Life After Death but Without God

I spilled my coffee reading that statistic. I couldn't help but chuckle. If someone has taken the time to calculate it then I'm afraid that religion has gone past its due date. :shrug:
strange that you can half heartedly entertain a god that can orchestrate the karma of all living entities on the planet (if not the universe) yet find the notion of a god that can give an accurate figure on how many species exist too hard to swallow
strange that you can half heartedly entertain a god that can orchestrate the karma of all living entities on the planet (if not the universe) yet find the notion of a god that can give an accurate figure on how many species exist too hard to swallow

Let me get this straight.....a soul is subject to return to Earth but circumstances dictate which life form (species) it will take? Is it safe to assume then that every creature has a soul? Also, where did the soul that inhabits the human life form previously reside?
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What? I stated that people who are comfortable with their existence are not "insane". Are we having the same discussion?
Let me get this straight.....a soul is subject to return to Earth
return to the material universe - the earth is simply one of many planets

but circumstances dictate which life form (species) it will take?
that circumstance is a combination of what the living entity deserves and desires
Is it safe to assume then that every creature has a soul?

Also, where did the soul that inhabits the human life form previously reside?
all souls have their origins in the spiritual world (where they exist with an eternal sense of identity) - coming to the material world (whether as a human, demigod or bug) affords the opportunity to try out many other types of identities, none of which are eternal (which becomes an acute source of distress)
What? I stated that people who are comfortable with their existence are not "insane". Are we having the same discussion?
I could ask the same question

Are they relatively comfortable with their existence mostly because they have effectively dealt with(or more realistically, "managed") the presence of discomfort?
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Are they (relatively) relatively comfortable with their existence mostly because they have effectively dealt with(or more realistically, "managed") the presence of discomfort?

Well, contrary to your claim, they're certainly not insane. :bugeye: Can I assume given that you seemingly don't want to focus on your claim that you now retract it?

To your question, they are - (relatively, very, overwhelmingly, not very much, quite a lot, up and down) comfortable because of not only the way they manage the notion of discomfort, death etc but also how much of it they happen to get in their lives. I am personally overwhelmingly comfortable in life - my condolences that you are not.
Well, contrary to your claim, they're certainly not insane. :bugeye:
if they indicate that they are not affected by issues of discomfort while literally working 24/7 to remain comfortable (which in itself is a type of discomfort - most people look forward to the weekend .... unless their homelife is a source of discomfort) it does tend to breach issues of hypocrisy, insanity or immaturity.
Take your choice.
if they indicate that they are not affected by issues of discomfort while literally working 24/7 to remain comfortable (which in itself is a type of discomfort - most people look forward to the weekend .... unless their homelife is a source of discomfort) it does tend to breach issues of hypocrisy, insanity or immaturity.

Your statement is meaningless. Being comfortable with ones existence doesn't mean you're not affected by issues of discomfort or by working. (I personally really enjoy my job but sure, I might get toothache next month) - that doesn't make me "uncomfortable with my existence". Maybe it does for you, you have my sympathy I guess.
Your statement is meaningless. Being comfortable with ones existence doesn't mean you're not affected by issues of discomfort
can you give a comprehensive list of commonly pursued comforts that exist independently from commonly perceived discomforts?

What has that got to do with my disagreement to your claim that people that are comfortable with their existence are insane? :bugeye:
all souls have their origins in the spiritual world (where they exist with an eternal sense of identity) - coming to the material world (whether as a human, demigod or bug) affords the opportunity to try out many other types of identities, none of which are eternal (which becomes an acute source of distress)

If more than one soul desired to become George Bush then how was it determined who got it? Do plants have souls? Do individual cells have souls?

I take it that souls are aware of life on other planets, and as to what has become extinct I would assume. No soul desires to be something long gone, so being up to date on extinctions should be a soul priority as well. How do souls receive this information?
If more than one soul desired to become George Bush then how was it determined who got it?
each soul is uniquely individual .... but the material designation is not - so it depends what it is about Mr Bush one wants to be. If you mean what does it take to be the president of the USA, that requires a backlog of pious credits (of course a popular habit of the conditioned soul is to accrue pious credits and then blow them all on impious credits after occupying an opulent position - like this the soul effectively goes nowhere for many universal devastations)

Do plants have souls?
Do individual cells have souls?

I take it that souls are aware of life on other planets,

and as to what has become extinct I would assume.
basically the universe gets restored to its factory settings around every 5 million years .... and getting an overhaul every 71 factory setting restorations until getting written off after about 350 000 overhauls

No soul desires to be something long gone, so being up to date on extinctions should be a soul priority as well. How do souls receive this information?
the universe affords a lot of opportunity on a lot of different planets
What has that got to do with my disagreement to your claim that people that are comfortable with their existence are insane? :bugeye:

SnakeLord, is there anything, any activity that you pursue in your life that is not motivated by your desire to relieve some discomfort or other?

For example, you work because you don't want the troubles of poverty, hunger, loneliness, right?
You pursue various hobbies so that you wouldn't feel bored and unfulfilled, no?
You eat so that you wouldn't feel the discomfort of hunger anymore, no?
You go to sleep so that you wouldn't feel tired anymore, no?
You give some money to beggars so that you wouldn't feel bad watching them, no?

Are there any things that you do solely because you are such a good person and who can afford to spend time, energy and money on things that are not in any way whatsoever motivated by your desire to relieve some discomfort of yours?

Are there any things that you do that are not in any way whatsoever motivated by things like boredom, hunger, feelings of cold, feelings of warmth, pain, guilt, fear of poverty, fear of loneliness, ... etc. etc.?
Originally Posted by PsychoticEpisode
If more than one soul desired to become George Bush then how was it determined who got it? ”

each soul is uniquely individual .... but the material designation is not - so it depends what it is about Mr Bush one wants to be. If you mean what does it take to be the president of the USA, that requires a backlog of pious credits (of course a popular habit of the conditioned soul is to accrue pious credits and then blow them all on impious credits after occupying an opulent position - like this the soul effectively goes nowhere for many universal devastations)

“ Do plants have souls? ”


“ Do individual cells have souls? ”


“ I take it that souls are aware of life on other planets, ”


“ and as to what has become extinct I would assume. ”

basically the universe gets restored to its factory settings around every 5 million years .... and getting an overhaul every 71 factory setting restorations until getting written off after about 350 000 overhauls

“ No soul desires to be something long gone, so being up to date on extinctions should be a soul priority as well. How do souls receive this information? ”

the universe affords a lot of opportunity on a lot of different planets

Methinks someone is pulling my leg. I sure as hell hope so for your sake LG.
reread posts 67-71 until you regain sanity

I shall assume that your non-answer means you don't intend to support your statement. Fair enough.

SnakeLord, is there anything, any activity that you pursue in your life that is not motivated by your desire to relieve some discomfort or other

Most things, I guess we're just different kinds of people.

For example, you work because you don't want the troubles of poverty, hunger, loneliness, right?

No, I work because it makes things even more fun for me. Not only by giving me a day of doing something that I enjoy, but letting me see the world and all its beauty, try delicious foods from around the world etc.

In either case, given the context of discussion, I wouldn't see how working to avoid being poor would mean that being comfortable with such existence means you're insane. Hey, we're all different I guess.

You pursue various hobbies so that you wouldn't feel bored and unfulfilled, no?

No. I pursue various hobbies so that I can experience the great things that life has to offer. And often, like last night, I sit outside in the garden with a cup of tea doing nothing but looking skyward. That's just as fun.

It would seem the difference comes down to glasses - half full or half empty. I do things because I want to, because I enjoy doing so. If you do things to try and escape a meaningless life then you have my sympathy but there's nothing I can do about it.

You eat so that you wouldn't feel the discomfort of hunger anymore, no?

No, otherwise I wouldn't eat when I'm not hungry. Furthermore, I wouldn't describe hunger as a discomfort, (sure, I've probably never been that hungry). I like to cook, to make and try wonderful foods. It's good fun.

You go to sleep so that you wouldn't feel tired anymore, no?

I love my snoozes, the dreamworld is quite remarkable. However, I wouldn't describe getting tired as a discomfort or reason to not be comfortable with my existence. If you do that is your right.

You give some money to beggars so that you wouldn't feel bad watching them, no?

No. Can't say I personally care.

Are there any things that you do solely because you are such a good person and who can afford to spend time, energy and money on things that are not in any way whatsoever motivated by your desire to relieve some discomfort of yours?

Yeah, most things - although I will give you toilet breaks.

Are there any things that you do that are not in any way whatsoever motivated by things like boredom, hunger, feelings of cold, feelings of warmth, pain, guilt, fear of poverty, fear of loneliness, ... etc. etc.?

I shall assume that the "etc etc" basically includes anything that can be considered a reason for doing anything. Hence it would seem that unless I assert that I do something for no reason then your statement is valid. Given the context of discussion I don't personally see much in the way of relevance. Being comfortable with your existence doesn't mean you must do everything without a reason for doing so.

He only put on his jacket because he felt cold! He must be uncomfortable with his existence or he's insane!

Sorry, it just doesn't follow.
Methinks someone is pulling my leg. I sure as hell hope so for your sake LG.
once again, it makes me wonder why you can half heartedly entertain a god that can orchestrate the karma of all living entities yet find the notion of a god that is in any way knowledgeable about the size and operation of the universe untenable