Marian Catholicism: The Last Living Religion

macabre said:

You have a funny way about you. Your tear down everyone of your brothers and sisters. Wasn't it Jesus who said build your brother up don't tear him down? Just a thought.


My Brothers and Sisters are my Brothers and Sisters through Our Blessed Mother the Ever Virgin Mary. Those who hold the Blessed Virgin as their Enemy are not my brothers and sisters, are they?

Through the Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin, Jesus Christ is my Brother. Those who Killed my Brother are not to be considered my Brothers, are they?

Those who wish to continue sinning through ever re-opening the Wounds of My Brother for His Blood -- they are not my brothers, but predatory vultures who simply need to be Stopped.

You do nobody any favors by encouraging them in continued Sin and Error.

Yes, you will probably be the best liked guy in Hell. But I would rather be a nasty carmudgeon in Heaven.
VERN said:
Is this a kindergarten class?

After you get an education, come back.
The rich man was not a parable. It was just a guy that asked Jesus what to do. Maybe that is what is confusing. The parables were not the same as true life occurrences.
The rich man came to Jesus and asked what he needed to do. Jesus told him to keep the commandments. The man who was both rich and young said he had kept the commandments from his youth. Jesus explained that if that was true it was time for him to sell all he had and come with Him. The young man was sad and left because he had many possessions.
Overall this forum is great. Most of them are not regulated and are full of kids making noise. VERN I think this arena is fanning the flames of your insanity by allowing you to stew in your own delusions. Perhaps you should step away from your computer for a few days. If you insult the mod. too many times you may not have a choice.

The reference you gave appears to make no mention of Jesus sending anybody to hell. So, it seems I was right, kindergarten or not.
b0urgeoisie said:
The rich man was not a parable. It was just a guy that asked Jesus what to do. Maybe that is what is confusing. The parables were not the same as true life occurrences.
The rich man came to Jesus and asked what he needed to do. Jesus told him to keep the commandments. The man who was both rich and young said he had kept the commandments from his youth. Jesus explained that if that was true it was time for him to sell all he had and come with Him. The young man was sad and left because he had many possessions.

No one on this Page knows about the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. What amazing ignorance. Whether you believe in the Bible or not, it should be read at least because it is a significant Cultural Artifact.

Simply type "Parable of Lazarus and the Rich man" into a Search Engine of your choice.
James R said:

The reference you gave appears to make no mention of Jesus sending anybody to hell. So, it seems I was right, kindergarten or not.

The Reference was only to Show that there was a Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. I didn't bother to read his conclusions.

What, do you read other people's conclusions!?

Let us evaluate the Parable on our own, shall we. The Rich Man was mean to Lazarus. He ends up in Hell. Hmmmm. Seems pretty self-evident to me. But I'm not a Moderator and so I don't get to assume I have 20 or 30 more IQ points then everybody else.
Hola, Leo... You do know that you've essentially cut off one of your legs in order to run faster?

You talk about God's wrath, and how you believe you can earn your forgiveness by outweighing your bad with your good. A truly righteous man wouldn't attack anyone with petty name calling and spite, like you attacked Macabre. Not only that, but you discount much of the book that the base-religion which your new Marianism is derived from, thus logically negating both religions... yes, I refer to the Bible.

You keep saying God doesn't love us, when He tells His prophets (who weren't reading anything, but were divinely inspired, as you believe your are) to declare to his beloved nation Israel "repent, repent!" Same thing Jesus came saying, because Jesus spoke the words of the Father, and brought with Him the Holy Spirit to endwell in us when we believe on Him (Jesus.)

Has Mary spoken? And isn't God a jealous God? Doesn't He always say in the Bible "there is no other god before me" and "I AM THAT I AM". HE IS! Yet, you deify the blessed mother of Jesus (and she is blessed and remembered by nations, as God promised he).

You're doing what the God you claim to believe in has told you repeatedly not to do, and then you attack Macabre for saying, rightly, that God loves us, and will forgive us for doing what we repeatedly do IF we repent and seek Him earnestly... let there be no doubt that, even if Macabre is misspoken, he understands that continuing in sin is wrong; as I know him personally, and can atest to a degree.

I'd really like your answer to this question in particular, though: How could God provide grace to us and ANY means of salvation if He didn't love us in some way?

He always told us to love. Love Him first. Love your brothers and sisters. And even love your enemies. Not to mention the fact that loving someone despite there flaws is possible for humans, so don't even try to weaken the Almighty.

If you have pain and suffering and anger, take it to God, earnestly. He'll give you something much better.
If anything fokes VERN is a bit entertaining from an atheist point of view. SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!! when you put to much zeal on religious dogma. now Vern here is a good example of loosing it. And I quote: VERN
As for myself being not inspired. Well, most of the time I am not. But when I speak in reference to my dreams and visions, and what my angels have told me, I am, by the simple definition of it, INSPIRED.

Dear Dr. P.

You should hang back and evaluate the argument I am having with Macabre. My position is that he is advocating Antichristical Doctrines which are largely from an Antichristical Scripture.

Then, you jump in and use the same Antichristical Scripture, to tell me I should be ashamed of myself for being so mean to the Antichrist.

Watch the Arguments and when you realize that I am not simply quoting the same Pauline Scripture as everyone else, and you understand what my own version of Marian Doctrine is, then feel perfectly free to tell me what a hypocrit I am. I am sure I am not always perfectly consistent, and so if you pay really good attention, you may catch me contradicting myself.

But I am not contradicting myself when I take Macabre to task for Preaching that it is Okay to Sin because Christianity Murdered Christ.
Dear Godless,

Oh, come on. Don't you Atheists wish you could push a button and suddenly be admitted to a Heavenly World. It is better than drugs (you know about them don't you?).

Heavenly Inspiration is just that. When an Individual is confronted with Heavenly, Spiritual, Phenomena -- that is Inspiration. Nobody is making up anything. I say what I have seen and what I have heard. When I am merely 'thinking' I am sure to let everybody know. But what is Seen and Heard in the Spiritual World is just as Objective as what is Seen and heard in the Material World.

Tell me that you are not just alittle bit jealous that you don't have such a Spiritual Connection.
Leo Volont said:
You should hang back and evaluate the argument I am having with Macabre. My position is that he is advocating Antichristical Doctrines which are largely from an Antichristical Scripture.

Then, you jump in and use the same Antichristical Scripture, to tell me I should be ashamed of myself for being so mean to the Antichrist.

Watch the Arguments and when you realize that I am not simply quoting the same Pauline Scripture as everyone else, and you understand what my own version of Marian Doctrine is, then feel perfectly free to tell me what a hypocrit I am. I am sure I am not always perfectly consistent, and so if you pay really good attention, you may catch me contradicting myself.

But I am not contradicting myself when I take Macabre to task for Preaching that it is Okay to Sin because Christianity Murdered Christ.

First, I said you should be ashamed for being so mean to another human being... and its evident that you two are miscommunicating, because I guarantee you he is not advocating sin.. in fact, I believe he stated as much, tho you continue to tell him that he is. I think most of that comes down to semantics.

But did you read my post at all? The only thing you could consider Pauline doctrine would be my referrencing Jesus' echoing of the Father's words, and stating that Jesus spoke the words given to Him by the Father... which is what Jesus Himself said, and based on earlier statements by you in other threads, I thought you held the quoted words of Jesus in some good regard.

My points are based on information that is consistent throughout the entire old and new testaments; Love and Obedience being the two main ones in this discussion. You also neglected to answer ANY of my specific points about your hipocrisy... instead, you simply told me that you disliked what I said... great.

I did ask a specific question that was on topic, which you also didn't answer: How could God provide grace to us and ANY means of salvation if He didn't love us in some way?
dr.p said:
he is not advocating sin..

This is the Big Misunderstanding that the other Higher Religions have with Christianity. Christianity REFUSES TO COMPREHEND that the Forgiveness of Sins -- Christian Salvation -- amounts to Licence to Sin.

Christians are conditioned to it and used to it. They hear it all the time and have grown to Believe that Religion consists more in providing a Super Short Cut around the Requirements of Righteousness, then in providing a Institutionalized Framework for helping Humanity advance in solid Morality toward Spirituality.

What happened was that Christ was Defeated. After the Murder of the Messiah, Satan sent Paul to consolidate the Dark Victory by tossing out all of the Sermons of Righteousness which Christ had tried to inculcate. Paul replaced them with the Acceptance that Man was Sinful but that was okay because of Salvation by Blood.

You need to realize that the Very Essense of Christianity as we know it is EXACTLY as Satan designed it.

So, no, Macabre, IS advocating Sin. By acknowledging that Man is inherently sinful and by supporting Satanic Salvation he virtually waves a Banner proclaiming a Free For All of Sin.

It might not seem so. It is so well hidden. But that is the Wolf in Sheeps Clothing that Christ prophecized. Some fools are too stupid to ever figure it out, but the more cunning Christians among us well know the Giant Loop hole that Christianity gives the Dedicated Sinner. You must have seen the Bumper Sticker "I Sin Because I'm Forgiven". That says it all.

If silly Macabre does not know the Damage he does by advancing Satanism, then that is why I am so blunt in trying to tell him.

This has gotten very heated I see. That was never my intention, I was just hoping to have some healthy discussions. However, once again I never said it was ok to sin. I remember stating that sin pulls us away from God and thus pulls us away from loving God. What is loving God? It is being obedient to our Lord and putting Him first in everything that we do. That is loving God, I'm sure you could go further into detail. But overall thats what loving God is. God does hate sin, but God loves the sinner. This is not a free pass to go and do whatever you want. Gods grace is a wonderful thing, without it we would be lost. It's not something we deserve and I do not take it lightly. In matter of fact I fear the Lords wrath as much as the next believer. God is so awsome that it's scary sometimes. However, it's Gods love that sustains the believer. Gods love doesn't mean he just lets anyone go by without discipline believers or not. But it's His discipline out of His love that comforts me. If I had kids and they did something wrong. I would discipline them. Does that mean I don't love them? NO! It means I love them so much that what they did made me mad. Does it mean I'll stop loving them? NO! Thats whats called unconditional love. Remember God hates the sin not the sinner, and if you sin then there is forgiveness. You yourself said you go to confession, so you must have some idea of what I'm talking about. You being a human being probably sin. Did you mean to? Do you hate the fact that you did it? If you hated the fact that you did it, then thats a good sign. You don't have to be perfect to know and love God or for God to love you. However, most people that love God are not content with their current state of imperfection. So, there you go. I hope this cleared some things up.

Thanks again,
Godless said:
If anything fokes VERN is a bit entertaining from an atheist point of view. SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!! when you put to much zeal on religious dogma. now Vern here is a good example of loosing it. And I quote: VERN

way to get on board. See VERN the revolution is here. :D :D :D
way to get on board. See VERN the revolution is here.

You know b0urgeoisie he is correct on many of his claims about Paul and the harm of his doctrine specially the "original sin" bit created out of Paul's letters.

But it's quite ovious he's a bit dillusional. First thing a dillusional person does btw, is not to admit it. Which he's done. And I quote: Vern

But what is Seen and Heard in the Spiritual World is just as Objective as what is Seen and heard in the Material World.

Now there Vern "Spirtual" in the sense of your meaning of the word, i.e. divinely inspired, or subjective feeling. Has nothing to do with "objective" ok! I'm an objectivist. There's nothing objective about your dreams of revelation or the notion that your inspired by god. This is simply ludicrous.

And furthermore; by the mere observation of my analitical mind, of which I use psychology to evalute people, my evalution of your behavior strikes me as dillusional. This is what your problem is.

You've become a bit of a bookworm and have found to be a bit intellegent, I won't take that from you, however your sound like you can't differentiate your spirtual from your reality, hence your dreams of hearing voices, and feeling divinely inspired are signs of "mental deterroration" your becoming dillusional is merely the frist step of your proccess to schizophrenia.

And I quote: People with schizophrenia often have trouble thinking clearly or making decisions. They may have a hard time telling real life from fantasy. They may also find it a challenge to deal with other people. These can all be symptoms of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia generally consists of the following kinds of symptoms.

Positive symptoms: Such as delusions or hallucinations—which are also known as seeing or believing things that are not real. (These are called “positive” symptoms because they are there but shouldn’t be.)

Negative symptoms: Such as social avoidance, emotional withdrawal—which are also known as a lack of feeling, or expression. Starting to do things, but not following through. Taking no pleasure or interest in life. (These are called “negative” symptoms because they refer to things that are missing.)

Disorganized symptoms: Confused in thinking and speech. Acting in ways that do not make sense.

The above are the most common symptoms of schizophrenia, but they can also happen at the same time as the following symptoms: not being able to focus, unable to solve simple problems, being sad, or not being able to remember things.

right here

So when I advised you to seek help I was not kidding, I was serious. Your heading for problems of which you don't understand. Your loosing your grip with reality.

Godless said:
You know b0urgeoisie he is correct on many of his claims about Paul and the harm of his doctrine specially the "original sin" bit created out of Paul's letters.
Paul was a just a man and in many ways an irritation to Peter. He was probably very passionate. In his letters he often would use extremes to make a point. He even went so far as to sit among the gentiles to annoy Peter. In the end, he was a godly man and spoke the truth. But, because of his personality and passionate way of speaking -and writing- his efforts have become the subject of debate and even apostasy more so than any other biblical author.
b0urgeoisie: I'm curious. Why do you say that?
M*W: Paul was a liar from the start when he left his identity as Saul of Tarsus and became simply Paul. I believe Paul is the antichrist. I'm not a Christian by any sense of the word, but Paul wasn't either. Paul created a religion following Jesus, the Rabbi, and called him Jesus, the Son of God. Paul is a demon. He is the one who demonized Christianity.
Leo Volont said:
Actually not. Inventing stuff is what Paul did. It is evident in his letters. paul does not even pretend to Divine Revelation. Paul discusses everything all the way through -- you can actually see him thinking it out as he goes along. THAT is Invention.
You are saying he was inventing just because he explained things to us? What was he supposed to do? He was a teacher. Teachers do that. Not only that, but God can very easily explain things for us. There is nothing wrong with that. Or you suppose God doesn't want us to understand His Word?

What I am doing is relying upon Divine Revelation. No, I am not pretending that what I think is the Holy Spirit... that is something that is quite too easy to abuse -- if one starts to suppose that one's own thinking is the Holy Spirit then there is no end to the foolishness that one can insist upon. But Visions, and Angelic Voices are Divine Revelations I am not making anything up!
Oh! And what makes you think you are more special then others?

Ask yourself, who would you believe, God or a Book? If you would walk away from God because He contradicts some silly favorite book of yours, then, well, you must be a colosal moron.
And you may become a mormon talking with "angels"....
You contradict yourself. It is quite impossible to believe in all that.
Your teaching is not practical. It is not something people can use, it is completely useless. How can someone throw away useful teachings just to believe those things?