouldn't we be able to "guess" that there was enough space and energy to support multiple arenas? Wouldn't we be able to "guess" that when crunches burst, eventually galaxies form from the expanding energy of the burst? Wouldn't we be able to "guess" that the galaxies from a history of multiple bursts would mix and merge out in the greater universe? And wouldn't we be able to guess that gravity would cause big crunches to form from that mixing and merging?

So the statement that there is no evidence does not mean that our current standard model is right and it doesn't mean that any preconditions to the BB have to be viewed as "fudging" the evidence. In fact the best ideas of what caused the big bang lead to a much different model and a multiple arena landscape seems to yield a model that looks much like the universe as we see it, even though we can see only from within our particular expanding arena.

The part that makes me go there is that we don't have to have a model that implies something from nothing.
That is where Quantum Wave Cosmology offers some detailed ideas that could explain how big crunches burst, and why each arena would be similar to all of the others.

This similarity takes QWC in a different direction from the multiverse theories and “many worlds” ideas. QWC also takes us in a different direction from string theory where there are infinite possibilities as to the physics that might apply determining the size, duration, and inflation characteristics of each multiverse.

In QWC, that is why I use the term arena. Each arena would have essentially the same amount of energy, would follow a similar path through the energy to matter to energy process, and would start and end in the same way via the same physics.

So a multiple arena model featuring mixing and merging galaxies from previously expanding arenas collapsing into big crunches brings up the need for some explanation of what cause a big crunch to burst. If each crunch bursts for the same reason, under the same internal pressures, with similar capacities of matter and energy then each expanding arena will follow a similar course.
So in QWC what does make a big crunch burst into expansion?


Mass has gravity. When mass is compressed to the point that it no longer functions as mass, gravity stops.

The energy that funded the mass and the gravity is locked up in the vault.

Potential energy stuck away in a safety deposit box like gold, accept a lot more dense ...

Cubic centimeter for cubic centimeter this locked energy reaches the maximum possible energy density. It just can't get denser than that. And that is not infinitely dense.
Thanks for all of you interesting comments :p.

Thoughts on the ether in QWC

A comparison of the energy background to the superseded scientific theory called the ether:

In QWC the ether cannot be detected because the background is associated with mass and gravity, and is “dragged” by mass.

The space surrounding mass is filled with energy density fluctuations that respond to mass, and that in turn are an extension of mass. Just as mass stands out from the background, the existence of mass depends on the energy background. The energy density fluctuations of the energy background have been described in detail earlier in QWC. To understand the comparison between the background and the ether you have to have a working knowledge of QWC (which only I have :), unless someone understands this thread and is still lurking).

The energy density fluctuations of the background are always changing in response to quantum waves. Quantum waves are emitted by mass as quantum action that emits quantum waves takes place within mass. Quantum waves are also emitted in the space surrounding mass as quantum action occurs in the energy background surrounding mass. Quantum waves that are emitted from within mass pass into the energy background surrounding that mass, and quantum waves that are emitted from and/or are carried to mass through the background pass into and through mass. Quantum waves from both sources participate in the containment of quantum action within mass that causes mass and gravity. Mass stands out from the background but is tied to and dependent on the background for its existence.

Photons have electromagnetic characteristics consisting of two component fields, electric fields and magnetic fields. The component wave structure is imparted to them by the electromagnetic nature of the electrons that emit them, but they also are created by energy quanta within the electron that emits them. A single photon consists of multiple quantum waves traversing the energy background as a multiple wave pattern with the electromagnetic characteristics of their transverse structure instead of as gravity waves with their own distinctive spherical trough/crest wave structure. Both travel through the background at the speed of light and both are the result of energy quanta participating in their emission from their source mass. Gravity waves cannot poloraized.

The ether that photon waves and gravity waves traverse in QWC is the energy background that is associated with the existence and the containment of mass and that is dragged by the movement of mass. Sense mass moves through the energy density of the background and drags the background with it, the background cannot be detected by light wave interferometry.
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I probably don’t need to point this out since I’m sure you have read and understood this whole thread, but in Quantum Wave Cosmology (modern ideas about the universe) the event that started the expansion of our observable universe was the burst of a big crunch. That is sort of like a Big Bang, accept in Big Bang Theory, they don’t say what caused the expansion to begin and they don’t say that there were any preconditions at all.

In fact, Big Bang Theory, correct me if I’m wrong, implies that there was nothing, no space or time before the Big Bang, and that the entire universe emerged from a zero volume, infinitely dense “point space”. (And they call QWC pseudoscience :shrug:)

In QWC a big crunch existed before expansion began, and the “burst” of the crunch started the expansion. The big burst occurred when the crunch reached an internal compression sufficient to force matter into a small enough space that mass could no longer function. In QWC, gravity is a function of mass and so gravity stopped working too. When gravity failed, the seeds of destruction of the crunch were sown and eventually the potential energy of the quantum action building up in the core of the big crunch exceeded the remaining compression of diminishing gravity, and the burst occurred.

In BBT, there is no mention of what caused the Big Bang and it is implied that everything came from nothing. If that was not true I would think someone would have corrected me by now because that has been one of the QWC ideas from the start and remains unchallenged.

The ideas of QWC mean that everything in the universe didn’t have to come out of nowhere or from nothing. This is a great feature of QWC because it allows for the conservation of energy, the conservation of momentum, and makes expansion and even accelerating expansion (referred to as dark energy) a matter of energy density equalization instead of inflation. Even though BBT can't claim any of these features that seem so basic, those QWC ideas also have gone unchallenged.

You'd think no one is reading this stuff, lol.

Inflation would have had to have been fueled from within the Big Bang itself. That means that the energy necessary to cause the superluminal (faster than the speed of light) inflation that created all that space in the first instant after the Big Bang would had to have come from nothing too.

QWC doesn't need exponential expansion because the thermalized cosmic microwave background is a standard feature of the greater universe that surrounded the big crunch when it formed and when the burst occurred. In BBT faster than light inflation had to have occurred in order for the casual connection between the Big Bang and the CMBR to make sense.

Study QWC because someday soon you may want to be able to talk authoritatively about it at cocktail parties :). You can even say you knew one of the guys who predicted it.
I want to include this post in my pseuodoscience thread so here is where it came from.

Well, there's yet anothe of your assumptions shot down in blazes - I spent a little over 45 minutes reading through the WHOLE thing. Including re-reading some parts because they were so poorly written and presented.

All I saw was really just a bunch of senseless rambling. Yes, you DO know a little about quantum physics - but VERY little. Your ideas came from your imagination only - there's nothing to base any of them upon.

And even after having waded through page after page of that "stuff", nowhere did I find what I asked you for originally. Namely:

Certainly 'heat death' of the universe is a theory - but it fits perfectly with all the observations we've ever made. Not even to mention established principles.

Do YOU have one that's more plausible? If so, please share it with us AND all the professional cosmologists and physicists in the whole world.

And be CERTAIN to include some solid observations that support your new, radical "theory". Just simply describing it would be worthless.

And I'll even be kind enough to change "theory" in that last sentence to "idea" because it actually is more fitting.

So... are you up to answering my questions without sending me off on another nearly hour-long wild goose chase for nothing????
I give you a lot of credit for what you just said and for giving my pseudoscience a 45 minute review like that.

I am disappointed that you didin't find my answer to the quesiton about BBT and the heat death theory. Strange as it may seem to you, I would agree with the idea of infinite expansion and the resulting complete entropy that it would mean. I did address that and I gave the reason that entropy will not become complete in QWC.

The reason that BBT says that entropy is not yet complete, i.e. has not happened yet is because it would take longer that 13.7 billion years for complete entropy to occur and so there just hasn't been enough time yet. I don't know how you would defend the idea that if there was a beginning that followed the scenario implied by BBT (a beginning that started the 13.7 billion year clock), then we have to conclude that something (everything) came from nothing or God did it.

That is the reason that in QWC, energy cannot be created or destroyed, (one of those basics that you insist others follow ... others except BBT I guess), and the energy of the greater universe has always existed and big crunches and big bursts have always been happening. Let's just agree to disagree.

My idea (that our arena is expanding from the burst of a big crunch) would end in a similar result as your heat death theory if I didn't add the idea that galactic remnants form past arenas mix and merge to form new big crunches. The process is ongoing in QWC, and so though a single arena would suffer heat death if nothing else is out there, multiple arenas would be renewed through reverse entropy, i.e. the collapse of matter and energy into new big crunches by sharing galactic remnants from a history of arenas that have played out across the landscape of the greater universe.

That way, we don't have to depend on such a short duration (13.7 billion years) because we have a potentially infinite number of arenas and each one would be 13.7 billion years old at some point in their lives before they play out.

However, when you say that "it fits perfectly with all the observations we've ever made", you imply something that the theory doesn't say. We, you and I (with my ideas) and all the theorists have no way of observing anything that says that our expanding universe is not an arena in a greater universe that has similar arenas throughout; some expanding and some contracting. That is an idea I put forth in the linked thread.

Nor is it possible to observe anything that confirms that the eventual heat death will occur. It is only theory for that reason.

Thank you for your time, no I don't have anything more I feel that it would be useful to link you too, and your criticisms about poor writing and nothing to support my "theory" shows that my ideas are not for you.

I acknowledge that you mention that even if you changed your question to use "ideas" instead of "theory" you would have the same objections to my "stuff".