Kookiest Crankiest Bizzarist Looniest

Without you establishing under whose authority these ET’s are under you do not know who you are playing with, an intergalactic union of five galaxies does not suffice.

To know who your dealing with would also require an answer to another question:

Oh, well, as you have your own aliens here to talk to, would you ask them about that little war that someone lost in our solar system? Or, are all the races and or individuals you know Jesus Christ perfect?

Without these answers, you do not know who or what your dealing with, let alone what their technologies are to build such an elaborate story frame just for you to have the privilege to pass it on to others.

Do you really want to get caught with your pants down playing with the losers when the real authority shows up?
FieryIce said:
Without you establishing under whose authority these ET’s are under you do not know who you are playing with, an intergalactic union of five galaxies does not suffice.

It suffices me to know myself who I am working with. I understand that you don't take my word for it. But it is my own experience, not just somebody else's word to me. I assess who and what I am dealing with by what I experience, not by what I am told by those who do not experience it. I know my alien contacts very well. They present themselves to me and my family and friends as nothing but professional, morally sound and spiritually motivated in their work. These are the beings I support as the leaders of their organization. All I can tell you is don't worry about the aliens, just worry about the humans.

To know who your dealing with would also require an answer to another question:
"Oh, well, as you have your own aliens here to talk to, would you ask them about that little war that someone lost in our solar system? Or, are all the races and or individuals you know Jesus Christ perfect?"

Why do you think there was a war in our solar system? To what are you alluding? Demons? Why do you believe it?

The alien races and individuals I know personally are not perfect, but no people are. They are just GOOD, upstanding, outstanding people with great intelligence and abilities, giving up their own lives, comfort, homes and families to work here to help our humanity get over some of our worst evolutional difficulties, and to help us out with some of our other visiting races. If somebody you know joined the peace corps to go work in one of our third world countries, would you criticize them for not being perfect, or would support them? Maybe ask if there was any little thing you could do to help out?

Without these answers, you do not know who or what your dealing with, let alone what their technologies are to build such an elaborate story frame just for you to have the privilege to pass it on to others.

You don't understand me very much and you assume too much. You don't understand that I have my answers to who the beings are. You don't have answers but you seem to be assuming the worst, perhaps by some religious belief.

Do you really want to get caught with your pants down playing with the losers when the real authority shows up?

That statement makes no sense. Your "pants down" metaphor is inappropriate and does not even apply.

The authority is already here. Our visiting races are now organized, working together under the guidance of the most advanced of them. Their authority is a larger organization of races beyond them.

God is with us all. Is that what you are waiting for me to say?
If you ask me more specifically what you want to know about, I will try to tell you, if I know anything about it.

That's exactly what I was asking about, thanks. If you can share any more of those descriptions, that would be great.

I'll work on your methods and see what comes of it.
I looked for the website of Panawave Laboratories, the lastest incarnation of the Aum Shinrikyo cult, but it seems to be gone. For a while, they had some really wacky drawings on there, and explanations in Japanese of their anti-electromagnetic field beliefs.
Asking whose authority these so called ET’s that are here, of yours of course, are under does not hold any assumptions or religious nuance. Authority is the first and main concern of anyone being contacted by an outside entity otherwise you might as well be playing with smoke and mirrors or some interesting technology.

The war in our solar system is very evident, establishing whose authority and witch side of the conflict your ET’s were on, only leaves the logical deduction the losers are stuck here with nothing more at their disposal than us humans.

I don't think Earthsister is aware of that war. Perhaps you and Norval could help educate her and she can then in turn find out from her alien contacts the skinny?
FieryIce said:
Asking whose authority these so called ET’s that are here, of yours of course, are under does not hold any assumptions or religious nuance. Authority is the first and main concern of anyone being contacted by an outside entity otherwise you might as well be playing with smoke and mirrors or some interesting technology.

The war in our solar system is very evident, establishing whose authority and witch side of the conflict your ET’s were on, only leaves the logical deduction the losers are stuck here with nothing more at their disposal than us humans.


I don't know what you are talking about. (Q) is right. Please fill me in on what you believe this war to be and why you believe it.

You say it is evident. How is that? Show me where. The only warring I see is among humans on Earth.

I believe their theory is that crater chains (rows of craters) are the remnants of unguided nuclear bombs being drop in rows in strafing attacks by alien space ships against alien bases across all the planets of the solar system. I think according to them the attacking space fleet won and the losers were banished to the earth.
Not too bad a rendering there WCF. :)
Yes, there is a web site about crater chain research and investigations that propose war in our solar system. www.craterchains.com or you can even google it. But indeed, do ask you lil buddies about that war. :D
Well I still like the Exploding Neqeuim theory: the one were aliens blow up the bombs in rows for some form of sexual/orgy ritual. It makes even better sense they your theory in many ways. If you wait for me get stoned and drunk enough I’m sure EN could come by and argue you about it.
FieryIce, craterchains (Norval,

I am reading up on craterchains, and I also asked my alien contacts to "give me the skinny" but please don't think they answer every question I ask them. If they tell me anything, I will let you know.

Why is it you dismiss this natural explanation for craterchains, if I understand it right?
Why is it you dismiss this natural explanation for craterchains, if I understand it right?

That has been the repeated question. Norval has yet to clarify.

I would suspect that the question would be of very little importance to the aliens as it is understood these are natural phenomenae, or it would be of great importance in that the aliens would know a great deal about intergalactic wars being fought in our solar system.

Regardless, perhaps Earthsister's friends could put that subject to rest once and for all.
The question to establish whose authority and witch side of the conflict your ET’s were on is highly significant. Norval posted the research web page.

The war in our solar system was extensive, so much so that all the information control and acquisition maggots have crawled out of the woodwork.
So basically even if the aliens them selves say that there was no stellar war and your full of shit, you will disregarded their testimony as part of their information control policies?

If so do you live huddle in a corner, in a fetal position with a tin foil hat on?
The question to establish whose authority

That's a very funny statement. Since when did ones authority here contravene their credibility or lack thereof?
If my contacts say anything to me about craterchains, I will repeat it here, but I never expect or depend on belief from forum and message board members, and I am not offended by the lack of it.

Many of the things I know from alien life rub against the grain of the ufo field. In order for me to be able to share them I have to expect disbelief. It's not a problem for me, really. What I say should not carry any more weight for you than what others say. You have to think for yourself, no matter what. Don't follow anybody.
There seems to be information acquisition, manipulation and control agents in all aspects of our lives. Religions, governments, education systems, and so on and so on. That said I would question just about everything I have come to accept as the “normal” way of life here in the usa. The bullshit gets so deep at times that even the looks on peoples faces when they give the news gives it away.

WHY do some question the given current crater chain theories such as volcanism or subsidence or a broken up space what ever caused these in line craters? Because as it was said right here at scifoolems forums that it is about as mathematically possible for them to occur just once in our solar system, not the hundreds of times we count, but just once is about the same odds as you winning every lotto on earth for the next six months. :D
That and military experience with automated fire control systems.