'It's a child not a choice...but not if you were raped'

you took everything i said out of context. .[/

How contradicting... You doing that man even if I did do that. I apologize if I took anything out of context though. You have yet to tell me what I have taken out of context though.

also, if she really had no problem with the rapist, hate or not, then why didn't she keep you?

I did not have a father if she kept me. She thought I would be happier with two parents.

what's amazing is how easily you dismiss rape and that somehow it's "prejudice" toward the rapist.

Playing Straw Person again? I never said it was directed toward the rapist. It's directed at your prejudice towards me for just because I am able to control my emotions. >.>

did i say that you should cry and cry over it?

That is why I asked the question? Am I not allowed to ask questions? o_O

i said that you shouldn't hold yourself responsible for another's deed but you ignored that.

Are you telling me what to do? And your playing Straw Person again by the way. I am not taking responsibility for their deed. o.o...

i said that you should feel concern for what happened to your mother and NOTHING in any of your posts regarding this subject shows a real inkling of it.

So tell me, why did I say I felt some emotion in the previous post then? o_O...

you first started out stating 'birth mother' and 'father' (rapist), which you later corrected and then are more worried about the "prejudice" against a rapist.

I never said anything about prejudice against a rapist. Yet again, trying to play Straw Person. o.o

interestingly enough, i've been a victim of rape and the rapist has a similar attitude that others should forgive him and not be "prejudiced" against them. what's even worse is the fucker is not even really sorry but that doesn't matter to a narcissist sociopath. what happens to others is not as important as what happens to them.

Straw Person yet again? And as I said, she wants me to not hate him. Hate him I want. Deal with it or agree to disagree. We don't have the same birth father anyway. Don't bring me down to your anger level. Sure he deserves to be punished for what he did, but does that mean I have to talk bad about him?

I'm sorry I can control my emotions?

If you think about it logically, I would be as bad as him if I sided against my birth mother. So back off. It's not a decision you can decide. It's just, the past is the past. She is over it. I am over it. It's done with. Move on. I know my birth mother wouldn't want me crying over something like this if it was going to ruin my life. She told me herself. So what is the big deal boy?

Stop trying to create a Self-fulling Prophecy boy based on trying to use the "Straw Person" method to your advantage. I know your not doing it intentionally. That is why I am not angry with you.


"Straw Person- Distorting our opponent's point of view so that it is easy to attack; thus we attack a point of view that does not truly exist."

Source: Ninth Edition: Asking the right questions:: A guide to Critical Thinking.

Author: M.Neil Browne and Stuart M. Keeley
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I think i might be able to help you


Would anyone like to explain the logic of the idea that abortion is wrong because a 'child' has the right to live, but not if you were raped?

After all, if you equate a zygote, embryo or fetus with a child, you'd want to protect it under ANY circumstances, right? You would not, after all, condone killing a born, walking, talking child because his/her mother was raped...

Yes, yes, I hear you already Lightgigantic et al...She was a slut, she should close her legs,etc. Come get me, pro-lifers. *coils and shadowboxes*

According to prolife logic (oxymoronic i know), the inability to practice abstinence or safe sex when you don't want to have a child is a sin. Your punishment is that you are stuck with that child and the negatives caused by it. But if you are raped it is not your fault so it is ok i guess.