Love n stuff

lol, no it wasn't spaghetti, or spagateeni as I like to call it. It was in spanish . I'm gonna have a look at that dictionary, but what I need is a translator. Can someone try the babel fish? Go to alta vista and search for "babel fish" (duh). Then type in handsome for english->spanish translation. PLEASE!!!
It worked, finally. Handsome isn't the word, I'll know it when I see it. I'll have to keep looking.

What do I say to that? I say look at my pic under site feedback->the picture thread->page one.

It all depends, I guess. Am I a vending machine? A vender of luvvvv.

But the shirt is tight enough to do that to ones nipples, assuming they are cold enough.

speaking of nipples, one of my (male) friends at school offered to show this girl that was bothering him his nipples in exchange for her leaving him alone (phew). That was really funny.

Further advice???

Asguard is WAY more sexy than you

*pats ur head*

But don't feel bad, he is the sexiest man alive, you didn't stand a chance

Ok Polly, just to be fair, and so you don't hurt me *Cringes* I have put my picture up, so you can remark how much prettier your girl is than I am :)


See how nice I am? ;) (as in
I won't say anything.

She wasn't on the bus this morning. Late, as usual (sighs). I'd post her picture here if it weren't for the moral dilemnas of doing so without her permission. It really is a major bummer for me, as I was hoping to convince her to write something more oriented to fantasy, since we both go to this writing class after school on tuesdays. I love our conversations on the bus, they're so fulfilling, I just feel very content after speaking with her.

Although we all have our opinions and both you two are much older than I am, she is a gorgeous one.

Well now that I've seen everyone participating on this thread except xev I think we need to see a pic of her. Go, xev, go!
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Much older? Eeeeeee! I'm only 18. You can't be that young.

*Xev wanders off, feeling older than usual*
I'm fourteen, and at these ages I think even a year or two's difference means a lot. Guess I was wrong.
Pollux V


Now i feel like an old man (*goes off to look for gray hairs*)

An old man at 19:D
I don't know what to think. Nothing has really changed, it's just that in four minutes I leave to have a metallic thing yanked out of my mouth, painfully, about as painful as pain can get. Then, still depressed simply because I don't think I can make it through school, I will drive home with my dad, begging him to let me stay home today. I hope the depression is only temporary but since last night I've felt really helpless. Hopeless.

Not even the girl I love could pull me from that, not even the thought of her....
Well, all seems better now. They didn't take out the damn mouth thing and my mouth really hurts!
Pollux V ...

I may be late in adding this, but <b>Pollux V</b>, weren't you wondering what handsome was in Spanish?

I took four years of Spanish in high school and I'm pretty sure that it's either <i>suave</i> or <i>guapo</i>, probably the latter.

Tell her, "Yo soy un guapo caballero" That'll make her smile for you.

Best of luck!
