jesus christ is god

- firingseeds -

Recently had a sermon, on the separation of flesh and spirit, when we worship God, we must worship with thankfulness in our hearts. The flesh wants to keep us from praising God, saying no don't do it, you will look stupid. However our freedom to worship in spirit and in truth is a great gift of the Holy Spirit. Spirit and flesh don't mix, we cannot worship God in the flesh. By the way the Holy Spirit deserves praise. The Holy Spirit builds me up in my faith, strengthens me, and convicts me. He is my Counselor, and He is great!
- all -

God is perfect, good, and just, He IS love. Altough there are many mysteries surrounding Him and His big picture for us, it doesn't change these facts which I believe. He is good and His love endures forever!

I want to look more into Jesus fulfilled prophecies, anyone suggest a good read?

in relation to who raised jesus, the bible tells us, god raised him.
1 corinthians 6 14
god raised up the lord, and he will raise us up too by his power.
(that is an interesting statement.)

just a few scriptures that came to mind over jesus' "right" to be called god.
hebrews 1:8
but unto the son, he (God) saith, thy throne , o god, is forever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
(all sounds phoney, doesn't it, snake?)

colossians 1:15
he is the visible image of the invisible god. he is supreme over creation,..

daniel gives some light on spiritual matters beyond our normal range of comprehension.

daniel 10: 13 shows us daniel having to wait 3 weeks for a messenger of god, becoz' of problems in the spiritual realm:
but the prince of the kingdom of persia withstood me one and twenty days: but , lo, michael, one of the chief princes (that settles that about michael - a chief prince), came to help me;.. (spirituAL warfare plainly stated).

we understand that god rules a kingdom served by millions:

revelation 5:11-12
then i looked, and i heard the sound of a vast number of angels - thousands and thousands, millions and millions! they were all around the throne, the living beings and the elders, and they shouted out,
worthy is the slaughtered lamb to receive power, riches, wisdom,
strength, honor, glory, and praise!
(we certainly appear a bit like ants with that sort of entourage)

hi , shalom.
praise the lord

this is an interesting scripture
1 thessalonians 5:23
may the god of peace make u completely holy - may your entire spirit , soul and body be kept blameless for the coming of our lord jesus
oh please, give me a break. there is no god. there is no jesus, well there probably was a jesus, some random guy who didnt do shit for anyone. and i believe its pronounce hay-seus so all you morons can't even pronounce your 'leader's' name.
"What was it that Adam ate that he wasn't supposed to eat? It wasn't just an apple - it was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The subtle message? Get smart and I'll fuck you over -- sayeth the Lord. God is the smartest -- and he doesn't want any competion. Is this not an absolutely anti-intellectual religion?" -Frank Zappa
hi poet

yeah, i don't think it's so much the fear of competition, but simply god is the smartest, and there don't appear to be anyone else even remotely close.
u can see how difficult it is, tho, for people to even get a glimpse at the truth, with the variety of bullshit inflicted on society as a whole.
me; i'm not particularly bright, but when it comes to spiritual perception-boy, watch out!
Did you know that homosexuality has been scientifically
documented in more than 450 species of mammals, birds,
reptiles, insects, and other animals worldwide?

will post later.

ps how many christians around, anyway?
jesus will walk the earth again

in our lifetime? in the next? who knows?
"like a thief in the night"

akjv (this is the correct bible to use:D . (the bible of all bibles! the mother of all bibles!). the translation "giant" for nephilim - tanakh, quote poet - is perfect for our thinking, for we are english speakers. to me, nephilim sounds like fairies, but giant helps me visualize the bible's definition).

akjv 4:1-3 (my babies leaving home)
beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of god: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
hereby know ye the spirit of god: every spirit that confesseth that jesus christ is come in the flesh is of god:
and every spirit that confesseth not that jesus christ is come in the flesh is not of god: and this is that spirit of anti-christ, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

jewish new testament (this bible has a few slight errors, but is a good book)
dear friends, don't trust every spirit. on the contrary, test the spirits to see whether they are from god; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.
here is how u recognize the spirit of god: every spirit which acknowledges that yeshua the messiah came as a human being is from god,
and every spirit which does not acknowledge yeshua is not from god - in fact, this is the spirit of the anti-messiah. you have heard that he is coming. well; he's here now, in the world already
(to the jew, acknowledging the messiah has even come in the flesh, is akin to blasphemy)

new world translation
beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with god, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.
you gain the knowledge of the inspired expression from god by this: every inspired expression that confesses jesus christ as having come in the flesh originates with god
but every inspired expression that that does not confess jesus does not originate with god.
(quite nice. notice the last verse? between the above three just about every angle covered)

contemporary english version
dear friends, don't believe everyone who claims to have the spirit of god. test them all to find out if they really do come from god. many false prophets have already gone out into the world, and you can know which ones come from god. his spirit says that jesus christ had a truly human body. but when someone doesn't say this about jesus, you know that person has a spirit that doesn't come from god and is the enemy of christ.
(another angle covered. gee, isn't god amazing?)

by using the akjv u can analyse the rest, but it doesn't work in reverse.

OK, you religious morons, let me break down what REALLY happened all those years ago, so you can all shut your mouths and get lives.

An alien race came from "the heavens" for the purpose of mining gold to repair their own atmoshpere, when they stumbled upon a race of semi-intelligent beings who were strong and in awe of the superiority that just dropped down before them. This race, which were called the "Annunaki" by the Sumerians, decided that it would be a neat idea if they enslaved the newfound race of thick-browed, protruding-liped bipeds and sat back whilst the gold was mined for them!

Turned out that these bipeds were smarter than the Annunaki thought, so they figured "Hey, let's try something..." and genetically engineered some earthing-spaceman hybrids! The hybrids were strong enough to do the physical mining, but now they were smart enough to actually preform the tasks. But a quandry to keep the herd in line?

Tell them that you are god! (I'll admit, I really can't figure if the aliens told us that they were gods, or if the humans just figured them to be so. Either way makes sense, but a lot of ancient writings seem to point to the former, so let's go with that for this argument)

They said unto the human workers, who now bore a great resemblance to the humanoids from another world, "We have created you in our image, and in that image, you will serve us!" to which the workers, either awe-struck by the great power of the flying chariots they rode or afraid of BEING struck by one of the aft turrets attatched to the chariots, complied with a most grateful "Yes'm."

After the work was done, the rulers of Earth and the creators of Humankind left for home, leaving behind a curious, amazing new species that were akin to them in more ways then they knew.

You see, during the time the Annunaki were here, they taught Man a thing or two about living, social structure, agraculture, archetecture, and the list goes on. Of course, the humans listened well to the Gods that spoke to them, and they learned well. The first culture, the Sumerians, were spoon-fed the buildings they lived in, and the luxury they lived with, so it wasn't like the aliens didn't expect the new breed to achieve and grow.

But when we did...all the wrath of hell was unleashed.

We began disputing lands, which led to war. We saw no need to settle diplomatically becuase, after all, the Gods had shown their ritcheousness through power when they saw fit, and we were created in Their image! We fought on land, but the Gods used flying ships to launch their attacks, why couldn't we? So we achived flight! What good is a flying machine without a way to attack from it? So we built bombs! Bombs that would harm only the living, or, like our Daddys used, the kind that destroyed EVERYTHING!

So we had mastered the architecture our "Heavenly fathers" had taught us (see: Pyramids) and we had social graces (See: Sumer) to go along with our new-found magical flying machines (See: Pre-Incan space shuttle trinket from Columbia with delta wings and Hebrew lettering on it) from which we dropped our biological, chemical, and nuclear bombs! We had come so far, we had learned so much! We had taken the knowledge of our Heavenly Fathers and gave it our own rich, down-home flavor. We had reached the stars, we had taken a big bite out of the apple and become the Gods themselves!

Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah! Waaaaaiiiit a second there, buddies. Don't get carried away now! We gave you life, and this is how you repay us? You learn how to come back and face your Heavenly Masters? You dare try to harness all that is our power? Do you know this stuff is capable of? Are we going to let you find out for yourselves?

...I don't think so.

And with a quick WHAP, the Annunaki came down and CLEANED. HOUSE. They brought thier weapons to play against our puny ones, and cleaned the blackboard off. They destroyed our weapons and the libraries where the directions to build more were. They took our ships and flung them into deep space like pebbles. They took our people and flattened them like grapes underfoot. Our writings would be laughed at, and called fantasy by anyone else from then on (Wouldn't they? Or, maybe they would be translated into every language and twisted by the power hungry into "Religion"), becuase whatever future we had would not be shared by those who have sinned in the present. All which was left to us was the structures we built, as staunch reminders that we are NOT the Gods, and our surroundings will be all that is left should we try to test that theory again.

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Well this is certainly gonna be a mess..... I've been a busy man- but let's get started:

I believe this happens right after all the sins of the world were put on Jesus. Because sin is what deters us from a personal relationship with God

Ok, kindly list me every single sin. You see god did say there's no blame on someone who sins out of ignorance/lack of knowing it's a sin. As such i question these highly deranged killers, (like those who were told by god to kill people). They are sinning without the knowledge that they're sinning, thus they are blameless. But please, just so i have it for future reference list me here every single sin.

I was told by a devout christian the only thing we must obey is to: "love your neighbour like you would love yourself". Well.... i love my neighbour dearly, and as much as i would love myself- thus i am sinless and have no sins to smudge off onto jesus. However of course i understand that must be wrong or there'd be no problem with murderers etc.. So, once again, kindly list me all the sins.

He is the one that allowed me to have a personal relationship with God "Yahweh"

Well..... i'd say yahweh allowed you to have a personal relationship with yahweh.

Jesus could save himself from being crucified

There's evidence of that?

His own righteousness rescued him from death, for no blame was found in Him.


Anyways Satan can definitely disguise himself, but he cannot do Good he can only do Evil, if he heals someone it is only temporary, a disguise.

How do you know? Met the guy?

Also during Jesus' ministry people did say he was a demon or a devil. But Jesus than pointed out: Would the head of a household cast out his own members?

Well there's nothing to say jesus wasn't lying or he was kicking out demons, (his buddies), to impress people. Does kicking a demon out of a house really harm it in any way?

others asked for a miraculous sign from heaven to see if he was from God

They asked to see a miraculous sign from heaven- jesus blagged his way out of doing it. Doesn't that say it all?

satan can't produce joy: that is only god's production. people may be fooled in their feelings, but once having tasted the joy of the god, can never be fooled again. joy production is also a continuous flow, and one that never runs out.

You guys always sound like you know satan personally, frankly it's starting to worry me.

hmm, i hope snakes alright


jehovah witnesses, and countless other groups and churches, AND all claiming to be the TRUE CHURCH.

Yes, stupid isn't it? oops... your church does exactly the same thing and you share that belief. It is, when you actually look closely, really really stupid.

paul tells us that the anti-christ has already entered the church, and it was already so in his time.

Wow, god cant even keep evil out of his holy places? Not very powerful really is he?

the anti-christ is the most debated subject amongst the "christian community.

Wow what fun you must have. All sitting down discussing who's gonna burn in hell. Pleasant.

other controversies are about which bible is correct, which is the correct sabbath day, which laws should be kept, who's a sinner, who's not a sinner, which is the true spirit of god, which isn't, child baptism, and soforth. the list is endess. most of these things are speculation

Glad you found the courage to admit to it.

just a few scriptures that came to mind over jesus' "right" to be called god.
hebrews 1:8
but unto the son, he (God) saith, thy throne , o god, is forever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
(all sounds phoney, doesn't it, snake?)

Hebrews also says: 'For to which of the angels did god ever say, "You are my son; today i have become your father."

So now tell me..... is jesus god, or is jesus an angel? I also wonder why you didn't include hebrews 1:9

"You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore god, your god, has set you above your companions.."

Is he having a discussion with himself? Who are his companions- angels? Well then why set himself above his companions? I thought he always was, being god. Unless of course jesus was an angel as stated earlier and god made him higher than the other angels- however that still shows jesus and god are completely different.

In fact the whole of hebrews is completely messed up. The next sentence is god telling an angel, (to which of the angels blah blah), that the angel created the heavens and earth etc then goes on to say:

"Sit at my right hand until i make your enemies a footstool for your feet".

Again showing they're not one and the same and again showing god, not his angel, has the power to destroy enemies etc.

It goes on to say many more things including:

'For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to god..'

That clearly states he was destined to become a priest and serve god, not be god. If he is to serve god, he obviously is not god.

'Jesus has been found worthy of greater honour than moses' <----- again showing jesus was not god.

Frankly i think hebrews is total garbage-highly contradictory. As an example:

4:14 says jesus was tempted in every way-yet was without sin. Then several sentences later in 5:1 says he himself is subject to weakness. This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own SINS, as well as for the people...

Thought he was sinless? The fact is you pick and choose whatever you want, ignore the contradictions that are punching you in the face and decide what specific sentences YOU want to be true.

But anyway, let's continue.....

'No-one takes this honour upon himself; he must be called by god, just as aaron was. So christ also did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But god said to him..

What else does god say in hebrews? "You are my son; today i have become your father.. You are a priest for ever

Oh and what's this i've found........? Now, we are led to believe that jesus fully intended to sacrifice himself yeah? ok....

hebrews 5:7 'During the days of jesus life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death.

Then we could progress and talk about who this Melchizedek person is. Bible calls him 'priest of god most high'. It says: 'without father or mother, without genealogy, without beginning of days or end of life, like the son of god he remains a priest for ever.

melchizedek is 'without beginning of days', so i guess he too must be god? yet it then says he and jesus are priests. I am going to start selling golden necklaces with images of melchizedek on.

I guess we should query what exactly this 'priesthood' means. hebrews is kind enough to tell us:

'one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life.'

Does jesus fit this description?

'Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; but because jesus lives for ever he has a permanent priesthood.'

Guess so..... Jesus is a permanent priest because he doesn't die like the rest (?) did.

I await response.
- SnakeLord -

I believe this happens right after all the sins of the world were put on Jesus. Because sin is what deters us from a personal relationship with God

Ok, kindly list me every single sin. You see god did say there's no blame on someone who sins out of ignorance/lack of knowing it's a sin. As such i question these highly deranged killers, (like those who were told by god to kill people). They are sinning without the knowledge that they're sinning, thus they are blameless. But please, just so i have it for future reference list me here every single sin.

"Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them. " (Romans 2:14-15)

I was told by a devout christian the only thing we must obey is to: "love your neighbour like you would love yourself". Well.... i love my neighbour dearly, and as much as i would love myself- thus i am sinless and have no sins to smudge off onto jesus. However of course i understand that must be wrong or there'd be no problem with murderers etc.. So, once again, kindly list me all the sins.

Do you really "agape" love your neighbor?

He is the one that allowed me to have a personal relationship with God "Yahweh"

Well..... i'd say yahweh allowed you to have a personal relationship with yahweh.

Yes, precisely.

Jesus could save himself from being crucified
There's evidence of that?

"And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to death--
even death on a cross!" (Phillipians 2:8)

He obeyed death, he could have saved himself, instead he fulfilled what he was sent to do.

His own righteousness rescued him from death, for no blame was found in Him.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

The wages of sin is death in hell.

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet was without sin." (Hebrews 4:15)

He was without sin, perfect and righteous.

"For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him." (Romans 6:9)

So He was raised from the dead.

"We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." (Romans 6:4)

Jesus was a sin offering:

"For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering" (Romans 8:3)

Anyways Satan can definitely disguise himself, but he cannot do Good he can only do Evil, if he heals someone it is only temporary, a disguise.

How do you know? Met the guy?

"And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14)

"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)

I haven't met him.

Also during Jesus' ministry people did say he was a demon or a devil. But Jesus than pointed out: Would the head of a household cast out his own members?

Well there's nothing to say jesus wasn't lying or he was kicking out demons, (his buddies), to impress people. Does kicking a demon out of a house really harm it in any way?

I believe the particular scripture was referring to a demon-possessed person, so yes it does harm the kingdom of the devil if a demon is cast out of a person, a demon has a reason to live there, it wants to lead that person to destruction and fills that person with lies, helping the kingdom of evil.

others asked for a miraculous sign from heaven to see if he was from God

They asked to see a miraculous sign from heaven- jesus blagged his way out of doing it. Doesn't that say it all?

God's kingdom is based on faith. If you read on Jesus replies to their wanting a miraculous sign with the sign of Jonah. (Luke 11:29)

However, Jesus performed many miraculous signs, He healed the sick, cast out demons, raised the dead, gave sight to the blind, healed the mute and the dumb, healed those with leprosy, healed a man who could not walk, and other signs.

Also read Luke 16:19-31 The story of the Rich Man and Lazarus.

Hebrews also says: 'For to which of the angels did god ever say, "You are my son; today i have become your father."

So now tell me..... is jesus god, or is jesus an angel? I also wonder why you didn't include hebrews 1:9

Let us look at the entire chapter to look at it in perspective, you might be missing the point. I believe the writer is making a point saying that Jesus is much greater than the angels.

"1In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. 3The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.
5For to which of the angels did God ever say,
"You are my Son;
today I have become your Father " ? Or again,
"I will be his Father,
and he will be my Son" ? 6And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says,
"Let all God's angels worship him."7In speaking of the angels he says,
"He makes his angels winds,
his servants flames of fire." 8But about the Son he says,
"Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever,
and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.
9You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness;
therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions
by anointing you with the oil of joy." 10He also says,
"In the beginning, O Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
11They will perish, but you remain;
they will all wear out like a garment.
12You will roll them up like a robe;
like a garment they will be changed.
But you remain the same,
and your years will never end." 13To which of the angels did God ever say,
"Sit at my right hand
until I make your enemies
a footstool for your feet" ? 14Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? "(Hebrews 1)

There are two rhetorical questions here (is that what they are called?) The answer to them is none, God neve told one of his angels to sit at His right hand, that is the point the writer is trying to make, that Jesus is above the angels, not of them.

'Jesus has been found worthy of greater honour than moses' <----- again showing jesus was not god.

How does this show Jesus isn't God?

4:14 says jesus was tempted in every way-yet was without sin. Then several sentences later in 5:1 says he himself is subject to weakness. This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own SINS, as well as for the people...

Jesus WAS without sin. Later in 5:1 he is talking about the priests of Israel who had to offer sacrifices for their own sins, however Jesus has become our high priest, but the fact that Israel's priest had sin doesn't mean Jesus did.

Thought he was sinless? The fact is you pick and choose whatever you want, ignore the contradictions that are punching you in the face and decide what specific sentences YOU want to be true.

I always try (i'm not perfect) to put it in context like the aforementioned chapter of Hebrews, when you look at it in context it makes a lot more sense.

'No-one takes this honour upon himself; he must be called by god, just as aaron was. So christ also did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a high priest. But god said to him..

What else does god say in hebrews? "You are my son; today i have become your father.. You are a priest for ever

Exactly the second matches the first.

Oh and what's this i've found........? Now, we are led to believe that jesus fully intended to sacrifice himself yeah? ok....

hebrews 5:7 'During the days of jesus life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death.

Of course God could save him from death. He offered petition to God (who could save him from death). I believe this is a fact of God.

'one who has become a priest not on the basis of a regulation as to his ancestry but on the basis of the power of an indestructible life.'

Does jesus fit this description?

Yes, He overcame death.

'Now there have been many of those priests, since death prevented them from continuing in office; but because jesus lives for ever he has a permanent priesthood.'

Guess so..... Jesus is a permanent priest because he doesn't die like the rest (?) did.

He became this priest for us after he died on the cross.

Jezus Christus Leeft