Kookiest Crankiest Bizzarist Looniest

Stryderunknown said:
I tend to hypothesis the point that if something manifests itself as "alien" to you, does it actually mean its "alien" in origin? For instance it was the norm during the period of cold war stalemate between rival countries to utilise methods of manipulation over one another, such manipulation was deemed espionage and usually incorporated spy-rings.

One such espionage method was "the sleeper", however not all sleepers would have even known they were agents admittedly the evidence for that was the commendeering of "biological filters" in regards to bugging equipment.

What I question is could your "alien interactions" just be nothing more than interfacing with your handler?


I do not exactly understand "the sleeper" or "biological filters" but I get the gist of the question.

Just because something is alien to you, does not mean it is alien in origin.

However, I have traveled with my alien contacts in their crafts, including to a few other worlds of their own. I have witnessed their capabilities both natural and technological. I have had hundreds of conversations with them about the way their things operate, and what these individuals are doing set up around our planet. My husband Jack has had more communications and meetings with them than I have, but usually we are together for meetings with our alien contacts.

Jack and I have also had some troubles with certain kinds of professional human groups, who sometimes pose as "something alien" in order to confuse the people they target. I can see how this has worked on some people who do not have very much firsthand experience with the alien people, but the highest ranks of humans could never replicate what I know the alien races to be like. Besides that, whenever any human individual or group has tried to approach us with a devious plot, our alien contacts have let us know about it.
phlogistician said:
Earthsister, I told of my experience here;


Please comment, there on on this thread.

You confuse me in your reply to me. Have you _physically_ met aliens?


Sorry about the confusion in my last reply. Try reading it a few more times and see if it becomes any clearer.

Yes, I meet my alien contacts physically. But contact between the beings of different races (worlds) is usually not actually physical. It is usually done in other states of consciousness. Jack and I do it both ways at different times.

I will read your experience and write back as soon as I can; my house is getting busy right now with my kids arriving home. I think you want me to post my comments on the other thread, is that right?
Actually I think the suggestion of Quantum Immortality is kind of derived from Causality.

Namely you have the Past, Present and Future tense. For something to have occured in the past, it would have been percievably someones "Future" at some point, therefore what has occured had to occur which also means what occurs in the future is predestined.

I would speculate Quantum Immortality would purely be side of the Grandfather paradox where some people believe it would be impossible to "wipe yourself out from existance by detaining your grandfather from marrying your Grandmother." (I say detaining as murdering grandparents isn't exactly a sane thing to do.)

[Heck thats probably why when people get married they usually have the "If anyone objects to this please speak now" part to the ceremony. j/k]

In escence your "Immorality" is purely because you wouldn't be able to wipe yourself out from existing. Although the point here is thats only if you have the capacity to have seen (and walked the path) of your predestined path, namely if you took a gun and shot yourself in the head, You will die. (No heaven, no angels, mearly no existance)
I thought up a way of becomming rich beyond your wildest dreams based on the idea of many worlds.

All you need to do is buy a lottery ticket,buy tonnes and tonnes of powerful explosives,a computer and programming knowledge.

Now set the explosives up in such a way that itll be IMPOSSIBLE for you to survive if they explode,and to ensure that they will cause death in less than a nanosecond,might be a better idea to strap yourself to a hydrogen bomb.

Now rig the explosives up to your computer and programme the computer in such a way that itll trigger the explosives if your lottery number DOES NOT come up.Your computer would have to be set to recieve the numbers,possibly from the lottery website?

So in summary the only way youll survive is if your lottery number comes up.

The cool part is that you can only survive in those worlds where you have won the lottery.

Earthsister. OK, so you have physically met aliens, but you stated that we cannot share the same atmosphere, so, were they wearing some kind of space suit, or, were you taken to some craft, and kept in a different atmosphere while this meeting occurred?

Please describe the circumstances surrounding these meetings.
phlogistician said:
Earthsister, I told of my experience here;


Please comment, there on on this thread.


You explain how some kinds of people may assume something alien from that experience very well on your own, but only if they really want to, and only if they don't know what an actual alien experience is like. There are a lot of people like that, too.

Your dream and confusion are normal in my opinion, considering everything you describe. But they are nothing like an actual alien experience. Those of us who work closely with alien life know our alien contacts very well. We don't live our lives in such a state of sleep or confusion or view our experiences that way either.
phlogistician said:
Earthsister. OK, so you have physically met aliens, but you stated that we cannot share the same atmosphere, so, were they wearing some kind of space suit, or, were you taken to some craft, and kept in a different atmosphere while this meeting occurred?

Please describe the circumstances surrounding these meetings.

I don't understand it all, even though I witness it. The alien people effect physical contact with us (and each other race to race) in many different ways by the use of technologies and natural abilities.

One way meetings are "physical" is by use of dimensional technologies. They can be standing in the next dimension on their crafts in their suitable artificial atmosphere. They can land their crafts right over (through) where you are, and in effect, stand right next to you and allow you to see them by use of additional technologies (or by your own natural abilities). You may have some awareness of the affects of the technologies, but all you would see is the alien person seemingly with you where you are.

Another way is when you are out of body, but don't know that you are, and you meet with the alien people as they are in their own environment.

Some of the races that visit Earth can actually be all right in our atmosphere physically with the use of chemical aids for a very short time, but this is dangerous and not taken on lightly. It is easier and safer to just use dimensional technologies or to visit out of body.

I have never seen an alien in a space suit on Earth.

EarthSister, the main issue you have not addressed is under whose authority are these aliens (ET's) making contact, under whose authority are they under?

If they cannot answer that question acceptably then these ones are violating our humanity as a sentient race under our Creator.
FieryIce said:
EarthSister, the main issue you have not addressed is under whose authority are these aliens (ET's) making contact, under whose authority are they under?

If they cannot answer that question acceptably then these ones are violating our humanity as a sentient race under our Creator.


I will explain it as clearly as I know it simply from my own experiences and communications with the leaders of the organization of our visiting races:

Our visiting races belong here as neighbors, friends and family of both humanity itself, and more directly of individual humans. Their authority is under the larger union of five galaxies, literally translated as "The Intergalactic Union."

These races belong here as well as humans belong to each other country to country, but in more complex, evolutional and spiritual ways. We are all the same one kind of being under the same one God. Humans on Earth are prejudiced against our visiting races-- they are not prejudiced against us or each other.

The individual human people that the alien visitors work personally with are their own related humans. There was an amount of advantage-taking going on by a few races in the past, which has been halted by the organization of our visiting races.

Our world leaders have had appointed human individuals in government (I do not know who) who carry a professional dialog with, in the past -- a few individual races here, and now with the leaders of the organization of visiting races.

In the past, many individual visiting races were working alone here. Our world leaders (US Govt for one, already had ongoing dialog and agreements with a few of them (I do not know exactly how many).

As of April 2000, a few of our visiting races have been permanently dismissed from visiting our planet by the organization of visiting races, and every single last visiting race has been indoctrinated into the organization of our visiting races. Now our leaders (or appointed govt people) have to work directly with the leaders of the organization, not with any individual race.


Just to nitpik:

Our world leaders have had appointed human individuals in government (I do not know who)

In the past, many individual visiting races were working alone here... (I do not know exactly how many).

Perhaps those statements should be regarded as hearsay. It's not likely those points were brought to your attention without possessing some manner of validity.
(Q) said:

Just to nitpik:

Our world leaders have had appointed human individuals in government (I do not know who)

In the past, many individual visiting races were working alone here... (I do not know exactly how many).

Perhaps those statements should be regarded as hearsay. It's not likely those points were brought to your attention without possessing some manner of validity.


These facts are mixed up here a bit out of context but that's ok.

The points are valid to me because of who I learned about those things from, the alien races, and I am sharing them. But I am not offended and understand that they are not "valid" to others just because I say so, or because I say the aliens say so.

I am absolutely sure of them because of my own different sources and many conversations with them about these things. I did not just hear them in passing and accidentally misunderstand the meanings.

I can't personally validate anything I know from my alien contacts.

It seems I kind of hijacked your thread. Sorry about that. If interest continues, I will open a new one.

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The points are valid to me because of who I learned about those things from, the alien races

Perhaps you missed my point. The aliens would not need to bring these points to your attention without validity, there simply is no point to it. These are powerful claims to make and the aliens would know that, therefore it is not something they would make light of by introducing the concepts and then not providing validity.

It seems I kind of hijacked your thread. Sorry about that. If interest continues, I will open a new one.

By all means, you have my full permission to keep posting here as you see fit.
(Q) said:
Perhaps you missed my point. The aliens would not need to bring these points to your attention without validity, there simply is no point to it. These are powerful claims to make and the aliens would know that, therefore it is not something they would make light of by introducing the concepts and then not providing validity.

Information is never given lightly by the alien races, but closely protected from the rages of propaganda, and to protect the individuals who have it. They will be providing the validity for you- that is THE plan that everything they are doing right now is leading up to. The horse goes before the cart, so to speak, but remember that a point in evolution is over a period of time for humans. We are so slow! It is taking a very long time for common humans to realize the govt corruption surrounding our visiting races and the evidence of their presence.

No matter what the aliens do to show themselves, all the govts have to do is announce to the public, "It was a weather balloon" and the people still today will loyally believe that! Worse, the govts can announce that we are being invaded. When our military fires on the alien crafts, our leaders can tell their people that the aliens fired first! That would be no step forward for us. But little by little in sharing true information first-hand, average every-day people are realizing what is really going on here. The leading govts will "never" disclose what they know or what they are doing about the aliens, and will not allow the aliens to openly visit our planet. The threats are great to our understanding, and to human life as well as alien life.

Look at how many people all over the world are spending all their free time studying and participating in the ufo field personally and professionally, but will not step out of line away from the politically popular opinions, "there are no aliens" and "if there were any aliens, they would be monsters." That is what they talk about all day and night! They have obediently forgotten the evidence that their leaders have told them to forget about. No matter what they see or hear, no "evidence" is actually "evidence" until they are told by the correct agencies that it is. Isn't that funny?

Another important point I should make is that true information about our visiting races can only be handed privately from the aliens to willing and motivated individuals, in order for it to be handed and dispersed publicly at all. Publicly, true information about our visiting races is "forbidden" by our leading governments and all those they control.

You and I have to have some good idea of what the aliens are really like and what they are doing here before we have to face them and "tell our leaders how" to proceed. If we rely only on our world leaders to tell us what to think, the public will not progress in knowledge. But our leaders work for us, not us for them! I prefer to hear what the aliens have to say for themselves, and to decide what I think of it myself. The alien races are doing everything they can to proceed, but our leading governments are doing everything they can to stop them.

By all means, you have my full permission to keep posting here as you see fit.

Thank you very much :)

Information is never given lightly by the alien races, but closely protected from the rages of propaganda, and to protect the individuals who have it. They will be providing the validity for you- that is THE plan that everything they are doing right now is leading up to.

When will I meet them? Can you set up a meeting?
lets just call this the earthsister page, i mean give other people a chance