Islam views on Prisoners of War

Proud_Muslim said:
This is rubbish, the verse is talking about MARRYING them if they agree to, remember my friend, adultery is not allowed in Islam.
PM have you not heard of the hadiths wherein Mohammad's soldiers were raping female POWs and the prophet scolded them for spilling their cum (withdrawal method)? Sorry im a bit too lazy today to look up the hadith. :cool:
Proud_Muslim said:
Your avatar is very vile, dont you realize that minors might come here ? dont you have any shame ???? dont you think your 2 kids might look at it ??
I think I agree with PM here. His avatar looks great. Path's avatar is suggestive of vileness. ;)
spuriousmonkey said:
Incredible tolerance toward the christians...

Did anyone say: I contradict myself and I am nothing but a propaganda machine equal in skill to the former minister of information of the republic of Iraq?

The great hero of Islam crushed the crusaders ARMIES, he never touched the christian civilians, unlike the barbaric christians who slaughtered 70,000 muslims upon entering Jerusalem in 1099 AD.

Go get some education, will you ???
DoctorNO said:
PM have you not heard of the hadiths wherein Mohammad's soldiers were raping female POWs and the prophet scolded them for spilling their cum (withdrawal method)? Sorry im a bit too lazy today to look up the hadith. :cool:

What a load of BULLSHIT ! did you notice that you always refer to FAKE hadiths ? you never refer to the QURAN ! I know why !! because you cant find anything that serves your agenda in the Quran, so you turn to some fake unknown hadiths !! typical hater .
path said:
My avatar is a man from the animal welfare bureau giving the heimlich manueover to a choking goat, what did you think it was :confused: BTW the goat is fine now he had tried to eat a shoe. :eek:
Again, what is the Taj Mahal's purpose, why was it built?

I hope the moderator will notice some minors might come here, your avatar must change, you vile filthy man.
Proud_Muslim said:
What a load of BULLSHIT ! did you notice that you always refer to FAKE hadiths ? you never refer to the QURAN ! I know why !! because you cant find anything that serves your agenda in the Quran, so you turn to some fake unknown hadiths !! typical hater .

Wow PM, are you a Quran-Only muslim now???
Proud_Muslim said:
I hope the moderator will notice some minors might come here, your avatar must change, you vile filthy man.
:D LOL vile filthy man! God I love my goat. Look I am a shia muslim obedient to the rulings of the great ayatollah Khomeni he ruled in his book "Tahrir-ol-Masael"

"If one commits an act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned, and the price of it paid to its owner by him who sodomized it."

"If a man __ God protect him from it! _ fornicates with an animal and ejaculates, ablution is necessary."

I swear by Allah's beard, I performed the neccessary ablution, the owner of that goat was properly recompensed and the goat was disposed of in a fitting manner. ;)

BTW PM I made an avatar for you in the "scilife" "about the members" section in a thread called "avatar competition"
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DoctorNO said:
Wow PM, are you a Quran-Only muslim now???

No I am not, if you dont believe in the sunnah you are not muslim, but the haters always LOVE to refer to some weak fake hadiths, they never approach the Quran !!

I have been dealing with the haters for 5 years now, they all the time use fake hadiths not knowing that most of their hadiths they use are FAKE. :rolleyes:
Proud_Muslim said:
No I am not, if you dont believe in the sunnah you are not muslim, but the haters always LOVE to refer to some weak fake hadiths, they never approach the Quran !!

I have been dealing with the haters for 5 years now, they all the time use fake hadiths not knowing that most of their hadiths they use are FAKE. :rolleyes:
DoctorNO said:
I think I agree with PM here. His avatar looks great. Path's avatar is suggestive of vileness. ;)
PM's avatar reminds me of one of the 3 wise men in the creche scenes in front of churches at Christmas time. :D

Path's avatar with the ermmm goat and loving person behind it makes me think of.. well.. ermmm.. nevermind. Goats were present when Jesus was born weren't they? So it all ties up in the religious theme nicely. ;)
Bells said:
PM's avatar reminds me of one of the 3 wise men in the creche scenes in front of churches at Christmas time. :D

Path's avatar with the ermmm goat and loving person behind it makes me think of.. well.. ermmm.. nevermind. Goats were present when Jesus was born weren't they? So it all ties up in the religious theme nicely. ;)
LOL :D Brilliant Bells I love it.
Proud_Muslim said:
This is rubbish, the verse is talking about MARRYING them if they agree to, remember my friend, adultery is not allowed in Islam.
Not according to this scholar.

Tafsir of this ayat take from Mawdudi’s The Meaning of the Qur’an:
Book 10, page 137, footnote no. 94

“This verse explains why one is permitted to have conjugal relations with one’s slave-girls besides the wedded wives, and there is no restriction on their number. The same thing has also been stated in Surah An-Nisa:3; Al-Mu’minun:6; and Al-Ma’arij:30. In all these verses the slave-girls have been mentioned as a separate class from the wedded wives, and conjugal relations with them have been permitted. Moreover, verse 3 of Surah An-Nisa lays down the number of the wives as four, but neither has Allah fixed the number of the slave-girls in that verse nor made any allusion to their number in the other relevant verses. Here, of course, the Holy Prophet is being addressed and told: ‘It is no more lawful for you to take other women in marriage, or divorce any of the present wives and take another wife in her stead; slave-girls, however, are lawful.’ This shows no restriction has been imposed in respect of slave-girls.”
proud_muslim said:
It is worth noting that not a single middle eastern nation applies Islamic law or Sharia, all of them applies man-made western corrupt laws.

Why do you selectively identify with the accomplishments of muslims, yet deny a shared responsibility for their faults? Describe anything bad and you have excuses for it, it's anti-islamic; anything good, and it's almost like you did it yourself- you say, see what Islam has accomplished?
It's like a split personality.
proud_muslim said:
It is worth noting that not a single middle eastern nation applies Islamic law or Sharia, all of them applies man-made western corrupt laws.
I wish every muslim would believe that nonsense so they wouldnt come to our lands and eat our tax money! :D

DoctorNO said:
PM have you not heard of the hadiths wherein Mohammad's soldiers were raping female POWs and the prophet scolded them for spilling their cum (withdrawal method)? Sorry im a bit too lazy today to look up the hadith. :cool:

thank you Dr. No for saying such stupid things about Islam that arent true. you described PM as the Islamic propganda machine, well your helping Muslims quite a lot too :D

most converts get interested in Islam by hearing something bad or a misinterpreation of Islam, which makes them want to learn more about Islam.

after 9/11 coversion rates quadroupled! in the Gulf War (the primary battle), 3,000 people converted in the US alone. the more bad press we get, the higher the coversions as people get interested in the "war monging" "barabric religion" and then find out it is not any of these things and how good it is.

im sure, that making such stupid allegations like that, will interest some person into looking at the hadeeth books even if it is to try and find more bad stuff. maybe there they'll find the beauty of Islam. so thanks and keep up the hard work.
The main problem you have there preacher is Dr No can post these hadiths to prove it and only a moron would embrace such idiocy
Bells said:
PM's avatar reminds me of one of the 3 wise men in the creche scenes in front of churches at Christmas time. :D

What about your avatar ? you are a woman with no shame !! and the amazing thing is that you teach !! what a poor students you teach !!

You know judging by your avatars, we can conclude what kind of people you are, look at the haters and their avatars !! if THOSE ARE THE ENEMIES OF ISLAM, THEN VICTORY WILL BE CERTAINLY OURS !! :D
Igor Trip said:

LOOOOOOOOOOOL !! you quoted from HATE SITE, but dont worry, here is the my counter part:

This website, aims to expose the well organised campaign of hate and deceit launched against Muslims and Islam on the Internet, on the TV, in books and newspapers. It seeks to refute and clarify the alleged teachings of hate, intolerance and violence in the Quran and the various so-called contradictions of the Quran. It aims to deal with those individuals whose sole task in life is to demonise Islam; invent falsehood against it; mistranslate/misconstrue it's scriptures - taking them out of their historical and textual contexts; twist, lie, manipulate and misrepresent all that there is to know about this great religion and present day events concerning it. The polemics range from the standard missionary type to the professing to be wise (but becoming an idiot in the process) humanist. The role of the news media and journalists shall also be examined.

Since September the 11th, when 3,000 seemingly worthy of being mentioned (of course being mostly white and American) people perished away in a bloody act of murder, an eagerness to learn about Islam has increased. The link to Islam has been spurred on by the mass media in the West to give the public added reason to truly believe the alleged perpetrators of the act were religious zealots.

Many people, inspired by a sense of revenge sought refuge in websites and viewpoints which appealed to their state of mind (i.e. Islam is responsible for all terrorism that exists). The websites specialised in preparing "alternative" views on Islam, "it was an evil religion followed by fanatics", and they had the evidence, the Quran itself! These sites had the tenacity to suggest "the world is flat according to Islam", Prophet Mohammed was a "paedophile" and that the terrorists version of Islam was the "correct one". Of course, there was zero talk on the bad politics, injustice, double standards and decades of abuse by the Great West against Muslims. Though, most balanced human beings have quickly realised that American policy is responsible for the attacks on New York and Washington many journalists and other people of responsibility didn't. The polemics conveniently ignore the faults of their own nations and continue to deny any wrong doing till this day. Although the juvenile attempts of Islam-bashers do not appeal to those of sound reason and judgement, they do however appeal to the inherently ignorant masses who despise reason.

In their conceited attempts they quote from the Holy Quran in ways which suit them best, sacrificing both honesty and validity in the process. Many polemics use controversial sources of information, without explaining their nature in the slightest and the degree to which Muslim factions agree upon the same sources. We invite you to witness for yourselves some of the underhanded techniques polemics employ to deceive the public about the religion of Islam. We ask you to be objective in your approach to reading and learning
Preacher_X said:
thank you Dr. No for saying such stupid things about Islam that arent true. you described PM as the Islamic propganda machine, well your helping Muslims quite a lot too :D

most converts get interested in Islam by hearing something bad or a misinterpreation of Islam, which makes them want to learn more about Islam.

after 9/11 coversion rates quadroupled! in the Gulf War (the primary battle), 3,000 people converted in the US alone. the more bad press we get, the higher the coversions as people get interested in the "war monging" "barabric religion" and then find out it is not any of these things and how good it is.

im sure, that making such stupid allegations like that, will interest some person into looking at the hadeeth books even if it is to try and find more bad stuff. maybe there they'll find the beauty of Islam. so thanks and keep up the hard work.

VERY WELL SAID AKHI !! you know, last week, I met this Italian sister who converted to islam in Milan 3 years ago, I ask her how she converted and she told me that during her study in the university, she witnesses a heated debate between a group of christians students and a muslim Turkish student, the christians were insulting the prophet muhammad (pbuh ) with horrible words, what amazed her was the fact that the Muslim student was not doing the same regarding Jesus (pbuh ), she was puzzled, she went and asked this muslim student about why he did not hit back and insulted Jesus(pbuh ), he said to her, Jesus is the prophet of Islam !! she got even more puzzled, the next week, those christians continue to insult this muslim student, the Italian lady was shocked at the Muslim response, she told me, after hearing those christians and their insults, I decided to go and read about Islam by my self, it took her 1 year and after that she declared her SHAHADA in Milan main mosque !! SOBHANA ALLAH !! imagine!!

So yes, the more they attack islam, the more converts we will get ! people are not stupid to listen to some UNCIRCUMCIZED ANIMALS attacking and bashing islam ! they will go read and study by themselves and this is what we want because it is the first step for their guidance.

As to the haters and the liars and the Islamophobes, dont worry about them, they are harmless, let us read what Allah almighty told us about them in the Noble Quran:

''They (the disbelievers) want to extinguish Allâh's Light (Islâm) with their mouths, but Allâh will not allow except that His Light should be perfected even though the disbelievers hate it.'' The Noble Quran 9:32

So haters !! MORE HATE PLEASE!!! :D