Islam views on Prisoners of War

spuriousmonkey said:
Funny...we imported muslims like cattle to europe for unskilled labour.

BS !! you go to any dutch hospital and you will find half the doctors and the nurses are Muslims !

Hey buddy ! Amestrdam already has Islam as religion NO.1 soon, it is us who will pay your pensions, so behave or else !! :D
spuriousmonkey said:
Well, take your shoes off when you enter my house. I don't like sand all over my floor.

You have to clean your house very well before I decide to visit you, usually, non muslim houses are dirty ( you know, they have dogs, they eat pigs and they drink alcohol ) ! so it is not really very inviting !!

I promise to visit you if you clean your house very well !! how about that ?
He is telling the truth PM here in Norway during the 70s and 80s hundreds of thousands of Pakistani's were brought into Norway for the purpose of filling menial labor jobs.
Proud_Muslim said:
So suddenly, you moved to Norway ?? :rolleyes:
Are you really so stupid as you appear? :eek: Look at my profile it has been there since I registered
You realize PM that you are the biggest "hater" on these forums. You hate everything but Islam. You SAY you respect others if they respect you, but I can probably find 20 posts you started dissing the bible. Some respect, eh?
Proud_Muslim said:
You have to clean your house very well before I decide to visit you, usually, non muslim houses are dirty ( you know, they have dogs, they eat pigs and they drink alcohol ) ! so it is not really very inviting !!

I promise to visit you if you clean your house very well !! how about that ?

I don't know. I just visited estonia and brought back lots of alcohol. It seems a shame to throw it away.

Anyway, I am not inviting you. One retard in the house is more than enough.
PM, why does it seem like you classify absolutely every person here who does not agree with you "haters"? Some of us may have different religions and beliefs, and they may not agree with you on some issues. But "not agreeing" does not mean "disagreeing", some may just have a different opinion, that does not mean they hate Islam. You talk to all non-muslims here as if you are talking to haters - we do NOT all HATE islam!
I have read many of your recent threads and posts, and I have to admit, you almost always start by praising Islam as the ONE TRUE RELIGION (of course, most of non-muslims would not agree, I think that's absolutely fine, but does it offend you PM?) and soon you would start saying how bad Christianity is. you ask for respect, yet you are always condemning other religions and beliefs. (I have a muslim friend, and he told me that they RESPECT all religions, and yes he has made fun of Christianity) Plus, I still don't get it, why do you always think we are lying?
And why is it that I see more people here defending their own religions and beliefs than those attacking Islam?
and oh yes, PM, you are way too cocky and judgmental.
(I think I should have an fairly objective perspective on this issue, since I am non-religious currently)
One more thing, (and this is merely an personal opinion developed through personal experience, you may consider it biased and ignore it) Why is it that most of the Muslims I know have a very strong despising and repulsive feeling about Christianity? I don't understand, and I don't particularly find that kind of feeling among the Christians I know - they may disagree but they don't hate Islam. So what's the deal here?
Wait, eddy, you dissagree with PM? Oh man, you hate all of Islam now you HATER! [/sarcasm]
ddovala said:
You realize PM that you are the biggest "hater" on these forums. You hate everything but Islam. You SAY you respect others if they respect you, but I can probably find 20 posts you started dissing the bible. Some respect, eh?

Says the one who suggested '' nuking'' all the middle east !! :rolleyes:
eddymrsci said:
PM, why does it seem like you classify absolutely every person here who does not agree with you "haters"? Some of us may have different religions and beliefs, and they may not agree with you on some issues. But "not agreeing" does not mean "disagreeing",

Did I classify you as a hater ? you can disagree with me, but you will be treated as hater if you start bashing and ranting against Islam and Muslims.

some may just have a different opinion, that does not mean they hate Islam. You talk to all non-muslims here as if you are talking to haters - we do NOT all HATE islam!
I have read many of your recent threads and posts, and I have to admit, you almost always start by praising Islam as the ONE TRUE RELIGION (of course, most of non-muslims would not agree, I think that's absolutely fine, but does it offend you PM?) and soon you would start saying how bad Christianity is.

This is not true, my posts about christianity is REACTION to the christian posts against Islam, I refer you to doctorno poll about is christianity an evil religion, go there and see what did I vote !!

Thank you for your advice, but I will take it more seriously if you directed at the '' others' as well.
I have to say that before i came to sci forums i thought Muslims were just like everyone else. But when i started reading PM's posts i got a different impression. I keep telling myself that PM is just a freak who's fundamentalist views are not held by everyone, but it does prove hard sometimes.
yeah totally, that's what I always think
I think and believe that the only purposes for all religion are to protect, to lead, to inspire, and to find the truth.
So one thing I strongly disagree is that you always seem to claim that Islam is the ONE and ONLY TRUE RELIGION OF ALL. It may or may not be true, but why does it matter to you that much?
All religions share the same basic principle, why can't we just be nice to each other.
Why can't you people realize the fact that WE ARE ALL HUMANS! we are all equal, we may have different opinions and beliefs, but we all pursue the same ultimate destination. why does one religion have to be better than another?
ddovala said:
Because if we dont believe what PM believes, we are "haters"

This is BULLSHIT ! if you ridicule what I believe then you are a hater.

''I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him ''

Booker T Washington.
um... I am going to have to disagree there, hate or hatred is a pretty strong word, it means very intense hostility and dislike.
if a person ridicules a belief or opinion, it should not be considered hating. because the person may think the opinion is humourous or outrageously wrong according his/her knowledge and experience, but this only is disagreeing, not hating
hate is a strong word, use it carefully
I would like to add that HATE definition varies from culture to culture, for us, in our culture, if you ridicule my faith then you are a hater.