I've never met a Christian

Tell that to the Jews.

Make up your mind, did the Jews survive because of Judaism or was it just luck?

Jews survived because the will of God , not luck , God provided them the Torah and prophets , that made Judaism and God promised them to return to the lang He give to Abraham, is that clear ?
There's no "age." Again, God is not a parent.

OK got it straight now

It's nearly 3am here and some times in the middle of the night my 3 neurones see the light :)

Since the 3 of them individually and collectively don't believe in god they also concluded there cannot be a age at which we are cut loose

Further more this leads to the bible being a man-made crock of Cowpat

much like the English translation of a Chinese instruction booklet :)

OK got it straight now
It's nearly 3am here and some times in the middle of the night my 3 neurones see the light :)
Since the 3 of them individually and collectively don't believe in god they also concluded there cannot be a age at which we are cut loose
Further more this leads to the bible being a man-made crock of Cowpat
much like the English translation of a Chinese instruction booklet :)
If that works for you - great.
You can believe that if you like; no worries. I don't.

If that's what you believe - OK.


Sounds like your version of God is pretty grim. But it's your life; believe what you want.

It is not a matter of what I believe. I have no version of god. It is the god described in the bible.

Do men follows the teaching of the torah ? No. If you tell your kid don't stick your hand in fire, but if he keep insisting so it get hurt so is this society. Preaching is one side , being is the other side. ( what you sew that is what you will harvers )

If it would be as you think , people of israel would not survived from Abraham's time to the present time/ the times to wipe out Israel out of existence were many , yet He brought them out from four corners to the land He give to Abraham.

What I said comes from the bible.

What I said comes from the bible.

Lots of interpretations come from the bible, as my previous posts have made clear. You appear to have made a particular interpretation, which would be contested by just about every Christian I have come across. For example, the word "love" is notable by its absence from your characterisation, when it is one of the more prevalent concepts in the New Testament.

But most people have fixed prejudices about religion, so it may not be very productive to debate this at any length.

But most people have fixed prejudices about religion, so it may not be very productive to debate this at any length.[/QUOTE]
I agree with your statement
That's your belief; you believe that the only possible version of God is that which is described in the Bible. Not everyone shares your belief. Which is also fine.

I DO NOT believe the only possible version of a god is that which is described in the bible. I do not understand where that silly idea came from.

Lots of interpretations come from the bible, as my previous posts have made clear. You appear to have made a particular interpretation, which would be contested by just about every Christian I have come across. For example, the word "love" is notable by its absence from your characterisation, when it is one of the more prevalent concepts in the New Testament.

But most people have fixed prejudices about religion, so it may not be very productive to debate this at any length.

Evidently, you have come across different Christians than I have. Or you have your own prejudicial interpretations.
I have read the bible & talked with many Christians, often reluctantly, & have researched extensively. Most Christians I have known or heard of will agree with what I base my conclusions on except they make vain nonsense excuses for the things the bible claims god & Jesus did & said.
The bible says god told his people to attack other peoples & kill every single man, woman & child & animal. Sometimes it said not to kill any young girls who were virgins but to "take them for yourselves". There is only 1 way to interpret that.
Jesus said to hate your parents. There is only 1 way to interpret that.
There are hundreds of other examples.
The New Testament is mainly about condemning & converting.
People say god is love but if a human acted the way the bible clams god does, they would not connect the word love with that person.

I have read the bible & talked with many Christians, often reluctantly, & have researched extensively. Most Christians I have known or heard of will agree with what I base my conclusions on except they make vain nonsense excuses for the things the bible claims god & Jesus did & said.

That makes sense in light of nature and the deceitful illogical hypocritical laws of the universe. People who can see this difference is not understood as much.

They want to basically protect it because those are the dirty real roots of creation but pretend otherwise. That's why they killed the gnostics or any who spoke up against it.

That's why humanity never really changes, just the technology. It really means they don't want to change their ways so they can justify all the smutty and seedy things of the old testament. this is how abusers justify and see others as property or subjugation with no rights. all christians and islam supporters whether they partake or actually do such things are nonetheless have blood on their hands too as they are indirect supporters to condone it.

if they really wanted to, they could revise and rework holy books to reflect ethical teachings only but they don't want to do that when it's much more easier to take the lower road to be hypocrites.
That makes sense in light of nature and the deceitful illogical hypocritical laws of the universe.

if they really wanted to, they could revise and rework holy books to reflect ethical teachings only but they don't want to do that when it's much more easier to take the lower road to be hypocrites.

What are the illogical hypocritical laws of the universe. ? could you mention some.