Marian Catholicism: The Last Living Religion

An Invite to Shite was exactly the point originally, I think.

Some smell shite and walk away - others are drawn to it as flies, and it is they who are the targets for puppeteers. Fun? Working out who are the puppeteers and who the flies.
Leo Volont said:
I don't suppose you read "My Life" by William J. Clinton. It illustratesa Vision of Social Morality which the Satan Religious Right has no comprehension of. That Society should be All Inclusive and that each should care for the Welfare of All is a Doctrine Worthy of Christ. But the Far Right would characterize those sentiments as 'wicked'. This is how we know that TheBeast is indeed the Religious Conservative Right -- as they hold up Greed and Amoral Selfishness as Civic Virtues, while characterizing all of the Virtues of Christ's Sermon of the Mount as 'wicked'. The Conservatives speak the Language of the Antichrist.
Hmmmm. And Clinton spoke and illustrated a vision of "can you smoke that cigar down there?"... Now THAT is social morality at its finest. :rolleyes:

The political members of the religious right just tell their stupid followers that a blurred photo of a helicopter over Mogadishu is actually Satan floating over the city.

Ah yes... politicians from both sides always speak and illustrate the vision of social morality. :rolleyes:

As for myself being not inspired. Well, most of the time I am not. But when I speak in reference to my dreams and visions, and what my angels have told me, I am, by the simple definition of it, INSPIRED.
As are many people when they have failed to take their medication.
Dear Pavlosmarcos,

Anymore it is difficult to find scientists who believe in empiricism. All observable Reality is utterly dismissed because Scientists complain that they cannot trust their senses, and must drag everything into the Laboratory in order to be verified with double blind controled procedures. Using that perspective, every facet of Life becomes 'hearsay' and is denegrated by you into the Realm of Non-Fact.

But, really, Dreams are Facts. They are facts of the Dream Mind. As long as I do not lie about them, they are genuine products of the Subconscious Mind. Considering that most other people dream at a shallower and more confused level, it makes these higher and more coherent dreams of special interest, no?
b0urgeoisie said:
The pharisees were about education.... In the time of Christ even until about 75 years ago physicians had little or no formal education.

And what were the Pharisees educated in? Scripture. And did this Scripture have a direct connection to anything really worth knowing?

The Physicians had no formal Education. But they must have learned their objective and empirical Trade from someone and somewhere. If he was a good Doctor then he must have been accomplished in observation and true deduction. His skills had to be proved by the Reality of their Results. But the Pharisees!? The Pharisees was just so much High Flying Bullcrap.
Scientists complain that they cannot trust their senses, and must drag everything into the Laboratory in order to be verified with double blind controled procedures.

"A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of stone." -- Darwin
VERN said:
And what were the Pharisees educated in? Scripture. And did this Scripture have a direct connection to anything really worth knowing?

The Physicians had no formal Education. But they must have learned their objective and empirical Trade from someone and somewhere. If he was a good Doctor then he must have been accomplished in observation and true deduction. His skills had to be proved by the Reality of their Results. But the Pharisees!? The Pharisees was just so much High Flying Bullcrap.

This is the place. This is the place you begin to trick yourself. You make two huge assumptions here. With no evidence or supporting data. You, to save your own argument, are going to promote Luke to, not only, a doctor (a fact that is not certain) but you are going to make him a great doctor. With grand powers of observation.
Next, you state as fact that the pharisees only new the scripture. Even if you're right their scripture was immense. It also included everything. From dietary instruction to medicine to government. Go ahead and read the small amount of scripture we have left from their day and then say it is high flying bullcrap. It was called the carnal law for a reason. It was very worldly. The people had been in captivity for so long they lost the ability to live the higher law. The law that the Christ had returned to them. So they were instructed on every little aspect of their lives. Even so far as how best to deal with menstrual cycles.
Your methods of reasoning are weak at best. There is a purpose for pulling everything into the lab. Without lab work fools have mislead the world. You're not the one and only Vern. Lots of people take a bias then gather supporting information and ignore the rest. With your style of logic you can prove the book of Vern true. But, you could also prove your filthy love affair with scooby doo never happened. Because, you allow for all kinds of nonsense when you play pretend.

I see you like to debate. I can understand the attraction. I myself love to have healthy discussions on a variety of topics. My favorites are typically belief and abortion. I'm not going to really discuss any of those at this time. I obviously don't know you personally but I feel like you've been really hurt at some time in your life. I guess I feel that way because of the things you say or argue about. I know that all of us have been hurt in some way or another during our lives. The one thing I know is that Jesus heals us all. God takes our problems off our shoulders and He carries it. We all get lost in the wilderness sometimes but God always leads us out. Just put your faith in Him. Let whoever needs peace ask the Lord and He shall give. God is a generous giver because He wants to see us happy. He Loves us so much!! Praise God for His love!!! His love endures forever and there is no fear in love. Thats all I wanted to say. I'll pray for you and all others that are hurting. I'll pray that the Lord softens your heart.

Thanks for listening,

P.S. I hope I spelled everything alright.
Leo Volont said:
Christ talks of the Wheat being mixed with Wees. Well, the Bible is an awful lot of weeds with only a grain or two of the Wheat. There is not a great deal about Mary. The Paulists were mostly concerned with propagating Pauline Doctrine, and as the Blessed Virgin did not conform to the Doctrines of the Man who Persecuted Her Son, She was not given any space in the Bible, except in the writings of Luke -- the most educated of the Gospelateers.
Oh! So the Bible is wrong, and you are throwing it all and inventing everything all by yourself! Well... good luck then... you will need it! :eek:

What we know about Mary is from Revelation by Mary Herself. She has appeared in Person thousands of times over the last several thousand years. Indeed, we have been living in the Dispensation of Mary. The Public, for the most part, does not know this. The Same People, or the same 'sort' of People, who killed Christ, now conspire to bury the Truth about Mary the Blessed Virgin. No major media outlet gives the slightest hint of all the Marian Apparitions. We only know about the Media of Discredit. Nobody knows about the Marian Miracle of the Sun, but everyone knows that the same people who see Elvis in the Potato Chips, also see Mary.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know about all this Mary stuff. And you can be sure there are lots of those people here as well as in Portugual. However, they are not fanatic as you are.

And, no, I doubt what you are saying has any validity whatsoever...

EDIT: And listen to the guy above me. He is much better at this then I am. I have kinda... lost my patience....
macabre said:

I see you like to debate. I can understand the attraction. I myself love to have healthy discussions on a variety of topics. My favorites are typically belief and abortion. I'm not going to really discuss any of those at this time. I obviously don't know you personally but I feel like you've been really hurt at some time in your life. I guess I feel that way because of the things you say or argue about. I know that all of us have been hurt in some way or another during our lives. The one thing I know is that Jesus heals us all. God takes our problems off our shoulders and He carries it. We all get lost in the wilderness sometimes but God always leads us out. Just put your faith in Him. Let whoever needs peace ask the Lord and He shall give. God is a generous giver because He wants to see us happy. He Loves us so much!! Praise God for His love!!! His love endures forever and there is no fear in love. Thats all I wanted to say. I'll pray for you and all others that are hurting. I'll pray that the Lord softens your heart.

Thanks for listening,

P.S. I hope I spelled everything alright.

Am I spelling snot nosed sissy baby right?
TruthSeeker said:
Oh! So the Bible is wrong, and you are throwing it all and inventing everything all by yourself! Well... good luck then... you will need it! :eek:

Actually not. Inventing stuff is what Paul did. It is evident in his letters. paul does not even pretend to Divine Revelation. Paul discusses everything all the way through -- you can actually see him thinking it out as he goes along. THAT is Invention.

What I am doing is relying upon Divine Revelation. No, I am not pretending that what I think is the Holy Spirit... that is something that is quite too easy to abuse -- if one starts to suppose that one's own thinking is the Holy Spirit then there is no end to the foolishness that one can insist upon. But Visions, and Angelic Voices are Divine Revelations I am not making anything up!

Ask yourself, who would you believe, God or a Book? If you would walk away from God because He contradicts some silly favorite book of yours, then, well, you must be a colosal moron.

Thanks for your reply. I'm glad that you read it. Our search for truth is a long and winding road. There are many ruts along the way. As far as I am concerned I believe that you have had all the experiences that you say you've had. It takes alot of courage to speak of them. Whether other people believe you or not is not the issue. It's what you do with those experiences is what counts. Are your encounters with such divine things coming from God? Thats the biggest question you have to ask. The only way you will get answer is if you ask God. We also have the Holy Spirit as our alarm system. If everything you experienced then is congruent with God then it's from God. However, if it posses ideas not of love then you must question whether if it really is from God. God is many things but God most of all is love. To know Gods love is to know God. Everything from God bears fruit. So, if your experiences aren't bearing any fruit to glorify God then you may want to think about them some more. I hope and pray for you. Remember to look up to the sky and smile once and a while.

Thanks for listening,
macabre said:

If everything you experienced .... if it posses ideas not of love then you must question whether if it really is from God.


My Dear Little Baby Pink Dressed Sister,

The Wrath of God does not look a whole lot like Love. The Judgement of God does not look a whole lot like Love.

Why is it you expect Love from God. God had Come with only the Best of Intentions, and We Crucified Him. So we effectively passed on Love. We don't deserve Love anymore.

Look at the History of the Last Two Thousand Years. You see much Love in all that? But it is as much Love as we have coming to us.

The Major Chastisements from God have come approximately every Six Hundre and Sixty Six Years. Now, since 666 goes into 2000 3 times, we live in an Age where we can Anticipate a Punishment roughly equivalent to The Fall of Rome, with its Plagues and Barbarian Invasions; or the Black Plague of the Middle Ages with the Mongol Invasions.

Now, as dripping with Sweetness as you are, how much Love do you see in the Fall of Rome and the Black Plague? But make no mistake -- they were directly from God and addressed directly to us.
Your rebuttals are pure genius. Did your angel teach you that potty mouth? Maybe next time you could try "poopie face" or "stinky" or my favorite " hairy-zit-filled-biologically impossible-weight-watcher member of the month brain-donor geologist astronaut with a side order of corn beef on rye" :D :D :D

Thanks again for your reply. I'm glad that we are having this open discussion. There is one thing that we do agree on. I know that this may come as a shock but let me explain. I agree we don't deserve love at all. We deserve absolutly nothing because we are nothing. We are the deceased, the least, and the solitude. Man since the fall is by nature a detestable creature. Filling our hearts with pride, lust, greed, and idolatry. I've often wondered why God hasn't taken it all down by now. Shut down the system and say goodbye. I suppose it's natural because I'm just a man. Thats all I am. However, there is a revelation here. Gods love and judgement need eachother. It's something called unconditional love. How can God love me? God loves us because we are His creations. He wants to know us and us to know Him. Now you have pointed out a couple of instances of Gods wrath. This is good because it shows us that Gods love does have standards. God disciplines those who He loves. So, there is no need to fear Gods discipline. Welcome it and you will find understanding with God. If God doesn't love us then whats the point of living, and it would be fruitless if God didn't love us. God doesn't do things that are fruitless.

Thanks again for listening,
macabre said:

.... unconditional love. How can God love me? God loves us because we are His creations.

Thanks again for listening,

Free Will.

Adam and Eve were God's Creatures. When God tossed them out of the Garden, there came a separation between Man and God. This is what it means to be Out of Paradise. We are no longer the Creatures of God. We are the Creatures of Man. We are the Creations of our Parents.

God places us all under a Curse. That is not Love. That is the opposite of Love. But it is what we deserved.

The Coming of the Messiah was intended to Lift that Curse. But we Murdered the Messiah before that could transpire. If anything, the Curse got Worse.

No. The Doctrine of Unconditional Love is another Invention of the Anti-christ. Do you not see the Evil Logic of it? "God's Love is Unconditional and so I can Commit any Abomination and God will still Love me just the same". NO! We know this is not True. God's Love is VERY Conditional. Remember, that "each hair on our head is numbered". This means that they are each Ranked in Ascendency. We have mentions of Special Honors in Heaven and special Punishments in Hell. In my own Dreams and Visions I am shone the Relative Ranks and Rewards offered in accordance to Virtues and Spiritual Strengths that are attained.

So, no, God's Love is VERY Conditional. Only Satan would have you to think differently. That God does not distinguish between Good and Evil. But He does.

Thanks again for your reply. I'm sorry you feel that way. It's ok. Man does have a curse since the fall. Everything fell when man fell. So, man walks dead from birth. That is until we seek and know God. We are dead in sin but made alive in God. It's really cool stuff. I love you as my brother in God. What else can I say. It's what God wants us to do....LOVE EACHOTHER AND GOD. If Gods love was totaly conditional then we would not be here now. If God does not love us unconditonaly then you and I are doomed. I have a pretty good idea that He still loves us. This has been informing and fun I hope that we can keep doing this. You seem to be a really smart person. Just smile a bit more and let God love you. Let yourself love God.

Thanks again,
macabre said:

If God does not love us unconditonaly then you and I are doomed.


No! You are simply assuming Paul's Logic to be true. But go over it in your head. Paul simply asserts a lot of stuff.

How are we doomed unless God's Love is Unconditional? Is it not more in keeping with Common Sense and the Way we know Affections to work, to believe more in the Way the Hindu/Sanskrit Traditions see it -- that God comes toward us in some Proportion as we come toward Him. If we begin to Love God a little bit, then God begins to love us a little bit. This WOULD explain the different Degrees of Sainthood. People who have a Total Love of God experience that Total Love back as a Total Grace of Spirit. But in all of the History of Redemption there have been only a handful of such Saints. The more ordinary condition is that limited Human Love is met with limited Divine Love.

We must knock. We must Seek. Remember the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Though the Father "watched from afar", the Father did not leave His Ranch to carry the Son back. It is left up to us to dig up the Treasure.

You probably do not know of much Mariantology. In the Revelations of Our Lady of Grace we are told that Our Lady the Blessed Virgin wears three rings on each finger from which Grace Emmanates to Her Devotees. The Visionary, Catherine Labore, asked Our Lady of Grace why some rings did not Glow with the Rays of Grace. Our Lady replied that some Graces are not prayed for. So you see, there is no unconditional unlimited anything. We get from God in proportion to Our Prayers and our Receptivity.
Marian Catholism??

If you want to see what a person's real priorities are, then watch what they do when their life, or the life of a loved one, is in danger. When Pope John Paul II was shot, while the ambulance was rushing him to the hospital, the Pope was not praying to God or calling on the name of Jesus. He kept saying, over and over, “Mary, my mother!” Polish pilgrims placed a picture of Our Lady of Czestochowa on the throne where the Pope normally sat. People gathered around the picture. Vatican loudspeakers broadcasted the prayers of the rosary. When the Pope recovered, he gave Mary all the glory for saving his life, and he made a pilgrimage to Fatima to publicly thank her. History shows that beginning in 1948 there was a series of apparitions of Mary in the city of Lipa. These apparitions were sometimes accompanied by showers of rose petals and other supernatural phenomena. They occurred in a convent. The local bishop personally experienced a shower of rose petals and thereafter supported the apparitions. The media mocked the supernatural events in Lipa and street vendors sold phony “holy rose petals.” In response to the bad publicity, the Vatican sent a Papal Administrator to take over the diocese where the apparitions occurred. He replaced the bishop and the mother superior. The nun who saw the apparitions was forced to leave the convent. The nuns were ordered to destroy all materials associated with the apparitions, including a statue. The convent was sealed and the nuns were not allowed to talk to anyone outside the convent. An official Commission of Inquiry was convened, which unanimously ruled that the apparitions were not valid. However, they did not interview anybody who had personal, first-hand knowledge of the events. Several of the bishops who were part of the Commission of Inquiry stated on their deathbeds that the Papal Administrator had forced them to sign the verdict by threatening to excommunicate them if they did not sign it. [3] Does that sound like a religion by force?


The Catholic Church officially states that Church tradition is equal in authority to the Bible. (Catechism 80, 84, 86, 97) The problem is that Catholic tradition consists of various expressions of worship and belief of the Catholic people. (Catechism 78, 98, 113, 2650, 2661) It is nebulous. It keeps changing. You cannot find it written in one place. You can’t really put your hands on exactly what it is.According to the official teaching of the Catholic Church, Catholic men and women are not allowed to believe what they read in the Bible without checking it out with the Catholic Church. They are required to find out how the bishops of the Church interpret a passage and they are to accept what the bishops teach as if it came from Jesus Christ Himself. They are not allowed to use their own judgment or follow their own conscience. They are required to believe whatever the bishops teach without questioning it. (Catechism 85, 87, 100, 862, 891, 939, 2034, 2037, 2041, 2050) :eek: The Pope is said to be infallible whenever he makes an official decree on matters of faith and morals. According to Catholic doctrine, it is impossible for the Pope to teach false doctrine. Catholics are expected to obey the Pope without question even when he is not making an “infallible” statement about doctrine. They are expected to submit their wills and minds to the Pope without question. (Catechism 892, 2037, 2050)The Apostles told the religious leaders of their day, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29b) As an old hymn says, “On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.” Sorry Leo but Jesus(pbuh) said that the truth will set us free. (John 8:32) However, He did not say that the truth would necessarily be easy to accept i think your religion is one that worships man(or in this case woman) which "aint gonna get you in heaven" ;) ....peace