Marian Catholicism: The Last Living Religion

Leo Volont said:
Marians understand that Mary was Crowned Queen of Heaven by God Himself and that She has been authorized and delegated to be Dispensor of All Grace.
Where in the Bible is written this?
Who said Mary is a deity?
M*W: When you first became a member on this forum, I found your initial posts informative and even believable; however, something else has become apparent in your recent posts:

(1) you are grossly misinformed;
(2) you have become fanatical right before our very eyes;
(3) you're possibly psychotic or on the fringe;
(4) you have not researched nor referenced your citations;
(5) I for one no longer believe anything you write; and
(6) I'm putting you on ignore.
Do I believe what I see once an allie, all power to you M*W glad you've seen sense, I did try to warn people, however people must make up there own mind's.
I think you may owe an apology to mis-t-highs, as you told her off for what she said about him on another post.(the glorious christ post by him)
(quite insightful it was too), anyway well done and hope to debate with you, in the future.
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M*W: mist-t-highs, wherever you are out there, I apologize for my hateful reply to your post regarding Mr. Leo Volont. He is the embodiment of hate and negativity. I'm glad I saw his true colors as soon as I did. I may not always agree with every member on all the issues we discuss, but this guy turned my stomach.

Again, I apologize for the negativity and hateful streak that was in my soul the night I verbally attacked you, and I hope you will forgive me.
Leo Volont said:
Yes, 'adulation' would be more respectful then the non-aplicable comments I have been getting. Or even an essay in exchange for an essay would be nicer.
Adulation is only given to those who deserve it Leo.

Your whole arguments have been "non-applicable". You have made statements and expected all to agree with you. For example:

Leo Volont said:
I myself was told by Angels in my Dreams that the Three Religions were now in the midst of a Spiritual Drought. I was shown that plans are now being implemented to relieve this Drought. I was invited to do whatever I could to help, but we can all see how little good I can do.
What sort of response were you expecting with a comment like this?

My Priest knows all about me. I go to Confession. I am absolved. I take Holy Communion. I cross myself whenever I go 'up to bat'. Oh, I am a Catholic alright... you can believe it.

You go to confession? So what? Do you seriously believe that you will be judged because you go to confession and ordered to say 12 Hail Mary's to absolve you from your sins? Do you tell your priest your views of how you feel about Protestants and fellow human beings who don't believe as you do?

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: When you first became a member on this forum, I found your initial posts informative and even believable; however, something else has become apparent in your recent posts:

(1) you are grossly misinformed;
(2) you have become fanatical right before our very eyes;
(3) you're possibly psychotic or on the fringe;
(4) you have not researched nor referenced your citations;
(5) I for one no longer believe anything you write; and
(6) I'm putting you on ignore.
Well said! And welcome back. :D
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: mist-t-highs, wherever you are out there, I apologize for my hateful reply to your post regarding Mr. Leo Volont. He is the embodiment of hate and negativity. I'm glad I saw his true colors as soon as I did. I may not always agree with every member on all the issues we discuss, but this guy turned my stomach.

Again, I apologize for the negativity and hateful streak that was in my soul the night I verbally attacked you, and I hope you will forgive me.

thank you M*W, but you need not of worried you were only saying what you thought at the time, rightly or wrongly you entitled to you opinion.
As I have said before, I had been following this forum for some time, you read more thread's as a guest, so what someone say's in one thread, they may contradict in another, you can gather a lot of information about someone's character that way, not that I was looking but he frightened me, which really prompted me to join and say's something.

and I'm very glad I have too.
I really do appreciate your kind thought's though.
thank you again and I'm sure we will debate soon.
bye misty.
Leo Volont said:
"My Life" by Willian J. Clinton.
I have been away for a few days. So my response was delayed. But, here it is.
You are crazy. You place the writings of an evil man on the same platform as the writings of Moses. That is stupid. Writing things that are stupid is not the same as writing things that are inspired or intellectual. Not everything that has gone unspoken has gone unnoticed. You are not smart for suggesting My Life. In your own delusions and wickedness you thought to suggest something obscure to look intelligent. The truth is that horses ass wrote that book to thumb his nose at the country he embarrassed. It is not scripture. He is no saint. And, you are not inspired.

I did some volunteer work in the projects of Lynchburg Virginia. I met all kinds of lost people. Many of those people would forget about how lost they were by abusing drugs. They had revelations similar to your ramblings and babbling. What is your excuse? :m: ?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: When you first became a member on this forum, I found your initial posts informative and even believable; however, something else has become apparent in your recent posts:

(1) you are grossly misinformed;
(2) you have become fanatical right before our very eyes;
(3) you're possibly psychotic or on the fringe;
(4) you have not researched nor referenced your citations;
(5) I for one no longer believe anything you write; and
(6) I'm putting you on ignore.

(1) yes
(2) YES
(3) I fear the same
(4) In a religious forum you must allow for more made up crap than any other. However, there is a fine line between allowing for the unexplainable and listening to fairy tales. Leo simply makes crap up.
(5) & (6) Rather than putting him on ignore I am changing his name to Vern.

I met Vernon McCoy. He is the current patriarch of the McCoy clan. Yes I am referencing the McCoys of the "Hatfield and McCoys". He was an old nut too. Much like this Vern at first he seemed like a wise old leader but that hillbilly was insane. You should have seen him half sh!t himself when I told him his new neighbors were Hatfield's. I laughed for three days.
I met Vernon McCoy. He is the current patriarch of the McCoy clan. Yes I am referencing the McCoys of the "Hatfield and McCoys". He was an old nut too. Much like this Vern at first he seemed like a wise old leader but that hillbilly was insane. You should have seen him half sh!t himself when I told him his new neighbors were Hatfield's. I laughed for three days.
M*W: Now, yer atalkin' 'bout my necka the woods! I was aborn up yonder in the crossfire of those feudin' Hatfield and McCoy youngins'!
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Now, yer atalkin' 'bout my necka the woods! I was aborn up yonder in the crossfire of those feudin' Hatfield and McCoy youngins'!

Kentucky or West Virginia?
b0urgeoisie said:
(1) yes
(2) YES
(3) I fear the same
(4) In a religious forum you must allow for more made up crap than any other. However, there is a fine line between allowing for the unexplainable and listening to fairy tales. Leo simply makes crap up.
(5) & (6) Rather than putting him on ignore I am changing his name to Vern.

I met Vernon McCoy. He is the current patriarch of the McCoy clan. Yes I am referencing the McCoys of the "Hatfield and McCoys". He was an old nut too. Much like this Vern at first he seemed like a wise old leader but that hillbilly was insane. You should have seen him half sh!t himself when I told him his new neighbors were Hatfield's. I laughed for three days.

Crap is such a weak word for what comes out of that boy's mouth.. ;)
§outh§tar said:
Crap is such a weak word for what comes out of that boy's mouth.. ;)
The tragedy about this is how warm and fuzzy he feels as a martyr. The inspired one who was chosen and is only misunderstood and persecuted by his people.
So Listen UP VERN. Your method of argument is what is personified in my ridicule. You take advantage of the allowances made for religious discussion. You make claims on unstable logic. Then you undermine your own thesis. And, don't even realize it. You ignore the flaws when they are presented by other readers. Instead you try to make it OK because you list it under one of your secret revelations. Or ignore it completely. If you have new perspective by all means share. I asked you an honest question. When was the last bit of inspired writing? You said My Life Survey says XXX That is just crap. That makes me think you could not have taken me serious. Most of us have dumb ideas. Try swishing it around in your mouth a couple times before you say it (write it). Every dumb thought you have is not inspired. Even more - every thought you have pertaining to religion is not an epiphany. Its kind of like proof reading your essay before you hand it in.
Now it is not wrong to use a forum like this one for other peoples insight on some idea you have. But, you should preface it with some indication. Your attitude has become "This just in from GOD's lips...."
"This just in from GOD's lips...(pause while I contradict my earlier statement)..."
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Southern West Virginia in a god-forsaken place called War.
I've been there. I lived in Welch for a while. War is full of snake handlers now. That stuff is scary.
b0urgeoisie said:
I've been there. I lived in Welch for a while. War is full of snake handlers now. That stuff is scary.
M*W: Tell me more! I was born in Welch in December 1949, but my family lived in War. Those snake handlers scare me, too! My grandparents raised me. They were hardshell Baptists and Jehova's Witnesses. Maybe that's why I'm so religiously argumentative! Those were the good old days. I had mountains to climb, rivers to navitate, and beans to pick! My grandparents' home is still there, and one of the days, I'm gonna buy that property to worship forever! I cannot deny that I am a hillbilly by birth!
b0urgeoisie said:
I have been away for a few days. So my response was delayed. But, here it is.
You are crazy. You place the writings of an evil man on the same platform as the writings of Moses. That is stupid. Writing things that are stupid is not the same as writing things that are inspired or intellectual. Not everything that has gone unspoken has gone unnoticed. You are not smart for suggesting My Life. In your own delusions and wickedness you thought to suggest something obscure to look intelligent. The truth is that horses ass wrote that book to thumb his nose at the country he embarrassed. It is not scripture. He is no saint. And, you are not inspired.

I don't suppose you read "My Life" by William J. Clinton. It illustratesa Vision of Social Morality which the Satan Religious Right has no comprehension of. That Society should be All Inclusive and that each should care for the Welfare of All is a Doctrine Worthy of Christ. But the Far Right would characterize those sentiments as 'wicked'. This is how we know that TheBeast is indeed the Religious Conservative Right -- as they hold up Greed and Amoral Selfishness as Civic Virtues, while characterizing all of the Virtues of Christ's Sermon of the Mount as 'wicked'. The Conservatives speak the Language of the Antichrist.

As for myself being not inspired. Well, most of the time I am not. But when I speak in reference to my dreams and visions, and what my angels have told me, I am, by the simple definition of it, INSPIRED.
TruthSeeker said:
Where in the Bible is written this?
Who said Mary is a deity?

Christ talks of the Wheat being mixed with Wees. Well, the Bible is an awful lot of weeds with only a grain or two of the Wheat. There is not a great deal about Mary. The Paulists were mostly concerned with propagating Pauline Doctrine, and as the Blessed Virgin did not conform to the Doctrines of the Man who Persecuted Her Son, She was not given any space in the Bible, except in the writings of Luke -- the most educated of the Gospelateers.

What we know about Mary is from Revelation by Mary Herself. She has appeared in Person thousands of times over the last several thousand years. Indeed, we have been living in the Dispensation of Mary. The Public, for the most part, does not know this. The Same People, or the same 'sort' of People, who killed Christ, now conspire to bury the Truth about Mary the Blessed Virgin. No major media outlet gives the slightest hint of all the Marian Apparitions. We only know about the Media of Discredit. Nobody knows about the Marian Miracle of the Sun, but everyone knows that the same people who see Elvis in the Potato Chips, also see Mary.
Leo Volont said:
I don't suppose you read "My Life" by William J. Clinton. It illustrates Vision of Social Morality which the Satan Religious Right has no comprehension of. That Society should be All Inclusive and that each should care for the Welfare of All is a Doctrine Worthy of Christ. But the Far Right would characterize those sentiments as 'wicked'. This is how we know that The Beast is indeed the Religious Conservative Right -- as they hold up Greed and Amoral Selfishness as Civic Virtues, while characterizing all of the Virtues of Christ's Sermon of the Mount as 'wicked'. The Conservatives speak the Language of the Antichrist.

As for myself being not inspired. Well, most of the time I am not. But when I speak in reference to my dreams and visions, and what my angels have told me, I am, by the simple definition of it, INSPIRED.

Fine if you want to prop him up as a prophet then list his fruits. List his fruits so that we may know him. Read what Jesus said according to Dr Luke 6:43-44.
Allow me to show you how foolish some of your statements are.
Luke was probably a physician. (atleast that is the Luke he appears to be)
Paul was undoubtedly a pharisee.
In the time of Christ without exception the most educated people were the pharisees. The pharisees were about education. Their own intellect held them from righteousness and corrupted the religion of the people.
In the time of Christ even until about 75 years ago physicians had little or no formal education. Medicine is traditionally an eyeball science. That is why Luke is the only one to mention the blood in the garden. It was significant because you could see it.
So you hold Luke up because of his education when he had none.
And despise Paul when he was a famous scholar.
The gospel according to Vern doesn't make sense.
I smell.... Foxes. Mulling weeds with a friend for joy.

Two have come, with a game to play -
But the many with bad apostrophes
give the game away.
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I Smoking weed with their friends for joy. Everytime I walk through the university parking lot.

They push kids down
Then fart in their ear
they don't like school
but they do like beer
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