'It's a child not a choice...but not if you were raped'

Do you think a man who forces a woman to get pregnant by tampering with her birth control or uses fear and violence to coerce her into sex without contraception should have a say?

Not much of one - but that's the exception that proves the rule. His standard, default standing gets overrided by specific criminal acts.

Of course they are. But this subject is about rape.

Only partially. It's more about abortion in general - the inclusion of the rape angle was pretty clearly for the point of introducing criticism of the "life begins at conception" framework used by pro-lifers, and the conversation has gone from there. Lately it's been about an odd mode of spousal abuse where the abuser tampers with birth control. Nothing in the tangent about the lack of female representation here, or the tactic of employing exclusively feminist rhetoric on the pro-choice side, has anything to do with rape as such. And it was comments I made in that particular sub-context that you picked up on, quoted, and addressed yourself to. They were not 'about rape' at all, and so you are not justified in criticizing them on those grounds - why don't you spend a few minutes working on reading comprehension, before you jump in with the prejudicial identity politics grar?

And let's note that you didn't say anything about rape in the posts you addressed to me. That was all general statements about "men not having the right to care what comes out of women's vaginas." If you meant "rapists," then you should have said so - and it is no criticism of me that I responded to the statements you actually made, in the context that you made them in. You'd do better to spend your energies actually communicating competently to begin with, than blowing all this hot air in attempts to browbeat your way out of the holes you dig. Anybody can see that this whole "no, I was only talking about rapists" line is a cheap post-hoc attempt to worm out of an ill-considered, categorically sexist stance.

Let us imagine you live in, say, California for example.

I do live in California.

Do you have a stake in whether a rape victim from New York aborts the pregnancy that resulted from the rape?

The relevant question would be whether I have a stake in what laws the state of New York enacts governing such a situation. And the answer is: yes. People in search of abortions have a long history of shopping for jurisdictions where the law allows what they want - especially in a place like the United States where interstate travel is easy. This is a big part of why it was ruled on by the Supreme Court back in the 70's. Moreover there's the issues of national legal precedent, both in the sense of federal court appeals and rulings, and the more indirect sense of accepted social practice.

The abortion issue is a national issue in the US, whether you like it or not. You don't get to sit over in another continent and divide Americans up into whatever subsets are convenient, and then demand that we refrain from discussing issues that cross those lines. You especially don't get to do that while complaining about people with no standing sticking their noses where they don't belong (i.e., your complaint about men having an opinion on abortion as such, which you are now attempting to whittle down to "rapist men.").

Because at this point, I, as a moderator, could very well call you a troll for refusing to stick to the topic of this thread as stated clearly in the OP and even in the title of this thread and point out that your personal insults are against the rules of this site. So step wisely little man.

While I'd love to see you follow through on that threat - there's no principled way you could justify sanctioning me for that stuff without skewering yourself even worse - I doubt very much that you have the balls (so to speak). You're just blustering - another of your characteristic attempts to browbeat when challenged. Pretty childish stuff.
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perhaps visceral instinct wouldn't mind carrying their rapist's child.

what is hard to understand? if your mother, wife, daughter or friend was raped, would you force them to carry the child full-term and give birth to it? the product of the rapist violation which is forcing her to carry his dna and nurture it until it comes into the world? that's just the beginning of this horrendous mess. what would be the psychological and emotional state of the woman compounding this trauma to even more horrific lengths by one of the most personal ordeals a woman will ever endure such as pregnancy? how will her state affect the fetus? what would this person do with themself in the meantime? be in therapy? anti-psychotics or anti-depressants?
I did not go through all the pages of this thread but I'm going to make a point that many people here seems to miss. About abortion it's not that a cell is more valuable or just as valuable as a fully developed human but that clot of blood does grow into a human. By using abortion as a contraceptive indicates a problematic attitude toward the moral value of humanity. This is the problem not the debate over the value of a cell.
perhaps visceral instinct wouldn't mind carrying their rapist's child.

what is hard to understand? if your mother, wife, daughter or friend was raped, would you force them to carry the child full-term and give birth to it? the product of the rapist violation which is forcing her to carry his dna and nurture it until it comes into the world? that's just the beginning of this horrendous mess. what would be the psychological and emotional state of the woman compounding this trauma to even more horrific lengths by one of the most personal ordeals a woman will ever endure such as pregnancy? how will her state affect the fetus? what would this person do with themself in the meantime? be in therapy? anti-psychotics or anti-depressants?

You may be disappointed but I would prefer that a woman impregnated by rape does not choose abortion, the only moral reason I see for aborting is if the woman's life would be in danger e.g. a young girl for being too young to go through the trauma of childbirth.
Not much of one - but that's the exception that proves the rule. His standard, default standing gets overrided by explicit criminal behaviors.


Only partially. It's more about abortion in general - the inclusion of the rape angle was pretty clearly for the point of introducing criticism of the "life begins at conception" framework used by pro-lifers, and the conversation has gone from there. Lately it's been about an odd mode of spousal abuse where the abuser tampers with birth control. Nothing in the tangent about the lack of female representation here, or the tactic of employing exclusively feminist rhetoric on the pro-choice side, has anything to do with rape as such. And it was comments I made in that particular sub-context that you picked up on, quoted, and addressed yourself to. They were not 'about rape' at all, and so you are not justified in criticizing them on those grounds - why don't you spend a few minutes working on reading comprehension, before you jump in with the prejudicial identity politics grar?
You missed the point.. Entirely.

The OP asks a very clear question. Why is it a child and not a choice and why is it a choice if it is rape. You then commented at the lack of a female perspective on this forum. And I responded that men pay too much attention at what comes out of our vaginas when the majority should not. For example, the only male who has a say in what comes out of my vagina in a non-abusive and where rape is not involved, is my husband. Not you. Do I think in non-abusive households and where rape is not a factor that the prospective father should have the right to his opinion? Yes. But no one else. You should not get a say if some random woman you have never met wants to have an abortion. What she expells from her vagina is really none of your business.

So why the hypocrisy? Why do so many support abortion when it comes to rape but call it murder when it is not rape? And that is what this thread is actually supposed to be discussing. Not your non-parental rights on the bodies of women you don't even know.

And let's note that you didn't say anything about rape in the posts you addressed to me. That was all general statements about "men not having the right to care what comes out of women's vaginas." If you meant "rapists," then you should have said so - and it is no criticism of me that I responded to the statements you actually made, in the context that you made them in. You'd do better to spend your energies actually communicating competently to begin with, than blowing all this hot air in attempts to browbeat your way out of the holes you dig.
I did not say the word "rape", but seeing that the thread title and the OP deals directly with abortion and rape and its acceptance in the case of rape.. I would have assumed it would have been obvious.

My communication skills are lacking terribly at the moment due the medication I am on. My speech is even worse. For that I apologise.

That said, if you do not like it, you are free to not read it.

The relevant question would be whether I have a stake in what laws the state of New York enacts governing such a situation. And the answer is: yes. People in search of abortions have a long history of shopping for jurisdictions where the law allows what they want - especially in a place like the United States where interstate travel is easy. This is a big part of why it was ruled on by the Supreme Court back in the 70's. Moreover there's the issues of national legal precedent, both in the sense of federal court appeals and rulings, and the more indirect sense of accepted social practice.
Yes. But do you think you have a stake in what a woman decides for herself if you are not connected to her in any way, shape or form? What of a rape victim? Do you think you should have a say in her decision?

I'd love to see you follow through on that threat (there's no principled way you could justify sanctioning me for that stuff without skewering yourself even worse), but doubt very much that you have the balls. You're just blustering - another of your characteristic attempts to browbeat, and another entry in the long list of reasons that no self-respecting forum would tolerate you as a moderator.
You were the one who brought my Moderator status into this discussion and then issued insults and then called me a troll for sticking to the subject matter of the thread.

For you to accuse me of browbeating you when you were the one who brought up my Modetaror status and then insulted me is funny. It is not browbeating to expect that you be able to stick to the topic and not be so insulting or rude, when all I was trying to do was discuss the subject of this thread as per the OP. If you have an issue with that, I would suggest you take it up with the administration or the moderator of this forum.
perhaps visceral instinct wouldn't mind carrying their rapist's child.

what is hard to understand? if your mother, wife, daughter or friend was raped, would you force them to carry the child full-term and give birth to it? the product of the rapist violation which is forcing her to carry his dna and nurture it until it comes into the world? that's just the beginning of this horrendous mess. what would be the psychological and emotional state of the woman compounding this trauma to even more horrific lengths by one of the most personal ordeals a woman will ever endure such as pregnancy? how will her state affect the fetus? what would this person do with themself in the meantime? be in therapy? anti-psychotics or anti-depressants?

I don't want to carry any child.
Have you seen the mess from an abortion? It's awful! I can't speak for women on this issue, but personally, I think abortion is wrong.

I think it's wrong when someone wants to give even a cluster of 8 cells rights that trump a woman's.
Then Don't have sex.

Ok...I've made the effort to be calm and reasonable with you. That didn't work so...Shut the fuck up.

You are not in a position to tell women over the age of consent what they should and shouldn't do with their genitalia. You're one member of the fucking general public. You're not God.

Why should someone who never wishes to have a child go their whole life without sex, JUST IN CASE that extra-safe condom they were wearing ruptures, JUST IN CASE their surgical sterilization fails (yes, I plan to have this done...). Would you tell someone who does not wish to suffer injuries in a car crash that they should simply never get into a car, no matter how responsible the driver is?
Ok then you don't agree with my opinion that women should have the baby then put it up for adoption, You think it;s ok to kill the baby and use abortion as a last resort form of contraception. Im not forcing people to do anything, my opinions of what i would like to be are not actions or physical forcing it is my belief.


speaking from my own experience do you have any @^@%ing idea what adoption does to a person? my assumption is no yet you dont care as long as it had a chance
Have you seen the mess from an abortion? It's awful! I can't speak for women on this issue, but personally, I think abortion is wrong.

depends of the stage of pregnance if its withing the firest few weeks this "mess" you talk about is like a heavy period
Then Don't have sex.

just because she doesnt want to carry a child does not mean she cant/shouldnt have sex comething wtih something real to the board or gtfo.. you already contridicted your views. therefore no matter how much you say your pro life your actually not..

the very fact u made an exception to "no abortion" means that no matter how you look at it or try to spin it you condon killing a fetus regaurdless of how it came to be.. this by definition counts you out of the pro life catagory
You may be disappointed but I would prefer that a woman impregnated by rape does not choose abortion, the only moral reason I see for aborting is if the woman's life would be in danger e.g. a young girl for being too young to go through the trauma of childbirth.

your statement is bit evasive. what is your real stand? would you force a woman to have a baby if there were enough others to make it illegal.

what you "prefer" and my disappointment in your preference is not an issue. contrary to your delusion, your preference does not "disappoint" me because of one's personal opinion. for instance, if i were to get an abortion and you disagreed, i would not be disappointed. get real. issues like this have to do with laws which affect everyone.

the real issue is if one would push for legislation to make abortion illegal as well as in rape cases which would take the choice away. i suspect most people are not going to come right out and say they would because it is heinous to do so (force a woman to endure pregnancy from rape) but probably would if they could push for this legislation on the sly. this is because they know they are really sacrificing the woman in preference for the fetus and she is seen as nothing more than a baby factory. actually pro-lifers see anyone that has become pregnant literally with no rights of her own regarding the fetus or over her own fetus. their position is even more exploitive and impersonal. again, i think the stronger argument, even from a naturalistic perspective, is the woman should have more say so regarding her own fetus and her own dna.

sure, anyone could prefer someone doesn't abort never or depending on the situation but that is not the issue. also mentioned many times, there is less concern with pro-lifers about what kind of life the child is born into or how risky it is. technically, their position is not more moral as well, which is what they don't understand.
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speaking from my own experience do you have any @^@%ing idea what adoption does to a person? my assumption is no yet you dont care as long as it had a chance

that's the thing. these pro-lifers think they are speaking on behalf of unborn children but they don't care that they are adopted or they are not loved or they are born in very poor or sad conditions. they just want it born, they really don't care about the 'child' as much as they say. it's pretty sick and a slap in the face to them. as a matter of fact, it wouldnt be any surprise if abortion were illegal, that one of these unwanted children would hunt down those responsible for forcing them into the world where they are not wanted or those who think adoption is just a hunky-dory viable option and kill them or beat them up at least. how would you like it if you were forced to be born and given up to strangers? that's even more disrespectful to the child. i would rather not be born, maybe these pro-life freaks would.

these pro-lifers think they are moral and sensitive but they are actually more insensitive because they don't look at the long-term consequences.
From what I've noticed it seems that people who say that abortion is okay in cases of incest and/or rape aren't really as much pro-life as they are "sluts should be punished for their sins". Women who are raped, as long as they don't give of the aura of a slutty whore, are victims and should not be punished and I guess incest just grosses people out, so they are willing to keep any products of it as far away as possible no matter what the means. People who are really pro-life must consider all human life to be life regardless of how or why it came to be. So whether its mother was the perfect little virgin who was raped or if its mother is also its sister and grandmother or if its presence is causing fatal complications for its mother that fetus is still a potential human who should have the same rights as those already born. Being pro-choice allows for more wiggle room in one's personal beliefs, but being pro-life doesn't allow for next to any.
Bells as the law currently is if a women tampers or lies about birth control then the man is still responcable for a child HE never wanted and was forced to have
Right, cause it's not like any of those aborted embryos were fathered by males, or that their fates might in some way affect said males, or anything like that. Men have nothing to do with sex or gender politics at all, obviously. How could they? Sex, reproduction and gender are all inherently female-only considerations. Or, to be fair to the other ("wrong") side: it's not like a man could possibly care about the fate of a human child.
Yes, of course, men have some concerns, and some men are very honorable. But we're viewing this as a social, cultural issue, here, not an individual one, so we have to consider our gender in aggregate. And buddy, in aggregate we are nothing but a big bunch of despicable assholes when it comes to the way men treat wives, children and mothers.

How many single fathers do you know? How many women have run off and left their husband/boyfriend/casual partner with a baby? How many men have had to stay home to raise a baby, dropping out of school or losing traction in their careers, while their wife is working late and then going to a bar with the girls from the office, climbing the company ladder?

How many men have had to spend nine months of their lives in a fucking goddamned PREGNANCY? Feeling like shit, looking like shit, not being able to fit behind the wheel of their car, giving up alcohol and many important medications, gaining fifty pounds of which only a small fraction is the baby--while their wife whines about not getting enough sex? And no, I didn't just make that up, it's a direct quote from a woman who went through it--including the profanity.

Just exactly what is that year of their life worth? Not just a lost year, but an utterly miserable year? What if it were a year of your life, Mister Pontificator? If there were some Star Trek technology that allowed you to be the one to have the wonderful experience of pregnancy and childbirth while your wife got to keep her job, her health, her sanity, her fun and her figure, would you just run out and sign up for it? And if you did, would you ever do it again or recommend it to your friends?

As I said, women are perfectly justified in not giving a flying fuck over what we think about abortion. No male members of Congress, no male doctors, no male preachers, and no male judges should be allowed to participate in making any rules on the subject. Women only.
This shit matters to men, and the implication that it doesn't because, hey, they can always just bail out on the family or anyway won't have to breast feed anybody is as stilted-to-the-point-of-obtusity as it is overtly patronizing to and dismissive of males.
Gosh dude, tell us how it feels to have an entire gender regard your entire gender dismissively? Multiply that by several thousand years and you might have some idea how women feel.
I cannot say just why this particular story caught me so off guard. Perhaps I've let my cynicism get ahead of me, but I really don't know what to make of the implications. Hell, I have to figure out just what those implications are before I can understand what they mean. This is the kind of report that makes my head hurt.
My wife was a social worker so I don't find this very surprising.
A baby doesn't belong solely to a mother. That it comes out of her hole doesn't mean she "owns" it -- not when its composed of the DNA belonging to another person.
This is a very reasonable statement in the abstract. However, in reality, childrearing is, and has always been, about 99% women's work.

Of course there are some wonderful, enlightened men out there who behave like saints. Their wives know who they are, and both they and their wives understand why all the other men have earned them a reputation they themselves don't deserve.
Because I'm not seeing much mystery, there. Are men not also parents?
Effectively, in aggregate and on the average, no they're not. Next question?
Have you seen the mess from an abortion? It's awful! I can't speak for women on this issue, but personally, I think abortion is wrong.
Ever seen the mess from a normal delivery??? You need a strong stomach. I've whelped puppies and that was a shocker.
Yes, of course, men have some concerns, and some men are very honorable. But we're viewing this as a social, cultural issue, here, not an individual one, so we have to consider our gender in aggregate. And buddy, in aggregate we are nothing but a big bunch of despicable assholes when it comes to the way men treat wives, children and mothers.

That's obviously horseshit.

But to the point, I'd hope you could appreciate how such an overtly male-hostile framing is guaranteed to alienate males - in aggregate - from any political prescriptions that you form on such a basis. Which is a huge liability for said politics, no?

How many single fathers do you know?

Well, there's my own father, for one. I also know a few (childless) men who have married single mothers, and proudly raised their children as their own.

The number of single parents (either gender) that I know is dwarfed by the number of married parents that I know. The norm - the situation that actually represents the aggregate you claim to be addressing - is for males to remain in committed relationships with the mother of their children, and participate directly in raising them. The have a stake, and legitimate standing, and anyway denying such is hardly going to improve any of the issues you are complaining about in the first place. Rather the opposite - enshrine a view of males as irresponsible infants into law, and males are going to live down to that expectation. Is that what you want? Or are you just tossing around cheap extremist feminist points for shits and giggles?

How many women have run off and left their husband/boyfriend/casual partner with a baby? How many men have had to stay home to raise a baby, dropping out of school or losing traction in their careers, while their wife is working late and then going to a bar with the girls from the office, climbing the company ladder?

I don't dispute that society (heck, biology) is unfairly sexist. But I do personally know a few such fathers, and I know quite a few more that would happily make such a decision if society practically allowed for it in the first place. I personally would very much like to do something like that - if we lived in a society that would pay my wife the sort of money that would support our family. As it is, I have to work, if we want to be able to afford kids. It just isn't an option, regardless of the personal preferences of men.

How many men have had to spend nine months of their lives in a fucking goddamned PREGNANCY? Feeling like shit, looking like shit, not being able to fit behind the wheel of their car, giving up alcohol and many important medications, gaining fifty pounds of which only a small fraction is the baby--while their wife whines about not getting enough sex? And no, I didn't just make that up, it's a direct quote from a woman who went through it--including the profanity.

So because women carry the actual pregnancy, they are the sole owners of the child, and the father has zero say. Oh, and because men are despicable brutes who will just run off on their family - or at least, force the woman to make all of the sacrifices while they have a great time... umm... working for the man in order to make ends meet. Gotcha.

Just exactly what is that year of their life worth? Not just a lost year, but an utterly miserable year? What if it were a year of your life, Mister Pontificator? If there were some Star Trek technology that allowed you to be the one to have the wonderful experience of pregnancy and childbirth while your wife got to keep her job, her health, her sanity, her fun and her figure, would you just run out and sign up for it? And if you did, would you ever do it again or recommend it to your friends?

What does this have to do with anything? Do mothers deserve our sympathy and respect for dealing with the rigors and sacrifices of pregnancy and child-rearing? Of course. That doesn't mean that fathers shouldn't, or don't, have a role and a legitimate standing to influence decisions affecting their offspring.

As I said, women are perfectly justified in not giving a flying fuck over what we think about abortion. No male members of Congress, no male doctors, no male preachers, and no male judges should be allowed to participate in making any rules on the subject. Women only.

I'll note the mild irony of you - a man - attempting to impose such a rule there.

But remind you that my larger point was that the male-hostile, exclusivist rhetoric is a tactical mistake, regardless of what one thinks of the underlying issue. Even if I completely agreed with your whole stilted framework, I'd still insist that it's better left unvoiced, if preserving access to abortion is the actual priority. Spending your time and energy alienating half of the electorate doesn't tend to be a winning strategy.

Gosh dude, tell us how it feels to have an entire gender regard your entire gender dismissively? Multiply that by several thousand years and you might have some idea how women feel.

So your point is that because society has been historically sexist, anti-male sexism is a good thing? That's really stupid and petty. Like pretty much everything you wrote in response to me, there. But I guess we can be content in the knowledge that your reflexes are holding up - just look at those knees jerk!

Effectively, in aggregate and on the average, no they're not. Next question?

That is probably the single stupidest thing I've ever seen you post. It's beyond even the ludicrous stuff about Obama somehow having the option to choose his race. Fully three quarters of all children in the US live in a traditional two-parent household, and two thirds of all children live in a traditional two-parent household with both of their biological parents. That is the aggregate, average picture. That is the norm that we are answerable to.

All of which raises the question of how you can even sustain these fantastical notions of how family, race, etc. are structured in our society. I'd guess you live way out in the sticks somewhere, and rarely get out to civilization?
You missed the point.. Entirely.

I submit that's because you failed to make one.

More generally, it would be great if you'd just take responsibility for your own failures at comprehension and communication, and stop trying to browbeat me into accepting the blame for them. I'm not going to.

The OP asks a very clear question.

And in the ensuing several pages of discussion, a variety of related questions were raised and pursued, with several tangents often running at once. This being typical here, and already noted by me in my previous response to you. I note that you have raised no objection to the topicality of any of those other tangents, nor demanded that any of them answer to the "rape" framing. And, again, you did nothing to indicate that you were addressing the larger rape framing until late in the ensuing exchange, after it became clear that the generic framing in effect in the tangent in question was a rhetorical liability for you. Note that nothing in Fraggle's instantiation of said tangent mentions rape - it's all generic commentary on the lack of male standing, as such. Well, to the extent that his view of "males" is distinct from "rapists" to begin with.

You then commented at the lack of a female perspective on this forum.

In point of fact, Fraggle Rocker commented on such, and tossed off some inflammatory remarks dismissing any male standing on the issue of childbearing. I pointed out that S.A.M. had previously participated in this thread, and noted that SciForums in general lacks for female feminists , and, to the latter, offered both the obvious counterpoint (men are fathers) and the contention that such radical anti-male feminist framing was a tactical mistake.

And I responded that men pay too much attention at what comes out of our vaginas when the majority should not.

And I responded by listing the various stakes that men have in child-bearing, abortion decisions, etc. Since then you've been trying furiously to back out of the discussion without admitting error, by insisting that you were only referring to rapists (even though you never said so at the time, nor would context make any such assumption reasonable), and pursuing this inane, browbeating thread-narrative-revison approach. I know what happened. I was there, and I'm not going to accept whatever convenient whitewash you want to impose here. Why would anyone? It's all right there in black-and-white, and nobody is under any compulsion to accept your convenient revisions. Least of all me.

Except now, right in the middle of insisting that we're only talking about rapists, you're back to blanket statements about men, as such:

For example, the only male who has a say in what comes out of my vagina in a non-abusive and where rape is not involved, is my husband. Not you.

That's great, but the issue is not "Bells's vagina," but abortion legislation and the standing of men to have a say in such. That each man has an individual standing to what comes out of his wife's vagina, adds up to a collective standing for men, in the aggregate, to care about what comes out of women's vaginas (in the aggregate). Surely this is not such an obscure point? That everyone has a stake in their society's policies regarding human reproduction?

You should not get a say if some random woman you have never met wants to have an abortion.

But I should get a say in whether abortion, as such, is available. Given that abortion is legal, then, no, I personally have no standing to decide whether some random woman I've never met actually goes and gets one.

What she expells from her vagina is really none of your business.

On the other hand, that's not quite true. How many children women have, and in what circumstances, affects me and everyone else. My taxes will pay for their schools, their taxes for my retirement. We are not islands.

So why the hypocrisy? Why do so many support abortion when it comes to rape but call it murder when it is not rape?

I answered that question back on page 6 or so, and quite satisfactorily I think. You can feel free to go read it, and let me know your thoughts on it. If you actually are serious about using this thread to discuss that - which you obviously aren't, since you've spent all your energy on this particular tangent, and none of the OP question. You don't seem interested in the OP question as anything other than a club to browbeat me with, when you don't get your way on the other stuff you want to talk about.

And that is what this thread is actually supposed to be discussing.
Not your non-parental rights on the bodies of women you don't even know.

Take it up with Fraggle, if you are unhappy with the presence of that tangent - he's the one who spawned it. Oh, and stop contributing to it yourself. And probably go complain to all of the posters involved in the various other tangents in this thread. Funny how you only care about "what this thread is supposed to be discussing" when it happens to work as a pretext to tell me to stop disagreeing with you about some tangent you freely pursued.

I did not say the word "rape", but seeing that the thread title and the OP deals directly with abortion and rape and its acceptance in the case of rape.. I would have assumed it would have been obvious.

As discussed above, the relevant context was otherwise, and it does not appear that you were/are seriously limiting your comments to the case of rape. It's pretty clear that such was an ill-advised dodge, which you don't even seem to be pursuing any more (thankfully).

My communication skills are lacking terribly at the moment due the medication I am on. My speech is even worse. For that I apologise.

Miscommunication happens (medically induced or otherwise) - and I have no problem being a good sport about it when people recognize such and take responsibility for it. I've done it myself plenty of times.

But when they try to weasel out of it, and pin the blame for such onto me, well... you've seen what happens.

That said, if you do not like it, you are free to not read it.

And I am also free to read it and write a response telling you exactly what I didn't like, and why. Guess which one I prefer?

I'm also free to issue similarly aggressive dismissals: if you don't like me disagreeing with you, don't challenge me on anything, ever.

But do you think you have a stake in what a woman decides for herself if you are not connected to her in any way, shape or form?

Again, there is no such woman to begin with. We are all connected in some way, shape or form. We've all got a stake in the composition of the next generation, the circumstances of its upbringing, etc.

What of a rape victim? Do you think you should have a say in her decision?

Again, the issue is not random males swooping in to issue judgements on individual cases. It's a policy question. And, yes, all males have a legitimate stake in what abortion policy consists of.

You do understand that I support access to abortion, and the prerogative of rape victims to make the final decision on whether to terminate a pregnancy arising from that, right? But that such is not the same as asserting that men have no place in the abortion policy debate?

You were the one who brought my Moderator status into this discussion and then issued insults and then called me a troll for sticking to the subject matter of the thread.

Actually I noted your troll tactics. But I'd add that I'm equivocal on the question of whether you truly are a troll. A proper troll is something more manipulative and insightful - you seem to be something more like a bigot. You don't seem to be doing this for lulz (what lulz?), but out of sheer pig-headedness. But it's worth noting that the basic tactics of bad-faith argumentation and general discursive subversion are shared by both trolls and bigots.

But as for the invocation of moderator status: it's always at issue, every time any moderator posts anything. Everything you do carries the implicit approval of the administration, by virtue of your office. It is not the case that you can go around and act however you want, and not have this reflect on your office and the expectations thereof, so long as you aren't explicitly using moderator powers or having your status explicitly noted. If you aren't comfortable with that, then you should resign. We went over all of this stuff a long time ago when S.A.M. was de-modded, for largely the same reasons - and yet it remains mysterious?

For you to accuse me of browbeating you when you were the one who brought up my Modetaror status and then insulted me is funny.

I never claimed I wouldn't browbeat you in return, nor meet insult with insult. That I also happen to be better at it than you are should present some deterrent.

It is not browbeating to expect that you be able to stick to the topic and not be so insulting or rude,

The browbeating is in the attempts to dictate what said topic is, in contravention of the actual situation and as a tactic to avoid responsibility for previous statements, and in an insulting and rude way at that.

when all I was trying to do was discuss the subject of this thread as per the OP.

... and in the persistent attempts to assign your own failures to comprehend and communicate to me, and demand that I accept your revision of the narrative of the thread in order to portray you in some favorable light. That latter one is just stupid - the thread's all there in black-and-white, for anyone to read. What good does it do to lie about it now? And how aggressively pig-headed do you have to be to expect me to actually participate in something like that?

If you have an issue with that, I would suggest you take it up with the administration or the moderator of this forum.

I prefer to note such things as they happen, in situ. Running to the mods with such is in the first place a crybaby move, and in the second place allows them the convenience of ignoring issues they don't want to deal with, without any publicly visible record of such.

If you deal with me in a way that I find objectionable, I'm going to let you know, and probably respond in kind. I judge this to be a reasonable way to deal with people in this sort of setting. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it, or respond to it. Except I know perfectly well that you're far too proud for that.
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