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(Q) said:
Information is never given lightly by the alien races, but closely protected from the rages of propaganda, and to protect the individuals who have it. They will be providing the validity for you- that is THE plan that everything they are doing right now is leading up to.

When will I meet them? Can you set up a meeting?

I can't set you up. Everybody asks me that, though.
mickeyboy said:
lets just call this the earthsister page, i mean give other people a chance


Did you have something to ask or comment to anyone particular? Feel free. There is no limit to how many can post at one time.
I can't set you up.

Then how is it I'm supposed to have those same experiences and meet those aliens?
EarthSister said:

Their authority is under the larger union of five galaxies, literally translated as "The Intergalactic Union."


These races belong here as well as humans belong to each other country to country, but in more complex, evolutional and spiritual ways. We are all the same one kind of being under the same one God. Humans on Earth are prejudiced against our visiting races-- they are not prejudiced against us or each other.

We humans are not the possession of the country we happen to live in.

Our world leaders have had appointed human individuals in government (I do not know who) who carry a professional dialog with, in the past -- a few individual races here, and now with the leaders of the organization of visiting races.

In the past, many individual visiting races were working alone here. Our world leaders (US Govt for one, already had ongoing dialog and agreements with a few of them (I do not know exactly how many).

Now our leaders (or appointed govt people) have to work directly with the leaders of the organization, not with any individual race.

These humans having dialog and agreements with the ET's that are here, if these people do not establish under whose authority this interaction is authorized, these people are in error. No matter how warm and fuzzy this interaction is perceived by the human, this interaction is still in error.

Your interaction with these ones here, without them having proper authority, your in error. Even worse you are encouraging others.
FieryIce said:
We humans are not the possession of the country we happen to live in.

That is what most would like to believe, but since we place people in power to make decisions for us through the embodyment of heirarchy, it would suggest that we actual defer our rights to be decided by them, therefore Countries and those in power can percievably decide a persons individual fate as if they were a possession.

It's not as if governments need to ask permission of an individual if they want to use them in some clandestine experiment, they would just self impose some authority over them, even if it means having to push them into a Mental hospital to take away their rights on medical grounds.

FieryIce said:

I can only imagine to what authority you are alluding. Why do you assume it would not be allowed to bring our people together to know and help one another? Do you think it is against God?

If you do not want to meet or work with alien life, just don't. But I do. It is an individual choice. It is my heritage, which no govt entity has any power or right to deny me.

We humans are not the possession of the country we happen to live in.

I didn't mean to say we are a possession of govt. But we have a leadership to be respected, that is supposed to be protecting us. We do not need govt protection from the aliens. Humanity needs protection from our leading govts.

These humans having dialog and agreements with the ET's that are here, if these people do not establish under whose authority this interaction is authorized, these people are in error. No matter how warm and fuzzy this interaction is perceived by the human, this interaction is still in error.

Well, it's not warm and fuzzy. It is professional more than anything.

The humans representing our govt leaders are engaging in dialog with alien life under the authority of our govt leaders.

Your interaction with these ones here, without them having proper authority, your in error. Even worse you are encouraging others.

Perhaps we misunderstand one another. My personal and professional, extensive, advanced interaction with my own alien contacts is not under any jurisdiction of any Earth authority. Anyone who tries to stop our worlds from allying is in error.

I am curious- could you tell me on what you found your position against contact between our world and our neighboring worlds? Or are you only against civil individuals having contact with alien life?

Oh, well, as you have your own aliens here to talk to, would you ask them about that little war that someone lost in our solar system? Or, are all the races and or individuals you know Jesus Christ perfect?
Welcome to scifoolems forums.

Hey Stryder, you are so right on that we are owned by something or someone. But I have no problemo with my owner. Do you?
If you do not want to meet or work with alien life, just don't. But I do. It is an individual choice.

Ok, I have made the choice to work with alien life, what do I have to do to meet and work with them?
Ok, I have made the choice to work with alien life, what do I have to do to meet and work with them?


First you have to be related to another race by spirit. Then your contact is more of a discovery of ongoing events.

You discover contact by looking into what you are doing spiritually, meaning naturally- not religiously, through life. We all live a spiritual existence and meet with other beings and spirits and the divine, whether they include people from other worlds or not.

Of course, whether you try to discover it or not, if you have a relationship and your alien contacts want to make you aware, they make it happen physically for you as well as spiritually.

There is an element of professional contact with alien life also but it is not well-established with our world yet, and I do not know the criteria to be able to define the position, except vaguely as "some govt officials."

There is some rare personal contact between alien life and unrelated civil human individuals, but it is heavily circumstantial, not random.

To become physically aware of whatever you are doing spiritually can be done by meditation and by watching your "dreams." Meditation is spiritual exercise that has both immediate and long-term effects. The more simply and regularly you do it, the better. Ask around of any martial artists you know, and of anyone that seriously practices yoga. Try meditation yourself and discover how it affects your body and mind.

Keep a dream and meditation journal to map your progress.

If and how your alien contact - and your awareness of it - progresses depends on many different things. But first things first.
To become physically aware of whatever you are doing spiritually can be done by meditation and by watching your "dreams."

So, essentially what you're saying is that alien contact is in my dreams?
(Q) said:
To become physically aware of whatever you are doing spiritually can be done by meditation and by watching your "dreams."

So, essentially what you're saying is that alien contact is in my dreams?

Not exactly, but it may seem that way.

Whenever you spiritually meet with somebody, if and when you become aware of it physically, the memory or realization of it comes up through your states of consciousness in much the same way "dreams" seem to.

In other words, if you are out of body engaging in some activity, your body is normally unaware of it whether you are asleep at the time or awake. But if you do become aware of it, that is by a connection between yourself- between your body and your spirit. The "memory" of it is not physical, but spiritual. It "seems" like a "dream." But memories of spiritual experiences have more substance than memories of mere imaginary dreams, especially if you pay attention to them and learn how your own abilities feel to you.

Although the alien people who visit Earth are as alive and physical as we are, they cannot step right into our atmosphere, so personal contact between us is usually by spirit. The advanced races have no difficulty at all with this, as it is their normal, advanced way of being and meeting. We humans also do it, but we are not well aware or in control of it yet at our point of evolution. When we meet with alien life, the aliens cause us to use and be aware of our natural abilities more than we can on our own yet.

If you can see somebody who is out of their body, you are seeing them with your spirit, not with your eyes. If you close your eyes, you can still see them and sense them there. Any other people with you probably could not see them there. You can also talk with them mind to mind, or spirit to spirit, and hear their words aloud in your mind although others with you probably cannot.

Jack's and my contact with alien life is advanced, especially Jack's. We "dream" the same spiritual experiences together as well as meet with the alien beings physically together. We hear them speaking to both of us telepathically. Jack and I support each other and learn everything we can from the aliens. These things have been carefully taught to us by example and experience with the aliens for the direct purpose of our understanding of them, so that we can help explain them to others who have these experiences. We understand the concepts only as well as we can, which is simply. If we only ever saw the aliens physically, like so many humans assume is the only way that matters, we would not even learn how and why natural contact happens.

All of us have spiritual experiences all of the time, day and night. We all "live" a busy spiritual existence. But when our bodies are asleep we are physically out of our own way, and memories of events come to our first state of consciousness more easily. We may wake up with a memory of a spiritual event that occurred at any time, but we easily assume that it happened while we were asleep, or that it was just a wild imaginary dream. All of the ordinary things we do spiritually get ignored, but when we see something or someone out of the ordinary, it may catch our attention.

Map your dreams, pay close attention to the details and just see what you might see there.
We may wake up with a memory of a spiritual event that occurred at any time, but we easily assume that it happened while we were asleep, or that it was just a wild imaginary dream.

I now see where my problem lies. I always take on the notion that events not of what me might consider part of reality ARE wild imaginary dreams whilst I sleep. Perhaps what I need is some guidance in how best to discern between those dreams and the spiritual events you refer?

What methods do you use to try and initiate a spiritual event with the aliens or do you have to wait until they contact you?

I'd be very interested in hearing some descriptions of what you saw in your travels with the aliens?

Map your dreams, pay close attention to the details and just see what you might see there.

Quite often, dreams are forgotten soon after you wake up. Are there methods to help remember your dreams?
I now see where my problem lies. I always take on the notion that events not of what me might consider part of reality ARE wild imaginary dreams whilst I sleep. Perhaps what I need is some guidance in how best to discern between those dreams and the spiritual events you refer?

The best way for you to learn the difference is to study yourself yourself. Don't let anybody else lead you to believe what your own dreams hold for you. Find your own way around in your own mind.

What methods do you use to try and initiate a spiritual event with the aliens or do you have to wait until they contact you?

The alien races are all working together and with their human contacts. The efforts run together for the same outcome, so things are happening by a schedule, in order and on time as needed, as well as possible. Things change, of course. The best laid plans may go awry. I don't know exactly what the plans are at any given time, or what is on the schedule at any moment, but I am well aware that things happen as they need to happen, and everyone is pretty busy at all times. I can request a meeting off the current topic for a personal reason but depending on the priority, I may have to wait for it. I can also talk with them from a distance and not require any meeting or event. I get in touch with them at any time, in a moment, just by thinking to them.

Usually when I have a request of them, it is for some information I want to get in response to a question I have, or something I read about or somebody has asked me that I don't know the answer to. My "avenue" of communication is open at all times, but they don't stop what they are doing just to chat, and often I wait a long time (weeks or months) to get answers to random, relatively unimportant questions. In that time, I may see them a number of times for more immediate things and not have any opportunity to ask any off topic questions.

Also, Jack and I, as all alien experiencers, are kept from being aware of many things we do with the aliens. Many things we can't know about at all because we would be harassed by agencies and groups for the information. It is also a large burden of stress to know too much, especially things we cannot understand on this physical level. We need to write everything down in detail to safeguard its integrity, figure it out, and keep it straight in our minds. It is a large responsibility that we do not take lightly. If we understand well on a higher level and there is no additional need for us to know on a physical level, we are spared the burden of it.

Just for the record, of course we want to know everything! But we have to live our normal daily lives first, raise our kids, work, socialize with friends, sleep. Too much would consume us. Our alien friends know what we need to know and don't, and on higher levels we speak for ourselves and come to all agreements.

One of the things Jack and I do often is travel out of body with alien life to meet other humans who have contact. We help them get to know their own alien contacts so they can see past their fear and make informed decisions of whether they want to participate with them. We continue to meet with them on that level, teach what we are learning and share our knowledge. On a physical level, we do not need to know specifically about all of these people. And it is not even our business to know so much of their private lives. We know some of them physically, and are aware of our meetings with them from time to time, but it is enough for us just to know that helping like this is something we do regularly.

I'd be very interested in hearing some descriptions of what you saw in your travels with the aliens?

What specific kind of thing would you be interested in hearing about?

Quite often, dreams are forgotten soon after you wake up. Are there methods to help remember your dreams?

Yes. Go to bed early enough every night to get enough sleep. Talk with yourself about paying attention through the night while you sleep, and decide that if you wake during the night, and in the morning, you will jot down the gist of what you were dreaming so you will not forget. Have pen and paper ready by the bedside lamp.

As soon as possible upon waking, write down your dreams in detail. No detail is too small. Write factually, point to point to point. Do not discriminate or neglect any point, however seemingly insignificant. The act of taking yourself back, starting at the beginning of what you recall, and inching your way forward through the order of events as you write them down, trains your mind to be more aware of all things as they happen. You will learn to recognize your own patterns of imagination, and then the key points will stand out above the mundane.

When you capture a dream by the edge of it, you can go deeper into it. Just hold your body still, take one or two slow deep breaths and focus on the clearest, earliest detail of the dream in your mind. Gently look around, see what you hear, see what you smell, look for familiar people. Move forward slowly. You can also try going backwards by retracing your steps- imagine yourself gently stepping, walking backwards in your mind. There are no rules for any of this, just make up your own ways. Use your own mind to discover what is in your own mind.

As soon as you start to practice these exercises, you will notice a large difference in your general awareness all day and night, physically and spiritually. The more regularly you do it, the better you will get at remembering everything that happens. Once or twice a day for 20 to 30 minutes is a good amount of time for an opportunity to grab onto anything that is there to grab.

Becoming aware is just like turning on the television. The programs are already running, and you just want to tune in and follow along.
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The best way for you to learn the difference is to study yourself yourself.

That's not very helpful. Can you offer any assistance at all?

I get in touch with them at any time, in a moment, just by thinking to them.

Can you tell me how to do that?

Many things we can't know about at all because we would be harassed by agencies and groups for the information.

What groups and agencies would harrass you?

What specific kind of thing would you be interested in hearing about?

Things like the places you've been and the things you saw not of this Earth.
The best way for you to learn the difference is to study yourself yourself.

That's not very helpful. Can you offer any assistance at all?

I did, (Q). Start to meditate and watch your dreams. Start to learn on your own. It is the best way. Be patient. Try it.

I get in touch with them at any time, in a moment, just by thinking to them.

Can you tell me how to do that?

If you have alien contact, start thinking to them. Write down exactly what you want to say, then just think it to them. If you do not have alien contacts, think to your own spirit guides and ancestors anyway, and of course to the divine. Just see what happens.

Many things we can't know about at all because we would be harassed by agencies and groups for the information.

What groups and agencies would harrass you?

Govt agencies and ufo and spiritual groups of excitable people.

What specific kind of thing would you be interested in hearing about?

Things like the places you've been and the things you saw not of this Earth.

Ok, places I've been to. I have visited a few other worlds briefly for the purpose of learning from the experience so that I can tell others. It is very rare that alien life takes any humans away from Earth.

One that I have been to has a great deal of water all over the planet and lots of low trees or high bushes. There are lots of wood bridges and walkways built to get around the land. There is a great deal of marine life, and the marine life is equivalently evolved as the people, and communicate with the people.

Another I have visited has large land mass. It has water but I did not see it that I recall. The land is covered in vegetation that looks similar to wheat plains. They have no trees. They have animals wild and domestic, much further advanced and different from our own.

Another is a world of a race of beings of light. These people are as alive and physical as we are, but their bodies are made of light. They are "intelligent energy" and their home is a star. Their buildings are very tall and all white with no windows, tubular shapes, sloped down at the rooftops. They have no trees or any animal or marine life.

Things not of this Earth, that would be everything the aliens are and everything they have; all of their technologies. None of it is of this Earth. If you ask me more specifically what you want to know about, I will try to tell you, if I know anything about it.
craterchains (Norval said:
Q, in your dreams. Sounds simple enough. ;)

Sounds like the same old game, with a different name. :rolleyes:

Spiritual nature is no game. Universal life is no game. Come on, think broader than that.
Would you care to inform these people about the word spirit, spiritual, spirituality and where they are coined from? Please be as broad on this as you can.
