Islam views on Prisoners of War

first of all, if you are directly asking that question to me, no I have not ridiculed your faith
I am not talking about why people ridicule others' beliefs, I am talking about why call them "haters", for they don't all actually HATE the belief
All I have said is that the word "hate" or "hater" is not used properly or appropriately in here
(no offensive remarks or ridicules intended :))
By the way, are disagreeing, questioning, and doubting your faith acceptable in your culture? (just curious:))
strange how you like to write the history of many nations (Arab, Indian, ...) in the way they even don't see. Do you know their history better?
Borther Yazan:

May Allah bless you, perhaps you should tell eddy about your opinion about my posts, this man is obssessed with what other muslims say about my posts !! :p
I am not obsessed, I am just curious
because it's not odd that another muslim backs up your posts, but this person named Pakman disagreed, and I agree with what most of what he says, and you did not give any response to the statement until today. Plus, I heard Pakman's reputation here is actually pretty good, so I was just wondering, sorry if it annoyed you

okay so back to the central topic:)
it's not PM’s fault. I know that sometimes he is quite tough more than he should but honestly if Muslims in here say that a full one day is 24 h, someone will show up trying to prove that this is not right, if I talk about myself, I completely accept others opinion especially about their religions (especially Buddhism), on the other hand whenever I say something good about Islam or Arab (note that I’m not an Arab) many guys in here just try to search for the darkness of what I said (if there any in the first place).
If I tell you something good about say XX (which is an Islamic subject) do you know what I guess happens? a guy who knows nothing about that Islamic subject (XX), would make a search in google as follow
"XX" + evil + bad + wrong
where of course "XX" + happiness + good
can also be done
this is what I call hate
and hate creates no love it creates hate only.
So try to communicate with other civilization in a better way so only love will be created.
Yazan said:
it's not PM’s fault.
I did not say it is anybody's fault.
Yazan said:
I know that sometimes he is quite tough more than he should but honestly if Muslims in here say that a full one day is 24 h, someone will show up trying to prove that this is not right, if I talk about myself, I completely accept others opinion especially about their religions (especially Buddhism), on the other hand whenever I say something good about Islam or Arab (note that I’m not an Arab) many guys in here just try to search for the darkness of what I said (if there any in the first place).
If I tell you something good about say XX (which is an Islamic subject) do you know what I guess happens? a guy who knows nothing about that Islamic subject (XX), would make a search in google as follow
"XX" + evil + bad + wrong
where of course "XX" + happiness + good
can also be done
I understand your frustration, but you have to understand that this is a discussion or debate, people would try to find anything to oppose or disagree with your suggestions, but of course, you can do the same thing to them as well, opposition and disagreement should be acceptable here, I think they should not be called "haters" just because they think you are wrong.
Yazan said:
and hate creates no love it creates hate only
I totally agree with that, I am a pacifist, and I oppose any sort of violence or war, but you have to admit, PM has made a lot of statements calling Christianity the false religion, and Islam the one and only true religion. it doesn't matter if he is reacting to the "haters" or if this is actually true. this kind of statement can and offend and hurt other people's feelings, I am sure this is the kind of disrespect PM never want to get from others, I can't imagine what would happen if someone calls Islam the false religion. The point is, two wrongs don't make a right. Why do we have so much disrespect here in a place where we should be reasoning and rationally persuading one another?
Yazan said:
So try to communicate with other civilization in a better way so only love will be created.
I don't know if you are directing that statement to me, but I have always expressed my opinions nicely, I never intended to offend anyone's belief, I think all religions are equal and have the same ultimate fundamental purpose, and I respect all religions, though I may disagree with some of them
I think we need to be more polite to each other here, it never hurts to be nice.:)
I understand your frustration, but you have to understand that this is a discussion or debate, people would try to find anything to oppose or disagree with your suggestions, but of course, you can do the same thing to them as well, opposition and disagreement should be acceptable here, I think they should not be called "haters" just because they think you are wrong.

I would accept them with pleasure if they are their real opinion, their opinion is opposite of what a Muslim says even before they know what is the subject about. when they read something and just make a search and bring completely fault point because as I said a guy just made a stupid search and all what he got is rubbish taken from unreliable anti-Muslim sources. eg. in one of the threads one said that the prophet Mohd got married when he was 9. what a stupid argument, it is extremely clear for whoever study the Islamic history that he did when he was 25.

I don't know if you are directing that statement to me

I was talking in general, I meant everybody including myself.
Yazan said:
strange how you like to write the history of many nations (Arab, Indian, ...) in the way they even don't see. Do you know their history better?

I am a history buff I love reading history, I draw on that knowledge when neccessary how is that strange? Yazan why don't you post more in threads that have to do with islam the board really needs a reasonable muslim voice and PM just isn't it. PM has generated more animosity towards islam than any 10 misguided suicide bombers.
Yazan said:
I would accept them with pleasure if they are their real opinion, their opinion is opposite of what a Muslim says even before they know what is the subject about.
I will have to disagree until I get some backup proof. how can their "real opinion" and "fake opinion" be distinguished? in here, there is only "opinion". Their opposition and disagreement should be acceptable here since it's a debate.

Yazan said:
when they read something and just make a search and bring completely fault point because as I said a guy just made a stupid search and all what he got is rubbish taken from unreliable anti-Muslim sources
all sources are reliable until proven unreliable

Peace :)
I am a history buff I love reading history, I draw on that knowledge when neccessary how is that strange?
I can read in several languages, Arabic is one of them, when you talk about Islam or read about it (even if you read 1000 book) it is really not fair to judge until you read from their sources, from Muslims themselves, from Arab especially, since they should know Islam and their own history better than any one else, but can you read in Arabic?
I swear because of the miss leading western sources I could agree with you completely, but I did learn Arabic fair enough (fortunately) and I know what no one can know until he reads what they write.
and it is really a pleasure to share what I know
I will have to disagree until I get some backup proof. how can their "real opinion" and "fake opinion" be distinguished? in here, there is only "opinion". Their opposition and disagreement should be acceptable here since it's a debate

well, when I say for example that we get milk from cows and someone comes and say no this is not right (just because he want to oppose whatever I say) and try to prove that birds are the source of milk, this would be a farce not a debate
Yazan said:
well, when I say for example that we get milk from cows and someone comes and say no this is not right (just because he want to oppose whatever I say) and try to prove that birds are the source of milk, this would be a farce not a debate
people should have the right to oppose and disagree anything they think is not right

Yazan said:
just because he want to oppose whatever I say
I don't see a way in which you can know what a person really "wants" to do, what a person wants is a subjective concept, and can only be known by the person him/herself, because we can't read minds

Yazan said:
this would be a farce not a debate
in a real debate, people would do anything to persuade the other team that they are right, they would use anything to prove whatever crazy idea they have/oppose, at the end usually the winning team is the one with the most solid and convincing evidence, doesn't matter how crazy their claim was. What I am saying is, anything is right if it's proven, or at least in the scientific society, if they want to try to prove that milk comes from birds, well go for it, of course, you don't have to believe them, until they have convincing proof to persuade you. any "stupid" question is valid here, and of course, people can try to prove anything, you can't say that they don't have the right to prove what they think it's right
in a real debate, people would do anything to persuade the other team that they are right, they would use anything to prove whatever crazy idea they have/oppose, at the end usually the winning team is the one with the most solid and convincing evidence, doesn't matter how crazy their claim was. What I am saying is, anything is right if it's proven, or at least in the scientific society, if they want to try to prove that milk comes from birds, well go for it, of course, you don't have to believe them, until they have convincing proof to persuade you. any "stupid" question is valid here, and of course, people can try to prove anything, you can't say that they don't have the right to prove what they think it's right

oh yeh I know but the problem is when there is no one that judges and you are alone facing almost everybody, then this is not a fair debate, but I know it's not any body's fault that I am in a western forum, if we go to Eastern ones things would be different :D
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one thing more
God knows that I never say things here to show myself as a winner or the right guy, Islamic side it's a duty to clarify and explain and show the beauty of Islam, in history and opinions I really just believe that the truth is always hidden (at least to some) and I just feel that it's also my duty (and every body's duty) to show the truth.
you will not find so many opposing Islam or Arab, where you will find plenty opposing Christianity (by the way believe it or not we really respect Christians, but we just believe that the Bible was changed by people and therefore what today's Christians are following is not God's book as it used to be) any way, plenty opposing the west's policy and opposing what the westerns say about their history.
my dear sometimes things are not like what we see
the sky looks blue but is it really blue?
yeah totally
that's why I am an Unitarian, I believe that all religions are equal and share a common ultimate destination and purpose, and that is to find the truth, if it exists in an objective reality
We all want to find the truth, but strangly there are so many different religions nowadays advocating different things, but all these religions claim to have the ultimate truth
I understand it's every religious person's duty to promote his/her religion and what he/she thinks it's the truth, however, we do have the freedom of religion and belief, some of us may disagree
I don't believe truth exists in the objective reality, but in our subjective minds. different people discover and interpretate truth differently, so really truth is only a concept that we have to find out individually for ourselves