Marian Catholicism: The Last Living Religion

Very good essay. I congratulate you.

As the first part of your Essay points out, the Holy, Valid and Spiritual Aspect of the Catholic Church rests upon Our Lady the Blessed Virgin Mary. It acknowledges that God has delegated Her over us, and that we presently live within the Dispensation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. God is Great, and Christ is Good, but they are in Heaven. Mary, as Immaculate, and because She was Assumed Bodily into Heaven, where Her Body became 'Glorified' is equally at Home in Heaven or on Earth, where She often visits.

As the second part of your Essay points out, there is a War going in within the Catholic Church between the Marian Devotees and the followers of the Antichrist Paul. You can read from the Catechisms all you like -- but the catechisms are tools of the Bishops.

Many Religions fault Marian Catholics for their Devotion to the Blessed Virgin... that She is not God. These arguments usually source out of an Satanic Pride which supposes that for Human Greatness to be Satisfied only God will do. These individuals express that they are insulted and humiliated if God only sends His Emissory. I can expect such attitudes from Protestants, who are for the most part German by descent and therefore closer to Barbarism then the rest of those of European extraction -- they were the last to become Catholic, and so the first to Rebel against it. But those of the Islamic Culture should be accustomed by their Doctrines to Complete Surrender to the Will of God. For them, if they are told that God has delegated their Care to a Female Goddess, they should accept it in all Humility.

But if you do not believe me, then compare Religions. There has been no Appearances of Christ, no Dispensations of Grace by Christ, and the Muslims freely either admit that Mohammed would be their last sign of God's Grace, or are embarrassed to confess that for all their Demands that they will Bow only to God Almighty Himself, they are not rewarded by much of anything Miraculous, or even of anything Positive. Their History has been first of Overwhelming Violence, in which the History of Other Peoples display them as a Plague, and then as a History of Decline and Humiliation. Granted, the Marian Catholics have not fared much better in recent yearsa, but we are at least the Last Religion that still have a Living Viable Revelation.
surenderer said:
Sorry Leo but Jesus(pbuh) said that the truth will set us free. (John 8:32) However, He did not say that the truth would necessarily be easy to accept i think your religion is one that worships man(or in this case woman) which "aint gonna get you in heaven" ;) ....peace

You seem to concede the Reality of Our Lady of Lipa. It is this Divine Lady
whom you know to be Real who will guarantee my Reservations in Heaven.
Significantly the Title that Our Lady of Lipa, Philipines, goes by is "Mediatrix of All Grace". Does this not say it all. It would seem that if one desires the Grace of Christ, or of God, then there is only one place to Apply -- with Our Lady.

And Our Lady is hardly a respector of Factions. The many Hindus who are comfortable with Goddess Worship are undoubtably connecting with The Blessed Virgin and so they, along with the Marian Catholics, enjoy a Living Religion.

I don't know what to say. I guess I thought I could help you by letting you know that God loves you and doesn't want you to hurt. You're very good at your rhetoric. Unfortionatly you don't see how empty and contradictory it is. I'm sorry that I haven't been much of an impact to you. However, it's only been a couple of days. After all Rome wasn't built in a day. I guess I'm not out to change you but to challenge your ideas with love. Love is the most basic simple thing that we have between eachother and our creator. It's the greatest thing too! God loves us uncondionaly. Does that mean that all is well and people can do whatever they want? No! God loves us till the end. Unfortionatly for some that don't seek Him in this life will perish in the lake of fire. Gods love is unlike human love for the most part. As humans we only have a slight possibility of truly loving someone uncondionaly. Where as Gods love is always unconditional. Like I said, Gods love has standards. If you aren't bearing a fruit of love in your daily life with you creator and your brothers and sisters, then you may want to rethink what it is that you are following. Just some friendly advice from one truth seeker to another. However, I think I will stick around to keep talking to you. At least until God doesn't want me to do it anymore. As you know you are in my prayers.


P.S. I know it's cliche but remember to smile and laugh every once and a while.
macabre said:

I don't know what to say. I guess I thought I could help you by letting you know that God loves you and doesn't want you to hurt. You're very good at your rhetoric. Unfortionatly you don't see how empty and contradictory it is. I'm sorry that I haven't been much of an impact to you. However, it's only been a couple of days. After all Rome wasn't built in a day. I guess I'm not out to change you but to challenge your ideas with love. Love is the most basic simple thing that we have between eachother and our creator. It's the greatest thing too! God loves us uncondionaly. Does that mean that all is well and people can do whatever they want? No! God loves us till the end. Unfortionatly for some that don't seek Him in this life will perish in the lake of fire. Gods love is unlike human love for the most part. As humans we only have a slight possibility of truly loving someone uncondionaly. Where as Gods love is always unconditional. Like I said, Gods love has standards. If you aren't bearing a fruit of love in your daily life with you creator and your brothers and sisters, then you may want to rethink what it is that you are following. Just some friendly advice from one truth seeker to another. However, I think I will stick around to keep talking to you. At least until God doesn't want me to do it anymore. As you know you are in my prayers.


P.S. I know it's cliche but remember to smile and laugh every once and a while.

Apparently I am not getting through to you either. You still insist that Righteousness means nothing and that you might as well be the worst sinner in the World, because "God's Love is Unconditional" -- this is Satan in his Sheep's Clothing!

Have you missed the References in the Gospels that refer to Judgment. Christ sends the Rich Man to Hell, does He not? If we have not your Unconditional Love there, then where? Christ HATED the Pharisees! If we have not the Unconditional Love you speak of there, then where?

Oh! I get it! You mean that God will love us even when He is sending us to Hell! Well, that's Great, isn't it. So what good does God's Unconditional Love do us if it comes at the end of a Pitch Fork and is used to throw us into the Eternal Flames.

So, NO! Righteousness matters. Conditions matter.

You need to stop Preaching the Doctrines of the Antichrist. You need to stop telling People it is fine and dandy to Sin. It isn't.

This is getting interesting because we obviously do not have a clear channel of communication. First off, I never mentioned Paul or his teachings. Second, I never said God doesn't care about sin. Now that we have that clear I will go on. For all you know I could have very well gotten the teaching of unconditional love from the old testiment. If you read it, it is very prevelent. For instance read any of the number of Psalms. Oh, I think you will find many occasions in which we hear about Gods great grace and love for us. Now as for Gods unconditional love, it exists and thats how he loves us. Sin pulls us away from God and thus away from loving God. Now, we all sin to some degree or another everyday. So, if this is true then God can never love any of us ever. Of course thats using your Hindu theology. What that has to do with Mariontology, I don't know. But thats another subject for another time. God is always seeking us out. God wants to know us and us to know Him. God loves a crackhead as much as He loves you or me. Does that mean God thinks that what the crackhead is doing is ok? No! Does God want him to turn to Him and love Him? Yes! Is there punishment for his sin if he doesn't turn to God? Yes! So, if God loves you according to how much you love him, how much does God love you? Was it enough to sacrifice His own son for your sake? Yes! That sounds alot like....................unconditonal love. But hey, you've got your opinion and I have mine. This has been fun. Remember SMILE.

Thanks again,
macabre said:

This is getting interesting because we obviously do not have a clear channel of communication. First off, I never mentioned Paul or his teachings. Second, I never said God doesn't care about sin. Now that we have that clear I will go on. For all you know I could have very well gotten the teaching of unconditional love from the old testiment. If you read it, it is very prevelent. For instance read any of the number of Psalms. Oh, I think you will find many occasions in which we hear about Gods great grace and love for us. Now as for Gods unconditional love, it exists and thats how he loves us. Sin pulls us away from God and thus away from loving God. Now, we all sin to some degree or another everyday. So, if this is true then God can never love any of us ever. Of course thats using your Hindu theology. What that has to do with Mariontology, I don't know. But thats another subject for another time. God is always seeking us out. God wants to know us and us to know Him. God loves a crackhead as much as He loves you or me. Does that mean God thinks that what the crackhead is doing is ok? No! Does God want him to turn to Him and love Him? Yes! Is there punishment for his sin if he doesn't turn to God? Yes! So, if God loves you according to how much you love him, how much does God love you? Was it enough to sacrifice His own son for your sake? Yes! That sounds alot like....................unconditonal love. But hey, you've got your opinion and I have mine. This has been fun. Remember SMILE.

Thanks again,

EVERYTHING you say is Pauline Doctrine! You still insist that God's Love needs to be Unconditional even if we are a hair short of Perfection. It's something that you assert, just as Paul simply asserted it. But it has no sway of Common Sense in it.

Also from Paul is your notion that we HAVE TO BE SINNERS. Christ told us to be perfect. Your Pauline insistence that we are Defined by Sin is Satanic!

When you refer to the Psalms as instances of God's Unconditional Love, you are talking about Esoteric Mystical Experiences. These are fine for Mystics. The Reason they experience Unconditional Love is because they have renouned their own Individuality and had become One with the Soul of God Himself. It is great to be a Mystic, huh? But if you are not a Mystic -- a Veritable Buddha of Divine Enlightenment, then you are a Soul Subject to the Judgment of God.

Souls Subject to the Judgment of God have quite another rule to go by -- FEAR OF THE LORD! It is God's Judgment we need to worry about.

Go to an Inner City near you. Go to a Hospital near you. Take a good look around. Smell it! You will stop being so silly about God's Unconditional Love and you will see that we are at the dirty end of God's Hate for Humanity. We Killed His Son. From the very beginning we have been Disobedient and Sinful. And God in His Fathomless Hate sends His Avenging Angels to see we are punished.

Yes, there are Mystics who by long hard apologies and penances are able to persuade God to Reconciliation, and these are accepted into the Bosom of God. But for the Rest of Humanity, the Divine Hammer never stops pounding down upon us.

It is by Apology, Repentance, Penance, Reform and Perfection that we can eventually appease God's Anger. Just as His Love is obviously not Unconditional, neither is His Anger.

Finally you say that God sacrificed His Son for us. That is the Quintessential Pauline Doctrine, is it not. Paul as a Pharisee voted to have the Messiah, the King of Kings, Executed... Killed... Murdered... tortured to Death. Then somehow this becomes "God Sacrificed His Son for Us". Huh!? This is the Ultimate Anti-christical Doctrine. "We Murdered God and so NOW we can do anything we want!" "We Killed the Son of God and so God no longer counts our Sins against us!" All you need to do is LOOK AT IT FOR WHAT IT REALLY IS, and you can see that the Antichrist Paul fooled everybody.

We were not supposed to Kill the King of Kings. It was an accident of Free Will and Human Perversity... just like Adam and Eve's Original Disobedience. The Three Kings of the East did not come to visit a child who would become a Famous Dead Man. The King of Kings had been the Prophetic Reality. I suppose God did not take into account just how much the Jews must have Hated Him.

You are an entertaining one. All I have to say is wow! I would agree with you but it makes no sense. God hates us! I think I'll go around telling everybody that. That will inspire alot of hope. So, I'll make this question short since you won't or can't seem to answer any of my other questions. Why do you think God hates you? That's my question. I hope this will further our discussion.

macabre said:

You are an entertaining one. All I have to say is wow! I would agree with you but it makes no sense. God hates us! I think I'll go around telling everybody that. That will inspire alot of hope. So, I'll make this question short since you won't or can't seem to answer any of my other questions. Why do you think God hates you? That's my question. I hope this will further our discussion.


You see, you even have the Pauline Attitude. You care NOTHING about the truth... you only want to go around "Telling Everybody... inspire a lot of Hope". This is a euphemism for wanting to Sell People your Bill of Goods. You are a Rug salesman who wants to sell his Rugs.

Forget your Mercenary Agenda. Forget everything but the Truth. Why would you want to lie to People so that you can bring them into a Religion that is not True?

Tell People the Truth, and if One in a Thousand People listen, well, at least he is listening to The Truth. Your Popular and Pleasant Lies -- everyone listens but SO WHAT!? The lies do them no good!

It is like the Sufi Story of the Man looking for his Lost Key under the Street Light. "Is this where you dropped it?" he was asked. "No, but this is where the light is". You tell people the only thing that Paul found that they are willing to listen to. But it isn't where the Key is.
Christ sends the Rich Man to Hell, does He not?

No. Christ said it would be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. That's all. He didn't condemn the guy to hell. In fact, I can't remember any instance of Jesus ever mentioning hell.

Do me a favor, and answer my question. Or, if you have another you would like me to ask you let me know.

Thanks again,
James R said:
No. Christ said it would be difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. That's all. He didn't condemn the guy to hell. In fact, I can't remember any instance of Jesus ever mentioning hell.

You forget the Parable of the Rich Man. The Rich Guy ends up in Hell beyond an Abyss that cannot be crossed. He calls out to Christ to allow Lazarus the Poor Man, who the Rich Man had oppressed for an entire lifetime, to go and warn all the Rich Relatives.

You remember now, right. You remembered before, but it didn't fit your argument and so you chose to be disingenuous. Nice!
Dear Macabre,

Oh! You asked a question. I'm sorry, I thought it was a mere rhetorical device.

Why does God hate me?

God hates me because I'm not entirely Spiritual.

You see God loves God. As every Mystic has found out, God does not love Anything but Himself. If you wish to be loved by God you must give up everyting in your being which is not God.

But if God hates me, I can only imagine His seething Rage with you. At least I acknowledge and deplore my Distance from God. But you openly advocate the acceptability of Sin in that by Murdering His Son you have somehow earned some Unlimited Licence in Forgiveness to Sin to your utmost Satisfaction.

I am the Prodigal Son returning home. You are still spending the Inheretance you stole from the Dead Body of Christ.
I think James is the last guy in this forum you should be saying that to. He knows his stuff. So do I, and to be honest with you, I don't recall that particular parable either. Do you have a reference to back up your claim? I'm not asking for James, I'm asking for myself. To request a reference is in no way unreasonable.
Halcyon said:
I think James is the last guy in this forum you should be saying that to. He knows his stuff. So do I, and to be honest with you, I don't recall that particular parable either. Do you have a reference to back up your claim? I'm not asking for James, I'm asking for myself. To request a reference is in no way unreasonable.

You "know your stuff" but do not know the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. That is a contradiction.

Did you try making a search?...

This took five of MY seconds to do YOUR homework:
There are two parables concerning rich men. One is where a rich man comes up to Jesus and says he wants to get into heaven. Jesus replies with go home and sell all your things and follow me. The rich man was very uneasy with this. Thus Jesus saying it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven. The other is the parable of Lazarus and the rich man. In which the rich man never gave unto Lazarus (the poor man but rich in faith). When they die Lazarus is in heaven and the rich man is in hell looking across the great chasm between heaven and hell at Lazarus. So, there you go. Jesus does mention hell.


You have a funny way about you. Your tear down everyone of your brothers and sisters. Wasn't it Jesus who said build your brother up don't tear him down? Just a thought.

Leo Volont said:
You forget the Parable of the Rich Man. The Rich Guy ends up in Hell beyond an Abyss that cannot be crossed. He calls out to Christ to allow Lazarus the Poor Man, who the Rich Man had oppressed for an entire lifetime, to go and warn all the Rich Relatives.

You remember now, right. You remembered before, but it didn't fit your argument and so you chose to be disingenuous. Nice!

Wow. So yeah, I appreciate all the trouble you went through to provide us with a reference to support your claim, hope you didn't strain something. Did you take the time to read the parable yourself? I'm looking down into a couple of reference bibles I keep handy and I'm reading that the Rich Man cried out to Abraham, not Jesus like you claimed. In fact, I see no reference whatsoever to any kind of personal involvement of Jesus in this this parable at all.

Leo Volont said:
This took five of MY seconds to do YOUR homework:
Wasn't my homework. You're the one making the claims, you're the one expected to have some kind of ground to support them on. You're trying to get your point accross, doing so would always be better facilitated by providing the answers to those that have questions.

Leo Volont said:
Is this a kindergarten class?
Do you know the difference between Abraham and Jesus?