Man Kills Child Molester

Could you kill someone who molested your child?

  • Yes, I think I could

    Votes: 29 78.4%
  • No, I don't think I could

    Votes: 8 21.6%

  • Total voters
Shoot them in the legs, problem solved.

But I've answered all of them and given very sound solutions to every single remote, unlikely, and nonrealistic scenario you have so far put forth. You getting frustrated at trying to come up with even weirder and more unlikely scenarios doesn't change that. I'm thinking you're close to the limit of your argument, here.

No, Will, you said earlier that you'd kill the one trying to kill the other. That that's the only way you approve a killing. What you're doing here is just skirting the real questions/points .....being dishonest. It's like saying that the cops should shoot the gun out of the hands of the criminals the cowboys in the movies!! ...LOL!

Sorry, Will, you're being totally dishonest in your argument. And worse, you know it and so does everyone else.

Baron Max
No, Will, you said earlier that you'd kill the one trying to kill the other. That that's the only way you approve a killing. What you're doing here is just skirting the real questions/points .....being dishonest. It's like saying that the cops should shoot the gun out of the hands of the criminals the cowboys in the movies!! ...LOL!

Sorry, Will, you're being totally dishonest in your argument. And worse, you know it and so does everyone else.

Baron Max

But unlike cowboys, there's nothing hard about disabling someone with gunfire instead of killing them. You're exaggerating again. :cool:

Why do you keep claiming to know the minds of everyone else in the thread..? Have you taken a WillNever poll? May I see it..? In the meantime, try to avoid drawing in an imaginary posse to back up your beliefs. Just stick to what YOU have to say, and see if your argument can stand on its own merits.

It won't, though. :cool:
Ok. I agree that each case is unique and that there may be more hope for a younger person to rehab.

But let me ask this.

What would you do if you found out that the pyscho who raped and killed your 4 year old did it before and was let out last year because the courts deemed him a non-threat or because his time ran out ?

This is an event that has repeated itself countless times. As the parent of that child, do we blame the courts for their actions. What is their responsibility to the parents of the dead child ?

Again that is different and you have to look at it case by case you said it your self Physco they do have warning signs that usually get ignored do to rights of that individual. we are talking about a 13 year old boy not a grown man the kid confessed to what he did and realized it to be wrong. In my mind there is no comparison to a Physco child molesting killer.
...there's nothing hard about disabling someone with gunfire instead of killing them...

But WillNever, law enforcement officers are trained to shoot to kill, for their own, as well as others', protection. Do you disagree with this policy? If you were in such a position (gun aimed at your head, you somehow have one chance to fire first, etc.) would you take the time / chance to "aim for the legs or arms"?

"Nothing hard?" Are you that good of a shot? Have you even ever fired a pistol? If you miss, you die. Double-tap seems the way to go...

Also, there is the more pedestrian advice of "don't draw a weapon if you don't intend to use it" - I suspect you would need to start at the beginning and retrain every thought drilled into all law enforcement personnel, military, and every day hand gun users - drilled into their heads from the moment they first pick up a weapon.

Not to mention, the whole idea is ludicrous - the anti gun fanatics have one thing right - except for target shooting, guns are designed to kill - period.
But WillNever, law enforcement officers are trained to shoot to kill, for their own, as well as others', protection. Do you disagree with this policy? If you were in such a position (gun aimed at your head, you somehow have one chance to fire first, etc.) would you take the time / chance to "aim for the legs or arms"?

Police are trained to do all sorts of things, killing and disabling alike.

If a gun is aimed at my head, then that killing is a defense on my part. That means the person is trying to kill me, and the only way to fight back is to shoot him, whether he dies or is injured as a result of that shot. This falls entirely in line with my original statements here.
so molesting 3 yr olds before you turn 18 is ok, but not after you turn 18?
And this kid was her 15 yr old brother. I don't know where you got 13 :shrug:

Sorry Fifteen then studies have show that the Brain continues to develop up to 18 yrs of age so if the offense is caught a young age it is more likely to be treated successfully. Verses a fully developed brain that is present after the age of 19 to about 20 or so years.
You made that up! How do you go from the molester admitting to his Mom what he had done to the father molesting him?! :mad:

Of course I made it up. I am merely speculating. Why would he kill his son ?

We know that most molesters were molested. So I am tying to loose ends together.

Who molested the molester ?
Why would the father kill the son ?

Answer, to keep the molester from spilling the beans about who molested him.

There was a question as to if the father had not killed him. We may have found out who possibly molested the molester. So, I speculated that it could have been the father who molested him and then to keep him quiet, killed him.

But we don't even know if the son was molested himself, so yes I made it up.
Again that is different and you have to look at it case by case you said it your self Physco they do have warning signs that usually get ignored do to rights of that individual. we are talking about a 13 year old boy not a grown man the kid confessed to what he did and realized it to be wrong. In my mind there is no comparison to a Physco child molesting killer.

I agree again case by case, but in general, we know that molesters tend to repeat. So even in this kids case, how would you feel if 10 years from now he gets out and molests your kid.

If we can move away from this case for a minute. What are we going to do with all of them. How many kids need to get molested before we put a freaking stop to it ?

As I have mentioned before, this is a converstion that we have to have as a nation. Figure out necessary changes to our legal system so that the innocents in society are better protected.
I dont believe that.

One common misconception is that molested children grow up to become child molesters themselves. But, in fact, most childhood sexual abuse victims do not go on to become perpetrators. In some instances, if a child is sexually victimized, and is abused in other ways as well, he or she may later molest a child

What it doesn't say here is what the percentage of molesters caught, claim to have been molested themselves. The only thing this says is that a lot of molested kids grow up and don't become molesters.

Likewise, a sexually abused child who also exhibits antisocial behavior may go on to commit acts of child molestation, although an individual's inadequate social and interpersonal skills do not make it inevitable that he will sexually abuse children

Few criminal offenses are more despised than the sexual abuse of children, and few are so little understood in terms of the number of offenses committed, the proportion of the population who commit offenses, and the risks of re-offense. One reason is that sex crimes committed against children and teenagers are believed to be widely underreported. This assumption is supported by the reports of both sex offenders and sexually abused children. Offenders commonly report fewer incidents of child molestation than those for which they are

Most convicted sex offenders are eventually released, giving rise to concerns over Recidivism. Recidivism rates are affected by a number of factors, including differences in legal guidelines and statutes in the states; opportunities to re-offend; characteristics of the offender; treatment availabilities; and post-treatment supervision. Child molesters have been known to re-offend as late as 20 years following release into the community

I will keep looking for more detailed info.
I think there is a natural tendency to make that claim AFTER getting caught. There is such a stigma associated with this type of crime. Also, it does nothing for people who actually were molested and would never do such a thing themselves. Which i am sure is quite common. Basically what i am saying is that i tend to not believe the molesters.
I think there is a natural tendency to make that claim AFTER getting caught. There is such a stigma associated with this type of crime. Also, it does nothing for people who actually were molested and would never do such a thing themselves. Which i am sure is quite common. Basically what i am saying is that i tend to not believe the molesters.

Well that is interesting. I wonder what their motivation to lie would be, other than trying to get to feel sorry for them.

The problem is that way too many occur whether they themselves do it, it's happening to much, too many get away with the crime, like rape and they are put away for good. Let out to re-offend.
I dont believe that.

And yes Ellie this is true. How ever society at least western society has made sex far too up front and unstigmatized it. well all the suggestive ads and types of movies and entertainment that is available to Kids and adults alike. And before any on goes on a religious rant save it for another day not interested in what a cult would have to say about anything. What we need to do as a society is we need to reform the whole. Punish verses treatment issue.
It's a gray area to me. Like i said, there is a natural tendency to make that claim and it seems like a stock response.
Well that is interesting. I wonder what their motivation to lie would be, other than trying to get to feel sorry for them.

It is called taking the easy way out and laying the blame elsewhere. Also, it is a contradiction because if, as you claim and the evidence shows, that these people cannot really control this then it goes against the claims of them being abused themselves. I am not saying this is NEVER the case though.

On the other hand, physical abuse seems more likely to be the result of some type of cycle. For the simple reason that it is a learned behaviour of how to deal with things.
How ever society at least western society has made sex far too up front and unstigmatized it.

Well, OMG. We better put a stop to that, or we will end up with a population of well-informed, sensible teens in a position to make the right decisions regarding their sex lives. (or lack thereof) I'm sure we would all much be better off if there was absolutely NO education or information available to the curious child / teen regarding sex. After all, that's the second biggest trick the devil ever played - give kids the desire and ability to have sex (in whatever form), but make sure it is an uninformed, unguided SIN to so desire...

You, and your kind, literally make me sick. I do not want my daughters sleeping with every Tom[']s Hairy Dick, but I do want them to have the necessary knowledge to be discriminating and yet, still enjoy a wonderful, fulfilling, wholesome sex life. (Probably an "oxymoron" to many "morons", here and elsewhere.)

And the beat goes on....
I answered no, however I don't know if I could stick to my believe or not, it's tough to determine what I would do.

I know it is not my place to judge or blame, and I also know forgiveness is something I must do - however if my child was disrespected like that, it would be difficult for me not to react.

If I were to walk in on the act, I'd probably kill the molester, but I'd be doing it knowing I was in the wrong, but not thinking, just reacting.

Vigilante justice is a dangerous thing, what if the molester was inocent?
What if you killed the wrong guy?

Besides child molesters are treated as scum even in jail - why would I want to give the molester an easy way out, when his actions have consequences much worse then a shotgun blast to the head has!

I will also say Pedifiles have a disease. I am not defending them in anyway, I think they are very sick. But it's not like they wake up one day and decide lets rape children! Most of them fight off an overwhelming urge for years even decades, before they give in to their twisted temptations.