Love to the Dawkins

they werent full of shit and they didnt burst.
you are disgusting.

Am I? I like how atheists with all their theoretical ideas about what society should be are so quick to distance themselves from the consequences that result from their short sighted thinking abilities. Having never managed to build a society all they do is come up with new improved notions of destroying the ones that do exist, because they forget that its real people who die in the end.
Am I? I like how atheists with all their theoretical ideas about what society should be are so quick to distance themselves from the consequences that result from their short sighted thinking abilities. Having never managed to build a society all they do is come up with new improved notions of destroying the ones that do exist, because they forget that its real people who die in the end.

in your previous posts you have said that the scientists who made the bombs were all atheists and then tried to say that the people who decided to drop the bombs were atheist too.and now you are taking that as fact just because you have decided it is correct.
like i said,you are full of shit.

that paragraph of drivel you have just typed again shows your prejudice.
in your previous posts you have said that the scientists who made the bombs were all atheists and then tried to say that the people who decided to drop the bombs were atheist too.and now you are taking that as fact just because you have decided it is correct.
like i said,you are full of shit.

that paragraph of drivel you have just typed again shows your prejudice.

Its atheists who keep equating science with atheism. So here it is, take the consequences as well.
Its atheists who keep equating science with atheism. So here it is, take the consequences as well.

That is a bold-faced lie. Many here have tried to explain to you that atheism and science are two completely different topics, and that they have nothing to do with one another.
Its atheists who keep equating science with atheism. So here it is, take the consequences as well.

what the flying fuck are you talking about?

you are saying that this definition is wrong but you are going to use it anyway?
and even taken that that is true,the people who decided to use the bomb were not scientists.

and by the way,"take the consequences"?! this isnt 'nam,you are a retard on an internet geek forum,dont overestimate the worth or impact of your words.
That is a bold-faced lie. Many here have tried to explain to you that atheism and science are two completely different topics, and that they have nothing to do with one another.

Science does not prove anything. Thats your inference of the observations. You realise you are taking these rules for granted?

What does religion prove?

what the flying fuck are you talking about?

you are saying that this definition is wrong but you are going to use it anyway?
and even taken that that is true,the people who decided to use the bomb were not scientists.

and by the way,"take the consequences"?! this isnt 'nam,you are a retard on an internet geek forum,dont overestimate the worth or impact of your words.

So the scientists who were building the bomb were too dumb to know it would be used? It was intended to be a lawn ornament?

So the scientists who were building the bomb were too dumb to know it would be used? It was intended to be a lawn ornament?

answer my previous post and i will answer this.

my previous posts main points, as you have a habit of forgetting things very quickly.

1.the people who decided to use the bombs were not scientists
2.the people who decided to use the bombs were theists are willing to use an arguement that you and most people disagree with to make a point,doesnt this render your point invalid?
answer my previous post and i will answer this.

my previous posts main points, as you have a habit of forgetting things very quickly.

1.the people who decided to use the bombs were not scientists
2.the people who decided to use the bombs were theists are willing to use an arguement that you and most people disagree with to make a point,doesnt this render your point invalid?

Now you're a mind reader. If the people who wanted to use the bomb were atheists, would they announce it?
So the scientists who were building the bomb were too dumb to know it would be used? It was intended to be a lawn ornament?

So, you didn't read anything about the Manhattan Project or about Oppenheimer himself before you made up yet another idiotic claim about atheism?
Yeah I read about him. His stance was so helpful to the dead Japanese. :yawn:

. In reference to the Trinity test in New Mexico, where his Los Alamos team first tested the bomb, Oppenheimer famously recalled the Bhagavad Gita: "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Got his wish alright.
To move away from Sam's typical atheist bashing crusade and back to the thread itself, it was amusing.
Got his wish alright.

"After the war Oppenheimer was a chief advisor to the newly created United States Atomic Energy Commission and used that position to lobby for international control of atomic energy and to avert the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union. After provoking the ire of many politicians with his outspoken political opinions during the Red Scare, he had his security clearance revoked in a much-publicized and politicized hearing in 1954. Though stripped of his direct political influence Oppenheimer continued to lecture, write, and work in physics."
Yeah, guess killing people wasn't as much fun as he thought it would be. After all, even Hitler beat him at it.

Still working in physics eh? Good for him. More than his victims were able to do. Back to life as usual for him, though.

Ho hum, just another day at the ole workbench.

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Am I? I like how atheists with all their theoretical ideas about what society should be are so quick to distance themselves from the consequences that result from their short sighted thinking abilities. Having never managed to build a society all they do is come up with new improved notions of destroying the ones that do exist, because they forget that its real people who die in the end.
M*W: S.A.M., stop your lying. You are grasping at straws. Even though you make all of Islam look bad, I still trust my Muslim friends to be truthful with me. I've never had any reason to doubt their truthfulness. You OTOH make it obvious that you lie to everyone all the time. Is the rest of the human race an infidel compared to you? I actually feel sorry for you. You live in a very closed-minded world, and you're supposed to be a scientist!!! You probably even lie about your experiments. I don't need to tell you what could happen to you there. I've just become really disappointed in you because of your intellectual(?) dishonesty.
Have you told your Muslim friends and your kids how evil they are? :rolleyes:

MW said:
That goes for all religions, especially the Abrahamic ones. They are virtually evil. Anyone who professes devotion to the Abrahamic religions are evil. That goes for Christians, Muslims and Jews.

Too fucking funny, love that bit at the end.

"Haha, you fucking dumbass, I hope you get hit by a church van tonight and you die slowly."

Its hard to respect insults and threats coming from people with no intelligence, as Richard Dawkin's pretty much said - I would regularly post on right-wing Yank blogs, I would try to be the voice of reason, I also defended attacks on Islam and Muslim people. I received a lot of insults on the blogs, which was to be expected but I also received quite a bit of hate mail. The hate mail came from people that were thick as fuck, hardly ever from those that could address my points and respond in a civilised manner.
SAM said:
So the scientists who were building the bomb were too dumb to know it would be used? It was intended to be a lawn ornament?
As one of them put it: "We just didn't think, OK ? "

Never give an atom bomb to theists on the warpath, would be a good rule of responsible science.

In fact, no potentially dangerous science is safe in the unsupervised hands of theists like this guy:

Theists apparently cannot handle sophisticated ethical judgments requiring self-restraint - witness the US response to 9/11, the AQ response to the Kuwait mess, Hiroshima, pogroms, various mass murders such as Armenia and Rwanda, etc. I agree with you there, SAM. Scientists have a responsibility to protect the innocent from these kinds of hazards in the hands of the ethically immature and technologically naive.

It's what worries Americans about Iran's nuke program -we've seen hardcore theists in action with nukes, and it wasn't pretty. You give thests an A-bomb, they drop it on a city full of people. We've just been lucky with Pakistan, so far. And Washington.
As one of them put it: "We just didn't think, OK ? "

Never give an atom bomb to theists on the warpath, would be a good rule of responsible science.

In fact, no potentially dangerous science is safe in the unsupervised hands of theists like this guy:

Theists apparently cannot handle sophisticated ethical judgments requiring self-restraint - witness the US response to 9/11, the AQ response to the Kuwait mess, Hiroshima, pogroms, various mass murders such as Armenia and Rwanda, etc. I agree with you there, SAM. Scientists have a responsibility to protect the innocent from these kinds of hazards in the hands of the ethically immature and technologically naive.

It's what worries Americans about Iran's nuke program -we've seen hardcore theists in action with nukes, and it wasn't pretty. You give thests an A-bomb, they drop it on a city full of people. We've just been lucky with Pakistan, so far. And Washington.

Theists on the warpath? I think Stalin beat everyone hollow in the second war. Without a nuclear weapon.

In fact, even Oppenheimer and co. proposed a hydrogen bomb in 1951, so much for regrets.
Its atheists who keep equating science with atheism. So here it is, take the consequences as well.
M*W: According to you, atheists are to blame for every little untoward thing that happens in this world. You are too dense to understand the difference between an atheist and a political despot. Atheists don't like them, either.

You don't have the makings of a good scientist, I don't care how many Master's you have. I taught MD, PhD students for the entirety of my career. Don't ask me what I would do to you if you were my student. You'd never make it to your defense.
Yeah, guess killing people wasn't as much fun as he thought it would be. After all, even Hitler beat him at it.

Still working in physics eh? Good for him. More than his victims were able to do. Back to life as usual for him, though.

Ho hum, just another day at the ole workbench.

You kill animals for a living, don't you, Sam? :rolleyes: