Jesus Failed

As far as I understand bible "history" and standard history and the records of population available from the time there is no record of jc existence

Given the time frame I would be surprised even some records still exist

Thought bubble - who would Mary put as the father of jc? She has two options, god or Joseph

If the birth record was found and dad was recorded as god case closed. If Joseph I doubt they would be the only married couple with the names of Joseph and Mary

And I suspect given the movement of the birthdate of jc, around the calendar, until the church decided to steal a very active pagan celebratory day, 25th December, even the year would be suspect

Who cares? The affect he had on Western Culture is the same. At this point what does it matter?
Some people have empathy for example, some cold hearted killers don't. I guess the foundation of most peoples moral codes came from the Judea/christian teachings. Another win for God.
I knew we woud agree on somptin... that most peoples moral code came from "Judea/christian teachings"
... an God must be proud of the cold hearted killers who learned from him when he drowned everbody on earth
Who cares? The affect he had on Western Culture is the same. At this point what does it matter?
It sort of matters in so far as this supposed moral high ground the church has built up for ITSELF

Built on a lie and deception???

Leaves it floundering and questioning what else they lie about to keep up appearances and the racket going

Leaves it floundering and questioning what else they lie about to keep up appearances and the racket going

The "racket" is reflected in the larger society. You seem to think it is isolated behind the walls of the church. It's fully entrenched in your life.
The racket is milking millions of dollars from the followers to have a lavish lifestyle while preaching the good word

The perfection of my church "NACA" dont have those flaws... eg... no tithes... no preechin... all are welcome... all beleifs are equally respected an all members are guranteed not to go to hell.!!!
The racket is milking millions of dollars from the followers to have a lavish lifestyle while preaching the good word

Yep, both you and I think that sucks, which is why I might give money to the little church down the road, but not the televangelist on my television.
What is the NACA, CH?
Oops... sorry... ive talked about it many times an figered everbody knew;;; its New Age Christan Atheist.!!!

I might give money to the little church down the road, but not the televangelist on my television.

Good pont... an the church ive most attended may be small but they got it all:::

Speekin in tongues...
Holey Gost shows up at ever service...
Oft times people get saved...
People get healed... i even saw the preecher make a kids short leg grow as long as the other one.!!!
Oops... sorry... ive talked about it many times an figered everbody knew;;; its New Age Christan Atheist.!!!
I've done a search and you have talked about it quite a bit...LOL! Unfortunately it doesn't show on a duckduckgo search. Okay. :biggrin:
. all beleifs are equally respected an all members are guranteed not to go to hell.!!!
Guaranteed eh????

Would I be correct that the reason you know the guarantee is correct is because no one has come back to say "You lied. I went somewhere else"?

An organisation with such low regard for a adult person's ability, to reason and think, I would put at being below preschool level

Its a wonder you don't get a little animal stamp on the back of the hand for turning up

all beleifs are equally respected

Impossible or miracle. Pick

There are lots of outlandish claims about Jesus.
Some say he came to America with his uncle and sold firewater to the Injuns.

According to the Bible, Jesus was going to save the Jews from the Romans.
They kicked his ass (30 CE) and their asses (70CE).

But most of all, Jesus was supposed to be the King of the Jews !

He was never their King and could never be their King.

They wouldn't have a Christian King.

Anyway, he's dead.

He failed.

Marsh Arabs...

though in the marshes small communities of Mandaic-speaking Mandaeans (often working as boat builders and craftsmen) lived alongside them.[6]

Carpenters ?

Are these the True Descendants of Jesus & the israelites whom wondered in the desert for years... ?(i am postulating the unknown rather than an actual scientific question)

... interesting thought... Jesus was kinda anti, the idea of being King wasnt he ?
He Was killed for being a Christian ?
one of his mates went and told on him to some genocidal military types(very normal for many thousands of years)

as for the Invasion(& consequential Genocide) of America by the Puratins...
i find it interesting that in cowboy & western films most Puratins are characterised as secular in their belief toward general society.

What Fascinates me more soo from an artistic & archaeological perspective is all the mosques & sinagogs & temples/Churches that were converted to & from over the centurys.
i ponder how much ancient art work might still be around.
I knew we woud agree on somptin... that most peoples moral code came from "Judea/christian teachings"
... an God must be proud of the cold hearted killers who learned from him when he drowned everbody on earth

Yeah, don't forget He kills people, good point. He's the best serial killer in this galaxy(possibly universe) I think, nevermind this world. Watch you don't slip on some of the spit God spat on your floor and crack your head wide open, as well as break you neck.