Life After Death but Without God

Buddhists believe in life after death even though they don't believe in god. ...
The Buddha taught the Dharma of "impermanence". Impermanence goes against ideas as reincarnation, by saying that there was no such thing as a permanent soul or "atman." Tibetic Buddhism introduced reincarnation. The Buddha did not expound an afterlife and or "God".
I only have your well-being in mind.:D

Life after death without a god is just as viable an alternative as one with. You're living in that plane right now, all you need do is accept it.
and I guess that is what it essentially boils down to.
If you are satisfied to rot in this world of constant uncertainty that can undo all the best plans for happiness in a mere second in literally an infinite number of ways, there is certainly no impetus to look further afield.

Give up all that you know about whatever god fearing religion you believe in because life is passing you by.
there is a phenomena of squeezing sugar cane for extracting sugar cane juice - it is squeezed maybe about 3 times (or 6 or more if the vendor is particularly determined) and the pulp is discarded.
Despite being practically juiceless, cows come along and chew it.
This is called "chewing the chewed".
IOW life is passing you by, much like it has passed you by many,many times beforehand

You are only interesting to others who can't grasp the no god concept. No amount of books written by humans is enough to go on.
hence atheists appear interesting to other atheists by talking about how everything worthwhile has its origins in humans (particularly humans possessed of the same values as themselves ....)
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If you are satisfied to rot in this world of constant uncertainty that can undo all the best plans for happiness in a mere second in literally an infinite number of ways, there is certainly no impetus to look further afield.

I sense that a cheap philosophical tactic is imminent.

there is a phenomena of squeezing sugar cane for extracting sugar cane juice - it is squeezed maybe about 3 times (or 6 or more if the vendor is particularly determined) and the pulp is discarded.
Despite being practically juiceless, cows come along and chew it.
This is called "chewing the chewed".
IOW life is passing you by, much like it has passed you by many,many times beforehand

Ah yes, the metaphorical reference. Ho hum, do they ever cease? I suppose a misinformed, biased, prejudgmental and prejudicial statement regarding atheists is about to manifest.

hence atheists appear interesting to other atheists by talking about how everything worthwhile has its origins in humans (particularly humans possessed of the same values as themselves ....)

That's a relief! Philosophic doubletalk designed to deflect rationality away from the absurd.
I sense that a cheap philosophical tactic is imminent.
its simply a factual observation of everyone's experience ... sorry if it makes you uncomfortable

Ah yes, the metaphorical reference. Ho hum, do they ever cease? I suppose a misinformed, biased, prejudgmental and prejudicial statement regarding atheists is about to manifest.
whatever you want to call it, the life that you insist is passing me by is even available to camels and hogs
A group of scientists could document every detail of a human's life - from conception to death - and prove that we came from nothing, and go to nothing. Unless you believe in something other than the corporeal (otherwise known as the unreal), you must except this.

What I don't understand is where a belief in the afterlife came from in the first place. We already have all the evidence we need, what use is a wild theory?
its simply a factual observation of everyone's experience ... sorry if it makes you uncomfortable

Hardly LG. The only time I ever felt uncomfortable in this life was when someone had an Uzzi pointed at me.

whatever you want to call it, the life that you insist is passing me by is even available to camels and hogs

LG, you don't like being an animal on this Earth! Too bad, because you are. Is that your reasoning for having god in the afterlife? WOW! I never would have thunk it.

An amoeba, a gnat, a whale,a plant or any other life form other than human is what? Window dressing? Did God create other life just for us? Animal life is there but really means nothing? That is so beyond primitive thinking, even for you.
What I don't understand is where a belief in the afterlife came from in the first place. We already have all the evidence we need, what use is a wild theory?

Imaginary evidence is an oxymoron but unfortunately that is what a lot of people believe in.

I'll guess that some powerful person in the past did not wish to see the good life end upon death and dreamed up the afterlife just so it could continue.
A group of scientists could document every detail of a human's life - from conception to death - and prove that we came from nothing, and go to nothing. Unless you believe in something other than the corporeal (otherwise known as the unreal), you must except this.
a scientist can prove how we came from nothing?
interesting .....

What I don't understand is where a belief in the afterlife came from in the first place. We already have all the evidence we need, what use is a wild theory?
If you can believe that we came from nothing I don't understand why you express this difficulty
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
its simply a factual observation of everyone's experience ... sorry if it makes you uncomfortable

Hardly LG. The only time I ever felt uncomfortable in this life was when someone had an Uzzi pointed at me.
plus the times you feel uncomfortable due to your own body and mind, the body and mind of other living entities and natural phenomena like weather extremes etc ... and all within the medium of death, old age and disease

whatever you want to call it, the life that you insist is passing me by is even available to camels and hogs

LG, you don't like being an animal on this Earth!
at least like a camel or hog, no

Too bad, because you are.
perhaps you don't have activities outside of sleeping, eating, mating and defending but others do
Is that your reasoning for having god in the afterlife? WOW! I never would have thunk it.
the basis of god is something else
at the moment we are discussing the basis of the material world
An amoeba, a gnat, a whale,a plant or any other life form other than human is what?
practically bereft of the opportunity to understand itself ... of course most of contemporary humanity is geared up like that too so its understandable why you may not see a distinction
Window dressing? Did God create other life just for us? Animal life is there but really means nothing? That is so beyond primitive thinking, even for you.
all life exists for a purpose - namely the fulfillment of our desires - animal bodies certainly have better capacities for doing certain things than humans - for instance eating and sex life with absolutely no taboos is wonderfully exhibited by hogs

plus the times you feel uncomfortable due to your own body and mind, the body and mind of other living entities and natural phenomena like weather extremes etc ... and all within the medium of death, old age and disease
Another cause for afterlife.....uncomfortable with your existence here are you?
“ An amoeba, a gnat, a whale,a plant or any other life form other than human is what? ”

practically bereft of the opportunity to understand itself ... of course most of contemporary humanity is geared up like that too so its understandable why you may not see a distinction

Why should awareness of self separate us from the rest of the animal kingdom? Because we are not animals in your mind, there is an afterlife? That makes a lot of sense :rolleyes:.

all life exists for a purpose - namely the fulfillment of our desires - animal bodies certainly have better capacities for doing certain things than humans - for instance eating and sex life with absolutely no taboos is wonderfully exhibited by hogs

Was that the purpose of the Passenger Pigeon? People had a desire to shoot birds and they had a better capacity to do so than hogs. Although they could eat, they rarely ate what they killed, and no amount of consideration for the lives of pigeons, their natural role, or potential negative side effects on the environment or the balances of nature was evident. They continued unabated with no restrictions.

“ Originally Posted by lightgigantic

plus the times you feel uncomfortable due to your own body and mind, the body and mind of other living entities and natural phenomena like weather extremes etc ... and all within the medium of death, old age and disease ”

Another cause for afterlife.....
once again, it has nothing to do with the after life - it's simply a factual analysis of the present situation

uncomfortable with your existence here are you?
assuming I am not in the company of the insane, I am not alone
“ “ An amoeba, a gnat, a whale,a plant or any other life form other than human is what? ”

practically bereft of the opportunity to understand itself ... of course most of contemporary humanity is geared up like that too so its understandable why you may not see a distinction ”

Why should awareness of self separate us from the rest of the animal kingdom?
why shouldn't it?

Because we are not animals in your mind, there is an afterlife? That makes a lot of sense .
any living entity has a next life - humans are distinct because they have the opportunity to act in awareness of it

“ all life exists for a purpose - namely the fulfillment of our desires - animal bodies certainly have better capacities for doing certain things than humans - for instance eating and sex life with absolutely no taboos is wonderfully exhibited by hogs ”

Was that the purpose of the Passenger Pigeon?
they seem to be good at flying

People had a desire to shoot birds and they had a better capacity to do so than hogs.
there are always cons with the pros

Although they could eat, they rarely ate what they killed, and no amount of consideration for the lives of pigeons, their natural role, or potential negative side effects on the environment or the balances of nature was evident. They continued unabated with no restrictions.
another example of misused human intelligence I guess
God had a purpose then for the Passenger Pigeon. Let them be killed by humans for sport over a few short years until they become extinct. So far the hog is still with us. Does God have more of a purpose for the hog than a harmless bird or any animal on the long list of extinct species? God is showing his displeasure for a lot of flora and fauna these days but yet the hog, the object of your distaste is still going strong. Do you wish for the hog's extinction? Shouldn't a benevolent God be wasting hogs, especially for those pork hating religions? WTF are hogs still here? Ever heard of Hog Heaven?
God had a purpose then for the Passenger Pigeon. Let them be killed by humans for sport over a few short years until they become extinct.
what makes you think that is the ultimate purpose?

So far the hog is still with us. Does God have more of a purpose for the hog than a harmless bird or any animal on the long list of extinct species?
maybe there are a few purposes in stall for us, if we continue going around thinking the planet is exclusively ours

God is showing his displeasure for a lot of flora and fauna these days but yet the hog, the object of your distaste is still going strong.
I wasn't aware that god was showing displeasure

Do you wish for the hog's extinction? Shouldn't a benevolent God be wasting hogs, especially for those pork hating religions? WTF are hogs still here? Ever heard of Hog Heaven?
I'm not sure that you have picked up on one point

the soul accepts a material designation (one of 8 400 000 to be precise) to fulfill their requirements of karma for as long as they are subject to the influence of material desires
A group of scientists could document every detail of a human's life - from conception to death - and prove that we came from nothing, and go to nothing. Unless you believe in something other than the corporeal (otherwise known as the unreal), you must except this.

My, that is a Freudian slap ... :eek:
assuming I am not in the company of the insane, I am not alone

There are an astounding number of people that are "uncomfortable" with their existence - and find help in any of a wide variety of ways, (from gods to drink), but I don't think it would be qualified to assert that anyone that is comfortable with their existence is "insane". Of course I give you the opportunity to support your statement.
There are an astounding number of people that are "uncomfortable" with their existence - and find help in any of a wide variety of ways, (from gods to drink),
and even to insurance policies too

but I don't think it would be qualified to assert that anyone that is comfortable with their existence is "insane". Of course I give you the opportunity to support your statement.
If a person doesn't go through life assessing the clear problems of approaching issues of comfort in this world they are bereft of common sense and easily termed as insane.
I mean if a person thinks they are worry-free in this world as long as no one places a gun in their face is obviously not being introspective, nuts, or no older than three years.
the soul accepts a material designation (one of 8 400 000 to be precise) to fulfill their requirements of karma for as long as they are subject to the influence of material desires

I spilled my coffee reading that statistic. I couldn't help but chuckle. If someone has taken the time to calculate it then I'm afraid that religion has gone past its due date. :shrug:
and even to insurance policies too

O....k :shrug:

If a person doesn't go through life assessing the clear problems of approaching issues of comfort in this world they are bereft of common sense and easily termed as insane.
I mean if a person thinks they are worry-free in this world as long as no one places a gun in their face is obviously not being introspective, nuts, or no older than three years

A bizarre and pointless statement. I don't think having concerns and issues about certain aspects of life qualifies as "uncomfortable with their existence". It can lead to an uncomfortable existence if and when those concerns and issues become overwhelming or the person begins obsessing about them - but again none of this argues for your statement that people comfortable with their existence are insane.

Anything else?
O....k :shrug:

A bizarre and pointless statement. I don't think having concerns and issues about certain aspects of life qualifies as "uncomfortable with their existence". It can lead to an uncomfortable existence if and when those concerns and issues become overwhelming or the person begins obsessing about them - but again none of this argues for your statement that people comfortable with their existence are insane.

Anything else?
can you give a comprehensive list of commonly pursued comforts that exist independently from commonly perceived discomforts?