"Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life"

"Throw away holiness and wisdom,
and people will be a hundred times happier."

Vs. 19, Tao Te Ching
On the other hand we have the atheist Sartre's lament that is "extremely embarrassing that God does not exist; ... We are left alone, without excuse. That is what I mean when I say that man is condemned to be free."
It does not appear he was a hundred times happier.
James R also says I lack empathy.


I'm not so certain. You like attention a lot, though and you especially love being perverse, maybe for the shock value? Perhaps because you're smart and you have to dumb down to get along with people. Underneath it all, you're probably pretty straight laced.
Complete and utter poppycock.
Well thats what The Buddhist scriptures say....he could fly, phase through objects, multiply his body, walk on water, etc..

I said as much in one of my previous posts.
Ok...so The Buddha doesn't deny the existence of gods...instead he says that they do exist

SkinWalker said:
These are the basics for achieving Nirvana. None indicate anything supernatural.
But this also applies to Jesus, Krishna, Lao Tzu, etc.....most of what they teach has nothing indicating the supernatural...
I'm not so certain. You like attention a lot, though and you especially love being perverse, maybe for the shock value? Perhaps because you're smart and you have to dumb down to get along with people. Underneath it all, you're probably pretty straight laced.

You also like the outdoors. You're fun-loving and a treat a parties. You will have a great adventure in your near future. But be prepared for dissappointment. If you play your cards right, you can turn defeat into triumph. Lucky numbers: 2,47,808,69,666.
There is something to be said about the romanticism of a mytho-poetic conception of life. Whether or not one can base one's life off a religion's beliefs, on the other hand, is something else entirely.

Ultimately, I think a sort of detached paganism is ideal. The Romans had it right when religion wasn't the central purpose of life, but which nonetheless was a rich backdrop which was aesthetically pleasing and culturally empowering and involving.
But one would expect if Eastern philosophies were any better at "preventing" stress, depression, etc, then there would be some measure of success.

Exactly. People can go on about how eastern philosophy "promotes mental health" as much as they want, but the fact remains that mental illness is just as common is eastern cultures as in western. A few google searches for mental health statistics by country is all that's necessary to confirm this, if anyone is curious. Heck, Japan has a suicide rate that's over 50% higher than the US, and they have the second largest Buddhist population in the world.

It's pointless to speculate about how eastern religions/philosophies promote mental health when there is empirical evidence to the contrary.
Heck, Japan has a suicide rate that's over 50% higher than the US, and they have the second largest Buddhist population in the world.


Is this post-Westernisation or has that always been the case? Are the ones who commit suicide practising Buddhists?
Japan is the ORIGINATOR of a caste DEVOTED to killing themselves. Of course they are going to practice it.

Speaking of which: If I have to kill myself, I'd want to commit seppuku.
They are the same. However, hari-kiri historically and technically has negative connotations, whereas seppuku was the proper way of referencing the act and which retains a sense of honour and respect for the custom.
How do Atheists feel about this Quote by The Buddha

"Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life."
I think its HORSESHYT! :D
Ive lived pretty much without any spiritual anything,
(well there were some of those bottled liquid spirits I admit)...and am doing VERY WELL thank you
How is life without a spiritual life? No real spiritual motivation to do anything. No mysteries in life, no wondering, etc...
acrualy atheism makes you more interested in EVERYTHING b/c you want to make the most of this ONE life you have ;)
we dont have spiritual motivation,but rather basic human curiosity
I think its HORSESHYT! :D
Ive lived pretty much without any spiritual anything,
(well there were some of those bottled liquid spirits I admit)...and am doing VERY WELL thank you

acrualy atheism makes you more interested in EVERYTHING b/c you want to make the most of this ONE life you have ;)
we dont have spiritual motivation,but rather basic human curiosity
No it doesn't, atheism is boring, we already know all there is to know, there's nothing beyond our knowledge, no need to speculate if there is a soul, afterlife, God, etc...