Luminiferous Aether Exists!


So, if we see the Cosmic Background Radiation when we look towards the beginning of time, what do we see if we look directly away from the beginning - towards the galaxies that formed before the Milky Way and are out there - ahead of us travelling toward the great void?

This question shows an appalling lack of understanding of the basics of the universe. You have ignored the explanations that are science based and jumped with both feet into a pseudo science explanation. Why, I wonder? Is ignorance somehow appealing to you?
gravitational_aether said:
What it is it about people who consider themselves physicists or knowledgeable about mainstream physics which makes them have no common sense and for them to be unable to understand the obvious?

AlexG said:
What is it about people who know nothing at all about physics which makes them believe they are qualified to make pronouncements on the subject?

That's the best question I can think of which answers the whole of this thread.

I would even take that step further: What is it about people that makes them fabricate ideas out of thin air, and then assert them as fact, often tying their claims into twisted knots of fallacy and deception, without bothering to test putative facts against actual observation, attacking established science, even when the assertions they make conflict with widely studied work that has survived testing?

What is it about people who appear to have had no formal science education, and yet believe they have solved the most difficult questions of science, including those which have no solution, as if endowed with superhuman mental capacity or something like a self-granted divine right of kings, in which they simply proclaim themselves to have surpassed science by simply ignoring it?

What is it about people who never did well in science, and yet they have such and axe to grind against the people who did? Are these the people who got kicked out of biology class for dipping hand-rolled cigarettes into the formaldehyde while their lab partners were doing the actual dissections and writing the reports ? Their spurious claims always come bundled with premeditated insults.

I guess it's a legitimate question for a thread in psychology. But what a boring question.
That's the best question I can think of which answers the whole of this thread.

I would even take that step further: What is it about people that makes them fabricate ideas out of thin air, and then assert them as fact, often tying their claims into twisted knots of fallacy and deception, without bothering to test putative facts against actual observation, attacking established science, even when the assertions they make conflict with widely studied work that has survived testing?

What is it about people who appear to have had no formal science education, and yet believe they have solved the most difficult questions of science, including those which have no solution, as if endowed with superhuman mental capacity or something like a self-granted divine right of kings, in which they simply proclaim themselves to have surpassed science by simply ignoring it?

What is it about people who never did well in science, and yet they have such and axe to grind against the people who did? Are these the people who got kicked out of biology class for dipping hand-rolled cigarettes into the formaldehyde while their lab partners were doing the actual dissections and writing the reports ? Their spurious claims always come bundled with premeditated insults.

I guess it's a legitimate question for a thread in psychology. But what a boring question.

What is it about people who consider themselves knowledgeable of mainstream physics who are unable to understand all of the evidence is evidence aether has mass?

What is it about those who consider themselves knowledgeable of many mainstream physics which does not allow them to understand in a double slit experiment the aether waves?
What is it about people who consider themselves knowledgeable of mainstream physics who are unable to understand all of the evidence is evidence aether has mass?

What is it about those who consider themselves knowledgeable of many mainstream physics which does not allow them to understand in a double slit experiment the aether waves?

What is it about those who address science professionals who are considered by others, such as their university faculties who graduated them, as considering themselves knowledgeable?

What is it about those who rely on the term "mainstream" to create a pretense of living outside of the established premises of science, while using the very circuits and systems of that same established set of premises to post their fabrications and insults?
What is it about those who address science professionals who are considered by others, such as their university faculties who graduated them, as considering themselves knowledgeable?

What is it about those who rely on the term "mainstream" to create a pretense of living outside of the established premises of science, while using the very circuits of systems of that same established set of premises to post their fabrications and insults?

Why are you unable to understand in a double slit experiment it is the aether which waves?
Why are you unable to understand in a double slit experiment it is the aether which waves?
Why are you unable to understand a double slit experiment in which the medium is water?

In the upper cartoon, replace "monochromatic light" with "boats" (i.e., particle sources)
In the lower cartoon, replace "monochromatic light" with "boats bow waves" (wave aspects associated with the same particle sources)

. . . . then it better approximates GA's preceding discussion, IMPO.
In the upper cartoon, replace "monochromatic light" with "boats" (i.e., particle sources)
In the lower cartoon, replace "monochromatic light" with "boats bow waves" (wave aspects associated with the same particle sources)

. . . . then it better approximates GA's preceding discussion, IMPO.

'Quantum mechanics rule 'bent' in classic experiment'

'For his part, Professor Steinberg believes that the result reduces a limitation not on quantum physics but on physicists themselves. "I feel like we're starting to pull back a veil on what nature really is," he said. "The trouble with quantum mechanics is that while we've learned to calculate the outcomes of all sorts of experiments, we've lost much of our ability to describe what is really happening in any natural language. I think that this has really hampered our ability to make progress, to come up with new ideas and see intuitively how new systems ought to behave."'

'New 'Double Slit' Experiment Skirts Uncertainty Principle'

"Intriguingly, the trajectories closely match those predicted by an unconventional interpretation of quantum mechanics known as pilot-wave theory, in which each particle has a well-defined trajectory that takes it through one slit while the associated wave passes through both slits."

A particle physically displaces the aether. A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment the particle travels through a single slit. It is the associated wave in the aether which passes through both. As the aether wave exits the slits it creates wave interference. As the particle exits a single slit the direction it travels is altered by the wave interference. This is the wave piloting the particle of pilot-wave theory. Strongly detecting the particle turns the aether wave into chop. The particle gets knocked around by the chop and continues on the path it is traveling.

What waves in a double slit experiment is the aether.
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"This technique revealed the dark matter in Abell 520 had collected into a "dark core," containing far fewer galaxies than would be expected if the dark matter and galaxies were anchored together."

The above statement is saying the non-baryonic dark matter is not anchored to the matter. The fact that you can't understand this is bizarre.

You continue to miss the point, what dark matter is, is unknown. Calling it nonbayionic does not make it so. It has not been observed or measured.

All that is known is that there is something "out there" that acts like gravity, but does not have visible matter associated with it.

I did not read all of the papers you cited, but from a brief scan they all seem to have one thing in common.., they are theoretical examinations of particular issues. Note the word theoretical.

You seem to be insisting that, these theoretical papers, prove your conclusions about something none of them actually observe or measure.

But you don't even stop there. You continue to present how something no one has observed or measured interacts with what we can observe and measure..... Gravity is not caused by the preassure of any ether.
You continue to miss the point, what dark matter is, is unknown. Calling it nonbayionic does not make it so. It has not been observed or measured.

All that is known is that there is something "out there" that acts like gravity, but does not have visible matter associated with it.

I did not read all of the papers you cited, but from a brief scan they all seem to have one thing in common.., they are theoretical examinations of particular issues. Note the word theoretical.

You seem to be insisting that, these theoretical papers, prove your conclusions about something none of them actually observe or measure.

But you don't even stop there. You continue to present how something no one has observed or measured interacts with what we can observe and measure..... Gravity is not caused by the preassure of any ether.

You continue to miss the point. The dark matter core contains less galaxies than there would be if the galaxies and the dark matter were anchored together. This means dark matter is not anchored to matter. If dark matter is not anchored to matter then that means matter moves through the dark matter. What this means is what is referred to as dark matter is the aether. Aether has mass.
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origin, et al,

I apologize for being so stupid.

This question shows an appalling lack of understanding of the basics of the universe. You have ignored the explanations that are science based and jumped with both feet into a pseudo science explanation. Why, I wonder? Is ignorance somehow appealing to you?

I now understand why this is the wrong place for me to learn something. I'll discontinue my questions.

Thanks for your help in my understanding of The Universe. I guess it's true, that old men find it hard to learn new tricks.

Most Respectfully,
origin, et al,

I apologize for being so stupid.


I now understand why this is the wrong place for me to learn something. I'll discontinue my questions.

Thanks for your help in my understanding of The Universe. I guess it's true, that old men find it hard to learn new tricks.

Most Respectfully,

Major correction to that: It's harder to fool older men with new lies. Older people with an actual EDUCATION simply don't fall for these " new tricks" simply because they know they are nothing but made-up LIES that only younger and/or less educated people will believe.

If you REALLY wan't to learn something, drop out of this category and go read the ones on real science!
origin, et al,

I apologize for being so stupid.


I now understand why this is the wrong place for me to learn something. I'll discontinue my questions.

Thanks for your help in my understanding of The Universe. I guess it's true, that old men find it hard to learn new tricks.

Most Respectfully,

Understanding the Universe is, or our local Universe is in, a larger version of a black hole polar jet is more correct than the Big Bang.
If you pay any attention to anything gravitational_aether (aka MPC755) says, you'll end up stupider than when you started.
gravitational_aether, you like to imply that gravity is similar to pressure of water when it is clear that there is essentially no similarity between the 2 phemomena. I could list the differences but it would take pages - why don't you try to tell me what is similar and I could respond to that.
Why are you unable to understand in a double slit experiment it is the aether which waves?

So the aether is responsible for the wave nature. You must be saying that aether turns into photons? Otherwise there would be aether waves through one slit and photons through the other slit and there would not be an interference pattern. The interference pattern is light and dark bands so the aether must be photons...
gravitational_aether, you like to imply that gravity is similar to pressure of water when it is clear that there is essentially no similarity between the 2 phemomena. I could list the differences but it would take pages - why don't you try to tell me what is similar and I could respond to that.

Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter.

The aether is, or behaves similar to, a supersolid.

A field in physics is space filled with aether and the strength of the field is the displacement of the aether from its rest position.