Mandatory Castration and penile resection for convicted peodophiles

Mandatory surgical procedures for convicted Peodophiles

  • yes

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • no

    Votes: 15 65.2%

  • Total voters
I would think that a one size fits all approach would prove to be flawed. In other words some treatments might be effective with some offenders which would not with others. Perhaps the best way forward would be to involve the largest possible cross section of sex offenders in studies giving various treatment options (drugs, cognitive/behavioural therapy, brain surgery and a placebo -prison) and then use results to inform future policy.
How about chemical castration? No urges no splurges?
M*W: How could that be monitored? Can't trust them to take hormones themselves. What good would it do anyway? Chemical castration doesn't remove sexual urges. Even men without testicles still have sexual desire as well as performance. The desire is in the brain, not in the balls.
will someone please answer my question, what if the person is wrongly convicted, are they just simply going to glue his penis back on and say "oh sorry we made a mistake" mistakes do happen and people get wrongly accused by horrible kids
M*W: A predator without a penis is still a predator. They'll find other ways to rape, molest and abuse. What's wrong with execution? I don't agree with them even having to wear ankle monitors. Those have to be, uh, monitored. Put 'em in the ground, and check them on an annual basis. Then you can say, "Yep, he's still here."
I'm not talking about rapists; I'm talking about pedophiles.
M*W: What's the difference? They both destroy the psyche, unless of course, they go ahead and kill their victim, then he/she won't have to suffer.
you cant be more wrong, children accuse men and women every day of sexual abuse and without evidence the police will jump on the people straight away, i have an uncle who was wrongly accused and he was in jail, he lost his job, wife, house, and i had to be a character witness for him, i had to say somthing like "i leave my children with him and they are safe and i feal relaxed that they are with him" the girl who accused him was his grand daughter, and rge case was dissmissed after he had spent 6mths in prison, and the girl who lied well she wasnt punished and she will do it again because she got attention, the police arested him without evidence
M*W: Yes, you are right. Being falsely accused can hurt an entire family. There is also a pediatric genitourinary disease that has symptoms of a potential child abuse case. I cannot recall the syndrome just now, but I've read about it in medical literature. It involves bruising and lesions in and around the genital area, with other symptoms I now forget. A pediatrician would aim automatically to rule out child sexual abuse. Taking the child to a pediatric urologist, however, it could be more easily to detect a genitourinary cause rather than child sexual abuse. Even then, this it is hard to distinguish between this particular syndrome and an sexually abused child, and an astute medical eye needs to be sought. Of course, even a pediatric urologist can be wrong, and someone could be wrongly accused and convicted. I knew a case of a young child who had genital warts. The mother took the child to the dermatologist who was the first to diagnose it as genital warts. She immediately suspected child sexual abuse and ruled out any other possible diagnosis. Then the accusations and investigation by police started. A family was destroyed. A male relative went to jail proclaiming his innocence. Later on when I was seeing this pregnant mother again, she mentioned to me how she kept having a recurrence of warts on her fingers tips. I sent her to the dermatologist who determined that she actually had transmitted the warts to her young child during diaper changes! But an entire family was destroyed because of the original misdiagnosis. The child in question grew up to be a fine young lady, and the family was able to regroup. The uncle who was blamed was exonerated of the charges.

The moral to this story is child abuse is the first diagnosis. Get a second and third opinion if need be with specialists, not just general practitioners or pediatricians whose responsibility it is to first rule-out child sexual abuse before any other diagnosis can be made. By not getting second and third medical opinions, the witch hunt will usually find and accuse a close family member. And when placed in the center of an investigation like this, even children will say what they think you want to hear, because they want you to be pleased with them. They're smart enough to know the questions you ask them, they want to give you the answers they think you want to hear. I've seen it too many times where innocent people are accused. But then, I've seen it all too more often where a child is abused and the predator gets a slap on the hand.
you cant be more wrong, children accuse men and women every day of sexual abuse and without evidence the police will jump on the people straight away, i have an uncle who was wrongly accused and he was in jail, he lost his job, wife, house, and i had to be a character witness for him, i had to say somthing like "i leave my children with him and they are safe and i feal relaxed that they are with him" the girl who accused him was his grand daughter, and rge case was dissmissed after he had spent 6mths in prison, and the girl who lied well she wasnt punished and she will do it again because she got attention, the police arested him without evidence

What is even worse is that people can be made to believe something actually happened when nothing did. This is no doubt a form of brain washing, and when big money is involved you would be surprised how easy it is to become convinced. I can say with certainty that an act like this would be remembered, barring no other neurological disorders.

Of course the other end of the spectrum is allowing known pedos to walk around freely.
I am opposed to surgical castration because it is impossible to reverse in the case of mistakes. Chemical castration also may not be 100% effective so I am opposed to ever releasing these the most dangerous of predators back upon society. I am all in favor of life imprisonment as I oppose the death penalty on ethical and religous reasons.
I guess we are basically talking about the limitations of an impefect legal system.

Which is why ethically it is difficult to consider mandatory surgery. But one wonders how capital punishment could be justified when considered in the same way.
We are sooooo inconsistant in our ethical approach hey? yet another example of imperfection......:)
In another thread a discussion has been ongoing about the child sex industry and peodophilia in general.
It seems apparant that serious male offenders remain upon release from prison a constant threat to the safety of the child as rehabilitation seems in effective.

Would it not be simpler, more humane and certainy cheaper on society to just simply remove the organs necessary to perform these terrible acts. Surgery for the castration or testicles, and penile resection would certainly dampen the extreme entuisiasm a peodophile may have if not elliminate it entirely.

It seems strange to me that this is not already common practice around the world, and it appears that the perpetrators genitillia is considered more precious than that of the childrens lives he is determined to destroy.

How do we deal with the ethics and morality associated with this issue?

Care to discuss?

Castration is going to scare the marjority of pedophiles and they'll just force themselves to have adult sexual relations... and reproduce... then their kids will have the same tendencies and... repeat. Meanwhile the pedophile population increases.

In other words I think its a bad solution. Want less gay people in the world? Ban being gay! Scare them all into being hetero... so they'll reproduce and make more! You see my point?

A better solution might be to have non-destructive outlets for people with problem behaviors. That way they can not reproduce by choice and the behavior would die out over time.
Castration is going to scare the marjority of pedophiles and they'll just force themselves to have adult sexual relations... and reproduce... then their kids will have the same tendencies and... repeat. Meanwhile the pedophile population increases.

In other words I think its a bad solution. Want less gay people in the world? Ban being gay! Scare them all into being hetero... so they'll reproduce and make more! You see my point?

A better solution might be to have non-destructive outlets for people with problem behaviors. That way they can not reproduce by choice and the behavior would die out over time.
Of course CC [ Hi BTW ] you are assuming that genetic inheritance is siginificantly involved in peodophilia, I would suggest to the contrary and make a case for conditioned causation both for Peodophiles and Homosexual predilictions.

I can also guarrantee that at this stage in our human understanding both cases could be made strongly if one really wanted to debate the issue, so I wont get into it as we simply have no way of fully making a claim on any side of the debate.
There is strong evidence to suggest peodophilia is an outcome of early child abuse given to the peodoolphile as a child. He is only repeating what was done to him. Thus a generational cycle of abuse continues.

But of course I cannot rule out significant genetic probabilities but until the appropriate genes involved are fully assessed and understood I can only consider evidence that can be presented and not mere genetic speculation. Statistical analysis of a peodophiles life is indicative of a condition state or illness. But hey stats can be made to mean anything yes?
What is even worse is that people can be made to believe something actually happened when nothing did. This is no doubt a form of brain washing, and when big money is involved you would be surprised how easy it is to become convinced. I can say with certainty that an act like this would be remembered, barring no other neurological disorders.

Of course the other end of the spectrum is allowing known pedos to walk around freely.

yes i know and agree they need to be punished, but castration is a bit severe, i understand that they destroy lives.

they need to be researched to see why they do what they do. if we know why they do it then perahps we can develope a "cure" (i say the word "cure" because i cant think of anouther word)
Of course CC [ Hi BTW ] you are assuming that genetic inheritance is siginificantly involved in peodophilia, I would suggest to the contrary and make a case for conditioned causation both for Peodophiles and Homosexual predilictions.

I can also guarrantee that at this stage in our human understanding both cases could be made strongly if one really wanted to debate the issue, so I wont get into it as we simply have no way of fully making a claim on any side of the debate.
There is strong evidence to suggest peodophilia is an outcome of early child abuse given to the peodoolphile as a child. He is only repeating what was done to him. Thus a generational cycle of abuse continues.

But of course I cannot rule out significant genetic probabilities but until the appropriate genes involved are fully assessed and understood I can only consider evidence that can be presented and not mere genetic speculation. Statistical analysis of a peodophiles life is indicative of a condition state or illness. But hey stats can be made to mean anything yes?

Hey QQ,

I honestly don't know how much genetics vs. environment affects sexual orientation; however, if people with weird sexual behaviors are given outlets then they are not going to reproduce / have families of shared genes and learned behaviors. Nature wont favor pedophilia so why not simply take advantage of that?
Hey QQ,

I honestly don't know how much genetics vs. environment affects sexual orientation; however, if people with weird sexual behaviors are given outlets then they are not going to reproduce / have families of shared genes and learned behaviors. Nature wont favor pedophilia so why not simply take advantage of that?

hmmm can't reproduce if castrated either....hmmmmm excuse the glibness..:)

The issue you were showing was that you feel that if mandatory surgery was required then most peodophiles would go into hiding and perpetrate their crimes more secretly and Reproduce and create more peodophiles etc etc.
The alternative is what we more of less have already today and that is an increasing problem and on going generation recycling of the abuse.

However if ever the issue of nurture vs nature was resolved and it was considerd as a nuture issue then mandatory surgery "Could" be a way of breaking this cycle of regenerating generational abuse.
If nature has been more or less ruled out then the abused man with peodophile tendancies can get on with his life and deal with his abuse as a child thus learning not to inflict this on other children.
Also I feel tragically that individually we tend to underestimate just how serious child abuse is to the child. We know that it is terrible but after a few months of tutt tutting we seem to think that the problem has gone away for the child which is definitely not the case. My wife is 60 years old and still suffering terribly due to abuse as a child. [ only now seeking counciling to hopefully resolve these very deep seated issues]

It is a minefield of hidden issues because as a society we are all victims in some way of abuse on a regular basis. But we get on with it as best we can. Some fall .....and some survive......some excell.......
To avoid such a disgusting and perhaps ineffective action
We should rather put them to Death, which would be far more effective

Now, as for wrongly accused, of course it would be necessary to PROVE WITHOUT THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT that they did such horrendous acts, it would be wise and Just to put them to Death for such a crime.
hmmm can't reproduce if castrated either....hmmmmm excuse the glibness..:)

That's quite correct.

The issue you were showing was that you feel that if mandatory surgery was required then most peodophiles would go into hiding and perpetrate their crimes more secretly and Reproduce and create more peodophiles etc etc.
The alternative is what we more of less have already today and that is an increasing problem and on going generation recycling of the abuse.

We're talking about two different things here. Committing a crime and having a weird sexual orientation. Let's say 30% of the population is really attracted to children and force themselves to have normal sexual relations. They then have both genetic and behavioral influence on their children. I am asserting that this will result in the behavior being propogated.

If you create outlets and education for those people then they are going to choose to remove their influence from the gene pool.

However if ever the issue of nurture vs nature was resolved and it was considerd as a nuture issue then mandatory surgery "Could" be a way of breaking this cycle of regenerating generational abuse.

Are we talking about sexual orientation or criminals? On a side note, I strongly doubt the issue will be nailed to nurture only. If that were the case then how did the first pedophiles come to be and why are they in every society?

If nature has been more or less ruled out then the abused man with peodophile tendancies can get on with his life and deal with his abuse as a child thus learning not to inflict this on other children.
Also I feel tragically that individually we tend to underestimate just how serious child abuse is to the child. We know that it is terrible but after a few months of tutt tutting we seem to think that the problem has gone away for the child which is definitely not the case. My wife is 60 years old and still suffering terribly due to abuse as a child. [ only now seeking counciling to hopefully resolve these very deep seated issues]

It makes me wonder if part of the issue is missing education on human behavior. I have seen people both devestated and unaffected from things their parents did to them. As far as I can tell education (and I guess to some degree the ability to comprehend) seems to be a key difference between them.

It is a minefield of hidden issues because as a society we are all victims in some way of abuse on a regular basis. But we get on with it as best we can. Some fall .....and some survive......some excell.......

As a society, we are overly sensitive to thinking we are victims.