
The bounds of human credulity as uncharted as the bounds of human evil.
Hence my favourite quote from Voltaire:
"Those who can induce you to believe absurdities can induce you to commit atrocities."
I'm no signing up for your cult - I peeked at the last page and I abhor such scenes - but wish you luck.
I have been thinking about the book..It only exists in the future ...but because of my power to manipulate space time I can read what it says if someone asks a question and in time by piecing together all the answers and presenting them without questions the book the future.
Precisely, but Judaism it is prejudicial nevertheless, as are all mono theistic relgions, by definition. Jesus preached against the religion of that day. That's why he died.

He didn't preach against Judaism, he thought he was the messiah, God himself that got him crucified. Why not? He was guilty according to the book that created him.
But you still get eaten by the disciples at the end, right?
Perhaps survival situation where the promoter in an effort to save his 12 starving friends adrift in an open boat does himself in the give the friends Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, the zodiac folk all 12 so they should not starve....the moral ..pack plenty of food without food you die.
He didn't preach against Judaism, he thought he was the messiah, God himself that got him crucified. Why not? He was guilty according to the book that created him.
There is that definitely.
He also did stage a public protest against the custom of "burnt offerings" and the "money changers".
I gather that was not too popular.
But you still get eaten by the disciples at the end, right?
Seems everybody gets a piece of the body of Christ when they go to church.
Doubt, Dealing With Memorial Ceremonies Remembering Christ's Body Of Christ, Symbolized Breaking Of Bread The Lord's Supper And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me."
Cannibalism of your own prophet, neat.
Cannibalism of your own prophet, neat.
Also a very common thread in primitive cultures. The sacrifice, whether it's a lamb or bullock or captured enemy warrior or first-born infant or volunteer prince (usually a physically perfect male, btw), is often ingested by the congregation, so's they can all grok/partake of his essence. It's a solemn bonding ritual = sacrament.
What does "civilized" mean?
Nothing more than it's basic definition.
civilized, adj
having a high state of culture and development both social and technological.
Civilized is an adjective that describes the very opposite of barbarity. A civilized person is polite and courteous; he knows how to say "please" and "thank you." A civilized group of people is characterized by being socially and technologically advanced. Both dinner parties and fancy computer gadgets are signs of a civilized people.

That friend of yours who likes to show people how he can belch the entire alphabet? Maybe not.
Civilizations produced the Inquisition, Belsen and Guantanamo; the KGB, the SS and MSS; the iron maiden, Exxon and the hydrogen bomb.
Also money and debt.
No, you are citing examples of degeneration of civilization.
No, you are citing examples of degeneration of civilization.
Civilization has four phases: conquest, consolidation, stagnation and decline.
Show me examples of non-degenerate civilization, with no systemic violence, oppression, inequity or disintegration.
They can smell nice, have a cell-phone in their pocket, use cutlery and say 'after you' - but they're feasting on tortured flesh and decorating themselves with slave-produced diamonds.
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Civilization has four phases: conquest, consolidation, stagnation and decline.
Show me examples of non-degenerate civilization, with no systemic violence, oppression, inequity or disintegration.
They can smell nice, have a cell-phone in their pocket, use cutlery and say 'after you' - but they're feasting on tortured flesh and decorating themselves with slave-produced diamonds.
I agree that all these are the symptoms of eventual corruption of civility. That does not negate the original definition.

I also submit that so far no civilization has lived up to the definition. But it is good to have a guideline to the most ideal application of the philosophy of civility.
I agree that all these are the symptoms of eventual corruption of civility.
Civilization and civility may have the same semantic root, but they mean very different things.
But it is good to have a guideline to the most ideal application of the philosophy of civility.
Not for the purposes of religious ritual, which are primitive by their very nature. Once your psyche and social organization are post-primitive, you generally abandon tribal bonding rituals, whether or not you then take up civility. As long as civilizations continue their jingo, pole-pissing and chest thumping ceremonies
the human race remains primitive.
Civilization and civility may have the same semantic root, but they mean very different things.

Not for the purposes of religious ritual, which are primitive by their very nature. Once your psyche and social organization are post-primitive, you generally abandon tribal bonding rituals, whether or not you then take up civility. As long as civilizations continue their jingo, pole-pissing and chest thumping ceremonies
the human race remains primitive.
As an atheist, I agree fully.
But none of this describes true civilization. The human race has never been civilized, with an occasional experiment in that direction.