Love to the Dawkins

Oh I think listening to him is much less of a waste of time and money. I don't need to read any of your books to know how you think either.

You see, you have no idea what he's talking about. That is typical amongst many theists who criticize Dawkins but have no idea what he says.

So, take your little lies and deceptions somewhere else, Sam.
You mean I have no idea what he is writing about. But I can tell what he is talking about, I've listened to his BS.

Though I have to admit, I used to like him before I came on this forum; that was before I started paying attention to the bigotry of atheists. Now I consider him a divisive atheist bigot.
There is nothing he says in there that is more offensive than some of the stuff written in the bible, talmud, or quran.

There are sections on the right you can click, perhaps the one entitled "women" might interest you seeing as (paradoxically) you mention an interest in women's rights?

If anyone wants a contest to see who can fish out the nastiest quotes, I'm game!
Heh, I read the Quran in Arabic. Do I need an atheist to tell me what he thinks it means? Especially atheists who pick and choose translations off the net that represent their bias to educate people by presenting only portions of a book ? If this were done in a manuscript, it would be highly unethical. But when its an atheist, its the "truth".
And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.
I believe it is atheists who are most disconnected from community, family and society.
I wonder how many people are actually atheist in the world.

Many people who would answer a poll as being christian, are actually atheist.

As far as I know, hardly any of my friends or family under the age of 50 actually believe in any religion.
I think there are as many atheists in the world as there ever were. Its just that the internet has allowed them to form a cult. Hence, now you can see many manifestations of group behaviour where before there were few.
The more hate mail the better, it mean he is doing what he sets out to do. He loves it, it feeds his arrogance! And on top of all this it also proves that so called people of God are all too willing to act in an ungodly manner.

I also think he gets as much fan mail anyway. The man is a hero and many love him, including me.

Shouldn't you have written in a godly manner ? Read your OT !
I wonder how many people are actually atheist in the world.

1.1 billion according to this. for me it seems that there are AT LEAST 2 billion, but maybe that's because i live in a very atheistic country.

i've heard that most people in US are christian but i think they're lying because christianity is like a tradition in US and they want to be part of the big american family.
i've heard that most people in US are christian but i think they're lying because christianity is like a tradition in US and they want to be part of the big american family.
I think there are as many atheists in the world as there ever were. Its just that the internet has allowed them to form a cult. Hence, now you can see many manifestations of group behaviour where before there were few.

We are thinking of inviting you to address one of our mass rallys. Apart from speeches and sex orgies for the adults, we have games for the children. The most popular games are "Bash the Bible", Kick the Koran" and "Burn the Bhagavad Gita". It promises to be a great day out.
I believe it is atheists who are most disconnected from community, family and society.

Many of your deluded beliefs have been demonstrated either immoral, unethical, bigoted, hateful and just plain stupid.

Add another one.
I think there are as many atheists in the world as there ever were. Its just that the internet has allowed them to form a cult. Hence, now you can see many manifestations of group behaviour where before there were few.

It's called the rise of reason and critical thinking. I don't believe in leprechauns, and there is no evidence to support their existence, am I a bigot against Irish people?
Heh, I read the Quran in Arabic. Do I need an atheist to tell me what he thinks it means? Especially atheists who pick and choose translations off the net that represent their bias to educate people by presenting only portions of a book ? If this were done in a manuscript, it would be highly unethical. But when its an atheist, its the "truth".

And when it's Muslims, it's bold-faced lies. ;)

Of course, if portions of your grand holy book amount to nothing by themselves, what makes you think the total of the sum of it's parts represents anything more?

There's nothing wrong with taking portions of manuscripts and holding them up for scrutiny, Sam. Unethical? That is to laugh.

You keep making up trash everywhere you go, only to be shown the door once again. :)
Heh, I read the Quran in Arabic. Do I need an atheist to tell me what he thinks it means? Especially atheists who pick and choose translations off the net that represent their bias to educate people by presenting only portions of a book ? If this were done in a manuscript, it would be highly unethical. But when its an atheist, its the "truth".

So you read the Koran in arabic. If understanding its meaning is so straightforward that you can understand it, why the need for all the so-called scholars ?

You , yourself, have quoted a few on here. Why did you not use your own words ?

Stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes. The Koran has the same status as the Bible in terms of the need for "scholarly" interpretation which invariably gives rise to squabbling.
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I call that argument from obfuscation. You don't understand our brand of theism, therefore your arguments for atheism can't be correct.
It's called the rise of reason and critical thinking. I don't believe in leprechauns, and there is no evidence to support their existence, am I a bigot against Irish people?

Only if you demonise them for it. After all, would you like to be demonised because your beliefs are the minority?

So you read the Koran in arabic. If understanding its meaning is so straightforward that you can understand it, why the need for all the so-called scholars ?

You , yourself, have quoted a few on here. Why did you not use your own words ?

Stop trying to pull the wool over our eyes. The Koran has the same status as the Bible in terms of the need for "scholarly" interpretation which invariably gives rise to squabbling.

Does it? You have personally studied it? Can you show me where I have listed scholars for the Quran?

And when it's Muslims, it's bold-faced lies. ;)

Of course, if portions of your grand holy book amount to nothing by themselves, what makes you think the total of the sum of it's parts represents anything more?

There's nothing wrong with taking portions of manuscripts and holding them up for scrutiny, Sam. Unethical? That is to laugh.

You keep making up trash everywhere you go, only to be shown the door once again. :)

Presenting only a portion of work so that it conforms to your bias while ignoring the context [ie like your quoting parts of a sentence from the Quran] would be unethical by my definition. I understand atheists follow a different dictionary. Hence Dawkins omission of those portions of Einsteins opinions which contradicted his personal bias, while calling other people deluded. As a man inifinitely guided by empiricism, he probably decided he should decide what other people should see :)
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