Islam vs. the West


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
This central issue is the conflict between secularism and religious fundamentalism.

The Webster’s New World Dictionary defines "secular" as: "of or relating to worldly things as distinguished from things relating to church and religion." "Secularism" is a cultural and intellectual doctrine, defined as "a worldly spirit, views, or the like; esp., a system of doctrines and practices that disregards or rejects any form of religious faith and worship, as well as a political doctrine: the belief that religion and ecclesiastical affairs should not enter into the functions of the state." Defined in philosophic terms, secularism is the rejection of faith in favor of reason, the rejection of the supernatural in favor of pursuit of values in this world, and the rejection of theocracy in favor of separation of church and state.
Don't be shy, say what you really mean:

Once again, you didn't read the article and are trolling. FUB.
The real issue is power and control over the world.Who will gain the leverage needed to do so? Everyone of the most developed countries have been at it for decades and now the second world countries are moving in by becomming more powerful with their new found wealth. Since the newer memnbers of the worlds elite nations want to gain recognition they flex their new found economic muscles at the rest and say"I'm here and don't you forget it!".
Yeah, I notice "the Objectivist" completely ignores this as a possible cause of the frustration of billions.

Just saying.:rolleyes:
Hey Sam, Bin Laden publicly recommended reading William Blum's book. Is that why Blum's your hero?
No, it does not. Your powers of deduction have short-circuited.

He advocates bringing democracy to the backward Mooslims, so he MUST be your hero, surely?

I bet you voted for him twice, if only to get rid of some Mooslims :)
"Thomas Aquinas established the idea that reason is valid on its own terms, that it does not have to be subordinated to faith. His view laid the groundwork for the explosion of scientific and philosophic inquiry in the Renaissance and Enlightenment and made possible the increasing atrophy of religion in the West.

The Islamic world, by contrast, never had an Aquinas. Throughout the Middle Ages, the study of Greek and Roman science and philosophy had been more widespread in the Islamic world than in Europe. By the time of Aquinas, however, these philosophers were largely ignored and their works banned. While Europe experienced a Renaissance, the Islamic world rejected reason and science and lapsed back into primitive religious fanaticism. Hence, the present-day Islamic prohibitions on the education of women and on the free expression of ideas, as well as the strict Islamic code requiring women to keep their bodies covered (lest they should excite men’s sexual desire), the prohibitions on alcohol, on music and art, and even (in some areas) on shaving or trimming one’s beard—which is considered a worldly luxury. These religious prohibitions outlaw every manifestation of man’s survival and happiness in this world."
Did Aquinas stop the Holocaust? The mass murder of millions by atheists? The genocidal takeover of the Americas, Australia, Canada and New Zealand?

The rise of neo-fascism in Europe today is proof that western secularism is a sham.

Myopia, ethnocentrism and elitism is not secularism.
Thats secularism in action, toots.

Send any teddy bears to Gitmo yet?
Lets see, Dutch, Danish, Canadian, British, German etc troops in Afghanistan.

US troops around the globe

Hundreds of thousands dying, millions displaced, immigrants treated like crap.

Yup, those goshdarned Muslims with their unsecular ways are really making it hard to fill up the tanks and live in peace.

Ooh Yeah!
"This is why America is the target of Islamic fundamentalists’ venomous hatred. America represents a dangerous example of secular values—all the more dangerous because it is successful and powerful, and because it exerts that power over the Islamic world. America broadcasts television programs like "Baywatch" to the illegal satellite dishes of Iran; it harbors "blasphemous" writers like Salman Rushdie; and it uses its advanced technology to crush Iraqi soldiers in battle. Menachem Klein, an expert on Islam at Bar-Ilan University in Jerusalem, explains the conflict this way: "Islam puts God at its center. The Western world, on the other hand, is concerned with liberalism, freedom, and democracy. It’s absolute heresy. And worst of all, from the Islamists’ point of view, this culture is increasingly successful."
While the peaceful secular west, peacefully secularly invades and occupies and topples governments to peacefully take land and resources, while peacefully disbursing weapons as aid packages and secularly destroying local economies.

All for a peaceful secular way to fill pockets while destroying entire countries.

Such peace and secularism must be a boon.
Islam vs. the West? What a joke. Yet another misinformed individual attempting to explain daily phenomena by using erroneous interpretations of religious and secular ideologies. In today's word, no war or conflict has its roots within ideological or philosophical differences; rather, every war has its basis solely for immediate or future exploitation of natural resources. All of the "Islam vs. the West" conflict today is formed through the nature of geopolitics - not religious or ideological differences. It is immeasurably dangerous for people whose primary concern being religion/atheism to involve themselves within political or historical discussions. Chances are, they're dead wrong in their statements, and make blithering fools of themselves.

Case in point: this thread.
"It is natural that the Islamic fundamentalists would choose terrorism as their means of striking back. Consistent with their rejection of reason and secular philosophy, they have no arguments to offer. They do not regard religious ideas as a matter for rational discussion, but as a matter of pure faith. Thus, they have no other alternative but to choose force and terror as a means to punish the "infidels"—literally, those "without faith".
In today's word, no war or conflict has its roots within ideological or philosophical differences; rather, every war has its basis solely for immediate or future exploitation of natural resources. All of the "Islam vs. the West" conflict today is formed through the nature of geopolitics - not religious or ideological differences.

Stop talking like a religious fundamentalist you krazy Mooslim!:D