Love to the Dawkins

SAM said:
Theists on the warpath? I think Stalin beat everyone hollow in the second war. Without a nuclear weapon.
Stalin - yet another argument for secular humanist education of the young. He had a lot of help from the Germans. Stalin is no reason to give an atomic bomb to a theist, is he ?
Managed to kill, what, 20 million? all by his rational self.
M*W: S.A.M., please learn some history. You're so quick to blame atheists, but you don't understand the difference between Stalin, how many he murdered, and atheism.
And on top of all this it also proves that so called people of God are all too willing to act in an ungodly manner.
Hate is not ungodly...according to the Abrahamic ideal.

Who in the bible tortures and slaughters more people out of hate than Yahweh?
Hate is not ungodly...according to the Abrahamic ideal.

Who in the bible tortures and slaughters more people out of hate than Yahweh?

Certainly not the devil.
Nope, he used to be a believer then he saw the light. Which is why he gets everyone who rejects God.

Hell is, apparently, an atheist society. :D
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Hell is, apparently, an atheist society.

Will you go to hell because of all the animals you've killed? How many has that been, Sam? What's the grand total so far? Hundreds? Thousands?
Quite possibly, though they were busy converting 300 states to 30.

My point is that the Crusaders were good, upstanding Chritians who were aware of their duty to rid the worls of infidels. Had they been atheists, they would have settled forrape and pillaging. Must I spell everything out ?
Nope, he used to be a believer then he saw the light. Which is why he gets everyone who rejects God.

Hell is, apparently, an atheist society. :D

Not at all.It's bursting at the seems with Muslims who ate pork, failed to pray in the prescribed manner, were decapitated for thinking and all the other crimes they commit. But, of course, they were not proper Muslims.

There is plenty of space in that little garden in heaven where martyred Muslims can take tea with the prophet between bouts of shagging those virgins.

At the last count, Christians outnumbered Muslims in hell, They , of course, are not proper Christians. The proper Christians get to worshipping god for all eternity, thelling him how wonderful he is in thousands of different ways.

I'll settle for the garden with the virgins. If you don't hear from me again, you'll know I have blown myself up.
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Not at all.It's bursting at the seems with Muslims who ate pork, failed to pray in the prescribed manner, were decapitated for thinking and all the other crimes they commit. But, of course, they were not proper Muslims.

There is plenty of space in that little garden in heaven where martyred Muslims can take tea with the prophet between bouts of shagging those virgins.

At the last count, Christians outnumbered Muslims in hell, They , of course, are not proper Christians. The proper Christians get to worshipping god for all eternity, thelling him how wonderful he is in thousands of different ways.

I'll settle for the garden with the virgins. If you don't hear from me again, you'll know I have blown myself up.

Yup, all those who rejected God.:D

My point is that the Crusaders were good, upstanding Chritians who were aware of their duty to rid the worls of infidels. Had they been atheists, they would have settled forrape and pillaging. Must I spell everything out ?

Would they? How do you know taht? Maybe they would have wanted to rid the world of the religious? Isn't that what the communists aimed for?
Yup, all those who rejected God.:D

Would they? How do you know taht? Maybe they would have wanted to rid the world of the religious? Isn't that what the communists aimed for?

So god created pigs because he did not want mankind to eat pork. That makes sense, if you believe the OT. In fact, anything makes sense if you b
elieve the OT. You are aware that Noah took pigs into the Ark. What a joke ?

Don't be silly ! The Crusaders were theists and the Muslims were infidels or vice versa, depending on which view one takes. Either way it's all a crock.

You have my permission to carry on hating.