chu chu
chu chu: Hey boo boo ! there are many kind of humans you see ? African, Japaneees .......etc.
boo boo
boo boo: We have many kind of monkey too !
chu chu
chu chu: Yes, boo boo !
china monkey
Africa monkey
negro monkey
and .......
..........many more....
doo doo
doo doo: No, chu chu ! Look at the pix
it's not know !
chu chu
chu chu: Sorry doo doo ! I'm really sorry ! It's a fun photo, so I thought that it's monkey and it seems monkey... to me ..
doo doo
doo doo: What !! Fun photo looks like monkey to you. F
k off chu chu !!
boo boo
boo boo: I know the ugly face
It's Einstein and i hate this item.
loo loo
loo: But why you hate Einstein boo boo ?
boo boo
boo boo: Because he proved that we are stupid you know !
loo loo
loo loo: Oh yes boo boo ! we live on tree so our life-clock will tick faster than humans on ground. But i think it doesn't matter because there are many humans live on buildings those are higher than tree.
boo boo
boo boo: So i think, we should live on the ground but not on tree.
loo loo
loo loo: No boo boo ! You know only about Einstein's relativity but not my theory of relativity. If we live on ground and leave tree then our life-clock will tick more faster than higher gravitational potential you know...!
boo boo
boo boo: I think you drunk enough again !
loo loo
loo loo:
There are many big cats all around the ground level you know boo boo ! It's about big cats- gravitational potential
And leopard area is most important you know ! So there are no higher or lower potential
chu chu
chu chu: Oh my god ! You became Einstein loo loo !
And i think if we run fast on ground or on tree to tree in leopard area then our life-clock will tick slower and we will live long.
loo loo
loo loo: No, chu chu ! I'm not Einstein but Monkeystein
doo doo
doo doo: Hey loo loo ! You and Einstein have same hair style....