Letter from school..


Ah but i don't. If you'd started in the reverse order i'd tell you to stick with Hinduism. However, sectarians discriminate against other religions or political parties in favour of the one that owns them. So how can I be discriminating against any religious sect?

One aspect of sectarianism, according to your source is; excess of partisan or denominational zeal;. One aspect of 'denomination according to the same source is; A name or designation, especially for a class or group.. So technically you are sectarian because you are part of a group (atheism, secular humanism) who discriminate against another group, most notebly christians.

Here, take your pick,


I'm just telling you you're looking for answers in other religions where the first one you selected failed miserably.

You're "telling me" is your opinion, and your opinion is based on the logic; I cannot see God with my own eyes, therefore God does not exist.
In order for it to be effective you must show me where I am looking for such answers, especially as I have repeatedly denied such actions, and repeatedly explained why there is no need of such actions.

Religion encourages people to accept god as the ultimate answer and not challenge the bible. Or allah as the answer and not challenge the quran.

Again, this is a wild claim with no basis in reality.
Using the same source, religion is defined as;

Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

In what way does 'religion' encourage people to accept god as the ultimate answer and not challenge the bible etc....

Or lord shiva as the answer and not challenge the 'vita. Etc etc. This is

Another wild claim based on personal, emotional, bias. For someone who has analysed 'religion' since the age of 17, till now (22 i believe), you sure show signs of not having analysed relgiion. The "vita" is spelled "gita", and the subject of the "gita" is a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna.
To ask how you come to the conclusion that it is "clearly indicative of assimilated group mentality", I believe would be a complete waste of time.

:rolleyes: Oh! go on then.
How did you?

Religion encourages it's followers to be skeptical of science and anything that challenges their book and god. This is clearly an impediment to intellectual development.

Based on the definition of 'religion' from YOUR source, demonstrate this idiotic claim.

This is total, complete and mountainous bullsh*t. A debate ENCOURAGES a difference of ideas and a difference of perspective. You're trying to get me mired into your quicksand of faith, and I am telling you I have no wish to.

It ceases to become a debate when your details are not only grossly inacurate, but based on personal bias. Religious scripture plays a dominant role in the life of a practioner. Their day to day understanding of their religion is compounded by the scipture. :)
If you have a phobia regarding scripture, that is not my problem.

Arguing against any stance requires a different opinion. Since I am arguing against RELIGION, esp christianity as in this case, it is useless for me to find obscure scripture to attempt to defeat a scriptural pronouncement.

Then lets have a working definition of 'religion', rather than some emotional ramblings of someone who personally doesn't like religion, to work with.
The religion in question is, if I'm not mistaken NT based, and if you are against the religion, then you must give good reasoning, otherwise you are nothing but a blind show-boater performing for the entertainment of blind people.

I am standing on a pillar of logic and proving you illogical at every argument and failure...

Your logic is incredibly simple by adult human standards. It says I cannot see god with my own eyes, therefore god does not exist". It is the only logic a fanatical atheist like yourself can have. You tried unsuccessfully to multiply your logic by asking 'why should this being be worshiped', or words to that effect. Then later on you imply that God is only an 'imaginary being', basically meaning, God does not exist. Why doesn't God exist? Because you have not seen him with your own eyes. Can you see how foolish that is.

even repeating that your defense of the school's reaction is morally questionable and illegal by virtue of the article's own paraphrasal of the LAW.

There was no mention of 'law' in SL's rant, it was all based on his dislike of religion. I got the feeling that even if it was in his daughters best interest, due to his anti-religious fervour, and ignorance of actual religion, he would still rant. As far as the schools reaction being "morally questionable", I would need to know more about the schools practice, rather than take your emotional word on it. No offence.
If the school is working against the law, then do something about.
If the school is not breaking the law, but SL feels there has been an infringement of his human rights, then campaign. There are enough bodies doing this as we speak.
Outside of that, there is nothing to talk of apart from his and your anti-religous rantings, because, lets be honest, that's what this is about.

Yet still you are trying to get me to talk about scripture and talking about "accept it because it's the rules.

You are highly ignorant of 'religion' even by the standard of definition defined by your source. If you want to debate religion you have to be prepared to use scripture. In your case it helps, because it may just increase your understanding. Otherwise we can say what we like, and come to no conclusion.

Jan, my (almost) final word is, you are incorrect in your interpretation of the law.

Try and get this into your head. This is not a matter of law, but of personal preference.

The school cannot insist in any manner that SL's daughter continue attending any religious function. Also, SL is in no way bound to remove his daughter from this school as it is his right as a citizen to receive education for his children since he pays taxes (even though it IS my personal opinion that he should consider doing so...especially if he can be successful in encouraging a noticeable number of parents to do the same).

Then what you are saying is that they should stop their practice, so what about the folks that think it is a good thing?

Further, I have walloped you with logic and your own circular arguments, yet you doggedly continue.

Again; The only logic you have is 'God does not exist, because I have not seen him with my own eyes'. But to be fair, it is a form of logic, albeit a lazy use of adult intelligence, imo, and as such I cannot argue with you, in the same way one cannot argue with a child who chats nonsense.
So I happily hand the goblet of victory to you. :D

It is clear that you and I have dominated this entire thread, and so far none of the theists that cared to witness have jumped forward and defended you.

Earlier you said something to the effect of ; notice when people shed themselves of religious thought, how they think the same. This is true, and the reason is because they realise their position is foolish and need constant reasurance from like-minds, to keep them going.
The theists on this board are individuals, they have come to their conclusion based on experience, intelligence, and thought. They may or may not agree with my take on religion, and I may not agree with theirs, but I doubt very much that they need to offer me support, especially when my opponents logic is so simple.

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Children- freedom and judgement

What are you afraid of?
You have so little faith, that it seems you cannot trust your daughter to use her own intelligence, and discrimination.


Indoctrination is a double sided blade. You may not desire your daughter to be indoctrinated into organised religion, but you on the other hand would prefer to indoctrinate her into atheism. Because,
even if you're not actively trying to promote atheism in your household, which I doubt, just the sheer fact that you're making such a fuss about your daughter visiting a church or synagogue, is enough to instill distrust and loathing against religious people.

Faith, as you would agree, is a matter of personal choice, but there has to be knowledge and reason behind those choices. You have obviously made your position clear and I expect you have schooled your daughter as to your reasoning, but I don't think it's such a big deal that she gets a taste of 'the other side', especially if you encourage discussion and allow her to see the situation from more than one perspective, and then perhaps she can make up her own mind.

Should you really do that? I'm not taking any particular side here, I haven't decided yet. I've always held that people should have the freedom to choose and I never go in for hiding anything that I think would be "misleading". They should be able to judge by themselves. Should this apply to children as well?

Let's think of extreme cases. Your kid wants to jump off a cliff- he believes that he'll be able to fly. You reason with him, and explain to him meticulously. After all that (he may not have listened, or maybe he even listened very carefully) he still believes he can fly. Would you allow him to jump off the cliff?

Another case. Your kid is trying to draw something, and he can't get the perspective right. He's obviously frustrated. You're about to tell him how it's done, but he says he wants to figure it out on your own. Would you teach him forcefully? No, because it's not something irreversible (like in the previous case where he'd have lost his life).

Will you allow your child to hang out with kids who do drugs? You've talked it over many times, and he is well aware of the dangers. Will you say "he can judge for himself"?

Now imagine you're a very strong atheist; you've had many arguments about faith and you can hardly take it when you hear people saying how "it's the belief that matter, you just have to believe without questioning" and stuff like that. You can't even bear to imagine how it would be if your child were to say these things. Granted, the probability of that happening is very low. But what if it does happen?

(i) Is the risk worth taking? Why, what does your child gain from listening to sermons?
(ii) If you think it's not unethical to stop your child from jump off a cliff, or hanging out with kids who do drugs, why do you think it is, when it comes to protecting him from getting trapped into faith (something that may prove to be just as irreversible, and is almost equally loathsome to you, as doing drugs)?
SnakeLord's daughter by now has graduated with honors! She's found to be very intelligent thanks to Snake she has and will remain an atheist. She's on her way to Ivy league college now. And this argument still going on?:( :confused: :eek:
so what about the folks that think it is a good thing?

Church not good enough? Sunday school not good enough? Home indoctrination not good enough? Everyone has to suffer the nonsense?
By the way, Godless, your completely useless post was made before anyone else could read my post. So everyone please scroll up a little and look at it.

I will take my chalice of victory as offered by Jan. However I leave a parting note...

I'm sure that the board realises that Jan is consistently twisting existing arguments (for example ascribing illogic to me by assuming that I say god does not exist because i can't see it). I never claimed that. Jan is merely rewording the logical argument ascribed against theists ("X is unexplainable, thus god did it. Therefore god exists"). Demonizing my posts and insulting my intelligence won't help hide the quicksand you've created for yourself.

SL is legally correct to demand that the school withdraw his daughter from religious practice only. It is so written. As much as Jan wishes to bring it down to atheist vs theist, it is not solely that.

Third, how in the hell is a rejection of religion a group mentality when

1. Different people, of different religions, in different nations, of different languages, who have never met or spoken to each other - all come to the same conclusion
2. There is no such thing as atheistic indoctrination. There is only a lack of theist indoctrination.
3. The far-reaching ramifications of religious indoctrination is apparent? And this is so in yourself Jan. Unless you'd care to prove that you were converted to some sort of unified philosophical religion outside of influence by your parents/relatives/teachers/peers and solely by reading all of the bible/al qu'ran/vedas & bhagavad gita/tattvartha sutra/tanakh/daozang etc etc etc....after all, you make no distinction do you?
Talking of child indoctrination....


The spiritual safety tip is particularly amusing, but not as amusing as Prof. Giraffenstein:

"No, secular movies lie! T-Rex was a herbivore.."

The problem is, while amusing in it's utter stupidity - it's also seriously dangerous to the minds of young children that will buy any old shit they're told.

"'cause Jesus wants us to be hot for Him, not lukewarm."
Note the temptations in the maze...dollars, an ice cream cone, luscious lips and a bed. I think I'll head out, take some cash out of the ATM, get me some Haagen Daaz, put on some lipstick and have a nap. LOL

And don't forget this...after the dollars temptation:

"And parents, don't forget to visit our store
for fun Lambuel & friends merchandise
that your (and your neighbor's) kids will love!"

Or even the atheist bashing! Oh dear, I'm a sad sad atheist who likes to drink coffee and trick children! Very advanced brainwashing techniques are needed to assimilate me back into the fold!

Anyone need any more examples of indoctrination?
They do seem to have an almost obsessive hatred for coffee... I can't quite figure out why.

Apparently all atheists are grumpy, drink coffee and like to shout at children. Inodctrination at it's worst. Problem is there are kids that are probably given that website, (and none others), to view and told that is how life is. It's quite tragic.
There's enough on that page to put any kid off of religion. Can you imagine the response telling a child they can't sleep or have ice cream anymore? What has god got against ice cream dammit! :bugeye: The game with the same names in it is quite interesting too, guaranteed to cause a temper tantrum when they arn't really wrong. Love it, think it sums religion up nicely. It's highly amusing, how did you find it? I'm presuming it's facetious, or am I giving religion too much credit?
how did you find it? I'm presuming it's facetious, or am I giving religion too much credit?

I frequent an irc chat channel, (for an mmorpg), and we happen to talk religion on occasion. People of course know my stance and so someone linked tthe grumpy atheist image and joked about showing it to me. I did see it and found it amusing but also scary.. It's hard to tell whether it's just a mess around or not.. such effort has seemingly gone into it.

Surely there cannot be anyone alive that thinks T-Rex was a herbivore.. and yet I'm scared by the thought that perhaps someone really does. It's mind boggling.
Surely there cannot be anyone alive that thinks T-Rex was a herbivore.. and yet I'm scared by the thought that perhaps someone really does. It's mind boggling.

Sadly I think that part is genuine, I've heard several people with that idea although I'm unaware of their religious views, they could either be exceedingly dumb or exceedingly good paleontologists. I'm also aware catholic school trips to museums usually involve the words "this is satans work, he's trying to trick you, it's all fake".
Education can be scary when performed incorrectly.
Atheists are often very grumpy and bitter and will lash out at children or they may even try to trick you into neglecting God's Word.

Very advanced witnessing techniques are needed for these grouches. Let the adults handle them.

The grumpy and bitter part sounds familiar.:D
The grumpy and bitter part sounds familiar.:D

The atheists are the good guys spreading wishes for equal rights for one and all... they don't get the headlines however because you have religious people wanting to deny rights for those their holy book tarnishes.