Jesus Failed

It sort of matters in so far as this supposed moral high ground the church has built up for ITSELF

Built on a lie and deception???

Leaves it floundering and questioning what else they lie about to keep up appearances and the racket going


Last service I went to was a Christmas one in a Catholic church, the vicar/priest whatever waffled on about Zeus, fascinating i thought.
Why would they write a New Testament based on a composite character? Don't say money/Power, didn't exist back then, just hungry lions and crucifixions for people who believed He was the Son of the "Living" God! To the dicks who think Jesus didn't exist, go and get a brain. Virtually every historian, scholar (very much educated and learned people with nothing to gain, maybe something to lose in this atheistic educational system), damn even muslims believe He existed!. Idiots, unbelievers are.
Why would they write a New Testament based on a composite character? Don't say money/Power, didn't exist back then, just hungry lions and crucifixions for people who believed He was the Son of the "Living" God! To the dicks who think Jesus didn't exist, go and get a brain. Virtually every historian, scholar (very much educated and learned people with nothing to gain, maybe something to lose in this atheistic educational system), damn even muslims believe He existed!. Idiots, unbelievers are.
You are funny.
Yeah, don't forget He kills people, good point. He's the best serial killer in this galaxy(possibly universe) I think, nevermind this world. Watch you don't slip on some of the spit God spat on your floor and crack your head wide open, as well as break you neck.

Well i see whare you'r heads at -_O


But serously... when i read you'r projected fears i thanked God that i dont have a blind faith in stoopidstition :cool: