Man Beheads Wife in 'Honor' Killing

Oh dear dear.

All i meant was that over a 2 month period when i was reading the paper at work everyday, many similar acts of violence or thuggery were supposedly commited in the name of religion....all of the muslim faith. And it makes one wonder what the hell is going on sometimes. You lead this sort of thing on a few steps and you have acts of terrorism, blowing many innocents up under the guise of 'faith'. Its disgusting!

Feel free to post some of the stories you read. I'd like to see them. I've never heard of a single person claiming "honor" killing for their crime.
Damn, I'm so quick I respond before they even post :eek:

edit: hey where's the post?
Feel free to post some of the stories you read. I'd like to see them. I've never heard of a single person claiming "honor" killing for their crime.

Are you serious??

Tap it into google, im sure you'll find something.
I want to see the stories you read, which led you to believe its a "common excuse"
so aren't all men who kill their wives/girlfriends doing it about their honour. She 'disrespected' him and she can't get away with it. :shrug:

I guess thats a hard one to answer, but in this particular instance the excuse was a 'cultural belief'....thats were the religious part of it came into play.
And you a soldier. :shrug:

A sailor SAM. But military members are not murders....not most of them. They are good people trying to do the right thing. Unlike terrorists, they do not use innocents as shields and they go out of their way to avoid unnecessary blood shed. The American military always trys to conduct itself with honor. And I am sure you and the rest of the world are aware of when we did not...and that is fine. We admit our mistakes and try to learn from them and better ourselves.
Is that why you began the thread with " a muslim man from Pakistan currently living and working in the US"?

I was actually just repeating what I read in the paper. It wasn't a personal attack or opinion.

Is that how you identify all Americans?

If a Christian man beheaded his wife and said the devil made him do it, I would quote it JUST like that. Same if a Jewish man or Pagan man did the SAME thing. I would be like "Dear SAM, today a Christian man currently residing in the US beheaded his wife and swore that it was a lawful kill because the devil made him do it, so says the media. Now, tell me, what do you think of this?" :rolleyes:

You are trying to find racism where there is none. The only reason I mentioned he was Muslim was because and I quote 'The MEDIA said' he was claiming that the beheading of his wife was an 'honor' killing based on his religion/and or culture, so I felt it necessary to state what religion/and or culture he was of and/or coming from.

Not once in the OP did I state the media was right or that I agreed with them. I was posting only what I heard or read in order to see other people's opinions of it.

And why call it an honor killing?"?

Again. Quote from the media. Notice how I put the word 'honor' in quotes. This was to show that the term was used loosely and that I was taking no personal stake in it. I don't think there is anything 'honorable' about beheading ones wife no matter what culture or religion and I also don't believe everything the media says. This brings us back to the OP...

Did this man really kill his wife? Why? If it was a so called 'honor' killing based on religion or culture, should he be able to use this as a defense in a country that does not recognize it?

These were all questions I was getting at. Not everything is a personal attack.

And by the way, for someone who is so sensitive to generalizing and stereotyping, you certainly practice quite a bit of that yourself.
A sailor SAM. But military members are not murders....not most of them. They are good people trying to do the right thing. Unlike terrorists, they do not use innocents as shields and they go out of their way to avoid unnecessary blood shed. The American military always trys to conduct itself with honor. And I am sure you and the rest of the world are aware of when we did not...and that is fine. We admit our mistakes and try to learn from them and better ourselves.

you're kidding right?

How many of the people killed in the last seven years in Iraq and Afghanistan were 'justly' killed?
you're kidding right?

How many of the people killed in the last seven years in Iraq and Afghanistan were 'justly' killed?
when are you going to recommend to your american friends to take their vacations in afghanistan sam?
Some of them are deluded enough to tell me the 'real' war is being fought there.

You can guess my response.
Thats because of the condition of slaves at the time. Where would they go?
Especially the ones who had lived all their lives as slaves?
Are you serious?

That's the same kind of ridiculous excuses white slave owners used to say. Amazing that you are attempting to condone it by saying that they were kept as slaves because their owners and masters cared for them.:rolleyes: So the same applies to white slave owners as well? Or are they different because they were in the West and the West is evil and all?

Anyway, its ironic that people like you believe there should not be coercion and then are surprised when people are encouraged rather than forced to change their ways. Note that the Quran has no absolutism in any kind of human behaviour. You're supposed to make up your own mind.

No what's ironic is that people will condone one behaviour while condemning the very same behaviour in others. Ironic doesn't quite cover it. Hypocritical is a better word for it I guess.


Diamond Hearts

You know, I had typed up a long response to your idiotic and deluded rant, but realised that if I wanted to cause myself further pain and annoyance, I could just walk outside and smash my head against a brick. There comes a point in time when you realise someone is just not worth the effort and you are that someone for me.
Are you serious?

That's the same kind of ridiculous excuses white slave owners used to say. Amazing that you are attempting to condone it by saying that they were kept as slaves because their owners and masters cared for them.:rolleyes: So the same applies to white slave owners as well? Or are they different because they were in the West and the West is evil and all?

No what's ironic is that people will condone one behaviour while condemning the very same behaviour in others.

Of course slavery was different in the west. There is no argument about that. Pick up any book on the subject.