Kookiest Crankiest Bizzarist Looniest


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
What is the kookiest crankiest most bizzare website you've ever run across?

One can search crank.net and other related sites for an abundance of these sites. But I want to see ones you've run across other than referencing those sites.

One of my favorites is a website I ran across on another forum being promoted by its authors. They claim to be in touch with hundreds of alien civilizations and have hand drawn pictures of the "Alien Council."


I did once get pointed to one of the 9/11 conspiracy sites, where everything they said diverged so far from ordinary common sense it was difficult even to understand what they were trying to prove. For example there was an article which explained exactly how it was possible that the WTC was hit by a plane but that the passengers had been disembarked elsewhere - and then killed separately. Occam's Razor notable by its absence.

I'm afraid I no longer have a link, but I will try to post it.
I know - wasn't that bizarre? Some sensible sounding stuff about conceptualising large numbers, and then we meet Zar and Demetrius via crayon drawing.

Could the whole thing be a spoof? Or is that too much to ask?
Could the whole thing be a spoof? Or is that too much to ask?

Jack and Nancy are dead serious. I have followed Nancy's posts on another science forum, and although she gets caught on a continuous basis regarding the physics of her aliens movements around the galaxy, she is adamant that aliens are not only visiting but are intertwined in our society. She thinks they will reveal themselves and make first contact in Japan.

You gotta love those hand drawings. She never did answer why she didn't simply take photographs.

Of course, they're probably just trying to make a buck on a book deal.
(Q) said:
Could the whole thing be a spoof? Or is that too much to ask?

Jack and Nancy are dead serious. I have followed Nancy's posts on another science forum, and although she gets caught on a continuous basis regarding the physics of her aliens movements around the galaxy, she is adamant that aliens are not only visiting but are intertwined in our society. She thinks they will reveal themselves and make first contact in Japan.

Hi, (Q)

Yes, that's right :) I will answer your questions.

You gotta love those hand drawings. She never did answer why she didn't simply take photographs.

The aliens don't allow photographs of themselves. Personal "evidence" can be used to prove anything for or against any claimant anyway. It makes little difference because commonly, people do not know any better one way or another on their own. They will believe whatever professionals tell them or lead them to believe, even with their silence and denial. Professional nay-sayers easily make any evidence prove things against true contactees, and provide encouragement for false claimants. This is to keep you confused and serve the propaganda campaign.

Do not underestimate the size of the propaganda campaign or what our leading governments have to lose upon the open knowledge of visitation of advanced races of people to our planet. But that is too bad, people are learning anyway. They are learning what the alien races are really like, and they are figuring out on their own what these governments are really doing about the aliens.

Of course, they're probably just trying to make a buck on a book deal.

My husband and I have been sharing our experiences openly and for no pay to large and small groups, and through the media for 14 years. I hope to have my journals and seminar material published one day, but so far it is not well understood professionally. The houses still want either the professional clout or the Hollywood sensationalism. I have refused publishing three times due to what the houses wanted to do to my material. I may self-publish, but there is a great deal more that people can learn just by talking with us than there is in my factual daily writings.

Mostly I help people who already know the aliens are here and they just want to know about them. Many of them have personal experiences of their own and are confused and afraid. I tell them about the aliens as people, and answer any questions I can to help put them at ease and figure things out for themselves. I help them learn how to communicate with their alien contacts so they can get their own things going with them if they want to. I talk to their families to help them know they can support the contactee. I talk to investigators, and help explain how the aliens make contact happen and why, and help them understand what it is that makes people react the way they do. Sometimes, I help clarify which common beliefs are real and which are not real. Most of what you read and hear through the UFO field and the media is not accurate, both by accidents of perception, and by diabolical design.

If I had one personal piece of evidence to try to prove what I teach, I would not be free to speak. It is my role to speak and help others. I do not need to prove anything. The only proof people ever get is when they themselves have a sighting or a personal experience with alien life, and that may or may not prove to anything to them that people like me say. That is the way the visiting races want it to be. The alien races take very good care of the evidence of themselves and leave it openly for all to witness.

So what stops me claiming my made up alien races are real and true and the government is suppressing this. What makes your claims more valid.

But if you want a site with everything from the New world order to the evils of vaccines, chemtrails to free energy then as featured as an awful link of the day http://educate-yourself.org/ If it is fake then someone has put a lot of effort to do so.
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EarthSister said:
The only proof people ever get is when they themselves have a sighting or a personal experience with alien life, ...EarthSister

Ah, that's interesting. I have had an abduction experience, posted here. But I know it was a dream, and not aliens. Just a case of night terrors, nothing more.

Of course, you can sketch what you see in dreams, but not take photographs, so aliens appearing in dreams would be them 'not allowing' pictures to be taken, wouldn't it?

It is strange to say the least that you suddenly started posting here within a day after I posted the link to your site. Have you been watching this site and have just registered or did someone alert you?
BobG said:
So what stops me claiming my made up alien races are real and true and the government is suppressing this. What makes your claims more valid.

Hi, BobG

If you do not personally know anything about a subject, the things that others tell you may be all worth the same to you. Think smart and listen to people, but don't just believe anything without a personal reason to do so. Nothing stops you or anyone from making claims, but the only way others can know whether you are true or untrue is if they already know something about the subject themselves. "Many" people who are making claims are dishonest.

I teach what I learn from my own experiences. You can learn a lot from experiencers, whether you believe them not, and whether they are honest or not. If you listen to them talking long enough, you will start to figure out an idea of who is honest and who is not, and who is mistaken and who knows what they are talking about.

As long as people still do not know what to think on their own, they will keep favoring the wrong information because it is from "respected sources." The leading governments are suppressing the truth by disguising it physically before your eyes, and even more so in your mind. They contend a few things, including -- "there are no aliens." -- "the aliens are evil." and "anyone who claims to know or believes that the aliens are real and have good reasons for visiting our planet is lying or delusional or both." The true information that you hear is recycled, fixed-up to keep you confused and control your opinions socially, professionally and/or religiously.

But if you want a site with everything from the New world order to the evils of vaccines, chemtrails to free energy then as featured as an awful link of the day http://educate-yourself.org/ If it is fake then someone has put a lot of effort to do so.

I only looked around a little at that site. It looks to me like a somewhat useful, entertaining hodge-podge of strange, controversial subjects. The site owner puts "whatever" on there that he collects from others, true or not, and it seems it's all the same to him. The site serves a fine purpose of making people aware that all of those things are out there, but does not directly serve any truth among it.

phlogistician said:
Ah, that's interesting. I have had an abduction experience, posted here. But I know it was a dream, and not aliens. Just a case of night terrors, nothing more.


I have not heard your story. But sometimes "dreams" are real events. Most alien experiences are not actually physical, but happen within other states of consciousness. "If" we recall them, they come up through our states of consciousness the same way mere dreams do. They seem like dreams, but are much more vivid, orderly and lucid. We may mix them with imagination, or have a wild dream about the real event, but with practice and with getting to know your own alien contacts, if you try, you can progress and start figuring things out on your own.

You do not have to have alien experiences to discover what else you are doing in life besides what you are physically aware of. We all live an existence by spirit parallel to what we live by body. Humans are not well-aware of themselves, but further evolved races of people live by their nature, meeting out of body and speaking by telepathy. To many humans who do it, meeting out of body feels like remembering the same dream with somebody else.

Of course, you can sketch what you see in dreams, but not take photographs, so aliens appearing in dreams would be them 'not allowing' pictures to be taken, wouldn't it?

The alien people are as alive and physical as we are, but we cannot share the same atmosphere. It is normal and necessary for beings of different worlds to meet naturally. It is also necessary for our visiting races to use great care in designing increasing sightings for the general public and for their individual human contacts because of the hardship caused by infighting and threats of harm by the leading governments.

It is very rare for a being of any alien race to ever be exposed to our atmosphere. They can't land and step out any more than we could land on their worlds and step out. Their natural abilities and technologies effect "face to face" contact. When they visit us where we are, they are usually out of body. When we visit their crafts, we are usually out of body.

The aliens have very tight control of encounters with their human contacts. It is not possible to take a picture in most cases of contact, and it is never allowed. That kind of "evidence" does not prove anything to be true, but only makes the one who has it into a target for those who would stop him from speaking, and those who would use him as leverage against the aliens.

If your dream was a real event, some clues to that would be multiple similar dreams through life, physical sightings of alien crafts and family members having similar experiences.

Most humans who have a personal connection to alien life, and experiences with them, do not even know it on a physical level.

How can you know anything about a subject which has no evidence or factual basis. And assuming you can tell 100% whether people are lying which I'd like to see you still have people who are under these sort of delusions. You clearly judge truth on a person's character. No government coverup is required, no great conspiracy and if there was any truth it certainly would either have been completely stopped or plastered over the press. But yet it is all convienently documented on the internet albeit in ridiculously different forms. Do you think a government cover-up would be done so poorly and this would really transcend all people's ideologies, beliefs and values. All people apart from those who can expose the truth on the internet.
BobG said:
How can you know anything about a subject which has no evidence or factual basis.

Why do you think there is no evidence or factual basis? Who told you there is none?

And assuming you can tell 100% whether people are lying which I'd like to see you still have people who are under these sort of delusions. You clearly judge truth on a person's character.

That's right, deluded people may think lots of untrue things, but a deluded person has certain characteristics you can recognize. You can't judge delusion simply by claims of alien contact. Also, some people who happen to be deluded also happen to have alien contact.

No government coverup is required, no great conspiracy and if there was any truth it certainly would either have been completely stopped or plastered over the press. But yet it is all convienently documented on the internet albeit in ridiculously different forms.

What the governments are putting so much effort to is covering up what they themselves are doing. The governments can't hide the aliens -- they can only force the aliens to hide by threats of physical harm and blackmail, and by harassing the humans that the alien races work with.

Do you think a government cover-up would be done so poorly and this would really transcend all people's ideologies, beliefs and values. All people apart from those who can expose the truth on the internet.

It is enough to keep you confused and steer your opinion. That's all it takes. Plenty of hard evidence gets out, but all the authorities have to do is announce that it is not hard evidence and that is what loyal, correct people will believe, until they witness something "alien" personally.

The government cover-up is breaking down. People are getting wise to the motives of particular manipulating governments. You can't feed a lie to a wise person. You can only feed a lie to a stupid person. The publics are being kept stupid and mislead.

Earth Sister
I tend to hypothesis the point that if something manifests itself as "alien" to you, does it actually mean its "alien" in origin? For instance it was the norm during the period of cold war stalemate between rival countries to utilise methods of manipulation over one another, such manipulation was deemed espionage and usually incorporated spy-rings.

One such espionage method was "the sleeper", however not all sleepers would have even known they were agents admittedly the evidence for that was the commendeering of "biological filters" in regards to bugging equipment.

What I question is could your "alien interactions" just be nothing more than interfacing with your handler?