Islam vs. the West

My point is Kadark, you just sat there and happily justified the intolerant beleif and violent reaction of one group of monotheists against another group of very slightly different monotheists. And we're not even talking about invaders with a foreign religion. We're talking about Indonesians trying to kill and scare the shit out of other Indonesians and the Indonesian government talking about banning their entire beleif system.

You don't find it IRONIC that early Christians thought of Mohammadians as blasphemous Christians cultists and did the same?!?!

You don't find it IRONIC that Spanish Catholics said exactly as you and forced Muslims to eat pork convert or die?

Do you think it is WRONG of the Indonesian Muslims to teach that the Ahmadiyya Muslim's beleif IS incorrect?
kadark said:
Do you think either are dominated by "fundamentalist religion"?
Parts of Canada are certainly, by my own experience, and apparently most of Turkey, by traveller's tale - including the parts you have described in my reading here - yes.
iceaura, if you study many atheists reactions to me, SAM, and Kadark, you will realize that many of them are unfortunately filled with hate and violence.
OH Please DH

I'm getting a little tired of your bullshit. Actually, "a little tired" is a gross understatement - I'm physically exhausted from trying to decipher your muddled, pointless post whose only purpose is to rant and moan about monotheism. Look, jackass: ...
Parts of Canada are certainly, by my own experience, and apparently most of Turkey, by traveller's tale - including the parts you have described - yes.

Religion in Canada barely exists. People sometimes identify themselves as Christian (main religion), but there's no practicing of faith. What I'm trying to say is that religion has very little influence here, especially in the more populated areas.

In Turkey, only the older generation holds religion sacred. Turkey nowadays is unbelievably secular, and most of the citizens reject and fight (literally, through fierce protests) the signs of fundamentalist uprisings. This is especially true within the young generation. You wouldn't believe how many fights I've had with Turks because they thought Tayyip Erdogan or Abdullah Gul were too religious.
I don't see any difference between the anti-Ahmadiya Indonesians and atheists who want to shut down faith schools and ban parents from teaching their children religion. Like the Chinese, for instance. Or Dawkins and his ilk. All the latter lack is the power to implement their wishes.
I don't see any difference between the anti-Ahmadiya Indonesians and atheists who want to shut down faith schools and ban parents from teaching their children religion. Like the Chinese, for instance. Or Dawkins and his ilk. All the latter lack is the power to implement their wishes.
SAM and I agree :eek:

OMG = Oh my Goddesses a cute anime :)
Kadark said:
Religion in Canada barely exists. People sometimes identify themselves as Christian (main religion), but there's no practicing of faith
This is the kind of assertion that leads me to attribute fundamentalist religion to the circumstances of the asserter's upbringing.

I've been in Canada. I've spent time with Canadian Mennonites. I've met Quebecois Catholics. They were complaining about Islamic Pakistani immigrants.

SAM said:
atheists who want to shut down faith schools and ban parents from teaching their children religion. Like the Chinese, for instance. Or Dawkins and his ilk.
You really need to read Dawkins, and with attention, before you go off like that. You don't know what you are talking about, and it shows.

diamond said:
iceaura, can you define what you mean by fundamentalist religion?
An inculcated, common set of conscious beliefs that manifestly governs behavior, is overtly grounded in a common faith, and does not answer to reason.
I've been in Canada. I've spent time with Canadian Mennonites. I've met Quebecois Catholics. They were complaining about Islamic Pakistani immigrants.
Really? Why?

I grew up in the state with the largest Muslim population and I never thought a thing. Sure, sometimes someone would go a bit bananas but we didn't really think anything of it.

I remember a time one of the guys who was totally normal and actually did really well for himself suddenly grew a big beard and then one day started arguing with the evolution teacher and actually stormed out of the class saying something about God this or that. I was a Xian at the time so I probably partially agreed with the whole "Why can't God and evolution go hand in hand" thing.

The Muslim girls I knew were all ok, accept they were pushed into marrying people from the old country and then had to settle down, have kids and no more Uni :( BUT that said, so did an Indian girl I knew. She was always such a flirt - then *boom* patents sold her off to an engineer and it was baby time. Needless to say she soured a bit :p Or at least one would say a prude. Which is fine, but when you're 35-40 not when you're only 20!

You really need to read Dawkins, and with attention, before you go off like that. You don't know what you are talking about, and it shows.
I've read a lot of Dawkins, I like his books. But, he is anti-religionist. That's pretty plain to see or so it seems.

I'm not anti-religion. I'm simply pointing out some religions silly flaws ON a religous forum :)
SAM once said, something to the effect of, life as an atheist lacks meaning yadda yadda yadda ergo what a sad existance it is for the atheist. I instantly thought to myself, ever see those weak-minded people who have no direction and suddenly they're caught up in something like Scientology and now they have all the meaning in their life they ever needed. IMO - THAT'S SAD.

Praying 5 times a day to a figment of your own imaginary creation (Xenu, Allah, etc...) seems kind of meaningless if you were to ask me.

A serious question:

Is there any more or any less contemporary reproducible scientific evidence for the existence of God over that of the existence of Xenu?

I mean, if we went out today and spoke to Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Pope Benedict XVI, and Tom Cruise - basically they'd all end up in the same boat right?

They got nadda :p

AND that's the thing that is soooo ohhh sooo funny :D
You really need to read Dawkins, and with attention, before you go off like that. You don't know what you are talking about, and it shows.

Anyone who thinks Dawkins is not anti-religion does not know what he is talking about.

Perhaps its because you feel the same way as he does?