jesus christ is god

Originally posted by firingseeds
a chinese man - tai chi teacher, christian - asked jimi
once, "why does the water wear the stones? 18 months
later, jimi replied, "only the truth will set u free." he was
delighted with that, and said, "the bible." jimi never gave
him the real answer, which was, "to wash away your sins."
- firingseeds
The highest good is like water.
Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive.
It flows in places men reject and so is like the Tao.

In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling, be just.
In business, be competent.
In action, watch the timing.

No fight: No blame.

-Tao Te Ching
Originally posted by firingseeds
nephilim? what the hell are they
Nephilim- (Gen. 6:4; Num. 13:33, R.V.), giants, the Hebrew word left untranslated by the Revisers, the name of one of the Canaanitish tribes. The Revisers have, however, translated the Hebrew gibborim, in Gen. 6:4, "mighty men."

Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary
hey! yea, hi poet. nice. yeah, i can be a bit like fire, sometimes. always gets me in the shit. the difference between light and darkness really is darkness.
that was really interesting about the giants. now i'm wondering too, if that was a cast-down to earth? certainly interesting.

correct: water. do u know fire is also present? without fire there would be no water. (just thought i'd share that with u:)

by the way, what does the tanakh call nephilim? nephilim?
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"light and darkness"

Know the strength of man,
But keep a woman's care!
Be the stream of the universe!
Being the stream of the universe,
Ever true and unswerving,
Become as a little child once more.

Know the white,
But keep the black!
Be an example to the world!
Being an example to the world,
Ever true and unwavering,
Return to the infinite.

Know honour,
Yet keep humility!
Be the valley of the universe!
Being the valley of the universe,
Ever true and resourceful,
Return to the state of the uncarved block.

When the block is carved, it becomes useful.
When the sage uses it, he becomes the ruler.
Thus, "A great tailor cuts little."

-Tao Te Ching, Chapter 28

"correct: water. do u know fire is also present?"

"There is no fire like passion.
There is no chains like hate.
Illusion is a net,
Desire a rushing river."

-Dhammapada, Chapter 18

"what does the tanakh call nephilim? nephilim?"

Yes, Nephilim.

yeah, hi, thanks.

one day jimi walks into a house. the person there said to him, "who do u think u are, walking in here like a king or something?"
jimi replied, "no, i just walked in."

nephelim. yeah, ya can see where all the old legends come from. the greek gods and heroes, the norse gods etc., the german gods. even that bull creature on crete?
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Originally posted by firingseeds
nephelim. yeah, ya can see where all the old legends
come from. the greek gods and heroes, the norse gods
etc., the german gods.

"A myth is a story which has deep explanatory or symbolic resonance for a culture. The term is sometimes used pejoratively in reference to common beliefs of a culture or for the beliefs of a religion to imply that the story is both fanciful and fictional. But even historical facts can serve as myths if they are important to a culture. Most often the term refers specifically to ancient tales from very old cultures, such as Greek mythology or Roman mythology. Some myths descended originally as part of an oral tradition and were only later written down, and many of them exist in multiple versions.

All cultures have developed over time their own mythology, consisting of legends of their history, their religions, and their heroes. The myths that make up a culture's mythology are stories with deep explanatory or symbolic resonance for a culture, which is the usual explanation for why they remain with the culture sometimes for thousands of years. Myths are therefore to be distinguished from fables, folktales, fairy tales, anecdotes, or simple fiction."

Source: Wikipedia

See also: Encyclopedia Mythica
Why do threads like this keep going for so long? Is there something you haven't figured out yet? I'll give you a hint, the answer to the question "is jesus christ god?" starts with an "N" and ends in an "O", oh thats too obvious, hows this, it has only 2 letters....

Seriously, its hard to tell which thread is which in this forum, they are all the same, stay on topic, this topic is dead in reality but you keep talking about other stuff and its the exact same stuff thats being discussed in 9 out of 10 of the threads in here.
- Dr Lou Natic -

Why do threads like this keep going for so long? Is there something you haven't figured out yet? I'll give you a hint, the answer to the question "is jesus christ god?" starts with an "N" and ends in an "O", oh thats too obvious, hows this, it has only 2 letters....

Seriously, its hard to tell which thread is which in this forum, they are all the same, stay on topic, this topic is dead in reality but you keep talking about other stuff and its the exact same stuff thats being discussed in 9 out of 10 of the threads in here.

We're having a discussion on this topic, a fool hears something and claims to have the answer a wise person digs deep and finds it. How is it dead in reality?
- SnakeLord -

Now i understand the stress of being crucified but why, being that jesus is one and the same as god, would he shout: "eloi eloi, lama sabachtani?"- "my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?" Rather a bizarre thing for god to shout dont you think?

I believe this happens right after all the sins of the world were put on Jesus. Because sin is what deters us from a personal relationship with God, when Jesus took on the sin of the world he was cut off in essence from God. Therefore the sentence "my God, my God, why have You forsaken me?". I worship Jesus foremost because he became a man and died on the cross for my sins, He is the one that allowed me to have a personal relationship with God "Yahweh". But the Holy Ghost deserves as much credit as Jesus for He is the one that builds a Christian up in faith.
- SnakeLord -

Like I’ve said above, I don’t think Jesus was in the OT, so you would have to ask the people who believe he was.

It would be mere speculation to tie a specific event with Jesus. However I believe the prophecies in the old testament are fulfilled in Jesus and that is why the old testament ties in with the new.
- SnakeLord -

The written word shows jesus could not save himself at the crucifiction shouting to god to ask why god had given up on him. Afterwards he did get ressed by someone- but who?

Jesus could save himself from being crucified, but He continued to fulfill the prophecies. His own righteousness rescued him from death, for no blame was found in Him.
- SnakeLord -

Evil is much more tactful than that. Friendship, offers, and miracles would be a bonus for the devil- not a sign of innocence.

I believe that Satan definitely doesn't walk up to you and tell you to go kill people, he creeps in quietly, it takes steps to turn from a baby into a mass murderer (i think). Anyways Satan can definitely disguise himself, but he cannot do Good he can only do Evil, if he heals someone it is only temporary, a disguise. If this happened in Jesus time, the Pharisees would have been more than glad to point that out. Also during Jesus' ministry people did say he was a demon or a devil. But Jesus than pointed out: Would the head of a household cast out his own members? (or something along those lines). For Jesus was casting out demons (left and right???)

" One day Jesus cast a demon out of a man who couldn't speak, and the man's voice returned to him. The crowd was amazed, but some said, 'No wonder he can cast out demons. He gets his power from Satan, the prince of demons!' Trying to test Jesus, others asked for a miraculous sign from heaven to see if he was from God. He knew their thoughts, so he said, 'Any kingdom at war with itself is doomed. A divided home is also doomed. You say I am empowered by the prince of demons. But if Satan is fighting against himself by empowering me to cast out his demons, how can his kingdom survive? And if I am empowered by the prince of demons, what about your own followers? They cast out demons, too, so they will judge you for what you have said. But if I am casting out demons by the power of God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you. For wehn Satan, who is completely armed, guards his palace, it is safe -until someone who is stronger attacks and overpowers him, strips him of his weapons, and carries off his belongings. "
Originally posted by aardappelvreter
- SnakeLord -

Now i understand the stress of being crucified but why, being that jesus is one and the same as god, would he shout: "eloi eloi, lama sabachtani?"- "my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?" Rather a bizarre thing for god to shout dont you think?

I believe this happens right after all the sins of the world were put on Jesus. Because sin is what deters us from a personal relationship with God, when Jesus took on the sin of the world he was cut off in essence from God. Therefore the sentence "my God, my God, why have You forsaken me?". I worship Jesus foremost because he became a man and died on the cross for my sins, He is the one that allowed me to have a personal relationship with God "Yahweh". But the Holy Ghost deserves as much credit as Jesus for He is the one that builds a Christian up in faith.

It is also possible that he was refering to Psalm 22. If thats true, he we showing the people that the prophesies were true and that he has fulfilled them.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
Well theres little to suggest he was recounting psalms of david
but i guess it is a possibility. There's many instances of the same
phrase being used in different places- but that doesn't mean
each one refers to each other. However i will analyse it further.
Good luck with your analysis, I hope all goes well.
Originally posted by aardappelvreter
- Dr Lou Natic -
We're having a discussion on this topic, a fool hears something and claims to have the answer a wise person digs deep and finds it. How is it dead in reality?

Well said.
satan can't produce joy: that is only god's production. people may be fooled in their feelings, but once having tasted the joy of the god, can never be fooled again. joy production is also a continuous flow, and one that never runs out.

hmm, i hope snakes alright.
the testimony of firingseeds

hi, aardappelvreter. i saw your plug for the holy spirit. nice.

yeah, well, i'll swear to the holy spirit, (tho i'm not holy by any means). one day i was in church, doing the usual, making up the head-count, as a good humble soldier should: and, lo and behold, something unusual happened. i was watching the "idiots" raising their hands and soforth, waving them over their heads etc., when all of a sudden, i felt like doing it, too. so, i started raising my hands, and waving them around in the air. it was fun:D , i was smiling and laughing the whole time, staying quietly in the background, cruising along, and just going with the flow. had a great time.
it was like a dropping away of things, (hard to describe), i would term it a release - released into the holy spirit. it's just a transitional thing, hard to conjure up, but perhaps from one state of being to another. anyway, that's just something that happened to me once; not so very long ago.
it just isn't in my psyche to stand in church waving my hands around, believe me; even getting me to church is hard enough. shalom

it will not be whether jesus is god OR NOT - WHICH HE IS - ( or even if god be true), that will be the big STUMBLING BLOCK. the real battle will be over the return of jesus - the second coming. some may see jesus as god , others don't, but these differences are insequential to his second coming.
u have the traditional churches that just "hold the fort," seventh day adventists, ( i think they are gonna go up in the air to meet him), the mormons (don't know what they think?), jehovah witnesses, and countless other groups and churches, AND all claiming to be the TRUE CHURCH. paul tells us that the anti-christ has already entered the church, and it was already so in his time. the bible speaks clearly about this, and, i think, the real answers are yet to be stated on this matter. the anti-christ is the most debated subject amongst the "christian community." what is the anti-christ? the bible explains all things. my simple way of explaining the anti-christ would be to say, "those opposed to god".
other controversies are about which bible is correct, which is the correct sabbath day, which laws should be kept, who's a sinner, who's not a sinner, which is the true spirit of god, which isn't, child baptism, and soforth. the list is endess. most of these things are speculation, so it's important for anyone interested, to have a good grounding in the bible, and a faith in themselves over what they have understood.
catch up later. enjoyed mark twain.