Malaysia imposes dress code for non-muslims, THE FRENCH WAY

Proud_Muslim said:
God !! did you not read the definition my dear friend ?

Obviously you are the one that didn't read.

Lust is: Intense or unrestrained sexual craving.

No mention of dress here.

A few extra rags don't get in the way of a sexual offender...It might even turn them on or help them choke the victim....What do you think? Isn't better to just take the undies off and rape a women with her face covered? at least you don't have to see her face and feel guilty about it.
everneo said:
In a not so liberal society, if the guy so happened to be a wood-headed egotist and this revealing beauty rejecting his suggestions for some reason, is there any gurantee that this fool won't act violently when combined with lust and offended ego.?
Certainly there are situations where some aspect of a woman's behavior elicits a reaction in a particular aggressor. The thing is, which aspect of a woman's behavior will elicit a response cannot be predicted. For one aggressor it may indeed be offense taken at a woman's attire, for another it may be how much she reminds him of his dominating mother or the fact that she is taller than he is.

The only factor that is constant with the victim is that which is constant for all victims of similar forms of aggression (from theft to rape to mugging to serial killing) that factor is perceived vulnerability. Predators select victims who appear to be vulnerable. The only reliable prevention is to avoid appearing vulnerable and to avoid putting yourself in a position of vulnerability.

Proud_Muslim said:
You dont know who the hell is sheikh Tantawi, you dont know that in Islam we dont have spiritual MIDDLE MAN, do you ???
He is quoting quran, you have your own understanding, half-baked knowledge of Quran, hadiths etc.

Get some education about Islam, please.
I am not a muslim, but you must atleast read quran.
Proud_Muslim said:
While I accept the point that unwanted look is no the same as sexual assault, I will still hold the view that UNWANTED LOOKS may lead to sexual assults by some sick men.
Women all over the world suffer unwanted looks from men PM. You could look at a woman on the street and that look could be unwanted and uninvited by that woman. Why is it that you don't rape her? The answer to that is because it's not in your psyche to do so. You may not be the type of guy to do something like that. A woman dressed in a burkha can get an unwanted look, just the same as a woman dressed in a mini skirt can. A woman in a burkha can be raped just as much as a woman in a mini skirt can.

And who said it is an excuse ?? I said and I say again, there is NO excuse for rape, but I refuse to accept this pathetic argument that it is all MEN' FAULT...this is just BS.
So it's not the man's fault if he sees a woman dressed in a manner that you could consider to be provocative and decided to rape her? It is not his fault if he couldn't control himself and understand the word no? It is not his fault that he forces himself, uninvited, on a woman just because she's dressed provocatively? How can it be the woman's fault that she refuses his advances? How can it be the woman's fault that the man cannot understand any notions of human decency? How can it be the woman's fault that she is violated and abused in a manner that is henious by a man who cannot control his own urges? It is your argument that is total bullshit PM.

Or why you dont put this way, the woman is dressing mini skirt in order to create this lust in the man's head to screw her without being able to do so ??

and so this mini skirt woman can get a sense of feministy and empowerment over this man ?????
So is that the problem? The man is not to blame because the woman is dressed in a mini skirt and is asking for it? The man is not to blame because the woman would dare to imagine that she might have power over a man and therefore it's understandable that she be raped? Should the woman dress in a manner that is not provocative at all or show any skin because that would be proof that she has no power over this man? A woman should not dare to dress in a miniskirt because she might insite lust in a man and dare show that she has power? What, the woman has no right or power to say no? If you believe that PM then you are a pig.

Or why in the first place she is NOT keeping her own pants ??? you see, it is 2 way argument !
PM, when a woman is raped, her pants are taken from her by force. That woman is abused and assaulted in a manner that is most vile in the nature it was intended by the man committing the act. It is not a 2 way argument because the woman has no say in keeping her own pants on. It as well as her dignity or any sense of self power or control is taken from her. She does not take off her pants and say 'come rape me, my pants are off'.

As I said, this is just BS...Maybe some rape victims are really innocents but the majority are NOT.
And what exactly would you deem to be an innocent? A virginal woman in a burkha? How about a 13 year old walking home from school dressed in her school uniform, is she an innocent? Or would she be in the majority if her school dress was a bit short? What about a 25 year old woman wearing jeans and a t-shirt, would she be an innocent? Or would she be in the majority because her shape may be evident in her jeans and her t-shirt may show a bit of arm skin? How about an 80 year old woman who forgot to close the curtains of her bedroom window as she undresses, would she be an innocent? Or would she be in the majority because she unwittingly forgot to close the curtains and the man walking by outside saw and broke into her house and raped her?

A rape constitutes a violation of a woman's rights over her own body. She is innocent in that such a violation was not invited and taken her rights over her body is takem forcefully from her. She is left without power over herself or over her own body. In that she is an innocent. How she is dressed at the time has nothing to do with whether she is innocent or not. The fact that a man cannot control his urges and violates her makes her an innocent.

By that statement PM you have shown your true self. And frankly, you disgust me.

Can you please tell me how the prostitue dress ??? isnt prostitution a form of rape ??????????
You have forgotten an important aspect of a rape. CONSENT. A woman does not consent to being raped. And the way she is dressed is not consent.

I am sorry to hear about your experience, but what you THINK does not matter here, we are talking about why rape takes place...perhaps, it will be more accurate if we listen to this man who tried to assult you and try to ask him why he did it ???
What I think does not matter here? Not matter? I was the one who was assaulted and nearly raped? I was the one who was violated. I was the one who had to fight as some pig tried to rip my clothes off. And you have the nerve to say that what I think does not matter? Should I have asked the pig who assaulted me... 'ummm excuse me while you're trying to rip my clothes off and assault me, but are you trying to rape me because I was dressed in a provocative manner?.. are you doing this because I dared to think I had some power over what happened to my body?.. why are you trying to rape me?.. please tell me what you think?'..? I'm sorry PM, but at the time I was too busy screaming my lungs out in the hope that someone would hear and come to my aid and too busy trying to scratch the pig's eyes out with my fucking finger nails, as he was trying to rip my clothes off, to think to ask those questions. But if it ever happens again, I shall be sure to ask and get back to you.

Is he not to blame if I were dressed in a manner you may deem to be provocative? Do you dare to say that I'm not innocent but in the majority if I were dressed in a manner that you may deem to be provocative? Would you have the nerve to say that I am to blame for the assault? Would it be excusable for him if I were dressed provocatively? Would you deem him to be blameless if it were so?

Sure, but by dressing so outrageously, they INVITE such assults. it is like keeping your house doors open and claiming no one will come and steal it !!!

there are SICK people out there who have serious mental problems, you have to guard yourself and your house.
So it's ok for a man to rape a woman because she was dressed outrageously? A rape is never invited PM. A woman who is dressed outrageously as you put it does not invite it. There is no sign on her back saying 'please rape me, I'm dressed for it'. A woman can be raped anywhere and anytime, regardless of what she wears. You yourself admitted that women in muslim countries are also raped. Are they dressed outrageously? Or are they the innocents and the rest just aren't? The rest are to blame for a rape because they are dressed for it? How about this then PM.. how about women be allowed and able to dress as they wish and any man who unwantingly and uninvitedly looks at her be castrated and have his eyes ripped out because he might just rape her? How about we give the woman some power over herself and she can feel free and be safe to wear what she wants with the knowledge that no man can look at her in a manner that is unwanted and therefore it cant lead to rape? See how ridiculous that sounds? Your whole argument is just as ridiculous PM.

I am sorry to hear that, shall I make you some fresh green arabic tea ?
Not meaning to be rude, but you can take your fresh green arabic tea and shove it where the sun don't shine :)!
everneo said:
He is quoting quran, you have your own understanding, half-baked knowledge of Quran, hadiths etc.

He is not quoting anything relevant, for God sake.

I am not a muslim, but you must atleast read quran.

And what about you ? read the Quran, go to your local library and borrow a copy and make up your mind.

I have nothing against you, but when you made general statements, I get offended.
Proud_Muslim said:
Since 1964, the year the mini skirt was introduced to the female fashion market, RAPE have increased by 68% in the U.S. and by 90% in England, said the Police Officers, a Police Publication.

Yeah, let's blame the skirt :confused: :rolleyes:

Dear PMS, (Proud Muslim Syrian) equivalent of (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome) please answer me this:

Do they wear miniskirts in Tawaf? Hear stories of women molested in Tawaf.
Do they wear miniskirts in mosques? Hear those stories too.
How about a muslim father who rapes his daughter AT HOME?
How about a relative and a brother who rapes his sister AT HOME?
How about child molestations and child rape..AT HOME?
How about the Saudis molestation of young boys? Can we blame a skirt on that too?
How about a female raped by another female..oh yeah it happens in muslim happens a lot? wanna blame the skirt too?
How about babies who are raped and molested and often go unreported? Wanna blame the skirt again?

You are a freakin apologist, that's all you are.
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Bells said:
Women all over the world suffer unwanted looks from men PM. You could look at a woman on the street and that look could be unwanted and uninvited by that woman. Why is it that you don't rape her? The answer to that is because it's not in your psyche to do so. You may not be the type of guy to do something like that. A woman dressed in a burkha can get an unwanted look, just the same as a woman dressed in a mini skirt can. A woman in a burkha can be raped just as much as a woman in a mini skirt can.

This is utter BS...I have no time to repeat my views again, in fact, these views have been reinforced by the following EVIDENCE of clear connection between dress code and rape:

Paul Harvey, A noted Newspaper columnists, cited that alarming coincidence of crime statistics and short skirts.
FBI crime files reveal the forcible rape shot upward almost in proportion to the rise of the hemline, the consensus of law enforcment officers in 50 states agreed that there is a CORRELATION between the MINISKIRT and sex crimes.

Of the law enforcement officers who responsed to the question: ' does the short skirt invite sex crimes ? 91 % answered in the affirmative. This view was summed up by the Juvenile divison commnader of one large city who said: '' Some sex crimes are committed by individuals aroused by their sensory perception and short dresses of some girls could provoke such an attack''.

A newspaper article from Toronto,Canada, confirms that Canadian police agree with the U.S. report: '' 91% of Toronto policemen think a woman in revealing MINISKIRT is more likely to be a raped victim than is her more modest sister, a spokeman from the Toronto police said.

Since 1964, the year the mini skirt was introduced to the female fashion market, RAPE have increased by 68% in the U.S. and by 90% in England, said the Police Officers, a Police Publication.

'' Abbreviated Coustumes are no doubt a factor in offences against women, said Sgt.George Gough of Toronto's morality squad.
'' When a girl in a short skirt is followed by a man after she gets off a street car at night, there isn't much doubt as to who atrracted her assailant''.

Dr.Luchenstein, Physician at Tombs prison in New York city, worked with 170,000 prisoners over a 12 years period, he said: '' The so called crimes of passion are increasing alarmingly and will continue to do so until the principal cause is eliminated, this, it seems to be, is the present style of dress, which to say the least, is IMMODEST.
Immodest dress has a direct bearing on crime incitation, no matter how innocent the wearer may be''.

And in thoughtful article called WHY MEN RAPE published in The Sciences,a magazine published bimonthly by the New York Academy of Sciences by Randy Thornhill, Craig T. Palmer.....I quote:

''Young women also need a new kind of education. For example, in today's rape-prevention handbooks, women are often told that sexual attractiveness does not influence rapists. That is emphatically not true. Because a woman is considered most attractive when her fertility is at its peak, from her mid-teens through her twenties, tactics that focus on protecting women in those age groups will be most effective in reducing the overall frequency of rape.

Young women should be informed that, during the evolution of human sexuality, the existence of female choice has favored men who are quickly aroused by signals of a female's willingness to grant sexual access. Furthermore, women need to realize that, because selection favored males who had many mates, men tend to read signals of acceptance into a woman's actions even when no such signals are intended.
IN SPITE OF PROTESTATIONS TO THE CONTRARY, women should also be advised that the way they dress can put them at risk.

So, listening to you, to listening to clear documented evidence ????

Not meaning to be rude, but you can take your fresh green arabic tea and shove it where the sun don't shine

You are so rude, so mean....talking with you really disgusts me.
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Proud_Muslim said:
Paul Harvey, A noted Newspaper columnists, cited that alarming coincidence of crime statistics and short skirts.

In scientific terms and for all those that need translation, this is called, (take your pick):

a- convolouted communication.
b- Statistics with poor resolving power and lack of senstivity
c- Pure bull shit.

The scientific equivalency of the cited information is the equivalent of:

A noted Newspaper columnists, cited that alarming coincidence of crime statistics and HUMANS that engage in the act of (breathing, and having bowel movements).

While accurate, means nothing.

I was hoping that his bull shit will finally merge into one monotone of noise and turbulance and he would leave this forums, But again, Traditions like PMS DIE HARD. And it's quite sad..John Keynes, 1936 have said: "The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones." And while humanity can do it's best to advance in every sort of way, we must deal with PMS and his likes at some point....So afterall, Bush is not very bad as I initially thought, and we must free the world from such mentalities.
Proud_Muslim said:
Since 1964, the year the mini skirt was introduced to the female fashion market, RAPE have increased by 68% in the U.S. and by 90% in England, said the Police Officers, a Police Publication.
the consensus of law enforcment officers in 50 states agreed that there is a CORRELATION between the MINISKIRT and sex crimes.
Of the law enforcement officers who responsed to the question: ' does the short skirt invite sex crimes ? 91 % answered in the affirmative.
Canadian police agree with the U.S. report: '' 91% of Toronto policemen think a woman in revealing MINISKIRT is more likely to be a raped victim than is her more modest sister
Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc. Correlation does not imply causation and opinion polls are evidence of nothing but opinions.

'Some sex crimes are committed by individuals aroused by their sensory perception and short dresses of some girls could provoke such an attack''.
Give me a fucking break.
Hasty generalization, at best. That some rapists could be triggered by a woman's attire does not prove that all, most, or even a significant percentage are thusly triggered. Complete bullshit.

'Abbreviated Coustumes are no doubt a factor in offences against women, said Sgt.George Gough of Toronto's morality squad.
Pure opinion, no facts, no substance; in other words 'bullshit'.

Immodest dress has a direct bearing on crime incitation, no matter how innocent the wearer may be''.
How about some proof?

Thornhill and Palmer have been lambasted by their peers. Here are just a few of the criticisms:

"RANDY THORNHILL AND CRAIG Palmer assert that human rape is an evolved reproductive strategy, rather than an expression of hatred and violence against women. They base their conclusion, in part, on the reproductive behavior of scorpionflies of the genus Panorpa. But they provide no information in their article on whether, in Panorpa scorpionflies (not to mention in humans), there is any evidence (as opposed to assumptions) that rape actually leads to higher male reproductive success." (emphasis mine)

"The only "evidence" that has been offered by Mr. Thornhill is in a 1980 paper in which he argues that males engaging in copulation by force have a lower risk of mortality than other males because they do not need to enter spiderwebs to capture nuptial prey items.]"

Yes, that's right, Thornhill has based his theories about rape upon the behavior of FLIES.

"in a subsequent paper, he acknowledges that forcing copulation is "the least successful" of the three mating strategies available to Panorpa males."

"Rape is also a common means of control, domination and humiliation among male prison inmates, an activity without any procreative advantage or function whatsoever. Many of Messrs. Thornhill and Palmer's arguments seem suspiciously like intellectualized versions of archaic thoughts about rape that the feminist movement has worked so hard to do away with.

The above are all from your reference site.

Here are more:

"It is perfectly reasonable to hypothesize that rape, murder and any number of other behaviors have biological foundations. But let's consider Thornhill and Palmer's argument on its Darwinian merits, or lack of them. First and foremost, the authors make their argument nearly free of empirical evidence. They make sweeping species-wide statements about male-female mating preferences (for example, "Humans are mildly polygynous") taken straight from first-generation 1972 sociobiological predictions. They may not have noticed, but the discipline has moved far beyond these caricatures, aided by long-term field studies of nonhuman primates and other animals in which the predictions can be tested."

"What is the adaptive significance of rape?" he asks. "It's a hopelessly inefficient way to get a woman pregnant. The chances of pregnancy from rape is not very high."

Prof. Short who is based at the University of Melbourne's Royal Hospital for Women, told The Lab the facts on rape documented in Germaine Greer's latest book 'The Whole Woman'. indicate that most women are raped by someone they know, including relatives."

"Much of the book is a polemic against social science and feminist theories of rape, in particular the belief that rape is a crime of violence, not sex. Social scientists, claim Thornhill and Palmer, are motivated by ideology which has blinded them to Darwinian truth. This rant might have more substance if Thornhill and Palmer's own arguments were not so flimsy and inchoate."

"This critique also points out that Thornhill and Palmer make little use of empirical findings from the field of sexual assault research and that the majority of the empirical data actually challenges their findings."

"A Natural History of Rape is another example of where evolutionary psychology is now: a reasonable set of fundamental premises, many hypotheses only a few of which are actually testable, and a dearth of suitable data to test those hypotheses against. If evolutionary psychologists want to attract the respect of the academic community and not be limited to the talk show circuit they will have to do much better than this."

Rape is not only about domination and humiliation, this is the kind of BS they put in your corrupt minds, look above for why men seems, you guys have no clue what the hell rape is.
I've yet to see a valid argument from you. You play off illogical and invalid opinions as if they were evidence and reference a spurious and widely criticized source. You'll need to do better than that to demonstrate a rational foundation for your misogyny.


I tried pointing out some things to you in a fairly subtle way, but it seems you completely missed the point. Since you are obviously not very bright, I'll explain things one more time, in terms you might understand.

No matter what evidence I give, it will be still rubbished by you guys, so many years of indoctrination and propaganda is hard to change in view TRUTHFUL LINES, I am sure about that.

A persecution complex will get you nowhere. You're just dodging the issue.

Me: Anecdotes don't make facts.

You: Anecdotes according to who ? according to you ??

No, according to "Toronto police" and such other sources as gave their opinions in your quoted article. As Raithere said, opinion polls don't tell us facts - they tell us opinions.

I wrote:

Actually, a much more likely cause of increased rape in the statistics over that period is simply that rapes have become more likely to be reported. The stigma attached to rape victims in the 50s and early 60s made it very unlikely that a rape would be reported. Things are different now, except (you guessed it) in Muslim countries.

You completely missed the point, and replied:

And that is why the top 20 countries in the world regarding rape crimes are all NON-MUSLIMS !!!!!

Map & Graph: Crime: Top 100 Rapes ....etc.etc. repeat of previous post

Let me spell it out for you in simple terms, point by point.

1. Rape statistics do not tell us the number of rapes which have occurred. They tell us how many rapes have been <b>reported</b>.
2. Rapes were less likely to be reported prior to the rise of the women's liberation movement.
3. That movement happened to coincide with the invention of the miniskirt.
4. The incidence of rape in Muslim nations is very likely to be at least as frequent as in western nations, but the reporting rate is far lower.
5. Therefore, your beloved list of countries means nothing.

I did not know you suddenly become an expert on rape !! hmmm very interesting.

I do not claim to be an expert on rape, but clearly I am more educated about it than you, and that is all that matters here. I'm glad you find that interesting.

Being the only Muslim here does not mean I am wrong.

No, and it doesn't mean you're right either. You'd be just as wrong if you were a Christian. I don't see how your religion has anything to do with your stupidity on this matter.

Me: How to lie with statistics, no.243.

You: Excuse me !! I did not lie sir, I posted the statistics with the link..go check it.

Once again, in case you missed it the first three times:

[size=+1]The rape statistics you posted are misleading because they only show the reported incidence of rape, not the actual incidence.[/size]

Well, Rape does occur in the muslim countries but far much more less than yours.

This is nothing better than a wish on your part. You're just sweeping the problem under the carpet and pretending it doesn't exist, instead of dealing with it.

we dont have hedonistic life style nor do we have women who expose themselfs to animalistic men like the case in the west.

I doubt you know much about the West. Do you get all your information from TV and movies?

Stoned to death !! it seems you are watching so much FOX JEWS AND THE CNN !!!

Racial slurs do not help advance your argument.

You see, you guys are BRAIN WASHED by biased pathetic zionist-controled media, who said we balme the raped woman and not the rapist???

Not "we". You. You blame the raped women. Just read this thread again.

I'm sure there are many educated Muslims who appreciate the real nature of rape, but we're not talking about them here. We're talking about you, who clearly has no clue.

I asked, in the hope that it might start you thinking:

Why do men dress differently when they go swimming from when they go to work?

But again, you completely missed the point, saying:

Because if they swim with their ARMANI suite they will ruin it....very simple.

So, let me simplify it for you again.

The reason women dress differently when they go to work compared with when they go to a nightclub is that work is a different environment from a nightclub (except for nightclub workers!). Different standards of dress are conventional in different settings in society. It is conventional to wear a swimsuit when you're going swimming. It is often conventional for white-collar workers to wear a suit to work, whereas tradesmen have a different "uniform". There are conventions of dress at nightclubs, too.

Hopefully you can appreciate that people wear different clothes in different settings now. I assume you wear the same clothes wherever you go. Maybe you only have one set of clothes. I don't know. But in modern western democracies, and elsewhere, you will find a wide variety of dress styles. There's also this thing called "fashion", but I suspect that might be a bit too complicated for us to get into here.
I think PMS has a point guys. The way a woman dresses does provide us with clues as to her intent. In a work environment a woman would dress differently than in a club afterwork. Why? The answer is obvious,she dresses more provacatively in a club setting to appear more attractive and to attract whatever she's attracted to.

That doesnt mean that a man who sees this woman in both environments assume she's more "rapable" in the club attire. One can assume that the man might find the woman more attractive in club attire.

It takes a minimum of two persons for rape to take place and since the man is the "weapon carrier" and is physically stronger most if not all the blame goes to the man. But just as in automobile accidents no accident is 100% one's fault, it may be that the accidental victim could have more careful and thoughtful and avoided the accident. I imagine that plenty of females that have been raped could have avoided the rape by prudent action such as the woman that went up to Mike Tysons room. What was she thinking?

Now I believe PMS when he says that rape and other crimes are more prevalent here. USA leads the world in crime of all sorts. Why? Because it's a free country and our justice system sucks. We could easilly reduce all sorts of crime by reducing one's freedom. We could turn this country into "1984" and eliminate almost all crime.

But we chose not to because we cherish our freedom, something that PMS doesnt care about.
Bells said:
Thank Christ the men in my life aren't sub-human. Or else I would have been set on fire by my dad, uncles, cousins and other half had we been together back then :rolleyes:
M*W: Bells, you hardly fit the description of a martyr at the stake! What gives? You do realize, I hope, that all those 9 million women who were tortured and burned were good Christian women. Why would your dad, uncles, and cousins set YOU afire? I'm missing something here!
Bells I think how men react to specific female dress or perceives the woman based on how she's dressed is largely a matter of culture. For example I remember while traveling in India that walking around in jeans and a t-shirt provoked local men to think they could physically touch me or proposition me. My field advisor in the country suggest I wear punjabs or a sari, and although I considered the sari more revealing than jeans I must admit I was left alone. Also the men seemed to have a certain idea about western women from media ie: we are sexually liberal and promiscuous compared to their women ergo western clothing symbolizes this liberality. I could walk around NY in a see-through lingerie top or a slip dress, which has become fashionable for a while, and though i would register looks and comments no one would cross the boundary to touch. I wouldn't dare do the same in Asia...even in the nonmuslim countries because I would be viewed and treated as a prostitute by both men and women.
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Quote: I think you guys live in closed world, you think what is good for you can be good for everyone !!

I think this is very true. It amazes me how quickly this entire thread descended into a free-for-all about a specific religion, there are many many cultures that regard the female dress code from a conservative position and judge the woman based on this code (that includes our own) and may even go so far as to abuse a woman based on her dress as they feel entitled. The law in Malaysia makes sense to me, when in Rome ya know. A woman who expects to have the freedom to go bra-less in India for example should be prepared to be harrassed. I am not saying this is their right to harass women only that one must temper ones behaviour in another culture. The same would be true of women trekking the hills in Thailand where local minority groups are very conservative and request western females to dress in a certain manner, when they don't the locals find it insulting. In Jerusalem a woman is required to cover her shoulders and were a skirt of appropriate length when entering a orthodox jewish neighborhood, if someone doesn't know this they are quickly clued. If female workers living in Malaysia disagree then perhaps they should return to their home countries where they are not restricted.
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Proud Syrian/Muslim,

The way any human looks or 'dresses' (if applicable) can increase the
risk of rape from the opposite / same sex; however, the individual who
performs the rape is to be blamed 100%.

This is a concept called accountability. Simply put, you are responsible
and liable for the actions you take in life. I am sure that many countries
have far worse rape problems then yours; however, many of these
countries (including the U.S.) hold the rapist 100% accountable for his
/ her actions without making excuses for them.

I am come on, if you think that you are not accountable for where you
stick your dick in the absence of consent then you're fooling yourself.
Quote: So afterall, Bush is not very bad as I initially thought, and we must free the world from such mentalities.

Simply frightening. Question is who will fee us from ours.