Man Kills Child Molester

Could you kill someone who molested your child?

  • Yes, I think I could

    Votes: 29 78.4%
  • No, I don't think I could

    Votes: 8 21.6%

  • Total voters
You might need as much help as they do.

There are so-called recovered pedophiles running around, who never committed any sexual acts against children. They didn't recover by suiciding, either.

I don't give a crap, someone with those urges shouldn't be alive.
Even when not acted on? Even when they find themselves having those urges through no making of their own? That is an innocent person.

What did they do to deserve death, except to live?
put it this way, you have a gun on the guys head. hes not going ANYWHERE, the cops come, they do a rape kit on the kid, you tell the police what happened, that guy is GOING to jail. So how have you "protected her" by killing him? you havent, all you have done is vent your own feelings and now she not only has been sexually assulted and has to deal with that, she now has to deal with the fact that her father is a murderer and because of her age she is probably going to belive its her OWN fault. How is that being a good parent?

No you haven't protected her, however you may have protected other children he may come along.

I know if anything like that happened to any of my boys, I WOULD kill. Many mothers would. In some cases the molester doesn't even go to prison, so what's best have him out on the streets to abuse more children or to put a stop to it?
In this case, the molester admitted to his mother what he had done. She called the 3 yr old's father and told him. The man beat him up and shot him.

From what I understand, the 15 yr old boy lay on top of his sister. There was no penetration. The child then went to his mother in an attempt to get help (as children are often encouraged to do by their parents). The mother contacted his father, who then came home, marched his son at the point of a shotgun into a parking lot despite the pleading of his mother, forced him to strip, and then gunned him down.

If this is what occurred, then the father is cold-blooded murderer, and I hope he gets punished to the full extent of the law.
yes, i would be tempted to, but would i? no, nobody i know would be better off by me killing the child molester. jailing them seems to me like a far worse fate in many ways... chances are he or she won't even survive the jail anyhow.

how about a friggin link to a news story in the starter post?
this is a bad story no matter how you look at it. in other cases and depending on the offender i can see the death penalty given but this was something different.
maybe its good that the offspring of such an idiot doesnt get to live on, and in the process the another idiot gets put into jail

maybe the father was like those extremely anti-gay republicans who are secretly gay...
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At 15 she will likely still be rather affected by what happened.

i doubt it, since i've seen cases of things like this in my near vicinity (and myself, albeit i was a little boy and the other party was something like a 15 year old girl - i thought it was weird at the time, but that's all). it only leaves lasting marks if they are encouraged to feel like a victim. people overvictimize way too much for drama's sake.
A man found out his 3 yr old daughter had been molested. He took the molester out into a field and shot him in the head. He is now facing murder charges here in Michigan.

Would you ever be able to kill someone who molested your child?

There are interesting circumstances in this case, but I don't want to tell them quite yet.

Sure, I would kill him... but not in a way I would get caught :).

It is immoral for a man not to defend his family, and his family's dignity.
I think I could, but that doesn't mean that I would.

It is immoral for a man not to defend his family, and his family's dignity.

Some would defend the dignity, and honour of their family by killing the daughter who 'let herself' get molested, or raped. Honour killings are stupid, and do not reinstate the dignity.
I think I could, but that doesn't mean that I would.

Some would defend the dignity, and honour of their family by killing the daughter who 'let herself' get molested, or raped.
That's a stupid way to see the situation.

Yet, in this case there truly is a wrongdoer and truly a way to defend your family. Thus the only moral action is to defend your family and your family's dignity, lest you become an immoral man.
Of course I would kill the son of a bitch, but that's why laws should be in place to prevent me from doing that.
No, it's wrong for society to tolerate violence that isn't in the name of self defense. Plus, I would torture him in hideous ways, so it's wouldn't really be justice, it would be revenge. No one who believes in limited government should allow their government to make the same decision.
No, it's wrong for society to tolerate violence that isn't in the name of self defense. Plus, I would torture him in hideous ways, so it's wouldn't really be justice, it would be revenge. No one who believes in limited government should allow their government to make the same decision.

Revenge is a part of justice.

Eye for an eye.