Love n stuff

Let me try to put it as short and sweet as I can.

When I moved here I saw her and fell in love with her. That was six years ago. I told her a about six months ago but we wound up just being excellent friends (seriously, I am and was happy with this conclusion). Now she's telling me that she 'wouldn't be able to be the same without me,' and I even caught her saying 'I love you,' at the end of a sentence, even though it may have been attributed to just a good friendship (loves me but not in love with me, that sort-of thing).

I wore a shirt that, well let's just say 'magnified' my more attractive body, and I caught her lookin. That was nice and I almost burst out laughing, but anyway she compliments me all the time and even though I reassure my other friends of both sexes that we are just very good friends I see them looking at the two of us, saying with their eyes 'well aren't they just two nice lil lovebirds.' The problem is that this could just be all related to being friends, and I could be wrong in the first place.

She's fluent in spanish, as she is hispanic, and sooner or later I plan to say 'hola bonita,' meaning 'hello, beautiful.' Bonita will be her nickname, and to explain myself I'll just say that I have to repay her with all of these comments (which she tells me if not every day then every other day).

Your thoughts (sorry it was so long!)?

PS Did november tell you 'hi' for me, adam?
It sounds as if she is interested, but perhaps you are seeing what you want to see?

The way I see it, you could do either of two things.

One is to reciprocate her interest. If she is checking you out when you wear such a shirt, wear that sort of thing more often. Repay her compliments.

And watch how she responds. You should be able to learn more of her feelings by the way she responds.

Let things develop, in other words.

The second thing, and what I would do, but don't recommend, would be to simply ask her if she is interested.

However, if you do this, you risk hurting the friendship if she is not interested. And, she may be unsure of what she wants, and asking would put her on the spot.

Again, I don't recommend that, but it is perhaps the simplest thing to do.

yes it makes more sense in here. Yes i can tie GREAT knots and you will NEVER escape

(Oh anyone who dosn't like our conversation i refer you to the "Anal sex" thread):D
In love with temporary_illusion

(should have been my title but was TO big GRRRRRRRRRRR)

She probably wouldn't say that......

*Giggles and runs away*
Well I called her beautiful in spanish about half an hour ago when I was on the shirt, but what intrigued me the most was the fact that she was wearing this gorgeous green shirt that I had suggested she wear on friday, and then later on when I said 'you're missing the scarf (just another ornament to the costume)' she immediately, immediately responded with 'I know.' We had a long conversation about many things, (sighs) I'm also wearing that attractive shirt today, maybe that'll help things out.
November plans to burn my floral print boardshorts and my Hawaiian shirts. Not fair. *sniff*
Adam, you tell her that the great, the awsome, the wonderful, the endearing Pollux V says that, and I quote 'Hawaiin shirts are awsome.'

As for the attractive shirt, well, I have many that I look good in, since I look good, but this one above all really enhances certain parts of the upper male body.

How did she respond? She thanked me and replied in a word in spanish that I don't know, all I remember about it is that it was medium length, in fact about as long as the word medium, and may have started with an s and had a p in it somewhere. Arr, damnit the babel fish isn't working (altavista), if anyone knows could you tell me what 'handsome' means in spanish? Also, if anyone knows any words that might relate to this current situation in spanish with an s or a p somewhere please tell me.

But seriously, like I said I've known this girl half my life, probably loved her that long too, and this is completely out of her character. I have never seen this before, and plan to give her the nickname 'bonita,' or beautiful, in spanish.

No, you see, because the shirt was so tight, and the weather so cold, his nipples were sticking out, and she thought they were vending machine buttons! Not only that, but because it was such a fancy shirt, she thought it was one of those spiffy new ones that serve hot food, like spaghetti? She also thought it was voice controlled.

So while HE thought she was getting kinky when she pressed his nipples and inserted money into his mouth, she only wanted to purchase her meal from a vending machine instead of dealing with the crabby man down at the local Spaghetti Take-Away
