Logical Proof of Intelligent Design

Originally posted by J.P.
The waves that are out of phase destructively interfere with each other and form cancel, forming a basis of stochastic noise and quantum fluctuations.
They cancel out statistically in a classical frame, at the quantum level all paths are taken. This can be demonstrated experimentally and in fact is the point of QED. Feynman describes several such conditions in QED, I recall the refraction of light off of oil floating on water for one.

If the universe is closed, the "information" or entangled quantum states cannot leak out of the closed system. So the density of entangled quantum states, continually increases, as the entropy must always increase.
Sorry but I still have a problem with this, where is the 'additional' energy/information coming from? If two waves constructively interfere all we have is the sum of the two waves. Additionally, in a closed universe entropy is only a local phenomena, it remains constant for the whole.

If our universe is a self projecting computer simulation within a simulation within... within a simulation, which is a process, it would need to be an accelerated process.
Irrelevant; the simulation you describe is infinitely reductive, no matter how 'accelerated' it is it will never approach infinity.

Regardless of all of this, I don't see where such a compression (if we take it as given) leads to the conclusion of God.

Originally posted by J.P.

Yes, the goal is to eliminate the "infinities". The Cognitive Theoretic Model of the Universe utilizes Cantor's transfinite algebra.


[1] "Actually the abstract contains the concrete..."! Are you serious?
It sounds good to me. J.P., you're shooting your 'Intelligent Design' theory right between its two eyes. Plato's may be good for math, but for science? Noway!

[2] "No paradox related to existence? Not even the big question, "Why existence?" That is paradox within itself"!
Where is it?
"Why existence?" is a question not a paradox.
This is an other one: ""Why non-existence?" Is there, in your mind, any good reason why 'non-existence' should be the norm and 'existence' is the paradoxical exception that must be explained?

[3] "........ Recall that Einstein's Theory of General Relativity was entirely metaphysical when first written, later it was been empirically observed to coincide with physical laws. Metaphysics is an extension of Physics, they do mix and you should know that"!
It sounds good to me. J.P., again you're shooting your 'Intelligent Design' theory right between its two eyes!
They don't mix. And if you try it you lose both.

[4] "Since when have the laws of Physics changed for you"?
Since the day Galileo overthrew Aristotle!
to prove inteligent design i would think would need to prove that decisions where made.

A decision to create the universe would take many , many decisions i would think.

A decision as to the elemental structure of Gold or iron. A decision as to what a person feels when he sees a sun set etc etc.

To be able to make all these decisions and to do it in a practicle manner as in timely manner for everything happening would take a hell of a lot of mental faculty I would suggest.

To claim intelligent design would suggest a separate blue print for every finite organism, or entity.

For every science, relgion and particle of mass.

What do the words Intelligent design mean?

What do you define as intelligent and what faculties of mind are you talking about in the definition?

For example. I can imagine a glass sphere in my hand, No problems. The glass spere is to me just glass but to others they would question "What sort of glass?"

To imagine a glass sphere takes intelligence....true but to determine everything about the glass sphere would make creating it impossible. It would take an eternity of decisions to create a simple glass sphere. ( in absolute) To take an eternity to create eternity would demonstrate a lack of intelligence.

So for the universe to be of intelligent design I would believe it once i found the repository for all the blueprints for every concievable componenet of that universe. Other wise I would have to accept that the universe is an act of default.
Originally posted by AAF
[1] "Actually the abstract contains the concrete..."! Are you serious?
It sounds good to me. J.P., you're shooting your 'Intelligent Design' theory right between its two eyes. Plato's may be good for math, but for science? Noway!

Care to explain how I am "shooting" this "theory"?

I'm sorry that you don't understand the concept that Concrete Physical Laws (Physics) is a subset of Abstract Mathematical Laws (Mathematics).

[2] "No paradox related to existence? Not even the big question, "Why existence?" That is paradox within itself"!
Where is it?
"Why existence?" is a question not a paradox.
This is an other one: ""Why non-existence?" Is there, in your mind, any good reason why 'non-existence' should be the norm and 'existence' is the paradoxical exception that must be explained?

Non-existence isn't paradoxal, because if nothing existed then you wouldn't have any questions to answer. But since existence does exist, you are left with the paradox of "why" and "how".

[3] "........ Recall that Einstein's Theory of General Relativity was entirely metaphysical when first written, later it was been empirically observed to coincide with physical laws. Metaphysics is an extension of Physics, they do mix and you should know that"!
It sounds good to me. J.P., again you're shooting your 'Intelligent Design' theory right between its two eyes!
They don't mix. And if you try it you lose both.

Tell me about your background? Have you any experience working with metaphysics or physics? It appears that you have a sufficient lack of knowledge regarding both subjects.

Telling me "they don't mix" yet neglecting to explain why they don't mix is nothing more than making a statement without backing it up. So far you have nothing to show for, except trying to convince me that they don't go together without actually validating any points (aside from imposing your opinion).
They HAVE to mix in order to meet the the 3-C requirement of a good model. And if you're not familiar with the 3-Cs then you didn't read ANKORT.

Since the day Galileo overthrew Aristotle!

Right - anyway, physical laws themselves do not change, only the (man-made) models that represent them.

Originally posted by wesmorris
You said: "1.] If it is possible for a mind to perfectly understand[model] every aspect and detail of reality, then the mind that perfectly models reality is a super-intelligence, for all intents and purposes, the super-intelligence is God."

Which I called meaningless. Hmm.. let me see if I can recall why...

My proof is long and windbaggish and who knows, maybe mistaken. I'll give you a synopsis.

If you increase a POV to the point at which is contains every single facet of the universe in consciousness simultaneously, the meaning of "mind" evaporates. It is no longer a POV, as it would necessarily have to encompasses and permeate all others.

2.]If the perfect correspondence can be approached via a convergent analytic-synthetic propositional "limit", then the limit exists, even though a sentient mind within reality can only approach the limit.

3.] If the limit exists, the exact mental correspondence exists in the mind of a super-intelligence.

4.] That is to say, if the limit exists then a description exists.

5.] If the description exists then the "describer" exists, since the description is isomorphic.

6.]The describer is a super-intelligence.

7.] By definition, the super-intelligence is God.

At the limit


M = R

[axiomatic method]--->[exact correspondence]<---[scientific method]

Exact correspondence is a descriptive isomorphism.

I think that fundamentally the only reasonable position regarding epistemology is agnosticism. There is a long winded explanation as to why, but I summarize that any other argument is in essence "argument from authority". I argued it a few different places. It's been a while but I'll await your response before bothering to look it up.

Are you stating an opinion? The universe operates in accordance to logical rules. The rules must hold or we would not exist. The logics[rules] are universal-invariants, they are not arguments from anthropocentric authoritarian dogma. This is not a human centered universe, it is a God centered universe. Only a super-intelligence can create a universe.

If it is possible for monkeys to spontaneously appear blah vblah blah.

What can I say Wes? Your "monkey" comment says it all... ;)

A description that is exactly one to one and onto, exists as a limit, if the limit is converging. There is no escaping this fact, if the convergence is mathematically demonstrated to exist. Fermat's last theorem is "child's play" in comparison.

You said "If it is possible for a mind to perfectly understand[model] every aspect and detail of reality"

To which I replied: "If it is possible for monkeys to spontaneously appear blah blah blah."

Which is an attempt to illustrate an equivalently meaningless 'if', by the logic I present above that mind is a meaningless term in your application, as its definition would change fundamentally. Ahh, definitions. What a game we can play there eh?

Yes, advanced calculus would be meaningless to a group of monkeys on the outskirts of civilization.

So you have constructed an if to nowhere, much as I did with the monkey thing.

Monkey see, monkey do?

QUOTE, Lee Smolin:
A very important part of turning cosmology into a science is to understand all the implications of a seemingly trivial statement: "There is nothing outside the universe". One aspect of this is that there can be no observer outside the universe. We must understand the universe in a way in which the scientific description of it is a description made and used by observers who are part of the system itself. This seems to go against the idea that the scientific view of nature is objective, and an objective description is always based on observations of a system from outside. If cosmology is to be a science, we must invent a new notion of objectivity that allows the observers of the system also to be part of it.
As there can, by definition, be nothing outside the universe, a scientific cosmology must be based on a conception that the universe made itself.

The past "universal light cone" can be represented as a variable that is unknown.

At T = 0, X = X

Professor Smolin explains that there is "nothing outside the "real" universe. If there is nothing outside the real universe, then it is self contained:

[X] = [X]

We observe the universe "changing":

[X] changes by D[X] , where D is a "difference" operator.

[X] ---> [X + D[X]]

[X+D[X]] ---> [X + D[X + D[X]]]

[X+D[X+D[X]]]---> [X + D[X+D[X+D[X]]]]




X is self embedding.

So there should be a way to empirically verify this self embedding of the universe. Since all motion is relative, the universe cannot be expanding in an absolute sense.

Non sequiter, as you use mind in an illogical context.

If the descriptive isomorphism exists, it exists as a universal information processing system, or computation, i.e. a universal "mind".

My statements are driven by my conviction in my logic. What about yours? Surely you can't claim this untrue when you make statements like "Chris Langan has done[and is doing] his homework." Sounds like you're expressing devotion of sorts. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

Recognition is not necessarily devotion.

A little I guess. It's more that I'm annoyed by argument from authority. There is no such thing except in the minds of varying degrees of sociopaths IMO.


Fallacy: Appeal to Authority

Also Known as: Fallacious Appeal to Authority, Misuse of Authority, Irrelevant Authority, Questionable Authority, Inappropriate Authority, Ad Verecundiam
Description of Appeal to Authority
An Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form:
Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S.
Person A makes claim C about subject S.
Therefore, C is true.
This fallacy is committed when the person in question is not a legitimate authority on the subject. More formally, if person A is not qualified to make reliable claims in subject S, then the argument will be fallacious.
This sort of reasoning is fallacious when the person in question is not an expert. In such cases the reasoning is flawed because the fact that an unqualified person makes a claim does not provide any justification for the claim. The claim could be true, but the fact that an unqualified person made the claim does not provide any rational reason to accept the claim as true.
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I don't think the universe or God would give a rats arse whether we considered it to be logical or not.

Logic does not and never has determined reality. We only use logic and I might add very poorly at that, to attempt to understand it.

it's a bit like this....I give you the following cryptic message.

.... .. . . . . .......... .../?.... . ...... .......... . . .. .. ... .... ..... .. ....

Ok. use your logic and tell me what I have created.

To say that I haven't created something is nonsense because it's there right in front of you. Tell me the physics behind the creation and you have the physics behind reality.

IN other words you will always find a logic or a science and the deeper you look the deeper the logic and the science gets but that in no way determines the reality , only determining our understanding or it.

The cryptogram required no more intelligence than a person tapping a key board......but if your serious it would take probably a hundred years or research just to scratch the surface of the logic used.

And maybe you will see the futility of sayng that the universe is created by a super intelligence. Imagine having to make a decision about how everything should evolve, every molecule, every cell, what a load of nonsense.:D

This is not a human centered universe, it is a God centered universe. Only a super-intelligence can create a universe.

You complain of dogma and then you say something like this. Wierd.

Tell me about your background? Have you any experience working with metaphysics or physics? It appears that you have a sufficient lack of knowledge regarding both subjects.

You challenged AAF. That challenge infers by enuendo that you are knowledgable in both subjects. Perhaps you would oblige us with your qualifications.
Originally posted by J.P.
Care to explain how I am "shooting" this "theory"?
Right - anyway, physical laws themselves do not change, only the (man-made) models that represent them.


[1] J.P.: "I'm sorry that you don't understand the concept that Concrete Physical Laws (Physics) is a subset of Abstract Mathematical Laws (Mathematics)"!

AAF: I regret to say that you're the one who is totally confused.
Physical laws belong to physical reality.
And Mathematical laws (if ever there is a thing called 'Mathematical laws) or rather mathematical rules and precedures belong to mathematical reality.
To say 'the former is a subset of the latter' is as absurd as saying 'apples are subset of bananas'.

[2] J.P.: "Non-existence isn't paradoxal, because if nothing existed then you wouldn't have any questions to answer. But since existence does exist, you are left with the paradox of "why" and "how"".

AAF: Did you take a second look at what you just said?
"if nothing existed..."! And "existence does exist"!
They don't make sense, do they?
Let me just say this:{THINGNESS exists everywhere; and NOTHINGNESS exists nowhere}. It may appear fancy at first sight, but this expression of the Ancient Greeks is profound. Think about it very carefully and hopefully you won't feel paradoxical anymore!

[3] J.P.: "Tell me about your background? Have you any experience working with metaphysics or physics? It appears that you have a sufficient lack of knowledge regarding both subjects"!

AAF: Far better than you think!
And since you're frank, allow me to be honest. I think you need to work a bit harder on your, let us say, 'Relevance Module'! It seems to me your arguments are somewhat similar to 'Google' search engine: It just spits out loosely relevant materials to the subject matter without worrying too much about rigour or structures or logical connections. I'm sorry to tell you that, but honestly that is what I feel about it! No hard feeling............

[4] J.P.: "Telling me "they don't mix" yet neglecting to explain why they don't mix is nothing more than making a statement without backing it up. So far you have nothing to show for, except trying to convince me that they don't go together without actually validating any points (aside from imposing your opinion).
They HAVE to mix in order to meet the the 3-C requirement of a good model. And if you're not familiar with the 3-Cs then you didn't read ANKORT".

AAF: Look! There is something called 'Natural Philosophy'; and another thing called 'Ideal Philosophy'. The two have been rivals since the days of Ancient Greece. Today's natural science is firmly based upon the principles of Natural Philosophy for reasons explained time and time again by the philosophers of science of various schools. Now, if you send a scientific journal a manuscript of your 'Intelligent Design' theory and the front-desk editor sees the phrase 'the abstract contains the concrete'---Idealistic---, he will dismiss you out of hand and return your manuscript back to you faster than 'roasted crows'! In short, you will not get fair hearing, and rightly so....................Because you've just shot your pet theory in the head.................

[5] J.P.: "Right - anyway, physical laws themselves do not change, only the (man-made) models that represent them".

AAF: And how do you access the 'physical laws' or even guess they are there without the 'man-made models of them? I suppose all you can do in that case is just to sleep on it hoping in your heart they are still there!

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