
leopold99 said:
i am not saying marijuana is bad neildo.
as far as drugs go it's one of the mildest out there
thats why it leads to other drugs

You will have to explain that because I do not see the logic. Nor seems your statement backed up by actual studies. Or is it?
i am not saying marijuana is bad neildo.
as far as drugs go it's one of the mildest out there
thats why it leads to other drugs

Yeah, but that's a pretty silly statement to make trying to make marijuana look bad. There's all sorts of "mild drugs" that give highs yet I don't hear anyone complaining about them being drugs that lead to other drugs when they do. Talk about scapegoating. Where's everyone complaining about all the drugs most of America is on? Where's everyone complaining about cough syrup, sniffing glue, drinking, smokine regular cigarettes, energy drinks, asphyxiation, masturbation, or any other numerous activity, item, or drug? Yet here we are bashing and singling out the most helpful and versatile plant ever. Amazing.

Heck, if anything, people should be mentioning alcohol as being the drug that opens the doors to better highs as it's especially far more damaging just by itself, not even counting what it may lead to. And notice "may lead to", something you should be saying with marijuana, but that wouldn't be as an effective for anti-marijuana propoganda, would it?

- N
leopold99 said:

from your link
A: It could. Long-term studies of high school students and their patterns of drug use show that very few young people use other illegal drugs without first trying marijuana (7). For example, the risk of using cocaine is much greater for those who have tried marijuana than for those who have never tried it. Using marijuana puts children and teens in contact with people who are users and sellers of other drugs. So there is more of a risk that a marijuana user will be exposed to and urged to try more drugs.

So just make it legal. The marijuana doesn't lead to other drugs, it is the illegality.

Cause and effect people.
also, prohibition causes an overly biased and ignorant teaching method of drugs in school. kids are taught that all drugs are evil and will make you feel terrible. but once that kid takes the first hit of a joint and finds out that it isn't anywhere near as bad as they said it would be, he starts thinking that other drugs might be the same.
leopold99 said:
i am not saying marijuana is bad neildo.
as far as drugs go it's one of the mildest out there
thats why it leads to other drugs
'it' leads to othe drugs. what does ths mean? why do yo ppick on cannabis? what about sugar for example, right? that is a drug and it leads on t other forms of sugar saturated foods for those that it does....not everyone. same with alcohol. itmay lead to harder liquer......same with everything else. WHY then is you just loking at cannabis?, scapegoating THAT drug, which also has many different varieties.
S please explain why it is you choose tis rathe benevolent plant for your fears. do you also not include environmental influences why people may seek harder drugs. your arguments seems really reductive
kenworth said:
i think the only reason it leads to other drugs for some people (i know quite a lot of people who smoke weed and nothing else) is because it is illeagal and once that barrier is broken its like "why not?" with other drugs.also when you actually try it and realise that you have been fed bullshit about its effects and side effects by the government it makes you think they are lying about other drugs (they are) and makes you curious.but no it probably wont be legalized,which is a pity.

Wow man, i really like that reminds me of when i was a kid ...i mean when my parents told me not to do things, of course i didnt do them but the first time i ever did something wrong i found that wow ....i messed up enough i might as well keep doing whatever ........But When i did not do anything wrong my mentality never changed i never thought of doing anymore extreeme than what i was doing at that moment ......maybe if it was legal it would be just as simple as smoking cigarretts and you wouldnt think of going To the "Next Step"! p.s. thank you for your thoughts i appreciate it
Nasor said:
Do you believe that government should preserve our freedoms to do whatever we want so long as it doesn’t hurt anyone but ourselves? Do you believe that people should have the right to engage in risky behavior if they choose to?

Well man ....As far as the should we be able to engage in risky behavior. i think that if you can go and possibilly hurt yourself by climbing a mountain or sky diving, then you should be able sit in your house, smoke some pot and relax while watching your favorite tv show.
I smoke it couple of times and I have to say it's cool. If you do it once a week nothing could happened. If you do it more you will live in two worlds, jumping from one to another will make you stupid, nervous and crazy. Weed is just for responsible people.
Qorl said:
I smoke it couple of times and I have to say it's cool. If you do it once a week nothing could happened. If you do it more you will live in two worlds, jumping from one to another will make you stupid, nervous and crazy. Weed is just for responsible people.

well said, but a little out there on some of it

Marijuana has been researched to be a gateway drug to about 25% of the people who use it. But this is only because they meet dealers and heavier drug users. By making pot illegal, there are still people who are going to smoke it. These people could be "nice" people but, met the wrong people. If we where to make it legal the 25% would drop most likely, because alot of dealers would lose bussiness. So people who began smoking would most likely, never meet these people. If they never meet them they never try the drugs these people sell, correct? Now on the other hand there will be people who want to try these drugs, but these people would have wanted to try them whether marijuana was legal or not.

But in terms pot is bad illegal or legal. But the odds of people getting into stronger drugs would drop. Dealers would lose money, go out of bussiness, and you wouldn't have such a bad problem.

If your a person who dislikes smoking, what if they took your right away to privacy? Would you go along with it because people think privacy should be illegal, no you wouldn't. So why try to make smoking illegal? It is there right to smoke, and you shouldn't have the right to take peoples rights away.
The Constitution is the supreme law of this country. The Constitution specifies which powers the government has, and explicitly states that all other powers are forbidden to it.

The government does not have the legal power to tell consenting adults what they can put inside their bodies. It simply is not in the Constitution.

The original Prohibitionists understood that. They knew that their cause could only prevail if they succeeded in passing a Constitutional amendment authorizing the government to prevent people from drinking alcohol. That law lasted about fifteen years, and the people got so fed up with it that the government had to repeal it.

Nowadays the government violates the Constitution every day, and nobody cares. At some point the Supreme Court will declare that since the Constitution has not been enforced for fifty years or a hundred years, that some legal principle declares it no longer in force.

People get the kind of government they deserve.
i think you said it best neildo
it isn't the drug, it's the type of person you are

personaly i have no problem with marijuana use, but that's me
Xellos said:
Well i have heard many things about marijuana from my friends. i was wondering what you think about it. Is it right? should they legalize it? i mean we have discussed it but they arent as intelegent as i think you are. I would like to know what you think about it from an intelegent point of view.


Joints are supposed to be less addicting then cigs. But they are way worse for you.
hug-a-tree said:
Joints are supposed to be less addicting then cigs. But they are way worse for you.
they are definately less addicting (they are only as addicting as playing a video game). but being worse, that depends on how you look at it. theres a lot of resin and tar in joints that goes straight to your lungs, but there aren't nearly as many carcinogens or unneccessary additives; marijuana is straight off the plant, you know what you are smoking.
duendy said:
S please explain why it is you choose tis rathe benevolent plant for your fears. do you also not include environmental influences why people may seek harder drugs. your arguments seems really reductive
i am not picking on marijuana duendy
alcohol and nicotine are a hell of a lot worse than
marijuana ever thought about being.

as far as leading to other drugs, it does, read my links.
it also depends on what kind of person you are
In the netherlands you don't go to a drugsdealer for a joint. So your reasoning is invalid.

According to your reasoning the illegality of cannabis is immoral. The government is stimulating criminal behaviour by making cannabis illegal. Cannabis a drug which is a soft drug.
Yeah, that's true! I was in Amsterdam a few months, you can get anything there. They have hash brownies in there cafes! Well that's where mostly all the stuff is.
i am not saying marijuana is bad neildo.
as far as drugs go it's one of the mildest out there
thats why it leads to other drugs

You will have to explain that because I do not see the logic. Nor seems your statement backed up by actual studies. Or is it?

I think that logic comes from phrases like "When you're on top, the only place you have to go is down" or "When you've hit rock bottom, all you have to go is up", lol.

So, uh, yeah, if marijuana is the mildest drug then DUH, it'll lead to harder drugs since there's not much milder. However, that doesn't mean it'll MAKE you do harder drugs as the drugaphobes make you wanna think with their propoganda. If a person takes harder drugs, it's the person's fault, not the drug.

It's no different than introduction mathematics being a gateway to someone liking theoretical physics. It's no different than a dirt bike leading to F1 Racing. No different than getting your ears pierced leading to a life of masochism. It's pretty silly. But where people fail miserably saying marijuana is a gateway drug is that it's not the only way to get a high. One can get a high through many LEGAL means such as alcohol, spinning around super fast, drinking a lot of nyquil, sniffing glue, etc. Why aren't those legal means called gateway drugs? Oh wait, because they're legal and I guess people's reasoning is that they're less harmful. Lol, yeah right!

The problem with hemp is that it's the most verstatile plant in the world which makes it a threat to other businesses. It's the reason why there will NEVER be a cure for cancer, even if one may already exist. Why? Because it puts other jobs out of business. Why would drug companies want a disease cured when they make so much money by having people take drugs that "help prevent" or "battle" that disease as opposed to flat out curing it? It's the same why oil barons don't want new fuel technology because they lose out. And since all of America is run and controlled by oil baron politicians, it won't happen. It's why many biochemists that make breakthroughs wind up dead. It's why marijuana is illegal and can land you in jail. We're simply a threat to big business.

- N
RoyLennigan said:
they are definately less addicting (they are only as addicting as playing a video game). but being worse, that depends on how you look at it. theres a lot of resin and tar in joints that goes straight to your lungs, but there aren't nearly as many carcinogens or unneccessary additives; marijuana is straight off the plant, you know what you are smoking.

Well, if you grow your own plant that is true.

In Mexico they use illgeal pestisides, and chemicals to make it stronger.

Certain types of marijuana also have cocaine in them. It is added by dealers to make it appear to have crystals on it. Now however some plants do have crystals, most of them don't. Like Hydro, most of the time the crystals you see on it are cocaine, and we all know how bad cocaine is