jesus christ is god

red devil

yes, that statement was a little out of the norm, but it does broaden the comfort zone a little, i think. more like "food for thought". i had my reasons for posting that to snake, just to raise his awareness levels slightly, seeing he believes the sacrifice of jesus was no real sacrifice at all. i believe jesus' sacrifice goes beyond our normal range of thought.

"his thoughts higher than our thoughts; his ways higher than our ways" all equations concerning god that should be the prerogative.

isaiah 55:8 thru 9
for my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the lord.
for as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts
Look at all your posts to me, I think your heart is maybe just a little bit hardened against the gospel.

Actually i'm reading the bible word for word, page for page in its entirety- several times i might add. As i go along i make notes regarding every page and every passage.

If i were to list now different aspects from my current position i would be left with an overwhelming amount of destruction and no mentions of god loving anyone or anything. To me this seems a tad bizarre that someone would then turn round and say god is all loving. It's not mentioned in the bible thus far except for one passage:

Exodus 34:6 And he passed in front of moses, proclaiming, "The lord, the lord, the compassionate and gracious god, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation."

Here he says: "abounding in love" but then look at his last sentence. It completely kills off everything he said beforehand. This is so far the only time god even mentions love.

god has created countless plagues, completely destoyed mankind one time, closed womens wombs, destroyed countless amount of people throughout genesis, exodus, leviticus, and so on.. Every chapter thus far is full to the brim with destruction of man on a mass scale- all done by the hand of god.

When i was younger, and even now, people mention satan as being evil and god as being all good. Yet there's no written instance thus far of the devil killing anyone. How can you define something as all loving and all forgiving if it shows a tremendous 'want' for destruction and death of humankind? Also how can you define evil when there's no mention of evil killing or destroying anything?

If evil is as bad as you lot perceive i then ask the question is god powerless to remove that evil? To remove satan? It's a question asked so many times and one the religious sectors answer with true futility. "There can't be good without evil" is commonplace but answers nothing, and completely defeats the belief in an all powerful, all loving entity.

This god of yours then shows tremendous greed. All furniture made for him must be gold, cows offered must have perfect testicles and so on. He promotes himself with a pathetic vanity and overwhelming desire for self gratification that to be honest no sane man would see that as all loving and all perfect.

(If we look back to the original writings done by the Sumerians their gods, (alien beings), were the same. They demanded meat in golden bowls, with golden furniture and so on, [there are even records of the items and food sent to the temples where the gods lived]. However the Sumerians weren't stupid enough to assume them as all loving. They knew they were as slaves to these beings. Ok the beings taught them quite a bit but they knew they were slaves- even from the original stories of the garden of eden- [e-din means house of purity]- and they were sent to work in the gardens as slave groundskeepers. [this actually coincides completely with the bible texts of location of the garden of eden and the religious schollars placement of it- which would have been southern mesopotamia- around Basra)

As i've said many times when god says he loves it will be mentioned. But to deny the unspeakable acts of destruction and chaos by gods hand is to accept only one side of events, (the barely mentioned side), and is bias.

This is why i spoke of differences between OT and NT. It is my estimation thus far that the NT is either:

A) Talking of a different god
B) jesus was a fraud. He was a preacher and a good one- but no different to David Koresh.
C) god had a sudden change of heart with his attitude.

However i will divulge further on this at a much later date once my analysis is complete.

The fact remains 'all loving' does not give rise to destruction and death on a massive scale. As an all loving father, no matter what my daughter did i wouldn't give her plague, close her womb and kill her. 'All loving' is a blatantly fraudulent claim.

"my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation.
He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior-
from violent men you save me." (2 Samuël 22:3)

"Hurry and get out of this place, because the lord is about to destroy this city!"

'For the Lord had closed up every womb in Abimelech's household because of Abrahams wife Sarah'. <-- the funny thing with this is Abimelech was innocent. Sarah had said she was Abrahams brother, not wife and took her to be his wife but did NOT touch her. god appeared to him in a dream and said: "You are as good as dead". Abimelech protested his innocence and god realised how stupid he was being. But he still closed the wombs of every woman in the household- wtf did any of it have to do with them that they need be treated in such manner? What punsihment did Abraham and Sarah receive for blatantly lying? Nothing.

'At a lodging place on the way, the lord met [moses] and was about to kill him.... <----- until Moses got circumcised. Why does god really care about mens penises?

'So the lord said, "I will wipe mankind..." <----- not just mankind, all animals, all birds etc..

'But the lord inflicted serious diseases on Pharoah AND his household because of abrahams wife sarai.' <---- this was again because Sarah and Abraham had lied. Serious disease? Nice.

'Judah got a wife for Er, his firstborn, and her name was Tamar. But Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the lords sight; so the lord put him to death.'

'Then Judah said to Onan, "Lie with your brothers wife and fulfil your duty to her as a brother in law to produce offspring for your brother." But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. What he did was wicked in the lords sight; so he put him to death also.'

'When you take a census of the Israelites to count them, each one must pay the lord a ransom for his life at the time he is counted. Then no plague will come on them when you number them.'

I could list many many more. When god's pissed off he acts instantly. There is currently no mention of "If you sin you wont get to heaven"... instead its when someone sins they die on the spot, or get diseased, plagued etc.

However give me some quotes 'directly from god' pertaining to forgiveness and forgiving..

I said directly from god. You haven't even begun to establish jesus as being anything more than an ancient david koresh so he doesnt count. Some guy roaming the planet telling whatever stories he wants is pointless. I only want to hear it via the mouth of god: "I the lord god love you all.." Something along those lines.

You cannot thus far show me that god, jesus and the holy fairy are the same entity- in fact your mentions merely argue against that being possible. In reality you can see them as separate anyway: "This is my son, whom i love; with him i am well pleased." That sentence clearly shows they are not the same being. Furthermore jesus has not fulfilled the prophecies that god said would be the indication of the messiah. Until such time that he does he can only be regarded as a possible false prophet as said by god.

God loves you and wants a personal relationship with you

Show me where he says that.

however because you have sin in your life you cannot have this

It's impossible not to. Knowing im being punished for the sins of my great great grandfather means i lose out either way..

God however has provided a solution for this, he sent Jesus Christ to die for the sin of all mankind.

Easy as that. cool. However answer me this one more time for the record: Is jesus dead?

Your sins included, Jesus died for your sins on that cross.

My sins are irrelevant. He 'temporarily died' for the sins of shepherds. To believe otherwise is stupid. Not to mention jesus is most likely nothing more than a false prophet- as god warned.

What you have to do is confess your sin, repent of them and ask for forgiveness, accept Jesus as your personal Savior, and give your life to Jesus.

That is just an accomplishment for the weak, for the pathetic. I accept forgiveness from the people i have sinned against, personal sins i must forgive within myself and try to do better. I have absolutely no need for an 'instant relief scapegoat'.

a. Confess your sins

I stole £10 out of my mums wallet when i was 12, i smoke, pick my nose and fart.

b. Repent of these sins and ask forgiveness

Mum i stole £10 from your wallet, i'm so sorry. I was young and didn't realise the moral implications. Do you forgive me? She says yes.

Where does jesus come into any of this? Don't be an asshole.

c. Accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior

For what purpose? God says beware false prophets. You will know the true one when he does these things yada yada. jesus hasn't fulfilled those prophecies and as such is most likely a false prophet. Not to mention when you know you sin the forgiveness ceoms from within, not without. The pointlessness of looking into the sky and saying "Jesus, forgive me" is extraordinarily pathetic. I deal with my sins within my soul, within my being.

d. Give your life to Jesus

Whatever for? My wife, my daughter- i give my life to them.

Actually met a guy today, he gave his life to Christ (praise God), his sin is gone, he is saved, he is no longe yoked to sin.

Holy fartbags, it's as simple as that? Wowzers must be a sweetass life being christian.

God created the world, He created you and loves you, he has a plan for your life, all you need to do accept him, this is different from an alien that doesn't exist.

It's as easy as that to deny someone their belief? Cool, let me try: Your god doesn't exist. Its a fairy tale to please your stupid little brain. Jesus was a homosexual jew with a big mouth. He got killed because even the people he was preaching to thought he was a retard. The guy is now dust and bones rotting in some underground sandpit in israel. Not nice, is it? But for arguments sake let's get together some time and swap notes. Let's look at the evidence suggesting reality of your god and denying all others then let's look at mine. Funny thing is evidence will collide at some stage. Did you know half of the book you believe in so dearly is a translation of texts based on the belief in extra terrestrial beings? You can still see plural context throughout the bible that stems from older beliefs in these multiple gods, (aliens)- such as "Let us go down.." "Man has now become like one of us.." ""Let us make man in our image, our likeness..". Even the word Elohim is plural meaning more than one god. In actuality your belief in one god is against what is written in the bible. All of that stems from stories regarding mortal space travelling beings.

No, it is accept Jesus, or suffer eternal separation from God.

Can you show me relevant passage please, saves me some time.

No, of course he is not dead, he was raised on the third day, and no less perfect.

So..... what was the sacrifice?

No, I didn't meet him back then, but I have met him, and know him personally

You met him? where? Bowling alley, pub or your brain?

Neither of your further comments show god/jesus/holy fairy as being one entity. Try again.

Anyone, who does not accept Jesus is God will suffer eternal separation from God.

The overwhelming majority of people on the planet. That's all you had to say.

And i replied with the whole water and blood thing from a scientific point of view. Where the medical examiner was coming from was IF it did indeed happen how John said it did THEN this is the explanation, to show you that your comment was untrue.

Based on one line how can this medical examiner make such a deatiled observation? The fact is his observation would be no more detailed or worthy than anyones. As such the fact remains he could have been stabbed in the bladder and leaked urine along with blood. None of this would show jesus died 'of a broken heart'.
red devil
yes, that statement was a little out of the norm, but it does broaden the comfort zone a little, i think. more like "food for thought". i had my reasons for posting that to snake, just to raise his awareness levels slightly, seeing he believes the sacrifice of jesus was no real sacrifice at all. i believe jesus' sacrifice goes beyond our normal range of thought.

He pasted your comment and responded to it. I believe he's actually talking to you, not me. Maybe everyone could 'raise their awareness'?

Of course that's just my belief- and, like all beliefs, might be completely wrong.

we must remember a few things about god. firstly; he has nobody to answer to. he answers to himself. he tells us he has no respect toward mankind; that they are a drop in the ocean to him - that he's just god being god.
now; that was a little white lie. he does answer to somebody other than himself. he answers to his son. amazing, eh? but that's only my humble little opinion.
and that also shows love and consideration.

he has nobody to answer to. he answers to himself. he tells us he has no respect toward mankind; that they are a drop in the ocean to him - that he's just god being god.

and that also shows love and consideration.

You posted two contradicting statments, I didnt even need to respond, you did all the work for me. Thanks

def, i'd like to see you in a position where u had noone to answer to. hitler had that power, so did nero and co, possibly saddam, that idiot in uganda, and others.
yes, god does love us. we are just trying to bring home the magnitude of god - the immenseness of the whole thing. words do not always convey the truth of what is stated, so perception helps. example: father: "u run across that road again, i kick ya bloody ass". now that father could be full of love for that child. it was "pain" of love that caused that barrage. he may have had no intention of "kicking that bloody ass". another: someone u don't enjoy say's, hi, and smiles. u smile in return, but are u really smiling. the return smile could have been just one of grace; with a bully in a schoolyard, one of fear. just a few examples. i'm sure u yourself can expand on that.
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he tells us he has no respect toward mankind; that they are a drop in the ocean to him

That's an accurate summary.

he does answer to somebody other than himself. he answers to his son. amazing, eh?

Unlike some other 'non-believers' i ask for text giving evidence towards the point. Can you kindly show me where god says he answers to his son?

but that's only my humble little opinion.

And opinion really counts for nothing. It's great to have opinions, we all do, but in the realms of truth opinion is nothing if based on nothing. In this particular instance i can't think of one moment where god says he answers to his son, (nor would he do so anyway if god and jesus were one and the same as is so often told to me). It makes me wonder because by worshipping jesus as you do you are going against god who said: Worship no other god but me. jesus may very well be a son of god, as supposedly we all are, (or at least worshipping christians). He could very well have done some, (minor), miracles and spoken like a good preacher but putting all your worship into him might in itself be against god. IF god and jesus are one and the same then i dont see how god could answer to jesus- as they are in fact one and the same.

The jews followed gods word to the letter. jesus himself was a jew but turned against it. When jesus was born god said he was 'well pleased with his son'. At that time jesus was a jew. Later on when jesus went against that he got tempted by the devil and got killed.

God said to beware of false prophets- but the christians jumped up and ran after him, clinging to his leg- merely because he healed the sick and did various other miraculous things. That is not unheard of- even in modern times.

So how can he not be the son of god if he ressurrected? Well are you aware there are a vast number of stories of beings who ressurrected from the dead- way before jesus' time? That again is not unheard of.

god said "do not worship other gods" and yet you all run and bow to this 'golden cow' without hesitation. He did not fulfil the prophecies, turned against his 'fathers' people, got dealt with by the devil and died.

god also said not to make idols of gold etc but what is it you christians all have round your necks? On your walls? In your churches? You bow down, kiss and touch a golden, (or otherwise), idol of your 'new' god.

Michael came down and said: "dont worry mary, you're with a holy child.." Quite easy i believe for satan to play trickery like this and ensure his child, his fake prophet gets born.

What's that line.... "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled [was making everyone think he was a god/the son of god]"

"Go down from here at once, because your people whom you brought out of egypt have become corrupt. They have turned away quickly from what i commanded them and have made a cast idol for themselves."
Originally posted by SnakeLord
What's that line.... "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled
[was making everyone think he was a god/the son of god]"
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled
was convincing the world he didn't exist."
-The Usual Suspects

u are safe in jesus. i stake my life on it. if there can be anything u can rely on, snake it's the lord jesus christ. it's the same thing u would want for your daughter, knowing that someday she would be safe in the lords house, of grace and beauty, and not subject to darkness and evil
thanks snake.

maybe i put too much upon u all at once. u need to chill out and solidify your position. from this position of strength u can re-evaluate. remember...from chaos comes order. hope this helps.

in reference to your query, "kindly show me where god says he answers to his son".
it's pretty obvious, don't u think, god not being a respecter of persons, but under the grace of christs atonement, they actually count for something.

john 16:26 thru 27
when that day comes, u will ask in my name. i am not telling u that i will pray to the father on your behalf,
for the father himself loves u, because u loved me and have believed that i came from god.
"in the end, buddha won't save u; only jesus will"

"Beneath the sala trees at Kusinagara, in his last words to his
disciples, the Buddha said: Make of yourself a light. Rely upon
yourself: do not depend upon anyone else. Make my teachings
your light. Rely upon them: do not depend upon any other
teaching." -The Last Teaching of Buddha

Christian Buddha
A Zen Story

One of master Gasan's monks visited the university in Tokyo.
When he returned, he asked the master if he had ever read the
Christian Bible. "No," Gasan replied, "Please read some of it to
me." The monk opened the Bible to the Sermon on the Mount in
St. Matthew, and began reading. After reading Christ's words
about the lilies in the field, he paused. Master Gasan was silent
for a long time. "Yes," he finally said, "Whoever uttered these
words is an enlightened being. What you have read to me is the
essence of everything I have been trying to teach you here!"

who scrutinizes that light?
and who, may i ask, can claim to be the buddha, but the buddha, himself?
( zen story - please supply the credits for me; i forgot )
if a pupil does not attain the master, the school will die.
if the pupil equals the master the school may live 100 years.
if the pupil surpasses the master the school will live on.

(not much room for movement there)
u are safe in jesus. i stake my life on it.

And the fact of the matter is at some stage you are going to die. You've staked your life on jesus and yet you are going to die- what does that say?

if there can be anything u can rely on, snake it's the lord jesus christ.

I do not worship anything let alone a false prophet.

it's the same thing u would want for your daughter

What would you know? Don't even try to label what i want for my daughter and what some false prophet wants for his victims in the same manner. You go back to kissing your golden statues i'll live here in the real world.

knowing that someday she would be safe in the lords house, of grace and beauty, and not subject to darkness and evil

Subject my daughter to the mentally corrupted and shallow belief in an almighty deity, his son and a holy fairy? Dont give me the heaven/hell bollocks because it doesn't work. You live in your little world of fear all you want. You be too afraid to embrace life, instead of afterlife- that's your porogative but i would not be so rude as to subject and force my child into your cult behaviours. If she gets to an age where she chooses to be jewish, catholic, buddhist or whatever else that is her choice. I wouldn't condemn her for anything she wishes to do..... something gives me the idea you would though. Would you be pissed off if your child turns jewish? How can anyone be so self righteous as to deny the freedom of choice, how can anyone here presume they know the facts- that their god is the 'real' one? Frankly i find it perverse. By all means believe in whatever you want to- do not try and tell me what's best for me or my daughter- you wouldn't have the slightest clue.

maybe i put too much upon u all at once.

You haven't put anything upon me, dont be so fucking arrogant. Once you leave a half decent, half worthy post i'll let you know.

u need to chill out and solidify your position.

Im always chilled out, not that i need to do anything you tell me to. Maybe you're just interpreting my words wrong... Sounds familiar? As for solidifying my position: Ha! make a rebuttal, debate against my posts then we can see. I left a page long post and you leave 10 words saying jesus loves you then tell me i need to solidify my position? Is it April 1st?

from this position of strength u can re-evaluate.

Well maybe i could 're-evaluate' if you put up any form of a debate against my posts. Instead all i've heard thus far is: "Snake you got the better of me today" and "jesus loves you". Neither of which show anything of substance. I put up a debate- maybe it's wrong, maybe its faulty- either way better to debate about it than to say 'jesus loves you' and run off into the night. Pray to your 'new' god, maybe he'll give you the strength to offer something worthwhile.

remember...from chaos comes order.

remember.. there's little point making a post if you have nothing to say.

i have been trying to reply the best i know how. i am sure u don't want snake replying to snake; and some posts have been between u and aardappelvreter, which i have followed with keen interest. some skills u have, i don't, but i do my best.
i live in the world, snake. i grew up working class, stole cars when i was twelve: left school when i was twelve. been there done that. and i'm still working class. don't tell me to get a life. jesus was the beginning of my real life. he brought reality to it.
i cuss, i drink, i smoke - u have no right to think u know better than i. i can read a great deal into what u say. i can drop seeds, so, the recipient, to attain, has to really work hard to grasp: without effort, nothing. i can drop seeds so that they fall into deep, rich soil. u think u know better than i. well, good on ya, mate.
i read into what u say, and i answer u. what do u want me to do? just be snake answering snake? u can lead a horse to water but u cannot make him drink.
now, don't make me mad, boy. ya'hear? :mad:

this is not about me, snake; this is about god.

you are behaving like a wounded animal trying to get out of a cage, but the door is open. why? u introduced your daughter into the picture in establishing your sincererity. i am beginning to wonder? i don't think u have taken in anything thats been stated. if u can't deal in cents, how can u deal in dollars? if it's a fight u want, u can go anywhere for that.
oh!...and welcome to the real world.
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Originally posted by firingseeds
jesus christ is god.

I am going to refute the concept of christian trinity or Jesus is GOD by using the bible ITSELF:

How can Jesus be God when he himself worshiped God ???

let us read:

Let us look at Luke 5:16 "And he (Jesus) withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed to his God." Here we see that Jesus had a God, a supreme God, who is higher than him and stronger than him. Jesus was God's servant and he prayed to God so God would strengthen him more and reinforce him with patience and desire to continue his mission in spreading the word of God Almighty.

Also, let us look at Matthew 26:39 "And going a little way forward, he (Jesus) fell upon his face, praying and saying 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me. Yet, not as I will, but as you will.' " Here in this verse we see two things: (1) Jesus bowed down on his face and prayed in submission to his GOD in obedience. (2) Jesus was begging his GOD to let the cup pass away from him. Jesus did not have the power to will it for himself and make the cup pass away from Jesus. GOD had to do it for Jesus !. How can Jesus be the Creator of this Universe, the all knowing, most powerful??!!

Also, let us look at Matthew 26:42 "Again, for the second time, he (Jesus) went off and prayed, saying: 'My Father, if it is not possible for this to pass away except I drink it, let your will take place.'" My comments on this verse are similar to the above one (Matthew 26:39), Jesus begged his GOD to will what Jesus wanted to happen. Jesus couldn't will it by himself.

Also, let us look at Matthew 26:44 "So leaving them, he (Jesus) went off and prayed for the third time, saying once more the same word." Here we see that Jesus for the third time begged his GOD to will what Jesus wished for in Matthew 26:39 above. How can Jesus be the Creator of this Universe if he (1) begs, and (2) lacks power?!

How Jesus can be God when he was tempted 3 times by the devil, can GOD be tempted by the devil ?????

let us read from the Bible:

The devil tempting Jesus 3 times:

In Mathew 4:1-2 "Then Jesus was led by the spirit up into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil. After he had fasted forty days and forty nights, then he felt hungry." One has to ask himself a very simple question here: Why would Jesus allow the Devil to lead him to the wilderness to try to tempt him if he were God? This clearly proves that Jesus is not and can not be God!!!.

In Mathew 4:5-6 "The the devil took him along into the holy city, and he stationed him upon the battlement of the temple and said to him: If you are a son of God, hurl yourself down; for it is written He (Jehovah) will give his angels a charge concerning you, and they will carry you on their hands, that you may at no time strike your foot against a stone. Jesus said to him: Again it is written, you must not put Jehovah your God to the test." Here we see that the devil for the second time tried to tempt Jesus and have him do things that would make him doubt his GOD Jehovah or Allah. Jesus replied to him by telling him that no matter what you try to do, you will never be able to test your GOD (your creator). The devil was trying to have Jehovah or Allah send angels to Jesus, and Jesus made it clear to the devil that no one can put GOD to the test, and no one can have GOD do anything without the will of GOD. The devil will never be able to have Jehovah or Allah send down his angels if Jehovah didn't will it.

In Mathew 4:8-10 "Again the devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and he said to him: All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me. Then Jesus said to him: God away Satan! For it is written, It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone, you must render sacred service." Here we clearly see that after the devil offered Jesus the world, Jesus told him to go away and to go and worship Allah Almighty or Jehovah. One has to ask himself a very simple question here: If Jesus was Jehovah, then how come he didn't tell Satan in Mathew 4:8-10 "It is me whom you must worship" ? Jesus told Satan "It is Jehovah your God you must worship", which clearly shows that Jesus is not Jehovah!!!.

reading all these verses from the bible will confirm to any person with only little inttelligence that Jesus is NOT God and so the trinity concept collapses when these verses looked at and studied.

finally, is it trinity or is it 1+1+1 = 1 ????????????????
proud syrian

hi. hope u are well.
i will reply. i will need just a little time to develop my case to u. as well, i'm sure other witnesses can answer as well as, if not better, than i. by having other views, it helps, because, tho the fundamentals are there, we don't always see things the same way.
cheers, and get back to u soon.
it is a tough case u have presented.
i am sure u don't want snake replying to snake

Of course not, i want someone to debat issues with me. Saying "Jesus loves you" is not debating an issue it's making a statement based on nothing.

i live in the world, snake. i grew up working class, stole cars when i was twelve: left school when i was twelve. been there done that. and i'm still working class.

Ok... but jesus has forgiven you so it's not a big deal.

don't tell me to get a life.

Kindly show me where i told you to get a life, my memory is fuzzy.

jesus was the beginning of my real life. he brought reality to it.

What was it that made life unreal before jesus' arrival to you?

i cuss, i drink, i smoke

Me too..

u have no right to think u know better than i

Where do you draw that conclusion from? Wasn't it you telling me i need to solidify, chill out, that i need a better level of understanding? Wouldn't that go to show it's you who thinks he's better? Do you think if you had not tried to attack me in such arrogant manner that i would have retaliated? The fact remains neither of us know the answers. As such we debate and discuss the subject. However saying "jesus loves you" isn't a worthy debate. I waste my time writing a page long debate issue to get a 3 word reply of pure non-evidential speculation?

u think u know better than i. well, good on ya, mate.

You think i think i know better than you... well, good on ya. And we're not mates.

what do u want me to do? just be snake answering snake?

Not at all. what i want you to do is reply with something more than "jesus loves you" or just dont reply specifically to me. I have zero interest in knowing you think jesus loves me.

u can lead a horse to water but u cannot make him drink.

yes you can... dunk his head under the water and hold his nose.

now, don't make me mad, boy. ya'hear?

Respect your elders, shithead.

this is not about me, snake; this is about god.

No it isn't, it's about jesus, (not whether he loves me personally or not). It's about the religious aspect of regarding jesus as being god. I have shown using text how this is more than unlikely, have explained that his failure to fulfil the prophecies means he is, in the words of god, a false prophet, and have stated how the need for golden objects of worship which are hung round necks, on walls etc are going against gods personal command of not making idols. It also goes against gods command that you may not worship other gods than him- yet that's exactly what you're doing.

Your response was: "Jesus loves you snake, you need a higher level of understanding."

In my opinion that is completely worthless.

you are behaving like a wounded animal trying to get out of a cage, but the door is open. why?

It's amazing how you say this yet fail to have answered or debated upon anything i have said. Instead of offering something of value you just attempt to insult me and then tell me jesus loves me. If you're scared- run away, but do not resort to attacks on my being while avoiding answering or debating anything.

u introduced your daughter into the picture in establishing your sincererity.

No it was to show what loving fathers are like and how god fails in each and every aspect of fatherhood.

i don't think u have taken in anything thats been stated.

Yeah, i heard you the first ten times... jesus loves me.

if u can't deal in cents, how can u deal in dollars?

If you cant make a worthwhile post on the issues at hand don't bother posting to me. I don't like having my time wasted by jesus preachers. Debate, dont preach.

if it's a fight u want, u can go anywhere for that.

Really? I never would have guessed.

Im always happy. You gonna respond to any of the issues raised or not?

oh!...and welcome to the real world.

Let me guess what that is.... the real world is a place called heaven situated in another dimension where 1 day = 1000 days and theres a load of people playing harps while every jew, bhuddist etc burns in hell with a red guy with horns?
in reference to your query, "kindly show me where god says he answers to his son".
it's pretty obvious, don't u think, god not being a respecter of persons, but under the grace of christs atonement, they actually count for something.

Btw, you gonna answer that question or what? Kindly show me where god says he answers to his son. Use the bible you must have stored somewhere in your attic.