Islam, World's Fastest Growing Religion

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Originally posted by chalcedony
Nope, This is my own studies of the quran and hadith plus discussions with muslims. I have looked at anti muslim websites (and found them not as complete as I would have liked) as well as anti-Christian websites which I know you are obviously getting your material from.
P S:

Stop know, you are enforcing my belief that most of the christians and specially the missionaries are PATHETIC LIARS.....

More information about THE LIAR CHRISTIANS HERE:


No compulsion in islam?

Then why do these suras state otherwise? These suras order submission to islam.

And a declaration from Allâh and His Messenger to mankind on the greatest day (the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah - the 12th month of Islâmic calendar) that Allâh is free from (all) obligations to the Mushrikûn (see V.2:105) and so is His Messenger. So if you (Mushrikûn) repent, it is better for you, but if you turn away, then know that you cannot escape (from the Punishment of) Allâh. And give tidings (O Muhammad SAW) of a painful torment to those who disbelieve. (At-Tawbah 9:3)

Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islâmic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikûn (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and give Zakât, then leave their way free. Verily, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (At-Tawbah 9:5)

The islamic apologist says this refers to Arabian tribes who showed up at pilgrimage and broke agreements. (How he got that out of these suras is still a mystery.) Yet it is compulsion since what was required for forgiveness is that they repent from their idolatry and perform As-Salat (which as I recall is prayer). Explain to me how forced prayer and repentence or be involved in a bloody battle is anything other than compulsion. Once again your book is contradictory.
P S.

No compulsion in religion:

My Answer has two sections. The first is a brief explanation of Quranic verses that are often mistaken as instructions to persecute Non-Muslims. The second section features verses from the Quran and Hadith that vehemently insist on religious tolerance and the idea of "no compulsion in religion." God willing, Non-Muslims as well as our Muslim brothers and sisters who resort to violence, will take these verses into consideration.
Anti-Islamic people often use the following verses to justify the stereotype that Islam is a religion of violence and intolerance, which was spread by the sword. The explanations here were aided by Abdullah Yusuf Ali's commentary on the Holy Quran.

Sura 8.12 "Remember thy lord has inspired the angels with the message. Give firmness to the believers and instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Smite them above their necks and smite the fingertips of them."
Sura 9.5 "When the sacred months have passed, kill the idolaters whereever you find them."

Sura 47.4 "When you encounter the unbelievers, Strike off their heads. Untill you have made a wide slaughter among them tie up the remaining captives."

Sura 8 is about a BATTLE - the Battle of Badr - not just some daily affair. A battles take two side to occur. Are you under the impression that while these 'horrid' Muslims were fighting, the enemies were simply standing there like good little peaceful men?
Sura 47 was revealed during the first year of Hijrah when the Muslims were under *threat of extinction* by invasion from Makkah.

Sura 9 is interesting. Non-Muslims almost invariably quote verse 5 but leave out verse 4 and 6. Why? Because verse 4 says, "But the treatires are not dissolved with those Pagans with whom you have entered into alliance and who have you subsequently failed you in aught, nor aided anyone against you. So fulfill your engagements with them to the end of their term: for God Loves the righteous."

And verse 6 says, "If one among the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him so that he may hear the Word of God; and then escort him to where he can be secure."

So basically what has been done above is:

1. The background to each sura was shown. One cannot take a verse revealed for a battle and insist it is if for the daily affairs of Muslims.

2. It was shown how Non-muslims who wish to attack Islam, conveniently leave out verses before and after their quoted verse. Above, I have shown only one of the many examples.

Section II

This long list of verses from the Holy Quran and the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) show that Islam at it's core and at its source is a religion of peace. Terrorists who persecute innocent people because of their faith are not welcome - their use of Islam as a scapegoat, does not make Islam what they portray it to be.
2:256 There is no compulsion in religion, for the right way is clearly from the wrong way. Whoever therefore rejects the forces of evil and believes in God, he has taken hold of a support most unfailing, which shall never give way, for God is All Hearing and Knowing.

16:82 But if they turn away from you, (O Prophet remember that) your only duty is a clear delivery of the Message (entrusted to you).

6:107 Yet if God had so willed, they would not have ascribed Divinity to aught besides him; hence, We have not made you their keeper, nor are you (of your own choice) a guardian over them.

4:79, 80 (Say to everyone of them,) 'Whatever good betides you is from God and whatever evil betides you is from your own self and that We have (O Prophet) sent you to mankind only as a messenger and all sufficing is God as witness. Whoso obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys God. And for those who turn away, We have not sent you as a keeper."

11:28 (Noah to his people) He (Noah) said "O my people! think over it! If 1 act upon a clear direction from my Lord who has bestowed on me from Himself the Merciful talent of seeing the right way, a way which you cannot see for yourself, does it follow that we can force you to take the right path when you definitely decline to take it?°

17:53, 54 And tell my servants that they should speak in a most kindly manner (unto those who do not share their beliefs). Verily, Satan is always ready to stir up discord between men; for verily; Satan is mans foe .... Hence, We have not sent you (Unto men O Prophet) with power to determine their Faith.

21:107 to 109 (O Prophet?) 'We have not sent you except to be a mercy to all mankind:" Declare, "Verily, what is revealed to me is this, your God is the only One God, so is it not up to you to bow down to Him?' But if they turn away then say, "I have delivered the Truth in a manner clear to one and all, and I know not whether the promised hour (of Judgment) is near or far."

22:67 To every people have We appointed ceremonial rites (of prayer) which they observe; therefore, let them not wrangle over this matter with you, but bid them to turn to your Lord (since that is the main objective of religion). You indeed are rightly guided. But if they still dispute you in this matter, (then say,) `God best knows (the value of) what you do."

88:21, 22; also see 24:54 And so, (O Prophet!) exhort them your task is only to exhort; you cannot compel them to believe.

48:28 He it is Who has sent forth His Messenger with the (task of spreading) Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to the end that tie make it prevail over every (false) religion, and none can bear witness to the Truth as God does.

36:16, 17 (Three Messengers to their people)Said (the Messengers), "Our Sustainer knows that we have indeed been sent unto you, but we are not bound to more than clearly deliver the Message entrusted to us.'

39:41 Assuredly, We have sent down the Book to you in right form for the good of man. Whoso guided himself by it does so to his own advantage, and whoso turns away from it does so at his own loss. You certainly are not their keeper.

42:6, 48 And whoso takes for patrons others besides God, over them does God keep a watch. Mark, you are not a keeper over them. But if they turn aside from you (do not get disheartened), for We have not sent you to be a keeper over them; your task is but to preach ....

64:12 Obey God then and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away (no blame shall attach to our Messenger), for the duty of Our Messenger is just to deliver the message.

67:25, 26 And they ask, "When shall the promise be fulfilled if you speak the Truth?" Say, "The knowledge of it is verily with God alone, and verily I am but a plain warner."

60:8 Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just.

60:9 Allah only forbids you, with regard to those who fight you for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes, and support (others) in driving you out, from turning to them (for friendship and protection). It is such as turn to them (in these circumstances), that do wrong.

The teachings of the Prophet on how you and I should treat our Non-Muslim friends and neighbours on a day to day basis as well as how to government should treat a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state.

"He who believes in God and the Last Day should honour his guest, should not harm his neighbour, should speak good or keep quiet." (Bukhari, Muslim)

"Whoever hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys God." (Bukhari)

"He who hurts a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state, I am his adversary, and I shall be his adversary on the Day of a Judgement." (Bukhari)

"Beware on the Day of Judgement; I shall mysefl be complainant against him who wrongs a Non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state or lays on him a responsibility greater than he can bear or deprives him of anything that belongs to him." (Al-Mawardi)

"Anyone who kills a Non-Muslim who had become our ally will not smell the fragrance of Paradise." (Bukhari)
Proud Syrian

In Anyhow, as I SAID BEFORE, all these lies and fabrications are REFUTED in details here:


More information about THE LIAR CHRISTIANS HERE:


OH NOT AGAIN, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE do your self a favour and go get RESPECTFUL CREDIBLE SOURCES such as AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL or HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH, dont give me this BS from anti christian hate MUSLIM SITES !!!!

COME ON..........I will help you, here is the sites of Amnesty international and human rights watch:

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What other religion advocates chopping off hands and heads, and stoning people in the streets? What other religion advocates global war, in order to convert people? In what other religion, during religious festivals, can you see droves of the "faithful" marching the streets with AK-47's, and declaring their desire to kill and die for "God". . Excuse me ....what are we missing here? How do religion and AK-47s go together?...
Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
God is dead in Christianity, but not in Islam.

All things being fair, Proud-Syrian, the God of Christianity never existed, so it could not be dead. The One God of All (El/Allah) is still very much alive.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
All things being fair, Proud-Syrian, the God of Christianity never existed, so it could not be dead. The One God of All (El/Allah) is still very much alive.

Can you prove this?
M*W.....The answer to the two above questions is NO (as you well know). Therefore my statement is equally true:

All things being fair, Medicine*Woman, the God of Christianity is still very much alive, and is not dead. The One God of All (El/Allah) never existed.

Wallah....end of big debate.
Originally posted by Vienna
M*W.....The answer to the two above questions is NO (as you well know). Therefore my statement is equally true:

All things being fair, Medicine*Woman, the God of Christianity is still very much alive, and is not dead. The One God of All (El/Allah) never existed.

Wallah....end of big debate.

You, like all other xians, pretend to have a separate god. Obviously, you don't have the monotheistic comprehension that there is truly only one God, not two, not three-in-one, not four, not many...just One.

Secondly, "wallah" is not a word. It's French and spelled "viola," and it's NOT pronounced like the instrument.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Xianity is on its way out.

I'd take Christianity over Islam any day.

Not even the Christians take Christianity seriously; the Moslems are insane about it.

Plus, I want to look at girls with tight, revealing clothing, not ones enshrouded by giant kerchiefs.

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
You know, muslims are poor, they dont have the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS christian missionaries have . .

What billions of dollars?

If He'd give me that much money, I'd love Jesus every day, every night, and in every position.

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
By 2020, more than 40 % of china will be muslims . . .

I am going to hold you to that, because I think that by 2020 the world will be gone. The Aztecs told me, kind of like Allah told Mohammed.

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
. . . I am saying that Islam is in fact superior to Christianity because we dont have 1% of the financial messionary resources they have and yet we are the the fastest growing religion in the world.

So . . . you use statistics to beef up your faith?

Without these statistics would you still be such an outspoken Moslem?
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No adult person possessing both common sense and courage in the face of the unknown needs a make-believe companion to hold their hand.

Of course, it can be dangerous to one's person to say that too loudly -- herding instinct being what it is to irrationals' stampeding tendencies.
I'm not done . . .

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Amazing News !!! It only shows that Islam is truly the TRUE RELIGION OF GOD.

Guantanamo Guards convert to Islam?

That is a sign from God?

Sheesh . . . I must've missed a whole lot of them by now, them being so not miraculous and all.

Originally posted by Crunchy Cat
I have four Muslim friends
and they ALL very tactfully try to cram their religion down my
throat at any opportunity.

This is odd. One of the most sincere religious followers I know is a Moslem, but he rarely if ever mentions it to me.
I like him for it.
His name is Hussein! Lots of Laughs!

Originally posted by tiassa
Nashalah Hern has been suspended . . .

That sounds rather contrived to me, but, if it's true, it's quite sad.

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
. . . those American bigots who banned this little muslim angel should be taken to court of justice and be tried for discrimination and racism.

I've never heard of the crimes "discrimination" and "racism".

You sure the court you want isn't the "court of [Allah]"?
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Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
You, like all other xians, pretend to have a separate god

Not true..... and no pretence......does the word trinity ring any bells with you?

Secondly, "wallah" is not a word. It's French and spelled "viola," and it's NOT pronounced like the instrument.

Secondly "wallah" is slang word, yes, it is actually a word.

Thirdly, don't act like you know me and how I don't.
Continuation . . .

Originally posted by Crunchy Cat
I read your opening statement and there was nothing
in it that indicated thaht you were attempting to counter 'pathetic christian lies against Islam & friends'.

Did the same . . . found the same . . .
Originally posted by Vienna
Not true..... and no pretence......does the word trinity ring any bells with you?
M*W: Sure, I know what the Trinity is, but I don't believe in it anymore. (By the way, it's spelled "pretenSe" and "Trinity" needs to be capitalized. Is English your native tongue?)
Secondly "wallah" is slang word, yes, it is actually a word.
M*W: It may be slang, but it is still spelled "viola" and pronounced "vwa-lah".
Thirdly, don't act like you know me and how I don't.
M*W: Wouldn't want to know you.
Son of Continuation . . .

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
And since at at, let us talk little bit about the CHRISTIAN SAVAGERY and BARBARISM against muslims . . .

Do you have a grudge against Charles Martel?

Just asking . . .

Originally posted by chalcedony
I have stopped a murderer from committing mass murder, have you?

How does he qualify as a "murderer" if you stopped him from committing the "murder"?

Such a strange boast . . . rather like saying, "I've fed the hungry and am bound for Heaven. How about you, huh?"

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
. . . please lady, look at the site you post, jeeeee, you dont know even what is in the site you put.....

I mean, puh-lease, Crunchy Cat!

Don't you know? Any and all sites that do not praise Islam must be run by horrible, prejudiced anti-Islamic jingoes whom we should jail for "racism"!

Jeeeeee Golly, lady!
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Son of Continuation, The Saga Continues

Originally posted by Proud_Syrian
Typical (Insert Name), LIAR........why you guys lie all the time ??

Now, fellow Sciforumites, this is the universal argument!

Like a universal-size pair of pants, it can cover your ass, no matter how big.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Why would he? That was in Spain BEFORE Muhammad was born.


Martel commanded the Franks at the Battle of Tours in 732 Anno Domini.

Medieval Sourcebook:
Arabs, Franks, and the Battle of Tours, 732: Three Accounts

From an Arabian Chronicler

Musa being returned to Damascus, the Caliph Abd-el Melek asked of him about his conquests, saying "Now tell me about these Franks---what is their nature?"

"They," replied Musa, "are a folk right numerous, and full of might: brave and impetuous in the attack, but cowardly and craven in event of defeat."

"And how has passed the war betwixt them and thyself? Favorably or the reverse?"

"The reverse? No, by Allah and the prophet!" spoke Musa. "Never has a company from my army been beaten. And never have the Moslems hesitated to follow me when I have led them; though they were twoscore to fourscore."

Medieval Accounts, Check it Out!

Mohammed was born earlier, in 571 Anno Domini.

In the desert of Arabia was Mohammad born, according to Muslim historians, on April 20, 571.

Mohammed The Prophet, Check it Out!

Jeeeeee Golly, lady! Get your facts straight!

Proud Syrian, quit it with your subject-verb diagreement before you give me an aneurism!
Oh, no!
Too late!
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