
How do you know it's a delusion?
By the way the deluded persons behave: repeating the same action again and again, expecting a different outcome.
However, that is a far less destructive group than those who only pretend to believe. Their actions are neither internally consistent nor very often in accord with the beliefs they profess.
By the way the deluded persons behave: repeating the same action again and again, expecting a different outcome.
However, that is a far less destructive group than those who only pretend to believe. Their actions are neither internally consistent nor very often in accord with the beliefs they profess.
Your swaying into religion! There are many believers who believe in God and are not religious.
Your swaying into religion! There are many believers who believe in God and are not religious.
Religion is the belief in a god or gods - specifically a supernatural being, or beings, or entity, or power, that controls things beyond what humanity can control.

Do you mean you can believe in God and not _practice_ a specific religion? Definitely true.
Demonstrate there is a god.

Your own feeling are determined by your own actions. No one can, and no one may save you from your own self, but your own self. You must end your own bignorance over hatred, in order to end your suffering. So I guess that would explain why we suffer... our selves... God is not to blame for your own suffering, thus I don't rule out a God. Peace comes from within, dont seek it without.
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I don't rule out a god either, but when there is no evidence for something, belief in that thing is a delusion.
There is a chasm between belief and disbelief in a concept. At the bottom of it are "I don't rule out." "Who knows?" and "meh".
Refusal to 'rule out' the existence of some anonymous deity has no function in a discussion of a specific religious icon - unless that function is just to indicate one's non-participation.
Jesus is a known character, with a definite narrative and significance in a world religion. That religion has a definite, well-known history, canon and ritual. There is plenty of documentation of the nature and scope of this particular concept; a wealth of evidence regarding this delusion.
Yes. God as an abstract concept is a very slim possibility, but Jehovah is certainly nonsense.
As long as a god possesses sentient intelligence (Intelligent Design, Genesis) the probability for such a complex being is highly unlikely.

OTOH, a mathematical interactive system (physics) offers a very high probability of acting as universal guiding equations.
It meets all scientific and spiritual questions and is of practical use, whereas prayer has never proved to be causally effective. There is no one to hear the prayer!!!
It's have a kid with an imaginary friend and you hope it is a passing big deal as you hope they will grow out of that disturbing behaviour....yet these religious adult folk see no problem with their imaginary god...and although they tell you there is only one true God we find they believe there are really three...who is of who is the father of the other ..executed so he can rejoin dad and bring his newly created ghost.

..they think kids believing in Santa is cute but just do not see the parallel that they believe in an even more improbable made up story.

The possibility of visiting aliens at least holds some remote possibility but these believers would call anyone talking of visiting aliens as crazy..mmm so what level of crazy does that send them down to...the bottom of the barrel crazy I guess.

These believers offer the complexity they see as evidence of an intelligent being yet find no problem in the unintelligent mush that is the only guesswork available that an intelligent being could offer. Could one wonder why a god could not come up with something that works and is less ambiguous... One could wonder... if this being designed such complex wonders, created all there is and knows everything....why is the message from this being so hidden from all those humans ..
Why use dreams and all sorts of manifestations capable of any interpretation that produces no certainty.

Is it any wonder that thinking folk conclude that it is all just made up stuff.

And why when considering the probability of any god do they rule out the thousands available to select just one...the right one...and do so with out analysis of evidence...when surely their analysis of all other propositions would be done using most critical skills and demanding of facts and evidence. Why? Well when it comes to religion believers have invariably been brainwashed and hold onto stupid sayings like... I have faith..I know deep down...etc.

Such self talk is a declaration of stupidity.

Why use as authority any book that contains countless errors and reflects a moral code that is clearly wrong...slaves anyone..and present made up stories of talking snakes, an impossible flood and a human god that is clearly a knock off of other human gods presented through history ... It is crazy, uninformed and superstitious.
Equations don't guide natural events, they are symbolic descriptions of natural events.
Of course, they are human symbolic descriptions of naturally occurring events.
But the fact that humans can describe natural events with the use of symbolic mathematics proves the mathematical nature of nature.

Are you prepared to claim that Nature does not function mathematically? If so, you are outweighed by actual cosmologists who insist that all proposed mathematical equations, if correct, already seem present when tested against existing conditions.

Are you prepared to say that E does not equal Mc^2? It is a mathematical equation which plays itself out in say the "sun", which was our model for building an atom bomb.
The sun’s energy engine is essentially a perpetual thermonuclear explosion, just on a much larger scale. Just to give you a bit of perspective, the Tsar Bomba released about 2.1x1017 Joules of energy, while the Earth receives about 1.7x1017 Joules of energy from the sun in a second. So it’s safe to say the sun’s energy output dwarfs even the largest thermonuclear bomb detonations.

The Higgs boson was discovered by application of mathematical values in the Cern collider.
Science in general, and physics in particular, seek patterns. Stretch a spring twice as far, and feel twice the resistance. A pattern. Increase the volume an object occupies while keeping its mass fixed, and the higher it floats in water. A pattern. By carefully observing patterns, researchers uncover physical laws that can be expressed in the language of mathematical equations.
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Serious question. Do you know what religious means?
Serious answer: Yes. In depth and breadth. From the earliest forms of animism, fetishes, totems and ancestor shrines, to modern, proselytizing televangalism.
Facetious question: Do you?