Islam vs. the West

"There can be no compromise or friendly relations with those who hold this ideology in any form. But just as they refused to recognize the vicious nature of Communism and sought a policy of detente, so our leaders now refuse to recognize the vicious nature of Islam and its irreconcilable conflict with the West. To see what our leaders do not, Americans must reject both the "politically correct" dogma of "respecting all cultures" and the timid fear of offending anyone of any religion. Otherwise we will be doomed to continue our self-destructive policy of appeasement and conciliation toward those who wish to destroy us."
So basically the godless athiests were as bad as the fundie Muslims?

Give me a break.
Serious reading and comprehension skills on your part should preclude the necessity of your response.

You mean, the Reds Muslims are coming to get you?

Ever hear about Vietnam? It was what Iraq is today.

I can't believe you guys swallow the same shit on a regular basis.
Good on you. Continue your support for the arms industry and unnecessary war.

Be sure to vote in more neo-fascists with an anti-Islam platform, to "protect" yourself.
Ever hear about Vietnam? It was what Iraq is today.

What? Infested with suicide bombers? Did Vietnamese fundamentalists fly commercial airliners into skyscrapers?

Got a link for that? :rolleyes:
Good on you. Continue your support for the arms industry and unnecessary war.

Be sure to vote in more neo-fascists with an anti-Islam platform, to "protect" yourself.

Buying into your BS is the lesser of two evils?

Since Muslims have no desire to stop the activities of their fundamentalist killers, someone else must.

I did notice though, you actively support them.

Good on you.
Buying into your BS is the lesser of two evils?

Since Muslims have no desire to stop the activities of their fundamentalist killers, someone else must.

I did notice though, you actively support them.

Good on you.

Be sure to vote for the ones who regulate the dress, employment, religious freedom and behaviour of Muslims, make sure they get patted down on a regular basis. Maybe even wear an armband so secular people can defend themselves from surprise attacks. Maybe send some troops to keep an eye on them in their countries.

Gotta protect yourself from the loonies, or should it be moonies?
"There can be no compromise or friendly relations with those who hold this ideology in any form. But just as they refused to recognize the vicious nature of Communism and sought a policy of detente, so our leaders now refuse to recognize the vicious nature of Islam and its irreconcilable conflict with the West. To see what our leaders do not, Americans must reject both the "politically correct" dogma of "respecting all cultures" and the timid fear of offending anyone of any religion. Otherwise we will be doomed to continue our self-destructive policy of appeasement and conciliation toward those who wish to destroy us."

I find it interesting that atheist brought up on Politically correct rubbish are quickly being primed for a dramatic shift from pansy liberalism to iron fisted fascism. It does not take much for the powers that be to switch the masses from one mode to another, and the ones that most believed in the PC BS will probably be in the vanguard of the army that will smash the islamic children against the rocks with joy as they exterminate muslims from planet earth.

You think i am crazy? Or you think my thoughts are too terrifying to read on. Believe me. This world is being set up for destruction and bloodshed on a monstrous scale. People are being filled with fear and being lead into a global holocaust that will make all other wars as nothing in comparison.

Not long now till the coming of the anti-christ and the beginning of the sorrows.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You think i am crazy? Or you think my thoughts are too terrifying to read on. Believe me. This world is being set up for destruction and bloodshed on a monstrous scale. People are being filled with fear and being lead into a global holocaust that will make all other wars as nothing in comparison.

Isn't religion wonderful? :yay:
I find it interesting that atheist brought up on Politically correct rubbish are quickly being primed for a dramatic shift from pansy liberalism to iron fisted fascism. It does not take much for the powers that be to switch the masses from one mode to another, and the ones that most believed in the PC BS will probably be in the vanguard of the army that will smash the islamic children against the rocks with joy as they exterminate muslims from planet earth.

Thats probably the correct scenario. Atheism is more vicious, not less, than Christianity. 60% of prison inmates in France are Muslim (with a 12% population density). The scenario is not unreasonable

US author Ralph Peters sketches a scenario in which "US Navy ships are at anchor and US marines have gone ashore at Brest, Bremerhaven or Bari to guarantee the safe evacuation of Europe's Muslims".

Peters concludes that because of Europeans' "ineradicable viciousness", the continent's Muslims "are living on borrowed time". As Europeans have "perfected genocide and ethnic cleansing", Muslims, he predicts, "will be lucky just to be deported" rather than being killed.
Nahh, Europeans are too wimpy to deal head on with the Islamic scourge. All this talk about exiling and killing Muslims is just a wonderful pipe dream.
Thats probably the correct scenario. Atheism is more vicious, not less, than Christianity. 60% of prison inmates in France are Muslim (with a 12% population density). The scenario is not unreasonable

The vicious are usually in prison.
The Holocaust was just 60 years ago. And present generation Europeans are getting antsy for blood. The seven year occupation of Afghanistan, the five year genocide in Iraq is just a foretaste. I predict that there will be a growing trend towards fascism in European governments. Its already started and there are enough "educated" people fanning the flames of intolerance to make it happen.
I pray to Allah that it happens soon. God knows we have tolerated subversive elements in Western nations for long enough.
The Holocaust was just 60 years ago.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! As usual, Sam is wriggling and stretching as she once again submits the irrelevant.

And present generation Muslim fundies are getting antsy for blood.


I predict that there will be a growing trend towards fascism in European governments. Its already started and there are enough "educated" people fanning the flames of intolerance to make it happen.

Highly doubtful, mere emotionally charged nonsense on your part.