jesus christ is god

i don't agree with u. as far as i'm concerned, u are in a well constructed house. the framework of the bible make it correct. we may be wrong, but it's basic principles are correct.

What is this debating about? My spoken issues were about two things: A) god and jesus being completely separate entities, and B) jesus not being what people think he is. Your statements are all completely pointless to the topics of discussion. Either talk about the issues or don't, don't waste my time.

we may even mis-interprete it, but still it stands correct

Who's 'mis-interpretation' is correct? The reason we debate is because many people, (most inhabitants of the planet), don't feel the bible is credible, accurate or 'correct'. You believe it is, thus when debating the issue you need to show evidence supporting your belief. Telling me the bible is correct is evidence of nothing. Do you understand yet?

but not any of that makes the structure of the bible to any less of effect.

There is much evidence supporting the probability of the bible being nothing but a collection of handed down stories based on different events, with different people and different gods. Even then so many people will bring to light evidence suggesting the bible, in any format, to be a complete and utter load of old bollocks. You can say "the bible is true. end." but that's not a debate and leaves you little reason to speak on this forum. This isn't a church pulpit. Debate with me all you like over related issues- and if you have the time debate with me over issues i have raised, however do not preach to me.

this isn't a theory about jesus being god; this is fact.

Oh ok, show me the proof and everyone on this forum can get on with worshipping.

to u it may not be so, but that is thru no fault of my own.

Well it is really. If you have the facts but cannot show the proof you must be lacking.

your problem probably lies further up the ladder

I have a problem? What's that, that i don't share your belief?

coz' theres lots more i don't know. (like alien spacecraft?).

It's amazing to me how quickly someone can ridicule a belief and call it "Fiction" when they know nothing about it. I have and am taking the time to study and research into religious scripture, perhaps you should read up about aliens, and ufo's before labelling it off as "Fiction". If you don't you'll just come across as being ignorant.

this is about as far as i go. with the information supplied to u, and concerning the gospel of jesus christ, (many, many christians who would disagree, too), u have had a good foundation for further development, but that's a step u'd have to take yaself.

Thank you Sigmund Freud. When you care to wake up and debate with me over issues raised let me know. Until that time i have no interest in talking to you. I am not here to be preached at by an idiot.

While we're in the realm of psychoanalysis i might aswell take my turn.

You really need to start putting some substance into your posts. It's becoming all the more apparent post after post you actually have nothing to say. Most of your posts are: "Nice". One word posts that offer nothing of worth whatsoever. The rest of your posts from what i have seen are aimed at trying to insult someone which is perfectly fine if you also put the time in giving a response to their raised topic. However, you don't- or, and more likely, can't. I have noticed you make several pathetic attacks on several people, myself included and frankly i pity your need to do that. If you can't answer a question or can't offer a worthwhile response then don't- there's no reason to go all out to making yourself look foolish.

aardappelvreter has already posted the fundamental principles of christianity and soforth.

aardappelvreter has made a good debate that has been informative and i have learned from. Hopefully i have done the same in return. You however have not- instead just deciding to tell me jesus is fact end of issue and insult anyone you can't answer.

we have used the bible to build a pretty good picture of jesus for u

you haven't done anything. Don't take the work of others and try to commend yourself for it- that's rude.

it's not about anything, really, if it's not about jesus - thats the whole point!

Where did this sneak into your rather worthless fray of letters and full stops? Don't preach to me.

to me, people have a right to know that, including yourself.

People also have the right not to be preached at. I more than welcome debate, you have none to offer.

as i said, whether u agree or not is another matter, that doesn't concern me. as long as u get the basic gospel tenets presented to u on a plate, then how can u complain?

What are you blithering about? Do you even know?

what about the poor guy down the road? what are u gonna present him with? knowledge? i don't think so.

Well i completely disagree with you. Give a poor guy a hamburger it's gone within a minute- Teach the guy how to get food and he will live longer. Give a guy some money, it's spent quickly- teach a guy how to get money he will no longer be poor and will be providing for the community at the same time.

show me one crack in the evidences given u, by the evidences provided?

To what end? I've already taken that approach and all you've done is preach and attempt insult. The minute i see you interested and willing to debate with others in a worthwhile manner i will.

u are debating with the bible but introducing lots of hearsay.

Tell you what then..... you start a debate pointing out this- that is how debates work. Show me where, when, how, what etc. That's upto you but i have no interest in speaking with you otherwise.

perhaps, one day, i'll tell u how i was beaten, or overcome, by faith. it is one of the greatest of gifts,"lil' ol' faith." go inside, have a look around; rome wasn't built in one day. not bad for a book!

If i wanted to hear any of that i'd go to church.

just briefly, now i've caught up, i'll reply to your comments.
point 1a. jesus and god being separate entities - i think thats been settled. yes god the father, and god the son, and god the holy spirit. (i wonder why people can't see god as more than one-dimensional?)
b. most people blessed with the lord's grace understand the truth of god and jesus. a carnal mind cannot reason the truth of god. thats a bible teaching.
point 2. no, i disagree. i believe many people have no knowledge of whether the bible is true. i have tried to display how flawless the use of scripture is between the old and new testaments. u don't appear impressed with that, which i cannot help with.
point 3. theres no evidence that shows the bible to be simply man made effort. anyone with commonsense knows better than that. mostly it's people who don't want to give their lives to god.
(remember, this is bible teaching.) most reject for personal reasons.
point 4. show u proof? u decide on the evidences given. i can read it ok, it's not my problem u can't. as i said, as far as i'm concerned, youv'e had it on a plate. that was years work, but u seem to think u only need 5 minutes, reducing my effort to the the garbage. who's arrogant?
point 5. we have discussed "proof" and signs. this may be the best i can offer.
point 6. your problem is relating yourself to jesus, i think. it seems to be your major concern; apart from the fact your doubt in god at all.
point 7. alien spacecraft: was that ridicule? i suppose now ya gonna tell me they are all shit.
point 8. attacking people: i don't have much time for foolishness.
point 9. true, aardappelvreter has been a blessing; and dave,too, and etc. i realize i am not always politically correct, but thats just me. i enjoy proper christian witnessing, tho, and i learn too.
point 10. jesus is god, full stop! at least it isn't wishy-washy!
point 11. i maintain, if jesus is not in the book, then throw it out, it's a waste of time. learn anything, learn it for god. (for the whole DUTY of man is to serve god).
point 12. my style of doing things is mine. live with it. maybe i have my limitations.
point 13. i know that jesus is god. god is real. the bible true. what do u know?
point 14. poor guy down the road: i'll accept u may have a point. if u can help a guy, good.
point 14. in this case, i have stood my ground, only u have shifted all over the place. i call that inefficient use of energy, but u have your reasons.
point 15. u have nothing to offer outside the gospel. who would wanna walk from sunshine into a blizzard on your recommendation.
point 16. possibly your next step, maybe; church.
sorry if i was a bit rough, but at least i replied to all the things u raised.
Originally posted by firingseeds
one thing came to mind. unless u live in
those halls then quoting bible proverbs
is just spouting
I'm not sure what you mean, can you please clarify?
point 1a. jesus and god being separate entities - i think thats been settled. yes god the father, and god the son, and god the holy spirit. (i wonder why people can't see god as more than one-dimensional?)

So, because you say: "yes god the father, and god the son, and god the holy spirit" that's "settled"? I take it you're easily pleased by yourself. I disagreed with that 'assumption' by using bible text to show otherwise- You haven't really debated against the text you've just said "they are one, that settles it". not really the answer i was looking for. A constructive answer based on evidence and reasoning yes, anything else- no.

b. most people blessed with the lord's grace understand the truth of god and jesus. a carnal mind cannot reason the truth of god. thats a bible teaching.

And a 'carnal' mind cannot reason the truth of a different god. That's a different bibles teaching. Tell me why yours is the real truth please..

point 2. no, i disagree. i believe many people have no knowledge of whether the bible is true. i have tried to display how flawless the use of scripture is between the old and new testaments. u don't appear impressed with that, which i cannot help with.

I must have missed it. I will specifically search for it later. However in the meantime if you feel like doing a quick summary to 'show the scripture is "flawless" between OT and NT' please do so. It wasn't you who said jesus was the rock in the moses story was it? I forget :D

point 3. theres no evidence that shows the bible to be simply man made effort. anyone with commonsense knows better than that. mostly it's people who don't want to give their lives to god.

A) This topic has absolutely nothing to do with 'common sense'.

B) 'Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eye witnesses and servants of the word. Therefore since i myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you..' (Luke)

That is good evidence to show man made effort. Nowhere does it give any indication as being the 'word of god'- just that luke wanted to. He investigated evidence he could find and wrote his version of it. That might explain why the NT is full of blatant contradictions. We can establish pretty safely that each of these so called 'disciples' studied previously written works and took testimony from any servant they could find and wrote an individual analysis from their collection of data and their observations.

most reject for personal reasons

Actually most reject because there is no proof or fact attaining to the existence of god, or even jesus for that matter. Going on the word of ancient shepherds is hazy at best, and most are not so easily tempted.

point 4. show u proof? u decide on the evidences given.

When i find it, i will.

i can read it ok, it's not my problem u can't.

I'm starting to doubt you even have read 'it'. However to save you 'busting a vein' i will just say "yes, you are right, im wrong." happy now?

as i said, as far as i'm concerned, youv'e had it on a plate.

You sound like a typical 'loving' christian. *sarcasm*

that was years work, but u seem to think u only need 5 minutes

If that were true i wouldn't ask question and i wouldn't be on this forum. Instead i'd write the book i'm planning to and forum spam it and promote it just like you guys promote jesus.

reducing my effort to the the garbage. who's arrogant?

Sorry, as i said i missed the 'effort' and only saw the insult. As i also said, i plan to go back and find it.

point 5. we have discussed "proof" and signs. this may be the best i can offer.

We have? Was that the post where you said: 'it's proof, end of story'? In my opinion that's hardly a 'discussion'.

point 6. your problem is relating yourself to jesus, i think. it seems to be your major concern; apart from the fact your doubt in god at all.

More Sigmund Freud. Luke Rheinhart said something along the lines of: 'Freud would understand more about the human race if he spent some time stroking his penis'. I don't mind the Freudian attitude just don't start telling me my lack of 'faith' in jesus is because of my mother.

In seriousness though i started my 'bible quest' with a purely open mind and heart. The OT is pretty much constant death and destruction which always sits poorly in my stomach and then when wandering through the NT i noticed distinct differences that are quite bizarre. I have yet to analyse the book deeply and concisely and plan to do so many times before even starting a first draft compilation of my book. Funnily enough i also wont be one-sighted enough just to work from one book. I plan on using them all- Surely that seems the fairest thing to do? Of course i have no need to right... all the others are false?

point 7. alien spacecraft: was that ridicule? i suppose now ya gonna tell me they are all shit.

Ummmm slow down. You're the one who said it was all "Fiction". I've been an avid studier of unexplained phenomena for the past 17 years. I don't regard any of it as 'shit'. That's not to say it's true but unlike some people i do not just dismiss things off-hand.

point 8. attacking people: i don't have much time for foolishness.

What is included in your usage of the word 'foolishness'?

point 9. true, aardappelvreter has been a blessing; and dave,too, and etc. i realize i am not always politically correct, but thats just me. i enjoy proper christian witnessing, tho, and i learn too.


point 10. jesus is god, full stop! at least it isn't wishy-washy!

Ah, full stop! Then it must be true, contradictory to what the majority of inhabitants think and no matter what evidence they have. So much for democracy.

point 11. i maintain, if jesus is not in the book, then throw it out, it's a waste of time. learn anything, learn it for god. (for the whole DUTY of man is to serve god).

Man i'm gonna start singing in the local choir. Are you making a debate based on evidence or just informing me on how it is according to the word of firingseed?

point 12. my style of doing things is mine. live with it. maybe i have my limitations.

Well i don't plan to die from what you do or say, so you can stop the obvious worrying. However i can live more happily without your preaching at me. As a loving christian you should respect that.

point 13. i know that jesus is god. god is real. the bible true. what do u know?

The people who flew a plane into the twin towers knew their god was real, their belief was without fault and was completely true.

What do i know? Well... I know the titles and words of every Eagles song ever written, i can quote pretty much any line from any Mark Twain novel and i know how to make a mean spaghetti bolognese.

point 14. poor guy down the road: i'll accept u may have a point. if u can help a guy, good.

I'm glad you can see my point. You know, contradictory to what some would have you believe, us non-believers, doubters and athiests have morals aswell. We don't have morals through godly instruction, we have them through genes. Either way the outcome is the same.

point 14. in this case, i have stood my ground, only u have shifted all over the place. i call that inefficient use of energy, but u have your reasons.
I've made a start on showing evidence. My posts are generally rather large in size and i still can't get it all out in one go, or ten for that matter. I leave portions which give people a chance to debate and debunk those issues. When you too get yourself involved with the debating process i will continue. I'd call that energy conservation. There's no point typing something if nobody pays attention to it.

point 15. u have nothing to offer outside the gospel. who would wanna walk from sunshine into a blizzard on your recommendation.

In case you missed it i said: I am working on the premise of IF the bible is true, that's to say i'm working on the basis that the bible is true and analysing it accordingly. As such i try not to offer things 'outside of the gospel' because that would be irrelevant to the task and rather pointless. Like i said though, once you feel like debating with evidence to back up your debate we can start. Until that time we are walking constantly but not gaining ground.

As for your wonderful metaphor, and i do love them, i'd just like to say that a guy burning to death in the sunshine would happily walk into a blizzard :D

point 16. possibly your next step, maybe; church.

I've been to church, i've been to synagogue- all that happens is some guy preaches at you and says "repent before you burn in hell" (jews are actually a lot less violent tongued). No offence but i'm not after preaching. I think i've already told you that.

sorry if i was a bit rough, but at least i replied to all the things u raised.

Rough as a sheet of glass.
- True Wisdom -

The Jews use to practice tribal monotheism, each tribe had their own god that fathers them. The tribes' gods together, or the council of the gods, is known as the Elohim

I have not read anything of the kind in the Bible. Can you supply book chapter and verse?

i know that jesus is god. god is real. the bible true. what do u know?

I know that a belief in gods is of a personal nature and may not be shared by all. I know that ones perception of gods is as dissimilar and yet just as valid as anyone else’s. I know that a belief in something does not necessarily make it true. I know that as yet, there is no evidence to suggest gods exist. I know that there is very little evidence, if any, to suggest Jesus existed as described in scriptures. I know that the invisible and the non-existent are one and the same. I know that what one believes to be true and how the universe actually works are two different things.

I know that when someone claims something to be true based only on his personal belief has no credibility and therefore cannot be taken seriously.

Care to know more?
- SnakeLord -

The Sumerian version of the nephilim was Anunnaki which mean respectively: nephilim: 'the fallen ones' or 'those who fell from above' and anunnaki: 'those who from heaven to earth came'. The nephilim were spoken of as giants, (in hebrew the word for giant can be either: anak or anaki). In the bible: 'the children of anak' is mentioned several times, which is 'the children of giants'- the nephilims offspring.

I believe this could refer to the casting out of the Devil and his angels in the Bible.

"We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them." (Numbers 13:33)

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. " (Genesis 6:4)
I believe this could refer to the casting out of the Devil and his angels in the Bible.

I suppose, although at the time the nephilim appear there isn't any mention of the devil being cast out of anywhere. This does leave us with countless possibilities: angels, demons, aliens..... I suppose a start is to look and see if angels or satan are mentioned anywhere as being 'giants', or are we to assume only the bad angels, or anything 'casted out' becomes a giant? The nephilim and the talk of giants plays an integral part throughout the bible, as one example: david and goliath. They do thus far, however, seem to be a separate and individual species of being. I will see what else i can find in relation to this- but currently can't really deny any possibility- i guess anything we say would be supposition.

"We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them." (Numbers 13:33)

The "descendants of anak" is "descendants of giants" and refers to the offspring between the nephilim and earth women. The offspring would undoubtedly have similarities to their parents- and in this case that would be size. I guess if they were bad angels and the devil it would go to show them not being present right now- there are, to my knowledge, no giants, (save one or two large basketball players :D ), currently inhabiting the earth. I knew those damn basketball players looked evil!

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days-and also afterward-when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. "

I have read this time and time again. It's puzzling to say the least. They are labelled as 'sons of god' but then again so are humans on countless occasions. I guess though, god being god- everything in existence is a 'son of god'. Also by the text it would go to suggest they 'went' via their own choice as opposed to being 'cast out' and as such wouldn't really be on par with lucifer in that respect. But this isn't what i find puzzling....

What i do find puzzling is the last sentence. Heroes of old? Old what- We have a millennium gap right at the beginning of Genesis- the only mention being the descendancy of Adam. I guess all these people, only mentioned very briefly were of little to no importance. However these 'nephilim' were apparently: Heroes of old, men of renown. If that's the case i find it puzzling that their history is not written about. What did they do that was so heroic? What made them 'men of renown'? Sometime between Noah and Adam these 'men' did some heroic things- i'd like to know what :)

I must sleep, having been awake the past 28 hours now, (i'm not really inflicted with the human frailty of need for 2/3's of life spent snoring ), :D but i am starting to become fatigued. If my post above doesn't offer much, you know why. I will edit it when i wake, if it's not of any worth.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
There's quite a few instances of angels there's little evidence to suggest any of them as having been jesus. However, a messenger of god is not to be regarded as being god but as being a mediator between god and man, (as spoken of earlier). If this angel was jesus there's even less to suggest he is in fact one and the same as god, which many people believe, and worship him accordingly. I mean isn't it just as easy to say it was gabriel or lucifer or anyone who is recognised and spoken of in terms of 'angelhood'? Really a gets to a point where the whole affair becomes nothing more than a circus frenzy. jesus was the rock that moses smacked, jesus was the angel mentioned ever so briefly in the passages you named, jesus was giving joseph his dreams, hell we could think of anything written in the OT and claim it was jesus- maybe jesus was one of the goats sent off into the desert to remove mans sins? It says jesus was even the word 'seed' used by god in the OT. (Although i have shown the fallacy of such a statement). It's ridiculous imo. I find if the evidence isn't there it's not worth the time or effort of mention.

I agree with you, I don’t believe Jesus was in the OT.

From what can be seen the holy spirit comes from original Sumerian translations pertaining to 'ghost of intelligence'. But that aside i am becoming more aware of what the christians believe but feel in this instance it is a misplaced belief. However if that's how the belief is why don't people bow down and worship the holy spirit- instead of jesus? Being that they are all one and the same it wouldn't make any difference surely? The reason people put their faith, love and worship to jesus first and foremost, even above god himself, is because what? He was a physical being? He did magic tricks? Many tell me the whole christian faith is down to the ressurrection, which indeed is a miracle, but not unheard of from times even before jesus. But god himself did many many miracles aswell. None of us saw any of them, but neither did we see jesus doing his. Is it perhaps because jesus was the only one of the three that said you'd be sinless and get eternal life for worshipping him? I'm interested in knowing so if you can tell me why people have jesus at the fore, and everything else comes after i'd be interested to know. I refer to the various comments i've seen floating around this thread and from people i know in life who say stuff like this:

"amen, lord jesus", "praise jesus", and so on. Why not "amen, holy ghost", "praise the holy ghost"? Or why not just include all 3 in one and say "amen, lord god" - would seem more appropriate considering he said he was one and jesus said god was one.

As regards the above from a catholic perspective; they believe it is not out of place to address prayers to any of the divine persons, which would include the holy ghost. A typical prayer addressed to God the Son, the conclusion is: "Who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost…";

As for the praise jesus, amen, lord jesus etc.well I’ve also heard praise the lord, thank god etc. the list goes on, it’s up to an individual how they phrase expressions I suppose.

Yeah, im aware of that. But are angels, (god messengers), one and the same as god? If not, and people believe jesus is god, why would anyone suggest the angel in those chapters you showed earlier was jesus?

Like I’ve said above, I don’t think Jesus was in the OT, so you would have to ask the people who believe he was.

But not when his son was going to be born? I thought he was an all loving father :D

Who's to say God wasn't there when Jesus was born?

Doh! excuse the mix up.

Your excused :)

And word has it if you dont accept jesus you go to hell. However if a man chooses to worship just god without mention of jesus where would he be destined to go? Surely it would be heaven considering god and jesus are one and the same? Wouldn't that mean the jews are going to heaven? I mean there's little reason for them to worship jesus as a separate being. God is one- so whichever way you worship him you're worshipping the very same thing. Instead what has happened is the jews worship god, who has said he is god of the israelites which wasn't good enough for the gentiles. So they forged their own god and now try to condemn the jews to hell. Wouldn't it be apparent that you're all worshipping the exact same thing just using a different alias, if indeed they are one and the same?

This is a dicey question, I see exactly where you’re coming from. According to Christians EVERYONE is separated from God by sin. Jesus paid the penalty by death on the cross. Doing this meant that he had become a bridge between man and God. He is the only way to God according to Christianity.

Well how would you think evil tempts honest men? Wasn't satan originally cast down to 'roam the earth'? Look at modern day evil- like those who kill children, (i see nothing as being more evil than that). How do they get kids in their cars? Do they smack them over the head, (which they easily have the power to do), or does evil present itself as a friend and doer of good first and foremost? These people offer the children sweets, offer to take them home and a whole host of pleasantries not associated with evil- but an integral part of evil. The first lesson we teach our kids is not to accept things off strangers, and not to even talk to them. We don't give them mace sprays and flick knives in case evil will pounce because evil is generally subtle and friendly, (ok in america they just give their kids rocket launchers :D )

I’m sorry, but I can’t see how you can label Jesus Evil. Remember he isn’t forcing himself onto you (maybe some of the religions do or some religious folk) he is offering a way to God.

Ok, from a christian angle would this mean god was offered land that is already his? god was offered control of nations that were already his? Doesn't god already control everything? Why would satan try to tempt god with something he already has?

This is a good point. The passage which mentions Satan offering Jesus this power suggests that Satan was in control of the nations.

So a godly entity performing miracles isn't as good as a human person performing miracles, those miracles in fact that make people believe he was godly?

I’m not sure what you’re asking here.
It is correct that the miracles performed by Jesus led people to believe he was Divine.

Wouldn't that be: take his position *inside* god as they are actually one and the same? If he sits on the right hand side of god it is pertinent to say he does not have the rank of god but more like prince. god is on the throne as the one and only true god, jesus is at his right side like a prince of god, (son of). Thus why worship jesus as a god? God is god, jesus is a right hand man.

I suppose he has to sit somewhere! God the father was there first so Jesus got the seat next to him. In a spiritual sense they combine to become one.

jesus died temporarily because people had him killed.

As a mortal he died at the cross and experienced death, just like all of us will someday.

Now i understand the stress of being crucified but why, being that jesus is one and the same as god, would he shout: "eloi eloi, lama sabachtani?"- "my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?" Rather a bizarre thing for god to shout dont you think?

I agree. This has always puzzled me.

'With a loud cry, jesus breathed his last'.

Seems to me he was thinking more about himself than anyone else when he died.

This may be true in his final moments, but he wouldn’t have been there in the first place if he was only thinking about himself.

As for the ressurrection.. I suppose common belief is he just came back from the dead? What i'm more interested in is who this man in white is, (dependant on chapter). Someone has come and brought jesus back from the dead, (on par with jesus who also brought lazarus back from the dead). Wouldn't it seem apparent there are many of these "in between"? beings who can bring others back from the dead? The written word shows jesus could not save himself at the crucifiction shouting to god to ask why god had given up on him. Afterwards he did get ressed by someone- but who?

I believe the men in white were angels. I’m not sure exactly who or what resurrected the body maybe it was Jesus himself.

But in line with your question. If evil knew it was going to be alive after dying would the act of dying actually make any difference? It would be like spending a $1000 dollars, knowing in advance you're going to find $1000 dollars in the street later on. If jesus didnt ressurrect from the dead i could somewhat understand people saying he died for everyones sins. The fact he was brought back from the dead could signify anything, including evil- After all, you now all worship this being as god. If he was evil, he's laughing his socks off right now.

If you look at your example of the $1000. Could you convince yourself that there would definitely be $1000 lying in street later on? I doubt it. maybe Jesus had the same doubts, I seriously think he did, this doubt might explain why he said "my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?" on the cross.
"my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?"

Originally posted by davewhite04
This has always puzzled me.
I don't know if this will help clear the confusion, but it can
be referenced back to Psalms 22 - it's the opening verse.
I agree with you, I don’t believe Jesus was in the OT.

Cool, me neither.

As for the praise jesus, amen, lord jesus etc.well I’ve also heard praise the lord, thank god etc. the list goes on, it’s up to an individual how they phrase expressions I suppose.

Yeah, it's upto an individual. But isn't that relevant to my later comment on jews and christians being no different- just worshipping god by a different alias? Either way they both still worship the same being. I'll get to this on your other quote.

Like I’ve said above, I don’t think Jesus was in the OT, so you would have to ask the people who believe he was.

It's an open question- any reader may feel free to answer.

Who's to say God wasn't there when Jesus was born?

The bible. Ok, it's impossible to know considering the bible has high lack of detail throughout it's entirety, but that doesn't stop anyone else reading into it whatever they want. But it's not really about whether or not 'he's there', but more the differences between behaviour patterns in the OT vs the NT. In the OT he is very upfront and speaks more directly to humans. In the NT he does in essence take a back seat a bit more- sending angels to spread his word. I just feel for the birth of 'another him', (the messiah)- he could have 'boomed' the fact from heaven as he used to do.

This is a dicey question, I see exactly where you’re coming from. According to Christians EVERYONE is separated from God by sin. Jesus paid the penalty by death on the cross. Doing this meant that he had become a bridge between man and God. He is the only way to God according to Christianity.

Well it really shouldn't be 'according to christianity' but according to god, dont you think? According to me i dont think christians should be so fast in condemning jews. You both share the most fundamental of rules: Worship god. One way or the other, if they are one and the same, you're all worshipping the same entity. If it's a 'dicey' question it shows nobody really is in a position to condemn another religion to hell because they don't know the answer. The concept of 'competition' pertaining to god is a human one. There was someone on another post that pretty much said; "every religion is false because they're not christian". I deem that really quite faulty.

I’m sorry, but I can’t see how you can label Jesus Evil. Remember he isn’t forcing himself onto you (maybe some of the religions do or some religious folk) he is offering a way to God.

Well in context with the religious principle concerning evil, the devil isn't after your flesh and blood- he's after your soul. Sure, he can beat a man to death but that man will never relinquish his soul- he will die bruised, but will go to heaven. Evil is much more tactful than that. Friendship, offers, and miracles would be a bonus for the devil- not a sign of innocence.

I think i mentioned this:

Imagine a fully grown man, who's power is awesome in comparison to that of a young child. he could quite easily punch the child, throw the child over his shoulder and drag him off. However the evil doesn't work in that manner. The man comes along with a smile and a bag of sweets. In essence the child gives it's life over to the man, (unknowing of course), as opposed to it being taken forcefully.

The same would go for mass murderers. Under the circumstances any of us could kill and would kill.... however there is an extreme evil with those who kill on a mass scale. Serial killers are very calculated in general and will usually start off as friends- not by brute force.

If jesus was the devil in disguise i could see him acting no different to how he did. And if that were true you could see how help, love and friendship are the most worthwhile deceptions of evil. If i were the devil i could bash you over the head until you died but would you give up your faith and love in god? Of course not. If i healed your disease, bought the dead back to life and spoke nicely many people would- or, more to the point- would change who they believe to be god- not realising evil comes in many guises.

As it stands i personally see little reason god would send 'a son' to die for mans sins, and in the meantime change pretty much all of gods former laws one way or another. The pair of them are so openly opposite it's quite scary. In time i will be making my website and it will show in depth my analysis of this.

This is a good point. The passage which mentions Satan offering Jesus this power suggests that Satan was in control of the nations.

A power struggle between the devil and god? or god let the devil be in control of those nations- thus inflicting evil onto anyone who lived within those nations?

god is god- he doesn't get tempted by the devil. Of course, come the NT, jesus apparently does. Would it seem pertinent for the devil to pretend he was tested by the devil in order to make it look like he wasnt the devil?

I’m not sure what you’re asking here.
It is correct that the miracles performed by Jesus led people to believe he was Divine.

Sorry i will try and phrase it better:

I'd like to look at the differences between the miracles of god and the miracles of jesus.

Gods miracles served a distinct purpose: Freeing the jews from egypt, destroying bad folk, making rocks spout water, food to fall from the sky and further along those lines.

Jesus' miracles were a lot more self-serving: Walking on water, (makes himself look cool but has little worth to anything), [admittedly he did heal the sick, and gave sight to the blind but that in itself is not the style of god- god deemed these people as being 'unclean'. They were sent off with a whole lot of rituals to perform, sacrifices to make etc etc], ressurrecting himself from the dead-- completely self-serving, predicting his own death, and so on.

There is clearly a distinct difference between these two. So why are people so easily swayed by miracles of that nature, even more so than the miracles of god? I could make guess and say it's because those people never witnessed the original miracles of god, but they did witness the miracles of jesus. However, with that as a possibility we must ask why then modern day christians put more value in the miracles of christ to the miracles of the OT, they haven't witnessed either. In saying, i again ask the difference between christians and jews. Both worship god, and both acknowledge miracles- just different ones and different aliases. Can anyone really condemn them to hell? Again i make claim to the possibility jesus was not what you think he was. Of course i could be completely wrong- but if a choice had to be made i would just worship god himself, not any off-shoot thereof- which would in my opinion be inconsequential anyway considering they're supposedly one and the same.

I suppose he has to sit somewhere! God the father was there first so Jesus got the seat next to him. In a spiritual sense they combine to become one.

In spiritual sense i can't see why either of them, (one or several), would even need chairs.

As a mortal he died at the cross and experienced death, just like all of us will someday.

Temporarily yes. He did ressurrect back as a mortal however, and then decided to leave. Did he 'sacrifice' himself or did he provide mankind with a convenient magic show?

I agree. This has always puzzled me.

Glad to see it's not just me :D

This may be true in his final moments, but he wouldn’t have been there in the first place if he was only thinking about himself.

Well it does make me laugh "breathed his last", when it wasn't actually his 'last' and he already knew that beforehand.

Furthermore there are circumstances where one would think about others in order to benefit himself. If he was evil he still would have been there- 'harvesting' for souls.

I believe the men in white were angels. I’m not sure exactly who or what resurrected the body maybe it was Jesus himself.

Well if they were angels why not just say they were angels? Why cause ultimate confusion with several different accounts: One claiming angels were there, one claiming men in white, and one claiming a mixture of both- showing some possibility to them being different. However until analysed further i will agree and say they were angels. However, (yes i love my 'howevers' :D ), we all know not all angels are good. As for who or what ressurrected him- i guess we're not destined to know :(

If you look at your example of the $1000. Could you convince yourself that there would definitely be $1000 lying in street later on? I doubt it. maybe Jesus had the same doubts, I seriously think he did, this doubt might explain why he said "my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?" on the cross.

If he was god not only would he not say: "My god, my god why have you forsaken me?", but he also wouldn't have doubt- because he's god. Admittedly i wouldn't spend $1000 if i had any doubts whatsoever that i wouldn't find $1000 later on. However i'm just a human, im not god.
I don't know if this will help clear the confusion, but it can
be referenced back to Psalms 22 - it's the opening verse.

Well theres little to suggest he was recounting psalms of david but i guess it is a possibility. There's many instances of the same phrase being used in different places- but that doesn't mean each one refers to each other. However i will analyse it further.
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shalom everybody

gee, u guys just get so far off the beaten track when left to ya own devices. this is gonna take a little while to sort thru this mess.

disregard that post i gave.
the answer to your question? let me know when u have it.
"my god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?" can u imagine how dark jesus became there?

point 1
becoz' u can't comprehend father, son, and holy spirit as being one, doesn't make it any less really. no different than someone saying no god, doesn't make that untrue either. by following the bible teachings, and reasonings, u would come to understand something like the father and son are one. these are the teachings, only u have to come to terms with it. what u don't understand is that others, including myself, have stood there where u stand; on the outside, looking in, and not on the inside looking out. in fact, most of us in the know, have all been on the outside. the teaching's of the bible have been given by god, hence the fact people can't understand. some things in the bible appear contradictory. don't u think the translators couldn't see that? and yet they still persisted with what was stated. the jews also; who better to pass down a message, word for word. u should know jewish nature by now. they are so traditional. passing down by word is an old method, accurrate too, i reckon, until modern times, when the anglo-saxons set about destroying cultures - and a lot of that in the name of christ. the generation from the generation from the generation is still in place today, if u care to think about it. most of the wealth taken from disinheritance is passed on. jesus is the only answer. his hand is outstretched, but man decides he's better. modern times, same man.
just an add-on. the weekly sabbath the hebrews observe today is record keeping right back to the first sabbath observed. in other words wednesday hasn't become sunday, sort of thing.

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a chinese man - tai chi teacher, christian - asked jimi once, "why does the water wear the stones? 18 months later, jimi replied, "only the truth will set u free." he was delighted with that, and said, "the bible." jimi never gave him the real answer, which was, "to wash away your sins."
- firingseeds

hope u enjoy that.

u know those laws etc in the old testament? there's no way around those laws, except thru jesus christ. i think u'll find god a bit smarter than what u give him credit for.

point 2
malachi 3:16
and they that feared the lord spake often to another: and the lord hearked, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the lord, and that thought upon his name.
spoken by malachi about 430 b.c.
( from oral to written, i would say)

also, in the final verses of the new testament there is a general warning about adding and subtracting from bible prophesy, showing just how seriously god takes His new testament.

jimi's own view on this matter is that god the father has promised everything to his son to run. but that's his own personal view. whereby he doesn't see jesus as quite equal to god - tho the bible points directly to his greatness - and again to this, his own personal view - he becomes subordinate to god thru jesus christ; concluding he becomes his god. and it's also thru the power of god's holy spirit that one is able to achieve these ends. this represents, to me, the father, son, and holy spirit. i'v never read theology books on trinity etc.: think they're all bullshit: don't ever take it in - i think it just comes with the walk. maybe u were born to be a subordinate, or something?
(well that's one way of looking at it: if it helps?)
is my debating skills improving?
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