Jesus will come

Wrong. False witteness you know not of Satan. Satan is just as interested with the stagnate liars as the violent wrathful. The world ends in peaceful conquest,
Jesus returns and spills the blood of millions, maybe billions. My enemy are the liars, and rapist, and there will be blood.

Knowledge91 i fear for you. You are set up for deception. I hope that God will have mercy on you and the Holy Spirit moves you. But i know my hoping will not make anyone take the leading of the Spirit. So be it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Mohammad and Jesus had different instincts.

Oh yes very different. Jesus is one with God. Muhammed was a violent and lustful man and a sexual degenerate who married a 9 year old girl. No wonder he preached jihad and practiced bloodshed and had many wives. even child wives. No wonder his paradise is a filthy sexual orgy with 30 virgins and then when your bored with that you can have a go at the pretty boys. paradoxically a paradise flowing with rivers of fine wine. yeah tell everyone wine is satans drink and then say there are rivers of wine in paradise....

I think Mohammad fathered lots of children . Am I right .

Well muhammad had sons that's what lead to the division of islam into sunni and shia right?

Do you know how many children Mohamed fathered ?


You can see an Ideology shift here can't you ?

From a celebrate never married Jesus to a marry as many as he could even if they are still children, sex maniac muhammed... Yeah it is a bit of a shift.

But Jesus was not Just a man. muhammed was very much just a man a tragically flawed one at that.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Jesus coming back is a misinterpretation . It is the Father him self that comes back as it is stated in the old testament when it says " God will Walk on Earth .
It is the same as Jesus the Christ being the Father of King David. How can he be the father of his own Father kind of thing .
So it is the Father and then next time around it will be the Mother . You see it = The son , the father , the mother. That is why you will see an uptick in wackos claiming to be the Father of Jesus. Fuck Jesus . He was a pussy
That is the difference between Mohammad and Jesus. Jesus let people beat him . What did he say " Turn the other cheek "
That is what pussies say. That is not human behavior . That is contrary to human nature .

:) That's RIGHT you got it. Jesus was not just human. He acted CONTRARY to human nature.

Proverbs 16
25 There is a way that seems right to a man,
But its end is the way of death.

Real human nature is to seek revenge and the greed lust of your very soul lives by it

And that is the nature of muhammed.

. Jesus lived in denial of his love lost. He manifest it in a world that sacrifices its own pleasure because of him . He got the last laugh for a couple thousand years now by people denying there carnal desires of revenge.

I still get the desire for revenge. But i hand it over to Jesus, HE WILL AVENGE ME. In the Bible it talks about Christians who died and are with Jesus this is what they shouted out to Him.

Revelation 6
9 When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.

You can be assured that Jesus is going to come with great wrath and deal out vengeance upon hundreds of millions. He shall deliver vengeance when the time comes. bucket loads.

Hell even the music that portrays vengeance on the perpetrator ( that soothes the raging soul by identification ) generation by generation say that is not good music to the next generation looking to sooth there battered souls of sacrifice by the generation that came before them . All Jesus ideology of don't touch your pussy . Or you can't touch the pussy Jesus cause He is better than you . He is not any better than any one else cause well he fucked you into sacrificing you natural carnal desires of self gratification . Bad Jesus

Our carnal desires are still here with us. But we are saved because we believe Jesus is right in what He wills for us to do and not to do.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Don't you find it amusing that God is a human? Why not something cooler like ummm oh I dunno, an alligator or a shark?
Jesus was no pussy you fuck! Praise Jesus now!

No Jesus is a pussy . He is my foot stool . He is the son . A mere boy . He deals with boy things . I don't think he made it past 5 in his mental state of mind . Boy /son / Not a father that is for sure . God the Father is the Father and Jesus is a son /boy / pussyfide
Don't call Me a fuck . I don't praise anybody that commits suicide . He can come into Great House when he grows up a little . Mans up to his mistakes instead of acting like he is all perfect . He is no more perfect than Me , except I am good for it says in scripture that only the Father is good . Well shit head I am a Father so ding a ling ding ding . I am a good father at that . That you could learn to be as good a Father as I am would do your soul some good . If you got children they could be as great as mine if you know how to inspire them to greatness . I got that down pat . I even improve the out look of other peoples children any chance I can get because of all fuck nuts that tar and feather there children to pieces by there words . Jesus did nothing to help my children well because he was the son . A child in his thought process. He had no Idea how to inspire. He only knew sacrifice which he taught you well . That is not any way get things done . Sacrifice is a fucking joke . It is for slave mentality people . Go ahead be a slave of the Jesus vampire. His spell is powerful .
I live on earth . I care about earthlings and the earth . Leviathan is my master not some fucking kid that has a God complex. Jesus is liar too. Except he did say Me would come in the end . That be him trying to be Mekigal the real beginning and the end . The lord of Agriculture . The lord of the harvest . Look it up for your self if you dare . Jesus said when the lord of the harvest comes and sends out his laborers . What the fuck do you think that means ? That be the Lord of Agriculture . Who is that pray tell " Mekigal the inventor of the plough . I came back and my name is not Jesus . It is Mikel . That is what Mekigal means . Jesus was thief that fooled you good .
The invention of the cross? Ever Hear of that ? No because you are to ignorant to know what that is . It is a date . The date of my birth that the pope tried to erase in 1960 . It is part of mayday celebrations . Yeah Mayday celebrations that set slaves free from there bondage . That includes the bonds of Jesus that keep you chained to your Sacrifice . So you know what they say . The Sacrifice will be taken away . Yeah fuck the sacrifice . I am taking that shit away big time. Spideys helping Me take sin away too.

You need to read your bible better for it says a lot more about Me than it ever did about Jesus the Fake Christ . You missed the part were the Man of sin is the same as the Guy that shows you how to be because you know not to be until he gets here . The Man of sin you have misinterpreted just like the Prince of the air that works in the sons of disobedience. Another Man of sin quote . We are going to straighten out your evil ways of condemnation towards other humans dude .
Read your Bible and not the way your possessed super preacher told you . It is not nothing like your Daddy told you . He was a disobedient son also.
So the Prince of the Air Hey that sounds like the Prince that stands in Danial to me . That be because He Makes a stand . Calls you out on bogus shit . He works on rooting out your disobedience. Your hate you have for other people . The way way you persecuted Me by your language to Me . Not very loving of your fellow human all in the name of a child minded guy that committed suicide because he listened to the voices in his head with out question . He is a pussy for that too. He took the easy way out . It also says when your dead your dead in the bible . And it goes on to say when your dead you no longer have a part in the living . That be the Jesus lie that him being dead and resurrected . That is attention whoring at its finest, and look at all the attention whore Jesus got to this time and date when your children should have got the praise instead .
All you Jesus Freaks are Idiots like That . Jesus robs your children of there rightful place in the world .
One day soon I will eliminate the need to Attention Whoring . I got to fix my self first as my own Attention whoring hold Me back . Just like yours does you . It is a human condition that makes us greedy little Jesuses. You got no idea because of your small mindedness . Jesus is not going to save your sorry ass cause you are worse than an Attention Whore . Why because you are one and you deny that you are cause you think your personal sacrifices clean you and allow you to come before the Christ . They don't clean shit. You have to face your personal attention whoring first or forget it .

To the moods . He called Me a Fuck . That opened the door for my foulness as far as I can see. Please don't ban Me . I love this Bar( SciForum)
You should read Me if you want any chance of making it to new earth . Read and try understand the foulness of human behavior we are doing away with . Your kind of foulness that puts a dead guy with no part in the living before your children . Mary Magdalene made up the story . That is plain and clear in scripture . Wife's Tales is what we call them . They are proved wrong by science.
Don't you find it amusing that God is a human? Why not something cooler like ummm oh I dunno, an alligator or a shark?

You mean like the Pharaoh Crocodile motif . The all seeing Eye of Horus . Like the Serpent bird in many other religions . Like the 2 wings of the eagle in the bible.

Rat King . Yeah that is it
Rat King . That is the new voice of God. Rat king ! Long live the Rat King

And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then a white robe,

(( Doing it now by the whisper of the wind . It will be hitting you in the head soon . Hey all you that followed my white sheet thing . I just looked at the white robe all different like now

we are saved because we believe Jesus is right in what He wills for us to do and not to do.
THAT IS BULL SHIT. He don't will shit for you . He is your example . A piss poor one too. Cause he taught you to sacrifice like he did . Sacrifice kills you . Look at your example Jesus and you can see this is true . Jesus is a dead Man.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Jesus is not the ancient of Days either . That is also made clear in the Book Of Danial . The lord of Agriculture is the Ancient of Days . The beginning and the end . The one soul from Atlantis that never dies. Also known as Milquat and many other names . Moloch would be another . Long live Leviathan the true woman of the ocean that rules the day and the night. Who saves the soul from Atlantis by the power of the deep . Hi please to Meet you . Hope you Guess My Name , but whats troubling you is the nature of Mikay.

Don't put your children below Jesus . That is one big sin I am very harsh about . You will get yours if you do . The children coming of age are going to be the ones that get you for that one . That I could stop them , would I . Nay . They act by the will of Leviathan. I don't fuck with the things she makes so . I except it . Be happy when the rain falls and be happy when it don't kind of thing
All Praise Leviathan
No wonder his paradise is a filthy sexual orgy with 30 virgins

Not going to take the time to re-write this... so a simple copy-pasta... but a friend of mine (who happens to be islamic and has studied arabic in detail) has pretty much flatly said the "72 virgins" thing is bunk...

To start off, you need to understand what the rewards in Jannah (Paradise) are. The Quran says that those who do get into Paradise will be rewarded with blessings that eclipse anything on earth; unlimited food of your choice, riches, and wishes come true. Things considered sinful on Earth such as wine will be allowed, and people will be able to eat and drink all they want and not get full or hungover or sick. People will be reunited with their friends and relatives, we will all be made young again, and there will be no anger or pain. Everyone will be given palaces to live in, and clothing fit for royalty, with luxurious couches and thrones for everyone. There will be rivers of the purest water, milk, wine, and honey, all of which are better than any you will find on earth. Those who get to the highest part of Paradise, Jannah al-Firdaus, will also be able to see Allah with their own eyes. So, in a sense, Heaven is a paradise filled with pleasures. You need to imagine the context of when this idea of Paradise was revealed to the people; of the extremely stark and difficult life of ancient Bedouin Arabia. Something as simple as the constant flow of water in a stream was considered miraculous, so it would be natural to imagine heaven depicted this way, flowing with streams of water under the shade of huge trees. (Well what did you expect Paradise to be? Clouds, wings, and harps?)

Also, the believers who make it into Paradise, male and female, are promised beautiful companions, known as “Houris” in Arabic. The Quran describes them in some detail as such:

“Serving [the believers] will be immortal youths with jeweled and crystal cups filled with the purest wine which will neither give them headache nor hangover, with fruits and meats of their desire. They will be fair ones with lovely intense eyes like guarded pearls; A reward for the good deeds of their past life.” (56:17-24)
“We have created mates for them and made them virgins, matched in age, for the companions of the right hand.” (56:35-38)

“They will be chaste, restraining their eyes in modesty, never touched by man or Jinn."(55:56)

“Serving them will be immortal servants. When you see them, they will look like scattered pearls.” (76:19)

The Islamic scholar Yusuf Ali defines the word “Houris” in his english interpretation of Qur’an as “Youths of perpetual freshness.” He also described them in his commentary: “The companionship of Beauty and Grace is one of the highest pleasures of life. In this bodily life it takes bodily form. In the higher life it takes a higher form...The pronoun in Arabic is in the feminine gender. It is made clear that these maidens for heavenly society will be of special creation,-of virginal purity, grace, and beauty, inspiring and inspired by love, with the question of time and age eliminated.”
The Houris are basically creations of God, intelligent yet soulless and created to serve the believer who goes to Paradise. They are created for the purpose of serving the believer, and as such, they dont exactly have free will. They are described as pure, beautiful, lustrous, virgin, and more perfect than any human on earth. Imagine the woman of your dreams.

Women aren’t left out: A man in paradise will get numerous female servants for himself, while a woman would get male servants. The Quran says that women shall be compensated just as well and says about the believers that “they” (the gender unspecified) shall

NOWHERE does it so "go blow yourself up and take some infidels with you and you will get 72 virgins in the afterlife"... in fact, true Islam is a rather peaceful religion that does NOT advocate violence against other cultures any more than true Christianity does... but then again, there are crazies in every bunch...
Jesus is not the ancient of Days either . That is also made clear in the Book Of Danial . The lord of Agriculture is the Ancient of Days . The beginning and the end . The one soul from Atlantis that never dies. Also known as Milquat and many other names . Moloch would be another . Long live Leviathan the true woman of the ocean that rules the day and the night. Who saves the soul from Atlantis by the power of the deep . Hi please to Meet you . Hope you Guess My Name , but whats troubling you is the nature of Mikay.

Don't put your children below Jesus . That is one big sin I am very harsh about . You will get yours if you do . The children coming of age are going to be the ones that get you for that one . That I could stop them , would I . Nay . They act by the will of Leviathan. I don't fuck with the things she makes so . I except it . Be happy when the rain falls and be happy when it don't kind of thing
All Praise Leviathan

I don't care less if i get got or not. I do not fear those who can kill me. They should fear the One who shall avenge me. You think the Ancient of Days is the demon molock.. One day the Ancient of Days will demonstrate that is not so.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Bribble Bribble Bribble!
Wrong. Joseph was not the father of Jesus, calling out the Christian faith. Jesus had a biological father, a man like to the Mother. "Mother and Father meet me down a river road."
No there was only one person who was rightfully Jesus' father and that is Joseph.
Trouble was as the story goes she got pregnant without having sexual relationship with a man. So he had the priests examine Mary for truth of fidelity. She drunk the curse and survived. She was not lying. :)
Wrong. Joseph was not the father
of Jesus

I didn't say he was. My point was the opposite, that marriage does not necessarily mean sex.

It is not uncommon, I believe, in some societies for very young children to marry.
There is no sex involved, just a commitment.
Knowledge91 i fear for you. You are set up for deception. I hope that God will have mercy on you and the Holy Spirit moves you. But i know my hoping will not make anyone take the leading of the Spirit. So be it.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Thou shall not judge. III
I didn't say he was. My point was the opposite, that marriage does not necessarily mean sex.

It is not uncommon, I believe, in some societies for very young children to marry.
There is no sex involved, just a commitment.

I have a theory. Joseph grand father of the true father, which adds up age wise. Why? To hide the identity of the Father, and Son. Who is the Father?:D
No there was only one person who was rightfully Jesus' father and that is Joseph.
Trouble was as the story goes she got pregnant without having sexual relationship with a man. So he had the priests examine Mary for truth of fidelity. She drunk the curse and survived. She was not lying. :)

Folk lure told by the same community that says homosexuals are not permitted into Heaven. :rolleyes: