Letter from school..

The atheists are the good guys spreading wishes for equal rights for one and all... they don't get the headlines however because you have religious people wanting to deny rights for those their holy book tarnishes.

Hmm so they're grumpy because they don't get enough headlines?

What about Dawkins?:D

And er, Stalin?
Hmm so they're grumpy because they don't get enough headlines?

I think it's a bit strange, (especially given Jan's statements).

Jan openly states that England is largely atheist, (non-religious), and that the favourite pasttime is having a drink up.

I myself have had the privilege of drinking myself silly on a weekend and all I really see is happiness, (until the vomiting starts :D ). According to Jan you never see religious people there - they're all at home being boring old twonks.

It would seem undeniable right now to state that the "grumpy" ones are actually the religious. Biggest party-poopers in the universe. Don't do that, you'll burn!!

If anything it is the atheists that are out there having the fun. Getting drunk, getting laid.. it's all good. Of course we'll all burn eventually for daring to have fun during this life, but who's to argue with the big cheese that keeps you lot on such a tight leash? No fun for you, no siree..

Don't spill your seed, don't bonk a woman on her period, don't bonk a woman unless you're married, dont drink, dont swear or blaspheme.. Listen to the lord.. sit home on a Saurday night an read the bible..

Fuck, if I wan't intoxicated I'd feel sorry for you. Now, if it's all the same with everyone here I'm gonna go bonk the missus.. Nope, none of that through a sheet shit or to make sure she gets impregnated.. No man I'm just gonna do it for the fun of it, gods be damned.
Durkheim’s social integration hypothesis
Familiar with that study, sam?
Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members.
The moral being: you should always keep in touch with your friends. ;)
Not really she's very open minded. Meet her roomates;

Catholic girls are the most repressed sexualy so when they rebel, they are the most horny girls! Thank gawd for catholic girls. LOL :)

As for your article it's a bunch of crap! statistically there are many more theist of one denomination or another, so statiscally more theist comit suicide then atheist!! Duh!!

Although religion is usually portrayed as a source of comfort, individuals may also experience strain in their religious lives. Associations between religious variables and psychological distress were examined within two groups: a nonclinical sample of 200 college students and a clinical sample of 54 persons seeking outpatient psychotherapy. Participants reported more comfort than strain associated with religion. Religious strain was associated with greater depression and suicidality, regardless of religiosity levels or the degree of comfort found in religion. Depression was associated with feelings of alienation from God and, among students, with interpersonal conflicts on religious domains. Suicidality was associated with religious fear and guilt, particularly with belief in having committed an unforgivable sin. Religious strain, along with religiosity, was associated with greater interest in addressing religious issues in psychotherapy. These results highlight the role of religious strain as a potentially important indicator of psychological distress.
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Not really she's very open minded. Meet her roomates;

Catholic girls are the most repressed sexualy so when they rebel, they are the most horny girls! Thank gawd for catholic girls. LOL :)

As for your article it's a bunch of crap! statistically there are many more theist of one denomination or another, so statiscally more theist comit suicide then atheist!! Duh!!


I think your reading comprehension and knowledge of statistics both leave much to be desired.
I think your reading comprehension and knowledge of statistics both leave much to be desired.

My reading comprehension may be impaired by imagining you my sweets!

But on the other hand!

From the first article:
CONCLUSIONS: Religious affiliation is associated with less suicidal behavior in depressed inpatients.

I on the other hand I contradicted that BS with another article!

Depression was associated with feelings of alienation from God and, among students, with interpersonal conflicts on religious domains. Suicidality was associated with religious fear and guilt, particularly with belief in having committed an unforgivable sin.

So There you have it sam, you pull numbers out of thin air by some psycho who claims atheist commit suicide generally more than theist! And I showed otherwise!!

So what fucking reading comprehension were you talking about? You quote BS, so I answered with some other psycho's bull shit!!

The point being, I don't think religion, or lack there of has anything to do with suicide statistics! But if you want to claim, that since there are greater number of atheists committing suicide, I only wish to see the evidence providing these here stats, and not by some psycho's analogy of behavior but real fucking numbers!! REAL numbers! there's more theist worldwide then there are atheists so, it is justifiable saying theist commit more suicide then atheists!!

According to Jan you never see religious people there - they're all at home being boring old twonks.

Keep the noize down, I can't here my grandfather clock, tick.

It would seem undeniable right now to state that the "grumpy" ones are actually the religious. Biggest party-poopers in the universe. Don't do that, you'll burn!!

Just reading it makes me feel warm.

If anything it is the atheists that are out there having the fun. Getting drunk, getting laid.. it's all good.

I5 pints, 10 shorts, 7 bottles of alco-pop, vomit down the front of your shirts, blood pouring from wounds, mixing up with the kebabs, get laid? You sexy beasts you.

Of course we'll all burn eventually for daring to have fun during this life, but who's to argue with the big cheese that keeps you lot on such a tight leash? No fun for you, no siree..

There's nothing like the clinkety-clink of tea-cups on saucers, accompanied by the tick-tock of a grandfather-clock. Bliss!!! :)
Sometimes we even listen to the wireless.


There's nothing like the clinkety-clink of tea-cups on saucers, accompanied by the tick-tock of a grandfather-clock. Bliss!!! :)
Sometimes we even listen to the wireless.


This paragraph alone almost made me fall asleep. Or maybe it's the sum total of 5 hours I slept this weekend because of the slamm-f***-ing party I went to on saturday night. :p

I think I drove home backwards, but the vodka is preventing me from remembering. :rolleyes:
I5 pints, 10 shorts, 7 bottles of alco-pop, vomit down the front of your shirts, blood pouring from wounds, mixing up with the kebabs, get laid? You sexy beasts you.

I guess it's all about personal perspective. To some, sitting in a church listening to some drivelling knob end waffle on about the end of the world and that all humans are nasty scumbags could be considered "fun" I suppose.

Of course both examples, (yours and mine), really reaches towards the over-dramatic side of the issue..

Having a few drinks, some food and getting laid cannot be faulted. Liquid is essential, food is essential and, (to some of us at least), sex is essential. It's a perfectly good way to spend a weekend, and anyone trying to so hard to burden it with such negativity is clearly a lifeless prude.
I guess it's all about personal perspective. To some, sitting in a church listening to some drivelling knob end waffle on about the end of the world and that all humans are nasty scumbags could be considered "fun" I suppose.

Of course both examples, (yours and mine), really reaches towards the over-dramatic side of the issue..

Having a few drinks, some food and getting laid cannot be faulted. Liquid is essential, food is essential and, (to some of us at least), sex is essential. It's a perfectly good way to spend a weekend, and anyone trying to so hard to burden it with such negativity is clearly a lifeless prude.

I agree with Snakelord.
Optimism is something that can turn an otherwise ugly situation into a better one. Church can be a positive experience if you don't let what you don't believe in spoil your mood. Personally, there's nothing wrong with what you listed Snakelord, and I think there are many people who sit in Church on Sundays and do the same things you do.
I guess it's all about personal perspective. To some, sitting in a church listening to some drivelling knob end waffle on about the end of the world and that all humans are nasty scumbags could be considered "fun" I suppose.

Of course both examples, (yours and mine), really reaches towards the over-dramatic side of the issue..

Having a few drinks, some food and getting laid cannot be faulted. Liquid is essential, food is essential and, (to some of us at least), sex is essential. It's a perfectly good way to spend a weekend, and anyone trying to so hard to burden it with such negativity is clearly a lifeless prude.

You didn't think I was being serious did you?
I realised after I posted that I forgot to put smilies on, but I didn't think you'd take me seriously, although that list is not that much of an exaggeration of what some folks consume in a night of drinking.
Regardless of world views, I think that is quite sad.


Live your life as you see fit, that's all we can do in the end.
It really boggles the mind that some religious folk on this forum can't see how pressuring 7 year olds to attend a place of religious worship is not a form of indoctrination. There IS a huge difference between being taught about the history and beliefs of various religions in a Sociology class, and being indoctrinated into a particular religion by being obliged to attend daily worship.

I wonder whether the theists in question touting that no indoctrination is occuring would feel the same way if the 7 year olds of that school were obliged to attend a daily pro-Communist rally at the coffee house, where praises are sung to Marx, Trotsky and Lenin, and it is espoused that Communism is a superior economical and political ideology.

Isn't that an attempt at indoctrination? It sure sounds like it to me! So how are daily church services not attempts at indoctrination?

I can just imagine the 'red' Principal justifying his coffee house gatherings with the same excuses Jan uses:

- What's that, <parent>? You don't have faith in the fact that your 7 year old is intelligent and mature enough to come to a reasonable and informed conclusion about complex social and political ideologies that has not been influenced by indoctrination or the biased promoting of certain ideologies? You're a terrible father, who believes his daughter is not yet mature enough to have the mental faculties required to resist the mental manipulations of authority figures, and hence has the intellect of a chimp!

- Come on. It's a well known fact that most people committing crime and causing chaos in society are Capitalists. During Communist rule in China, Cuba and Soviet Russia, crime and unrest were far less prevalent than in the leading capitalist countries, such as the U.S and the U.K. I'm doing the community a favour by pushing Communism onto the youth of today!

- How can you claim that these 7 year olds are being indoctrinated? Merely because impressionable 7 year olds are forced to attend pro Communist rallies, does not mean that they are being forced to accept Communism as a superior worldview! Indoctrination tish posh! You're acting as though we're burning Capitalists at the stake!

I wonder what would happen to the 'red' Principal if he used the above justifications? I'm willing to bet that the following would occur:

- His school would be sued into bankruptcy.

- The media would have a field day belitting his attempt to indoctrinate the children.

- His car windows would be smashed, and he would most likely be assaulted.

- He become the most unpopular chap in Britain.

I think we all know why some theists don't protest against forcing 7 year olds to attend daily worship. It's not that they don't believe that indoctrination is occuring. Quite the contrary. They know it is, and it suits their agenda, which is why they vocally support such measures. To them, indoctrination is fine and dandy, as long as it is their particular religious beliefs that are being promoted. Jan, and other theists who support daily worship, would no doubt be in an uproar if 7 year old schoolchildren were forced to attend a mosque for the daily worship of Allah, a coffee house for a daily reminder that Communism and Marxism are the future, or National Socialist rally to remind everyone that the Aryan race is superior.
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Hi Jan,

Sorry to res this thread but there was an article in the paper last week that I believe has some value here concerning some of your comments.

It was titled: The state of Britain's children and had a bunch of statistics, (Unicef), concerning certain things. Here they are:

Used cannabis (last 12 months)

Lowest: Greece 4.2%, Highest: Canada: 40.4%, Average: 21.4%, Britain: 34.9%

Had a baby (15 to 19 yr olds/ births per 1000 women)

Lowest: Japan 4, Highest: US 46, Average: 16, Britain: 28

Been drunk at least twice

Lowest: France 8%, Highest: Britain 30.8%, Average: 15/4%

Living in single parent families

Lowest: Italy 7%, Highest: USA 20.8%, Average: 12/7%, Britain: 16.9%

Smoke at least once a week

Lowest: Greece 6.1%, Highest: Germany 16.4%, Average: 11%, Britain 13.1%

Deaths from accident/injury (per 100,000 under 19)

Lowest: Sweden 7.6%, Highest: New Zealand: 23.1%, Average 14.3%, Britain: 8.4%

Had sexual intercourse

Lowest: Poland 15.1%, Highest: Britain 38.1%, Average 23/6%

Involved in a fight (last 12 months)

Lowest: Sweden 7.6%, Highest: Portugal 48.5%, Average: 38.1%, Britain: 43.9%

infant mortality (per 1000 births)

Lowest: Iceland: 2.4%, Highest: Hungary 7.3%, Average 4.6%, Britain 5.3%

Currently overweight

Lowest: Poland 7.1%, Highest: USA 25.1%, Average: 12.9%, Britain 15.8%


It's interesting to see that Britain, (the country you label as an atheist country - and seem to paint with a very negative brush), actually has 18 per 1000 less teenage births than USA - a highly religious country.

You stated that "Did you know that the UK is the leader, in europe, for underage pregnancies..." And then seemed to try and blame that on the UK's overwhelming irreligiosity. If you take a look at these statistics, it seems the overwhelmingly religious have got the irreligious beat hands down.

It's also interesting to see that although Britain has the highest rate of underage people that has had sex, we have less births than the US and also less single parent families than the US.

The stats that Britain tops: Been drunk at least twice and had sex - but these are not ultimately harfmul or 'bad' things. You would need to look at further stats, (as shown), to decide whether they are ultimately negative.

Anyway, hope that was of some interest.